15 resultados para animais silvestres

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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American visceral leishmaniasis is a zoonosis caused by Leishmania infantum and transmitted by the bite of the sand flies Lutzomia longipalpis.The main domestic reservoir is the dog, while foxes and opposums are the known wild reservoirs. However, identification of natural infections with L. infantum in rodents appears for need of investigating the participation of these rodents how source of infection of the parasite. In the present work the Leishmania infantum infection was investigated in rodents captured in Rio Grande do Norte, aiming at to offer subsidies to the understanding of the epidemic chains of LVA in the State. Thirteen Galea spixii were distributed in four groups, being G1 the group control with four animals and the others, G2, G3 and G4, with three animals each. Those animals were intraperitoneally inoculated with 107 promastigotas of L. infantum and accompanied for, respectively, 30, 90 and 180 days. Weekly the animals were monitored as for the corporal weight and rectal temperature. At the end of each stipulated period the animals were killed. Blood were used for determination of the parameters biochemical and haematological, PCR, ELISA, microscopic examination and cultivation in NNN medium. Liver, spleen and lymph node were used in Giemsa-stained impression and cultivation in NNN medium. Liver and spleen fragments were still used in PCR and histopathological, respectively. At the same time 79 rodents of the species Rattus rattus, Bolomys lasiurus, Oligoryzomys nigripis, Oryzomys subflavus and Trichomys apereoides were captured in the Municipal districts of Brejinho, Campo Grande, Coronel Ezequiel, Passa e Fica and Vázea for identification of natural infection with L. infantum. Evidence of infection was checked by direct examination of Giemsa-stained impression of liver, spleen and blood and culture of these tissues in NNN medium. Antibodies were researched by ELISA. They were not found differences among the weigh corporal final, rectal temperature and biochemical and haematological parameters of the Galea spixii controls and infected. The rectal temperature of the animals varied from 36OC to 40OC. For the first time values of the haematocrit (33,6% to 42,8%), hemoglobin (10,2 to 14,5g/dl), erythrocyts number (4,67x106 to 6,90x106/mm3), total leukocytes (0,9x103 to 9,2x103/mm3), platelets (49x103 to 509x103/mm3) total proteins (1,56 to 6,06 g/dl), albumin (1,34 to 3,05 g/dl) and globulins (0,20 to 3,01 g/dl) of the Galea spixii were determined. The lymphocytes were the most abundant leucocytes. Infection for L. infantum was diagnosed in two animals euthanasied 180 days after the infection. In one of the animals was also identified antibodies anti-Leishmania. The parasite was not found in none of the five other species of rodents captured. Galea spixii are resistant to the infection for L. infantum and they are not good models for the study for visceral leishmaniose, although they can act as infection sources. More studies are necessary to determine the paper of the rodents in the epidemic chain of transmission of the visceral leishmaniose in the State of Rio Grande do Norte


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Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis of considerable medical and economical importance that affects humans in both urban and rural contexts, as well as domestic animals and wild fauna. Leptospira interrogans is the causative agent and is transmitted to humans by indirect contact with contaminated soil or water. The clinical syndromes include sub clinical infection, self-limited anicteric febrile illness, and severe and potentially fatal illness, known as Weil´s syndrome. In developed countries, leptospirosis is related to occupational or recreational activities while in developing countries, outbreaks occur during floods. In those regions, traditional strategies to prevent the transmission are difficulties to be implemented because of costs and lack of community acceptance. In addition, no efficient vaccine is available for human use. Several studies have suggested that chemoprophylaxis with doxycycline pre and post-exposure may be effective to prevent leptospirosis. Leptospirosis has been reported in rural areas of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil since 1985 in rice farmers who present the anicteric illness. The disease cause great social and economics impact. The study was conducted in São Miguel where an epidemic of leptospirosis in rice farmers was reported. The main objective was to determine the efficacy of doxycycline in preventing Leptospira exposure. A taxa de soroprevalência de leptospirose na população estudada antes e após a colheita foi de 14,2% (n=22) e de 16.6% (n=27) respectivamente. Anti-Leptospira serology was determined for 61 subjects in two instances, pre and post-exposure to potential contaminated water. There was an increased risk of 29.0 per cent in acquiring infection for individuals that did not use doxycycline. In addition, an increased risk of 30.0 % observed in farmers who did not use protection when exposed to Leptospira. The adhesion to preventive chemoprophylaxis was 55.7%. Therefore doxycycline, under specific circunstances appears to be an effective alternative to protect against leptosprirosis infection. A large sample composed of individuals to adhere to preventive therapy is needed to define time, dosage and length of use of doxycycline in this area


