11 resultados para carcaças de frango
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Use of natural fibres as a reinforcement material in the manufacture of composites show a series of advantages: availability, biodegradability, low weight and regeneration in relation to synthetic fibres, thus justifying its utilization. In the present research work, composites were developed with chicken feathers (KF), using unsaturated polyester resin as matrix, for diversified applications, mainly in the furniture/timber industry.At present, in Brazil the chicken feathers are used as part of the animal feed, even though this material possesses low aggregated value. The chicken feathers are hollow, light and resistant. After washing with water at room temperature, a part of the chicken feathers were treated with 2% NaOH. Composites were manufactured using treated and untreated chicken feathers with unsaturated orthothalic polyester resin and 1% peroxide as catalyser, obtained in the commerce. Samples with size 150x25x3 mm for mechanical tests were cut by laser in the composite plate. Mechanical analyses were carried out in the Laboratório de Metais e Ensaios Mecânicos UFRN. All the analyses were in accordance with ASTM standards. SEM analyses were also carried out on the samples.In the analyses of the results obtained, it was observed that the composites made with untreated chicken feathers showed better results (Traction 11.406 MPa and 9.107 MPa Bending 34.947 and 20.918 MPa for samples with and without treatment respectively) compared to the composite with treated feathers. Very low values of the water absorption results, evidenced the impermeability characteristic of the feathers. From the SEM images, the structure, fracture and the fibre/matrix adsorption can be evidenced. In the flammability test, it was observed that despite the feathers having sulfur as a constituent, natural inhibitor of flame, no burning support of the composites, because the manufacturing process of the composite
The intake of adequate quantities of food, including those rich in vitamins, is necessary for a healthy life. The lack of vitamin A has been characterized as a public health problem in developing countries, however, a high intake of vitamin A can result in toxic and teratogenics effects. High concentrations of vitamin A have been observed in the livers of animals. The objective of this study was to assess the levels of retinol in chicken livers and verify the effect of frozen storage on these levels. 64 livers from two chicken strains, Cobb and Ross, were used, came from four different farms. We examined 32 livers from each strain, 8 samples from each farm. Liver sample were homogenized individually, then 4 aliquots were taken from each sample. One of aliquots was analyzed immediately after slaughter (T0), the others were analyzed after 30, 60 and 90 days of storage at -18oC (T30, T60 and T90, respectively). Retinol dosage in the liver was determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The levels of retinol varied significantly according to the strain. The mean retinol value in the fresh samples was 6678.0 ± 1337.7 and 8324.1 ± 1158.5 µg/100g in the Cobb and Ross strain, respectively. Values of 4258 ± 918.7 ± 1391.7 and 4650.5 ± 1391.7 μg/100g were found after 90 days of storage for Cobb and Ross strain, respectively. The liver freezing caused a significant reduction in their levels of retinol, causing a loss of up to 44% with respect to fresh livers. The reduction in retinol levels occurred from 30 days of storage. Even with the losses from the frozen, the ingestion of a typical portion of 100 g of liver, regardless the chicken strain analyzed, surpass all recommendations of consumption and the maximum tolerable intake of vitamin A (3000 μg/day) for adults
Toxoplasmosis is a zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii, a protozoan that has a cosmopolitan geographic distribution and low host specificity. Usually a benign and selflimiting, infection can manifest itself in a severe systemic becoming overwhelming in fetuses and patients with immunosuppression. Domestic fowl are considered one of the most important hosts in the epidemiology of toxoplasmosis, since they are potential sources of infection for humans, in addition to playing the role of important indicators of environmental contamination by oocysts of T. gondii. We studied the prevalence of infection by the protozoan in chickens of different breeding systems mesoregions from the states of Rio Grande do Norte and Paraiba: broilers from commercial farms (200/PB) and free-range chickens of small farms (322/RN and PB). Were standardized IFAT and ELISA techniques for detecting specific antibodies in blood samples