11 resultados para braking torque, traction, speed profile, longitudinal dynamics, wheel-rail contact parameters, bogie pitch, wheelset skid

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Digital Elevation Models (DEM) are numerical representations of a portion of the earth surface. Among several factors which affect the quality of a DEM, it should be emphasized the attention on the input data and the choice of the interpolating algorithm. On the other hand, several numerical models are used nowadays to characterize nearshore hydrodynamics and morphological changes in coastal areas, whose validation is based on field data collection. Independent on the complexity of the physical processes which are modeled, little attention has been given to the intrinsic bathymetric interpolation built within the numerical models of the specific application. Therefore, this study aims to investigate and to quantify the influence of the bathymetry, as obtained by a DEM, on the hydrodynamic circulation model at a coastal stretch, off the coast of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Northeast Brazil. This coastal region is characterized by strong hydrodynamic and littoral processes, resulting in a very dynamic morphology with shallow coastal bathymetry. Important economic activities, such as oil exploitation and production, fisheries, salt ponds, shrimp farms and tourism, also bring impacts upon the local ecosystems and influence themselves the local hydrodynamics. This fact makes the region one of the most important for the development of the State, but also enhances the possibility of serious environmental accidents. As a hydrodynamic model, SisBaHiA® - Environmental Hydrodynamics System ( Sistema Básico de Hidrodinâmica Ambiental ) was chosen, for it has been successfully employed at several locations along the Brazilian coast. This model was developed at the Coastal and Oceanographical Engineering Group of the Ocean Engineering Program at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Several interpolating methods were tested for the construction of the DEM, namely Natural Neighbor, Kriging, Triangulation with Linear Interpolation, Inverse Distance to a Power, Nearest Neighbor, and Minimum Curvature, all implemented within the software Surfer®. The bathymetry which was used as reference for the DEM was obtained from nautical charts provided by the Brazilian Hydrographic Service of the Brazilian Navy and from a field survey conducted in 2005. Changes in flow velocity and free surface elevation were evaluated under three aspects: a spatial vision along three profiles perpendicular to the coast and one profile longitudinal to the coast as shown; a temporal vision from three central nodes of the grid during 30 days; a hodograph analysis of components of speed in U and V, by different tidal cycles. Small, but negligible, variations in sea surface elevation were identified. However, the differences in flow and direction of velocities were significant, depending on the DEM


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This thesis describes the general behavior of the northern shore of the State of Rio Grande do Norte relating beach profile morphology with hydrodynamic and sedimentological parameters. The Macau and Serra Oil Field are inserted on this area and are under accelerated coastal erosion. At these oil fields are installed oil wells from PETROBRAS, nowadays located directly in the shoreline, under constant attacks of coastal processes (e.g. waves, tides and currents), which promote an intense morphodynamic variability of this sandy coast. The area was monitored for 24 months in three different stations (P01, P02 and P03). The methodology applied involved current techniques of beach profiles, hydrodynamical processes, remote sensing and geophysics. A synthesis of results obtained through the use of different time scales (monthly, lunar cycle, seasonal, annual) from a coastal dynamics study is presented. The average wind direction corresponded to 77ºAz (NE). The steepness of the berm and of the shoreface, as well as coastal current direction, do not present major changes, with an average of 36º for the steepness of the berm, 15º for the shoreface and 15º for the coastal current direction. This data set allows us to infer that the months of larger coastal erosion were November/2000 and April/2001, because of the largest wave parameter during this time. The months of worse coastal erosion in this area are related with the increasing wavy energy. This in turn, seems to be related to seasonal climatic variations, with the wave energy and tide currents speed increasing during months of minor precipitations (June to January). The months of worse coastal erosion were September and November, when the largest wave parameters and speed currents are measured in the area. Since these months are included on the period of minor precipitations, we related the coastal erosion to seasonal climatic variations. The results obtained during these 24 months of monitoring confirms a situation of accentuated erosion, mainly in Profile 03 (Barra do Corta-Cachorro), where the wave height, period, and coastal current speed are always larger than the values found in Profile 02 (Macau5). Probably these values are more expressive in Profile 03, because it does not present any natural structure of protection against the wave impacts, as the barrier island located at Ponta do Tubarão, or the sand banks in front of Macau5. The transport of the sediments occurs from East to West, and the sand accumulation is more pronounced on Profile 03 intertidal zone, where there are embrionary dunes in dryer months. The tidal currents speed, on the other hand, is more accentuated in the Macau5 area (Profile 02). At Ponta do Tubarão, the tidal currents presented a preferential direction for NE, at times of flood, currents and for NW, at times of ebb current; at Barra do Corta-Cachorro the direction of the currents were predominantly for NW, independent of the tide phase, coinciding with the preferential direction of the longshore current. This currents inversion at Ponta do Tubarão is attributed to the presence of the Ponta do Tubarão island barrier and by the communication channel of the lagoon with the sea. The tide currents are better observed in protected areas, as in the Ponta do Tubarão, when they present inversion in their direction accordingly to the flood and ebb tide. In open areas, as in Barra do Corta-Cachorro, the tide currents are overprinted by the longshore currents. Sediment analysis does not show important modifications in grain size related to seasonality (dry- and rainy seasons). On the foreshore and backshore zones, the sediments vary from fine to medium sand, while in the shoreface they very from fine to very sands. The grains are mostly spheres, varying from sub rounded to sub angled. Quartz is the main component alongside Feldspat and heavy minerals as accessory components. Biogenic content is also present and mainly represented by mollusks fragments. The calculated sediment transport show values around 100 m3/day. The morphodynamic studies indicated that this is a reflexive area from October to April, and intermediate from May to September. The Relative Tide Range-RTR for this area is 4 < RTR < 15, and so classified in the mixed wave-tide group. Having this exposed we can affirm that the more active natural factors in this area are the currents, followed by the tides and the winds. The anthropic factors are exclusively local and punctual (Macau and Serra Oil Field). Taking in account the economic importance of the area, as well as the intensity of coastal processes acting on this shore, it is important a continuity of the monthly environmental monitoring looking for variations on longer-period cycles. These data have been stored on the geo-referenced database of the projects MARPETRO and PETRORISCO (REDE 05), aiming to model the coastal and sea environment, susceptible to oil spills and their derivatives


