13 resultados para connection to Country

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This study followed the development of Oswaldo Lamartine de Faria as an intellectual, with the aim of establishing the emergence of that de Faria’s work under the umbrella of the sertão (hinterland) in Northeast Brazil. It accompanied the emergence of the researcher, his discovery of his mission to study the sertão in Seridó and the vital importance of his relationship with Luís da Câmara Cascudo, since despite being a natural born observer, Oswaldo Lamartine embarked on a career as a researcher after encouragement by Cascudo. The first chapter of this study, denominated The Gates of Time, portrays the country during the drought of 1919, the year Lamartine was born. It describes his childhood and first encounters with Câmara Cascudo; his urban exile in Rio de Janeiro; the books written by the young Oswaldo, those that came later, and his definitive return to the state of Rio Grande do Norte. The following two chapters, Sand beneath the Feet of the Soul and Images of a Nobleman from the Sertão, summarize Lamartine’s books and describe his entry into the canon of the state’s culture, with particular prominence given to his interview for the documentary “Oswaldo Lamartine: prince of the sertão”, highlighting his attempt (through his writing) to preserve his own existence. In the second section, Verses, Bold, Between the Lines features analyses of texts dedicated to Oswaldo Lamartine, such as those written by de Zila Mamede, Maria Lúcia Dal Farra and Paulo de Tarso Correia de Melo. The next chapter, entitled Warm and Vivid Ashes, highlights Lamartine’s correspondence with Luís da Câmara Cascudo and the incredible friendship between the two researchers. Cascudo’s letters are analyzed through the book De Cascudo para Oswaldo (From Cascudo to Oswaldo) and and are a powerful testimony of Oswaldo Lamartine’s permanent connection to Rio Grande do Norte. In conclusion, the final chapter entitled Combine, Tattoo, Imprint analyzes the writer’s five-book collection entitled Sertões do Seridó (Hinterlands of Seridó). In reading each of these, it becomes clear that observing reality was vital to the writer’s work. This is one of the first studies to be conducted about Oswaldo Lamartine at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte and its main theoretical references were the reflections of authors Jacques Le Goff (2003), Lejeune (1994; 2008), Maurice Blanchot (1987; 2005), Alfredo Bosi (1987) and Gaston Bachelard (n.d.).


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Guaraíras lagoon, located in Tibau do Sul in the eastern littoral of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), presents a permanent connection to the sea, which guarantees the occurrence of a rich biodiversity, which includes the autochthonous shrimp species Litopenaeus schmitti, Farfantepenaeus subtilis and Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis. In spite of being subject to a strong human intervention in the last decade, mainly related to the installation of shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) farms, the lagoon is still scarcely studied. The present study aims at characterizing the populations of the three autochthonous penaeid shrimp species inhabiting Guaraíras, taking into consideration their abundance and seasonal distribution in the inflow channel of Primar System of Organic Aquaculture (Tibau do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). Twelve monthly samples were carried out from May 2005 to April 2006 with the aid of a circular cast net in the inflow channel, which is daily supplied with water from Guaraíras. Sampling months were grouped in trimesters according to the total pluviosity, thus comprising four trimesters. Water salinity was monitored twice a week and temperature values registered on a daily basis at noon, during the study period. The daily pluviosity data from the municipality of Tibau do Sul were supplied by Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Rio Grande do Norte (EMPARN). Collected shrimp were identified, weighted, measured and sexed. L. schmitti specimens (0.2 g to 17.8 g) were distributed in 1.3 g weight classes intervals. From the eighth sampling month (December 2005) onwards, males were classified into three categories, in accordance with the development of their petasm: (a) rudimentary petasm, (b) partially formed petasm, and (c) completely formed petasm. Among the ecological variables, rainfall showed the greatest dispersion (s.d.=187.74Rainfall and abundance of L. schmitti were negatively correlated (r = -0.85) whereas its abundance and water salinity were positively correlated (r = 0.63). Among 1,144 collected individuals, 1,127 were L. schmitti, 13 were F. subtilis and 4 were F. brasiliensis, which corresponded to 98.51%, 1.14% and 0.35% of the total of collected individuals. L. schmitti occurred in 100 % of all samples. Differently, the presence of F. subtilis and F. brasiliensis was restricted to 33% and 17% of the collected samples, respectively. The present study confirmed the occurrence of L. schmitti, F. brasiliensis and F. subtilis in Guaraíras. However, this lagoon seems to be primarily inhabited by juvenile Litopenaeus schmitti. The population of L. schmitti analysed showed a seasonal pattern of distribution. In general, in the months of high salinity and absence of rain, the number of individuals was higher than in the wet months. Further studies on the reproductive biology and ecology of L. schmitti, F. brasiliensis and F. subtilis may elucidate questions referring to the abundance, period, and phase of occurrence of these shrimp genera in Guaraíras. Finally, the risks associated to the establishment of L. vannamei in the lagoon provide a novel outlet for studies in this biotope