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This work has the main goal on the recognition of the inherent value of nonhuman animals, under the constitutional framework. It is presented the main philosophical formulations of the current pattern of behavior that rules the relationship between man and animals: first those that have excluded animals from moral consideration and then the thinkers which do have included, in some way, in order to elucidate the origin of the anthropocentric thought over the natural world. In this way, the analysis these thinkers that have included animals in moral consideration will contribute to a paradigm change from the anthropocentric view, initiating legal debates. It will be made a simplified analysis of different philosophical and legal points of view that have been demonstrating the posture in which the human beings have been dealing with the environment, with the replacement of the anthropocentric thinking for the biocentric view, in which life becomes the center of existence. Life is life, no matter whether it is human or not, has a value in itself, and must be protected and respected by the legal system. Then, it will be analized the constitutionalization of the nonhuman animal dignity in comparative law; the infraconstitutional legislation which concerning the intrinsic value of all life forms and, finally, the 1988 Constitution. It will be advocated for non-human animals the condition of subjects, presenting some cases that the Habeas Corpus was used in animal defense. In this new Brazilian Habeas Corpus theory of for apes the argument of genetic proximity was used in order to overcome the literal meaning of natural person to achieve hominids in order to assure the fundamental right of physical freedom. It is realized that the fact that the great apes being recognized as a person does not preclude the possibility of other living beings be recognized as subjects of law. In this way, animals can be considered non-human subjects of law, according to the theory of depersonalized entities and may enjoy a legal category that allows a respect for existential minimum, and can hold constitutional fundamental rights


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The use of non-human primates in scientific research has contributed significantly to the biomedical area and, in the case of Callithrix jacchus, has provided important evidence on physiological mechanisms that help explain its biology, making the species a valuable experimental model in different pathologies. However, raising non-human primates in captivity for long periods of time is accompanied by behavioral disorders and chronic diseases, as well as progressive weight loss in most of the animals. The Primatology Center of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) has housed a colony of C. jacchus for nearly 30 years and during this period these animals have been weighed systematically to detect possible alterations in their clinical conditions. This procedure has generated a volume of data on the weight of animals at different age ranges. These data are of great importance in the study of this variable from different perspectives. Accordingly, this paper presents three studies using weight data collected over 15 years (1985-2000) as a way of verifying the health status and development of the animals. The first study produced the first article, which describes the histopathological findings of animals with probable diagnosis of permanent wasting marmoset syndrome (WMS). All the animals were carriers of trematode parasites (Platynosomum spp) and had obstruction in the hepatobiliary system; it is suggested that this agent is one of the etiological factors of the syndrome. In the second article, the analysis focused on comparing environmental profile and cortisol levels between the animals with normal weight curve evolution and those with WMS. We observed a marked decrease in locomotion, increased use of lower cage extracts and hypocortisolemia. The latter is likely associated to an adaptation of the mechanisms that make up the hypothalamus-hypophysis-adrenal axis, as observed in other mammals under conditions of chronic malnutrition. Finally, in the third study, the animals with weight alterations were excluded from the sample and, using computational tools (K-means and SOM) in a non-supervised way, we suggest found new ontogenetic development classes for C. jacchus. These were redimensioned from five to eight classes: infant I, infant II, infant III, juvenile I, juvenile II, sub-adult, young adult and elderly adult, in order to provide a more suitable classification for more detailed studies that require better control over the animal development


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The juvenile period represents the developmental phase between weaning and sexual maturity. Weaning occurs when the youngster does not receive direct care from the caretakers anymore. Individuals in the species Callithrix jacchus live in groups composed by the reproductive pair and successive twin sets. Cooperative care is the rule. Infants are weaned early, and from then on, food is provided by the adults in the group. These animals present high levels of social interactions, through play, grooming and social contact. During infant age, the twin becomes the main partner. There are few studies about the juvenile period, especially on Callithrix gender. The objective of this study was describing the pattern of activities and social interactions of four sets (one single and three twin sets) during juvenile phase in two Callithrix jacchus groups. We used instantaneous and continuous focal sampling for juveniles and scan sampling for adults behavioral recordings. Juveniles presented the same behavioral pattern as the adults relating the activity budget, in particular, foraging along the months. The composition of the diet was the same as that of the adults. Food transfer ended along the juvenile period. Social play as much as grooming were important socializing activities for the juveniles. The young individuals in the group were the main partners in social play, specially the twin. Adults were the main partners in grooming interactions. Scent marking differed between twins in the male/female sets, the female presenting the highest levels of marking. The juveniles were independent from adults in foraging activity. Social interaction varied according to group composition, but in general, interacted more with the twin and with the youngsters (infants and subadults), except in grooming. Even presenting many similarities, juveniles showed some differences between genders, which indicates the differentiation in behavior towards reproductive strategies early in the juvenile period