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The increase in the efficiency of photo-voltaic systems has been the object of various studies the past few years. One possible way to increase the power extracted by a photovoltaic panel is the solar tracking, performing its movement in order to follow the sun’s path. One way to activate the tracking system is using an electric induction motor, which should have sufficient torque and low speed, ensuring tracking accuracy. With the use of voltage source inverters and logic devices that generate the appropriate switching is possible to obtain the torque and speed required for the system to operate. This paper proposes the implementation of a angular position sensor and a driver to be applied in solar tracker built at a Power Electronics and Renewable Energies Laboratory, located in UFRN. The speed variation of the motor is performed via a voltage source inverter whose PWM command to actuate their keys will be implemented in an FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) device and a TM4C microcontroller. A platform test with an AC induction machine of 1.5 CV was assembled for the comparative testing. The angular position sensor of the panel is implemented in a ATMega328 microcontroller coupled to an accelerometer, commanded by an Arduino prototyping board. The solar position is also calculated by the microcontroller from the geographic coordinates of the site where it was placed, and the local time and date obtained from an RTC (Real-Time Clock) device. A prototype of a solar tracker polar axis moved by a DC motor was assembled to certify the operation of the sensor and to check the tracking efficiency.


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The longshore sediment transport (LST) is determinant for the occurrence of morphological changes in coastal environments. Understanding their movement mechanisms and transport is an essential source of information for the project design and coastal management plans. This study aims to characterize, initially, the active hydrodynamic circulation in the study area, comprised of four beach sectors from the south coast of Natal, assessing the average annual LST obtained through three proven equations (CERC, Kamphuis and Bayram et al.), defining the best formulation for the study area in question, and analyze the seasonal variability and the decadal transport evolution. The coastal area selected for this work constitutes one of the main tourist corridors in the city, but has suffered serious damage resulting from associated effects of hydrodynamic forcings and their disorderly occupation. As a tool was used the Coastal Modelling System of Brazil (SMC-Brazil), which presents integrated a series of numerical models and a database, properly calibrated and validated for use in developing projects along the Brazilian coastline. The LST rates were obtained for 15 beach profiles distributed throughout the study area. Their extensions take into account the depth of closure calculated by Harllermeier equation, and regarding the physical properties of the sediment, typical values of sandy beaches were adopted, except for the average diameter, which was calculated through an optimization algorithm based on equilibrium profile formulation proposed by Dean. Overall, the results showed an intensification of hydrodynamic forcings under extreme sea wave conditions, especially along the headlands exist in the region. Among the analyzed equations, Bayram et al. was the most suitable for this type of application, with a predominant transport in the south-north direction and the highest rates within the order of 700.000 m3 /year to 2.000.000 m3 /year. The seasonal analysis also indicated a longitudinal transport predominance in the south to north, with the highest rates associated with the fall and winter seasons. In these periods are observed erosive beach states, which indicate a direct relationship between the sediment dynamics and the occurrence of more energetic sea states. Regarding the decadal evolution of transportation, it was found a decrease in transport rate from the 50’s to the 70’s, followed by an increase until the 2000’s, coinciding with the beginning of urbanization process in some stretches of the studied coastline.