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The present work was carried out at the Atol das Rocas (3º 51 S; 33º 49 W), the only atoll of the South Atlantic and the first Brazilian marine protected area. It was guided by the following hypothesis: the composition of the fish communities varies in agreement with the position of the pools; in other words, with or without permanent ocean connection. To test the validity of this hypothesis, the fish abundance was estimated in the connected pools (Barretinha/Barreta Falsa) and unconnected ones (Cemiteriozinho/Âncoras), carrying an ecological characterization of the fishes that inhabit these pools. Additionally, the structural complexity of the sampled places was also evaluated intending to verify the variations of the abundance and diversity of fishes in function to this factor. By the fact of this research was being carried out through the limits of a conservation unit, the samples was realized using visual census techniques. The results generated through uni and multivariate analytic techniques allowed the evidence that decisive factor in the density, richness and diversity variations of fishes are linked to the substratum type (Hard / Soft bottom) and not by the fact that the pool are or are not connected permanently to the ocean. In relation to the structural complexity; 58% of the variations in the diversity of fishes were attributed to changes in the structural complexity, while 12% of the variations in the abundance were attributed to the structural complexity


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The Caldeirão is a site located in the city of Crato, in the south of Ceará, belonged to priest Cícero Romão Batista. There, was created a religious community led by blessed José Lourenço, who marked the life of thousands of Northeast country people in 1930s, for represent to them a space of religious conviviality, work and devotion. The Caldeirão s population was about three thousand of people, originated from states of Pernambuco, Alagoas, Paraíba, Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará and Rio Grande do Norte, who share the community s daily activities. The misery caused by the dryness and exploration of these country people by the landlords are indicated as the motivator elements of this migratory flux by the greater number of works published about the Caldeirão, turning the community into a primitive experience of class struggles. This present study proposes other comprehension of this migratory movement by the religious speech of salvation taken to country people by the counselor Severino Tavares. Was used as analysis camp the remaining norte-rio-grandenses that migrated to the Caldeirão, and as theoretical and methodological references the understanding model of investigation, the cultural history and the remaining memorial speech analysis. The work follows that pointing the phenomenon of Caldeirão as an campestral revolt is try to impose to this people the aspirations or wishes of others, besides of deny to them the right and the dignity of act by their believes and their own dreams.


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This thesis entitled, Attention, Consciousness and Practice of Teaching: A Study of its Interconnects, argues about a relationship between development of attention and consciousness and its connection to the pedagogical practice developed in a public elementary school in Natal city, Rio Grande do Norte state. The research school is located in the south of the city. School activities are developed according with the political pedagogical project. The group investigated was 25 students aged between 8-12 years of the fourth grade. The students of the research are residents of Ponta Negra village, Pirangi and Neópolis districts. The research was effected by three teachers however, the purpose of this thesis was to investigate the relationship between the development of attention and awareness and the pedagogical practice of one of the teachers who participated in the research, and more specifically understand the psychic procedures involved in the development of attention and awareness; enabling conditions for the realization of an educational action that enables the development in terms of focused attention and states of consciousness of students, analyzing their interrelations. Therefore, it was used as methodology the collaborative research by providing elements for research as strategy of formation and development, the coproduction of knowledge, and the change of educational practice through reflective processes effected through the collaboration and critical reflection among participants. For empirical construction, it was used the following procedural elements: meeting, planning, diagnosis of attention and awareness, reflective period studies, collaborative observation and reflection sessions with the participant teachers and the students. The diagnosis of attention was effected through a game and its elaboration was based on the study proposed by Luria (1991). The purpose of the game was to apprehend the stage where students were in relation of a development attention. Concerning the diagnosis of consciousness, it was taken as reference studies by Burlatski (1987), Pinto (1960a, 1960b), Rubinstien (1973), Leontiev (1978) and others studies discussing this topic. As a method of analysis, it was resorted to the dialectical historical materialism, the ability to identify, analyze and explain those contradictions generated in the process. In the analysis procedures were prepared some categories as well as, were used categories by other authors with the purpose of understanding the critical reflective process collaborative evidencing the formation of concepts and pedagogical practice of the participants, and the analysis of a practical pedagogical of a teacher and her relationships with the development of the psychic process and functions of students, in other words, attention and awareness. Regarding the reflective process were used the categories: technical reflection, critical reflection and practical reflection (LIBERALI, 2008). Concerning the analysis of the concepts were used the categories: description, characterization, definition and conceptualization (FERREIRA, 2003). And for critical collaboration were the categories: critical collaboration, uncritical, technique and practice. In pedagogical practice, were used categories: repetitive practice teaching, heterogeneous and reflexive critical (SOUZA, 2010). During the collaborative observation was evident predominance of heterogeneous practice, because the main participant teacher searches for immediate solution to the situations problem, as well as reflection moments, is the technical arrangement, practice, critical, as well as concern in interacting with students, the qualitative changes, deep knowledge, renewal and transformation of the teaching activity. In this process, the collaborative reflection proved to be an effective strategy for developing awareness of students, because through reflection sessions, the students were able to understand that learning is a building process and that it necessary to be careful for their development