of birds, and commercial kit was used to determine the prevalence by IHAT. There was no seropositive reaction by T. gondii in the samples of broilers tested, indicating that the particularities of intensive management limit the chances of infection for these animals. Among the hens, the frequency of IgG anti-T. gondii diagnosed by the techniques of IHAT, IFAT and ELISA, respectively, were 3.73% (12/322), 37.88% (122/322) and 40.37% (130/322), for both young and adult animals. Amongst the seropositive samples by IFAT, 33 (27.05%) were positive at a dilution of 1:16, in 1:32, 31 (25.41%), in 1:64, 24 (19.67%), 15 (12.29%) in 1:128, and 19 presented titer greater than or equal to 1:256 (15.57%). The evaluation of the presence of anti-T. gondii should be careful, and reagents IHAT provided erratic results in this measure for the specie studied. This suggests the need for own standardization of the kit before the use in epidemiological studies in animal species. On the other hand, substantial agreement observed between IFAT and ELISA techniques (Kappa = 0.62) enables these methods as effective methodologies for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in chickens. The high prevalence of specific antibodies among poultry in the region studied attempts to the potential risk of transmission of toxoplasmosis to humans
The demographic and epidemiological transition process caused by a declining in birth rates and in mortality, also changes occurred in morbidity and mortality is represented by the increasing of the aging population and the raising of chronic diseases. These diseases are characterized by multiple etiologies, risk factors, long latency period, a prolonged evolution, non-infectious origin and it has association with functional impairment and disability. Thus, elderly with chronic non-communicable disease has priority because they belong to a vulnerable group to get affection of comorbidities in aging, with increased demand and spending on health services. This study is aimed to analyse the understanding of elderly people with chronic non comunicable disease in the medium complexity service as a contribution to the improvement of health care in the city of Natal / RN. This is a descriptive and exploratory study with a quantitative approach, carried out at the Specialized Center for Elderly Health Care and at the Pescadores Hospital. The population was composed of 4,180 persons with a sample of 124 elderly aged above 60 years, attended in these medium complexity services. The instrument, a structured form, adapted from a questionnaire for monitoring risk and protective factors for chronic disease of the Ministry of Health. To collect data was was used the interview form containing demographic data, habits, health status and health care services. The results were processed using the Statistical Package for Social Science, version 18.0, analyzed by simple statistics. It was found that most seniors were female, predominantly between 70 and 74 years old, married, with a brown skin tone and Catholic religion, more than half had incomplete basic education, family income between one to two minimum wages and living with their families. Regarding the interviewers lifestyle, 94.4%, of them ate chicken and 97.6%, fruits, it was observed a reduction in smoking, alcoholism habits and physical activity according to the increasing age, 58.1 and 18.5% had insomnia18,5 % used sleeping pills. The elderly (51.6%) reported using services in times of sickness, seeking primary care at first (30.6%), 52% did not receive referral and was looking for free demand (38.7%). The most reported morbidity was hypertension, followed by musculoskeletal disorders. Regarding the difficulties in seeking health services, the delay in treatment and the waiting line were the most cited by the elderly. Almost all of them reported no activities to promote health in these services and those who received individual counseling on chronic diseases. Almost always, the health professionals who care of them, were mostly doctors followed by nurses. Based on the results presented, it is considered that the health services of medium complexity must undergone a more continuous dialogue with other attention level and focus on actions of health promotion and prevention. It is also recommended the necessity for qualified professionals to delivery health care to elderly and the implementation of protocols by a multidisciplinary health team, intending to provide better and continous care for the elderly with chronic diseases. The healthcare professionals who served them, were mostly physicians, followed by nurses. Through the results presented, it is considered that the medium complexity healthcare services need to perform a more continuous dialogue with the other levels of attention focusing attention to the health promotion and prevention actions. It is also recommended the necessity for qualified professionals to delivery healthcare for the elderly, in addition, a protocol implementation for the multidisciplinary health care team, to provide better care, and also the care continuity to elderly with chronic diseases