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ARAUJO, Márcio V. ; ALSINA, Pablo J. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. ; PEREIRA, Jonathan P.P. ; DOMINGOS, Elber C. ; ARAÚJO, Fábio M.U. ; SILVA, Jáder S. . Development of an Active Orthosis Prototype for Lower Limbs. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 20., 2009, Gramado, RS. Proceedings… Gramado, RS: [s. n.], 2009


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The present work studies the natural ventilation and its relationship with the urban standards, which establishes the form of occupation and use of the land in our cities. The method simulates the application of the urban standards of the City Master Plan over the last three years. The simulation takes place in the District of Petrópolis, in the city of Natal , Brazil and analyses the effects of the standards of natural ventilation. The formulated hypothesis states that the reductions in the urban spaces between buildings rises up the vertical profile of ventilation, reducing, therefore, the velocity of the wind at the lower levels of the buildings. To develop the study, occupation models were built, using computerized, three-dimensional models. These occupation models were analyzed using the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) code. The conclusion is that the more we reduce the urban space between buildings, the more we reduce the wind speed in constructed areas, increasing, therefore, the possibility to generate heat islands


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This work presents the development of a prototype of an intelligent active orthosis for lower limbs whit an electronic embedded system. The proposed orthosis is an orthopedical device with the main objective of providing walking capacity to people with partial or total loss of lower limbs movements. In order to design the kinematics, dynamics and the mechanical characteristics of the prototype, the biomechanics of the human body was analized. The orthosis was projected to reproduce some of the movements of the human gait as walking in straight forward, sit down, get up, arise and go down steps. The joints of the orthosis are controlled by DC motors equipped with mechanical reductions, whose purpose is to reduce rotational speed and increase the torque, thus generating smooth movements. The electronic embedded system is composed of two motor controller boards with two channels that communicate with a embedded PC, position sensors and limit switches. The gait movements of the orthosis will be controlled by high level commands from a human-machine interface. The embedded electronic system interprets the high level commands, generates the angular references for the joints of the orthosis, controls and drives the actuators in order to execute the desired movements of the user


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Background: Several studies emphasize the importance of assessing the knee function after anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction. The influence of several variables on the function of these patients has been analyzed, but there is no consensus in the science literature. Purpose: To evaluate the correlation between the torque and balance on the knee function after ACL reconstruction. Methods: 23 males patients with ACL reconstruction were tested. The procedures of the study included analysis of concentric peak torque at 60o/s and 180o/s of quadriceps femoris and hamstring muscle with a isokinetic dynamometer. The balance in single-limb stance was measured with stabilometry. The functional performance were performed by two hop tests. To estimate the subjective function of the patients was applied Lysholm Knee Scoring Scale and a Global Rating scale. Results: The analysis of data showed a moderate positive correlation between knee extensor torque and functional performance tests (r= 0,48; p=0,02). A moderate negative correlation was found between the two variables of the stabilometry center of pressure and average speed of centre of pressure and the Global Rating scale (r = -0.4, p = 0,04 and r = -0,49, p = 0 ,02, respectively). No correlation was found between peak torque and balance in single-limb stance. Conclusion: The results of the present study suggest that knee extensor strength and postural balance have some influence on knee function in patients after ACL reconstruction


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As a result of the financial incentive provided by the GM / MS 1.444, since 2000, Brazil has experienced a substantial increase in the number of oral health services at the Family Health Strategy. There is, however, evidence that these teams have produced qualitatively different experiences which do not translate necessarily into improved quality of life and health. Thus, evaluative research of great importance. This study aims to assess the impact of the Family Health Strategy in oral health in a longitudinal perspective natalense the years 2006 and 2009. This is an intervention study whose design is a community trial in parallel, nearly randomized. The sample consisted of census tracts covered by oral health teams in the Family Health and the Traditional Model (Basic Health Units and non-FHS Program of Community Health Agents and areas not covered.) The sample was determined by drawing ten census tracts to form the experimental group and ten other sectors for the control group by pairing intentional based on socio-economic and geographic. To check the net effect of the intervention was performed multivariate analysis by Poisson regression. As a result of cross-sectional analysis of year 2009, it was found that the effects of the ESF in Natal were satisfactory only for the variables of injuries and for other purposes without and with negative impact on stock coverage reclaimers. However, the longitudinal analysis revealed that the ESB / ESF improved their performance in dealing with grievances, access and coverage of the type of actions and this fact is independent of age, sex and social and economic conditions. In other employees' words are related to the presence of the Family Health Strategy in the region. However it does not say that both models under study (the Family Health Strategy Model and Traditional) are different in terms of performance and it is pertinent to reflect on the need for further development of evaluation studies that use other approaches able to clarify the dynamics of the process whose results can come to the knowledge of the actors responsible for leading the ESF and encourage them to incorporate the assessment in their routine