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The reconfiguration of a distribution network is a change in its topology, aiming to provide specific operation conditions of the network, by changing the status of its switches. It can be performed regardless of any system anomaly. The service restoration is a particular case of reconfiguration and should be performed whenever there is a network failure or whenever one or more sections of a feeder have been taken out of service for maintenance. In such cases, loads that are supplied through lines sections that are downstream of portions removed for maintenance may be supplied by the closing of switches to the others feeders. By classical methods of reconfiguration, several switches may be required beyond those used to perform the restoration service. This includes switching feeders in the same substation or for substations that do not have any direct connection to the faulted feeder. These operations can cause discomfort, losses and dissatisfaction among consumers, as well as a negative reputation for the energy company. The purpose of this thesis is to develop a heuristic for reconfiguration of a distribution network, upon the occurrence of a failure in this network, making the switching only for feeders directly involved in this specific failed segment, considering that the switching applied is related exclusively to the isolation of failed sections and bars, as well as to supply electricity to the islands generated by the condition, with significant reduction in the number of applications of load flows, due to the use of sensitivity parameters for determining voltages and currents estimated on bars and lines of the feeders directly involved with that failed segment. A comparison between this process and classical methods is performed for different test networks from the literature about networks reconfiguration


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In this work was developed an information system to apply the concepts of CAD3D-BIM technology for the design activities of the furniture industry. The development of this system was based in an architecture comprised of two modules: a web interface to management the metadata of models from furniture's library and the combination of three-dimensional CAD software with a specific plugin to access the information from this model. To develop this system was also used a Data Base Management System (DBMS) designed to storage the information from models in a hierarchical way, based on concepts of Group Technology (GT). The centralization of information in a single database allows the automatic availability of any changes to all participants involved in a particular project when it‟s happens. Each module from system has its own connection to this database. Finally was developed a prototype from a 3D virtual environment to help create Virtual Reality projects in the web. A study from available technologies to create 3D web applications for execution in websites was done to support this development. The interconnection between modules and the database developed allowed the assembly of a system architecture to support the construction and exhibition of projects of the furniture industry in accordance with the concepts proposed by BIM (Building Information Modeling), using as object of study the furniture industry of state of Rio Grande do Norte


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The giant cell fibroma is a benign neoplasm characterized by the presence of mono, bi or multinucleate cells, which can have a connection to the presence of mast cells. This research aims to analyze, descriptively and comparatively, the immunohystochemistry expression of the tryptase in mast cells of the giant cell f ibroma, f ibrous hyperplasia and samples of the normal oral mucosa. Thirty cases of giant cell fibroma, ten cases of fibrous hyperplasia and ten cases of normal oral mucosa were selected for the analysis of the immunohistochemistry expression, determination of the number of present mast cells, as well as their location and shape. It could be stated that there was a statistically signif icant difference (p<0,001) in relation to the quantity of mast cells among other samples analyzed where the giant cell f ibroma presented lesser quantity of mast cell and the hyperplasia showed higher concentration of this cellular type. Although the oral mucosa has presented a higher quantity of mast cells when compared to the giant cells fibroma, these were found in usual locations in the connective tissue in normal tissues. There could be noticed a statistically significant difference in relation to the number of non-granulated mast cells (p<0,001). On the areas of fibrosis, we could observe a statistically signif icant difference (p<0,006) among the samples. In relation to the present mast cells in perivascular location, no statistically signif icant difference was found. On the morphological analysis there was a predominance of oval mast cells. It was concluded that despite of the fact there was a lesser quantity of mast cells present in cases of giant cell f ibroma, they appeared to have a stronger relation to the present giant fibroblasts in this lesions, around 59,62%, being also evidenced a strong relation between these cells and the fibrosis areas in both cases of giant cell f ibroma and f ibrous hyperplasias and samples of normal oral mucosa, used as control group in our study, confirming, this way, the role of the mast cells as fibrinogenous inductor