The present work presents a contribution in the study of modelings of transference of heat for foods submitted to the experimental tests in the considered solar oven, where the best modeling for the beefburger of chicken in study was evaluated, comparing the results, considering this food as a half-infinite(1er object considered model) and,after that, considered the chicken beefburger as a plain plate in transient regimen in two distinct conditions: not considering and another model considering the contribution of the generation term, through the Criterion of Pomerantsev. The Sun, beyond life source, is the origin of all the energy forms that the man comes using during its history and can be the reply for the question of the energy supplying in the future, a time that learns to use to advantage in rational way the light that this star constantly special tax on our planet. Shining more than the 5 billion years, it is calculated that the Sun still in them will privilege for others 6 billion years, or either, it is only in the half of its existence and will launch on the Earth, only in this year, 4000 times more energy that we will consume. Front to this reality, would be irrational not to search, by all means technical possible, to use to advantage this clean, ecological and gratuitous power plant. In this dissertation evaluate the performance of solar cooker of the type box. Laboratory of Solar Energy of the Federal University of the Great River of North - UFRN was constructed by the group (LES) a model of solar stove of the type box and was tested its viability technique, considering modeling foods submitted when baking in the solar oven, the cooker has main characteristic the easiness of manufacture and assembly, the low cost (was used material accessible composition to the low income communities) and simplicity in the mechanism of movement of the archetype for incidence of the direct solar light. They had been proposals modeling for calculations of food the minimum baking time, considering the following models of transference of heat in the transient state: object the halfinfinite, plain plate and the model of the sphere to study the necessary temperature for the it bakes of bread (considering spherical geometry). After evaluate the models of transmission of heat will be foods submitted you the processes of to it bakes of, the times gotten for the modeling with the experimental times of it bakes in the solar oven had been compared, demonstrating the modeling that more good that it portraies the accuracies of the results of the model
Abstract: Several factors can affect the development of the broiler, among them we can highlight nutrition and management. In the context nutritional, mineral supplementation is a necessary practice because, in general, the diets did not contain these elements in sufficient quantity to meet the needs of poultry. Zinc is a trace mineral essential to life, participating in several important functions in the body. Generally zinc is added to diets of birds in inorganic forms (oxides, carbonates or sufatos), however in its organic form or chelated presents more bioavailable. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of levels of organic zinc (ZnO) in the diet of broilers from 1 to 42 days, housed in new or reused litter. The experiment was conducted in the poultry sector of the Special Unit for Agricultural Sciences EAJ / UFRN. 576 chicks were used 1 day of commercial strain Cobb, distributed in a completely randomized in a 4x2 factorial arrangement with four levels of ZnO 0, 40, 80 and 120 ppm and two environments, new bed (COn) and reused litter (CRE) resulting in eight treatments with six replications of 12 birds. In the pre-initial responses were linearly increasing levels of ZnO on feed intake and quadratic effect on body weight and weight gain. The levels of 72.41 and 70.05 ppm of ZnO in the diet of chicks improved body weight and weight gain, respectively. There was interaction between ZnO and the type of bedding used. The ZnO did not affect broiler performance in the growing phase. There was an interaction between levels of ZnO and type of bed used. The levels of 61.50 and 85.30 ppm organic zinc improves immunity and increases the deposition of zinc in tibia of broilers at 42 days, respectively. ZnO also increases the resistance of the skin of broilers at 42 days of age. Using Cre improves performance of broilers from 1 to 42 days old