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Contrary to what is recorded for Callithrix jacchus females, the social interactions and hormonal profiles of males are less studied, and mainly in wild groups. The goal of this study was to investigate the behavioral and endocrine profiles of reproductive (RMs) and non-reproductive (NRs) common marmoset adult free-ranging males living in two natural groups (GC1 and GR2). The groups inhabited the area of the Escola Agrícola de Jundiaí/UFRN, located in Macaíba, Brazil. Fecal collection for cortisol and androgen measurement and behavioral monitoring was carried out during the active phase from April to September, 2005. For behavioral data collection the focal instantaneous method was used every 5 min, for a total of 11.563 records. Statistical analysis was performed using non parametric tests and p < 0.05. Besides showing diurnal variation, the frequency of affiliative behaviors was significantly higher for RMs toward reproductive females than for NRs. Affiliative interactions of RMs with both reproductive females and NRs were similar, probably related to pair bond formation and helper recruitment, respectively. Parental care was also similar for both RMs and NRs. Both androgen and cortisol levels increased after the birth of the infants, mainly in RMs. The longitudinal profile of androgens fluctuates more in response to agonistic encounters and sexual behavior than that of cortisol. The mean basal excretion of both hormones was significantly higher in RMs and seems to reflect their higher participation in territorial vigilance and mate guarding behaviors. Significant positive correlations were found between agonism and cortisol and androgen hormones. These results describe, for the first time, the behavioral and hormonal profiles of common marmosets living in free-ranging groups and suggest that reproductive males are more responsive both behaviorally and hormonally to social group dynamics


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This doctorate thesis concerning on the Characterization of the Environmental Dynamics of the Coastal Area of the Municipal district of Galinhos, Septentrional Coast of Rio Grande do Norte State, is located in the influence area of the Guamaré Petroliferous Pole, having as general objective the understanding of the active coastal dynamics in the region of Galinhos, whose specific objectives were: To study the variation of the coast line in the decades of 1954, 1967,1988, 1996, 2000, from remote sensing products; To elucidate the hypothesis of the region of Galinhos to have been an old system of islands barriers, using as basic tool the penetration radar in the soil - GPR; To monitor and to characterize the coastal dynamics of the study area starting from monthly data of beach profiles, sedimentological analysis, hydrodynamic data and environmental characterization data; which were used to feed the database of the N-NE network of Environmental Monitoring of Areas under Influence of the Petroliferous Industry;(REDE05/FINEP/CNPq/CTPETRO/ PETROBRAS). This research is justified, of the environmental point of view, by involving the mangrove ecosystem considered one of the most delicated environments of the State. From the viewpoint of the petroleum exploration, the systems of islands barriers are favorable for hydrocarbons reservoirs and, consequently important targets to the oil and gas industry, becoming this region attractive in comparison with similar lithified environments. With the results of the variability study in the position of the coast line in the Municipal district of Galinhos/RN from the analysis of remote sensing images, it was possible to investigate the changes in the coast line in temporal scale; the use of directional filters allowed to emphasize linings in the direction NE and to identify submerged features such as sandwaves. The use of GPR enabled the confirmation of paleochannels existence and thus confirmed the hypothesis that the Galinhos spit was formed from an old system of islands barriers. The results of the granulometric analyses indicated that in the summer period the sediments in the profiles A and B in the foreshore portion were classified with the granulometry of sand with scattered gravel and in the shoreface were constituted by sand, but in the winter period these same morphologic compartments were constituted by sand with sparse gravel and siltic sand respectively. In the profile C, in the summer and in the winter, the shoreface and foreshore compartments presented predominantly constituted by sand with sparse gravel. The hydrodynamic results showed that the largest wave heights were registered in the month of February (62 cm) and the highest period of 1,00 m/s in the month of May, the sense of the coastal currents was kept among the quadrants SW and NW, and the winds coming from NE were predominant. The analysis of the beach profiles demonstrated that in the profile A, although it had occurred erosion and deposition during the monitored months, the morphology of the referred profile was kept constant. In the profiles B and C, there were abrupt changes in the morphology, during the monitored months, having been identified a cyclic pattern in the features of the foreshore zone sometimes forming longitudinal sandy bars and in other times forming berm. These results evidenced, therefore, that studies of this nature are of fundamental importance for the coastal zoning, aiming subsidies to the organs managers in the closing of decisions as for the implantation of enterprises in the area, and for the industry of the petroleum through generation of information that subsidize the implementation and location of petroliferous structures adequate to this environment