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Creative industry has promoted and strengthened the growth of various economic sectors in Brazil and abroad, thus stimulating the local economy in places with attractive and innovative sceneries for the consumer market. This essay focuses on studying the relevance of cultural events for the creative economy, and these may contribute to the social, cultural and economic development in Pipa, located in Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil). Cultural events promote a themed and creative environment which has worked as attraction mechanism for the increase of cultural, gastronomic and social leisure consumptions. Cultural and thematic events has been held in Pipa, such as Festival Literário da Pipa, Fest Bossa & Jazz da Pipa, Festival Literário Alternativo da Pipa and Festival Gastronômico da Pipa, which can attract the local, state, national and international audience. The research is characterized as a qualitative research about the problem approach. The field research is characterized by the ethnographic approach, using the techniques of participant observation, semi-structured interviews and photographic record. With the research results, we can point that Pipa promotes cultural events that move the economic dynamics, social and cultural, inserting new cultural habits in this urban space, and in some cases, rescuing the history of the place. In each event, the economic and political forces connect themselves to promote the infrastructure of these events, supporting the provision of services and products from the creative and cultural sectors. The theming of the studied events plunges the audience into stories that may have (or not) a connection to the local history. Therefore, it is perceived that this work brings the light to a place that presents itself as the protagonist of the state of Rio Grande do Norte in terms of renewal and economic, social and cultural change in its infrastructure and its potential for tourist attraction from the creative and cultural sectors.


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Reading and writing are essential rights, which involve individual and social aspects; in addition, these skills are important when it comes to socio economic and political development, critical thinking and an active participation in society (UNESCO 2005). From a neurobiological standpoint, our brain is not prepared for reading, and this practice must be deliberately acquired via instructional guidance (DEHAENE 2009). However, reading disorders and deficits within executive functions, such as low working memory capacity, can make reading arduous. The aim of this study is to investigate the development of reading skills within 45 third grade students from public schools in the city of Natal – RN and its connection to working memory capacity, through information gathered from the Provinha Brasil, data generated from working memory tasks (Portuguese version of AWMA - Automated Working Memory Assessment) and fluid intelligence measures RAVEN. Based on this main objective, we attempted to answer the following research questions: (a) What are the correlations between working memory and reading scores?; (b) What characterizes the relationship between working memory capacity and the risk of reading disabilities amongst the participants in this study?; Following a quantitative research methodology, the Provinhas Brasil from 3rd grade students belonging to the six public schools members of Project ACERTA - Avaliação de Crianças em Risco de Transtornos de Aprendizagem (CAPES/OBEDUC)- were analyzed and compared to the scores from the working memory tests and the fluid intelligence ones. Results indicate that reading skills within children at risk of reading disabilities are directly linked to working memory capacity, especially with regards to the phonological component. It is also evident that the participants with less working memory capacity show more difficulties in the reading abilities that demand interpretation skills. Thus, we intend to contribute to the discussion regarding the diagnosis of reading disabilities and possible intervention strategies.


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Reading and writing are essential rights, which involve individual and social aspects; in addition, these skills are important when it comes to socio economic and political development, critical thinking and an active participation in society (UNESCO 2005). From a neurobiological standpoint, our brain is not prepared for reading, and this practice must be deliberately acquired via instructional guidance (DEHAENE 2009). However, reading disorders and deficits within executive functions, such as low working memory capacity, can make reading arduous. The aim of this study is to investigate the development of reading skills within 45 third grade students from public schools in the city of Natal – RN and its connection to working memory capacity, through information gathered from the Provinha Brasil, data generated from working memory tasks (Portuguese version of AWMA - Automated Working Memory Assessment) and fluid intelligence measures RAVEN. Based on this main objective, we attempted to answer the following research questions: (a) What are the correlations between working memory and reading scores?; (b) What characterizes the relationship between working memory capacity and the risk of reading disabilities amongst the participants in this study?; Following a quantitative research methodology, the Provinhas Brasil from 3rd grade students belonging to the six public schools members of Project ACERTA - Avaliação de Crianças em Risco de Transtornos de Aprendizagem (CAPES/OBEDUC)- were analyzed and compared to the scores from the working memory tests and the fluid intelligence ones. Results indicate that reading skills within children at risk of reading disabilities are directly linked to working memory capacity, especially with regards to the phonological component. It is also evident that the participants with less working memory capacity show more difficulties in the reading abilities that demand interpretation skills. Thus, we intend to contribute to the discussion regarding the diagnosis of reading disabilities and possible intervention strategies.