The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of housing and the physical and chemical characteristics of meat from sheep raised on pasture Brachiaria brizantha and Panicum maximum. The experiment was conducted in the physical area of the Study Group on Forage (GEFOR), located in the Academic Unit Specialized in Agricultural Sciences - Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte - UFRN in Macaíba, RN, Brazil. We used 32 lambs SPRD, obtained from herds in the state, with liveweight (LW) of 24.5 kg were assigned randomly to four treatments consisting of tropical grasses, two cultivars of Brachiaria brizantha, Marandu and Piatã, and two of Panicum maximum, Aruana and Massai. The experimental area was 2.88 ha, divided into 4 paddocks of 0.72 ha, where each picket consisted of a farm and was divided into six plots of 0.12 ha, where the animals remained under rotational grazing. The period of adaptation to the pickets was seven days. At the beginning of the experiment the animals were weighed, identified with plastic earrings and necklaces colored according to the treatment, and treated against. The lambs were loose in the paddock at 8 am and collected at 16 hours, which returned to collective pens. During the time of grazing animals had free access to mineral supplement with monensin Ovinofós ® and water. Before entering the paddocks of pasture were sampled to characterize the chemical composition. Every seven days occurred at weighing, with fasting, to monitor the weight development. Cultivars Marandu, Aruana, Piatã and Massai were grazed for 133, 129, 143 and 142 days, respectively, until the lambs reach slaughter weight. Arriving at 32 kg lambs were evaluated subjectively for body condition score by, passed through fasting period, diet and water for 16 hours were slaughtered. Measurements were made in the inner and outer casings in addition to subjective evaluations regarding muscling, finish and quantity of pelvic-renal fat, then each was divided longitudinally into two half-carcases and cuts were made in the commercial left half, and after heavy calculated their income. Between the 12th and 13th thoracic vertebrae, was performed a cut to expose the cross section of the Longissimus dorsi, which was drawn on the rib eye area (REA) in transparent film. Fat thickness and extent of AOL GR were determined using a caliper. A tissue composition was determined by dissection of the legs. Analyzes were performed physical (color, cooking loss and shear force) and chemical composition of meat (moisture, ash, protein and lipids) in Longissimus dorsi muscle. Grazing tropical grass Brachiaria brizantha cvs. Marandu and Piatã and Panicum maximum cvs. Aruana and Massai can be used for lambs SRPD in the rainy season, because not alter the physico-chemical and chemical composition of meat
Provide healthier meat to consumers of pig farmers has required an adjustment of nutrition and feed management. Nutrition is a primary factor in defining the qualitative aspects of pork, because through it we can modify the fatty acid profile. The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of adding bran bagasse cashew (FBC) in diets for finishing pigs, on carcass traits and meat quality. 20 crossbred barrows with an average initial weight of 57.93 ± 3.67 kg / BW were used Diets were formulated based on corn and soybean meal containing vegetable oil, commercial core and different levels of inclusion of the bran bagasse cashew ( 0.0, 7.5 % , 15.0 % , 22.5 % and 30.0 % ) . The experimental design was a randomized block with 5 treatments and 4 replications. Quantitative, qualitative, fatty acid profile of the longissimus muscle and fat area parameters were evaluated. It was observed that with the inclusion of FBC, the parameters of carcass yield, backfat thickness, fat area had a negative linear effect relationship and meat / fat positive effect. Regarding the profile of fatty acids in fat area, the content of linoleic fatty acid level of 30 % of FBC was 18.2 % higher ( P < 0.05 ) at the level of 0.0 % and the arachidonic level of 22.5 % was higher than 33.3 % and 37.5 % at levels of 0.0 % and 15.0 % ( FBC ) respectively. It is concluded that finishing pigs may be food diets containing up to 30 % of FBC, improving the quality of housing for lower fat deposition and modification in the fatty acid profile.