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Guaraíras lagoon, located in Tibau do Sul in the eastern littoral of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), presents a permanent connection to the sea, which guarantees the occurrence of a rich biodiversity, which includes the autochthonous shrimp species Litopenaeus schmitti, Farfantepenaeus subtilis and Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis. In spite of being subject to a strong human intervention in the last decade, mainly related to the installation of shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) farms, the lagoon is still scarcely studied. The present study aims at characterizing the populations of the three autochthonous penaeid shrimp species inhabiting Guaraíras, taking into consideration their abundance and seasonal distribution in the inflow channel of Primar System of Organic Aquaculture (Tibau do Sul, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil). Twelve monthly samples were carried out from May 2005 to April 2006 with the aid of a circular cast net in the inflow channel, which is daily supplied with water from Guaraíras. Sampling months were grouped in trimesters according to the total pluviosity, thus comprising four trimesters. Water salinity was monitored twice a week and temperature values registered on a daily basis at noon, during the study period. The daily pluviosity data from the municipality of Tibau do Sul were supplied by Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária do Rio Grande do Norte (EMPARN). Collected shrimp were identified, weighted, measured and sexed. L. schmitti specimens (0.2 g to 17.8 g) were distributed in 1.3 g weight classes intervals. From the eighth sampling month (December 2005) onwards, males were classified into three categories, in accordance with the development of their petasm: (a) rudimentary petasm, (b) partially formed petasm, and (c) completely formed petasm. Among the ecological variables, rainfall showed the greatest dispersion (s.d.=187.74Rainfall and abundance of L. schmitti were negatively correlated (r = -0.85) whereas its abundance and water salinity were positively correlated (r = 0.63). Among 1,144 collected individuals, 1,127 were L. schmitti, 13 were F. subtilis and 4 were F. brasiliensis, which corresponded to 98.51%, 1.14% and 0.35% of the total of collected individuals. L. schmitti occurred in 100 % of all samples. Differently, the presence of F. subtilis and F. brasiliensis was restricted to 33% and 17% of the collected samples, respectively. The present study confirmed the occurrence of L. schmitti, F. brasiliensis and F. subtilis in Guaraíras. However, this lagoon seems to be primarily inhabited by juvenile Litopenaeus schmitti. The population of L. schmitti analysed showed a seasonal pattern of distribution. In general, in the months of high salinity and absence of rain, the number of individuals was higher than in the wet months. Further studies on the reproductive biology and ecology of L. schmitti, F. brasiliensis and F. subtilis may elucidate questions referring to the abundance, period, and phase of occurrence of these shrimp genera in Guaraíras. Finally, the risks associated to the establishment of L. vannamei in the lagoon provide a novel outlet for studies in this biotope


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The present work was carried out at the Atol das Rocas (3º 51 S; 33º 49 W), the only atoll of the South Atlantic and the first Brazilian marine protected area. It was guided by the following hypothesis: the composition of the fish communities varies in agreement with the position of the pools; in other words, with or without permanent ocean connection. To test the validity of this hypothesis, the fish abundance was estimated in the connected pools (Barretinha/Barreta Falsa) and unconnected ones (Cemiteriozinho/Âncoras), carrying an ecological characterization of the fishes that inhabit these pools. Additionally, the structural complexity of the sampled places was also evaluated intending to verify the variations of the abundance and diversity of fishes in function to this factor. By the fact of this research was being carried out through the limits of a conservation unit, the samples was realized using visual census techniques. The results generated through uni and multivariate analytic techniques allowed the evidence that decisive factor in the density, richness and diversity variations of fishes are linked to the substratum type (Hard / Soft bottom) and not by the fact that the pool are or are not connected permanently to the ocean. In relation to the structural complexity; 58% of the variations in the diversity of fishes were attributed to changes in the structural complexity, while 12% of the variations in the abundance were attributed to the structural complexity