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the use of cashew bagasse bran (CBB) as food ingredient in qualitative feed restriction programs on the carcass traits, meat quality, organs weight and intestinal morphometry of barrows and gilts. Twenty – four crossbred pigs were used (12 barrows and 12 gilts) with an average initial body weight of 57.93 ± 3.67 kg/LW. The experimental designs was in randomized blocks 3x2 factorial arrangement with three level (0%, 15% e 30% CBB), two genders (barrows and gilts) and four repetition. A total of twenty-four instalments. The treatments were composed of basal diet (BD) formulated with corn, soybean meal and commercial base mix for finishing pigs, being containing different levels of CBB. At the end of the trial period the animals were slaughtered for the evaluation of the meat quality, traits carcass, Absolute Weight (AW) and Relative Weight (RW) of the organs and morphometric study of small intestine fragment. The inclusion of (CBB) in the diets did not affect the traits carcass of gilts, but interfered in the traits carcass of the barrow positively, increasing the yield of meat into cold carcass and reducing the thickness of subcutaneous fat, without affecting the fatty acid profile. However, we observed increased weight of organs and partial volume of absortiva mucosa of gilts. In the comparison between sex was observed a greater liver weight (AW) and (RW), and surface density of absortiva mucosa of barrow. The use of CBB was considered as ingredient to be used in programs of qualitative feed restriction for finishing pigs.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the use of cashew bagasse bran (CBB) as food ingredient in qualitative feed restriction programs on the carcass traits, meat quality, organs weight and intestinal morphometry of barrows and gilts. Twenty – four crossbred pigs were used (12 barrows and 12 gilts) with an average initial body weight of 57.93 ± 3.67 kg/LW. The experimental designs was in randomized blocks 3x2 factorial arrangement with three level (0%, 15% e 30% CBB), two genders (barrows and gilts) and four repetition. A total of twenty-four instalments. The treatments were composed of basal diet (BD) formulated with corn, soybean meal and commercial base mix for finishing pigs, being containing different levels of CBB. At the end of the trial period the animals were slaughtered for the evaluation of the meat quality, traits carcass, Absolute Weight (AW) and Relative Weight (RW) of the organs and morphometric study of small intestine fragment. The inclusion of (CBB) in the diets did not affect the traits carcass of gilts, but interfered in the traits carcass of the barrow positively, increasing the yield of meat into cold carcass and reducing the thickness of subcutaneous fat, without affecting the fatty acid profile. However, we observed increased weight of organs and partial volume of absortiva mucosa of gilts. In the comparison between sex was observed a greater liver weight (AW) and (RW), and surface density of absortiva mucosa of barrow. The use of CBB was considered as ingredient to be used in programs of qualitative feed restriction for finishing pigs.
The intake of adequate quantities of food, including those rich in vitamins, is necessary for a healthy life. The lack of vitamin A has been characterized as a public health problem in developing countries, however, a high intake of vitamin A can result in toxic and teratogenics effects. High concentrations of vitamin A have been observed in the livers of animals. The objective of this study was to assess the levels of retinol in chicken livers and verify the effect of frozen storage on these levels. 64 livers from two chicken strains, Cobb and Ross, were used, came from four different farms. We examined 32 livers from each strain, 8 samples from each farm. Liver sample were homogenized individually, then 4 aliquots were taken from each sample. One of aliquots was analyzed immediately after slaughter (T0), the others were analyzed after 30, 60 and 90 days of storage at -18oC (T30, T60 and T90, respectively). Retinol dosage in the liver was determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The levels of retinol varied significantly according to the strain. The mean retinol value in the fresh samples was 6678.0 ± 1337.7 and 8324.1 ± 1158.5 µg/100g in the Cobb and Ross strain, respectively. Values of 4258 ± 918.7 ± 1391.7 and 4650.5 ± 1391.7 μg/100g were found after 90 days of storage for Cobb and Ross strain, respectively. The liver freezing caused a significant reduction in their levels of retinol, causing a loss of up to 44% with respect to fresh livers. The reduction in retinol levels occurred from 30 days of storage. Even with the losses from the frozen, the ingestion of a typical portion of 100 g of liver, regardless the chicken strain analyzed, surpass all recommendations of consumption and the maximum tolerable intake of vitamin A (3000 μg/day) for adults