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Neuropeptide S (NPS) is the endogenous ligand of a G-protein coupled receptor. Preclinical studies have shown that NPSR receptor activation can promote arousal, anxiolytic-like behavioral, decrease in food intake, besides hyperlocomotion, which is a robust but not well understood phenomenon. Previous findings suggest that dopamine transmission plays a crucial role in NPS hyperactivity. Considering the close relationship between dopamine and Parkinson Disease (PD), and also that NPSR receptors are expressed on dopaminergic nuclei in the brain, the current study attempted to investigate the effects of NPS in motor deficits induced by intracerebroventricular (icv) administration of 6-OHDA and systemic administration of haloperidol. Motor deficits induced by 6-OHDA and haloperidol were evaluated on Swiss mice in the rota-rod and catalepsy test. Time on the rotating rod and time spent immobile in the elevated bar were measured respectively in each test. L-Dopa, a classic antiparkinsonian drug, and NPS were administrated in mice submitted to one of the animal models of PD related above. 6-OHDA injection evoked severe motor impairments in rota-rod test, while the cataleptic behavior of 6-OHDA injected mice was largely variable. The administration of L-Dopa (25 mg/kg) and NPS (0,1 and 1 nmol) reversed motor impairments induced by 6-OHDA in the rota-rod. Haloperidolinduced motor deficits on rota-rod and catalepsy tests which were reversed by L-Dopa (100 e 400 mg/kg), but not by NPS (0,1 and 1 nmol) administration. The association of L-Dopa 10 mg/kg and NPS 1 nmol was also unable to counteract haloperidol-induced motor deficits. To summarize, 6-OHDA-, but not haloperidol-, induced motor deficits were reversed by the central administration of NPS. These data suggest that NPS possibly facilitates dopamine release in basal ganglia, what would explain the overcome of motor performance promoted by NPS administration in animals pretreated with 6-OHDA, but not haloperidol. Finally, the presented findings point, for the first time, to the potential of NPSR agonist as an innovative treatment for PD.


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The Callitrichidae family presents cooperative breeding, where breeders and non breeders take care of the offspring. The aspects of care analyzed in this study were infant carrying, supervision, proximity and food transfer. Three sets of infants from two wild groups of Callithrix jacchus were studied in the environments of Caatinga (Assu group) and Atlantic Forest (Jundiaí group). The methods used in the study were instantaneous focal sampling (infant carrying, supervision and proximity) and continuous focal sampling (food transfer). In the two sets observed in Assu group, the father carried and transferred food to infants more than the rest of the group. The biggest contribution in supervision was from the father and from another adult male. The members that remained in proximity to the infants in both groups were the younger in the groups (juveniles and sub-adults). In the Jundiaí group, the father and the adult male helper of the group were the main caregivers; one of the sub-adult females was responsible for supervision of the infants. With the disappearance of the reproductive male and one of the sub-adults females in 3º month of infants life, the care was redistributed and the only adult male left in the group was the animal that contributed more in provisioning of the infant. In the Assu group, there were adult females in its composition which were involved in agonistic interactions with breeders and adult males, and seemed to influence their low participation in care. Food transfer initiates early in the development of the infants, as a way to encourage nutritional independence. Different types of food transfer (active food transfer, food steal, food steal attempt, passive food transfer and food handling) were observed in the study and frequency of each one varied with developmental phase and tolerance by the members. One relevant data of the study was the presence of active food transfer in Assu group, since in literature there are very few registers of this type of transfer for this species. It is important that groups from distinct environments and composition be studied for a better understanding of the dynamics of infants development


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The objective of the present thesis was to use the manipulation of oocytes enclosed in preantral follicles (MOEPF) as a tool for the female gametes rescue and optimization, from wild species of Caatinga biome. The thesis was divided into 4 experiments. At first experiment, it was performed the estimative and description of the agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) preantral follicles (PF) histologic and ultrastructural features, in which it was estimated 4419.8 ± 532.26 and 5397.52 ± 574.91 follicles for the right and left ovary, respectively, and the majority (86,63%) belonged to the primordial follicles category (P<0.05). Most of the population consists of morphologically normal follicles (70.78%), presenting a large and central nuclei and uniform cytoplasm. At ultrastructural evaluation it was verified the presence of a great number of round mitochondrias associated to lipid droplets. In the second experiment, it was performed the estimative and description of yellow-toothed cavies (Galea spixii) PF characteristics, also, the evaluation of the effect of solid surface vitrification (SSV) on the in situ PF morphology. The total of 416.0 ± 342.8 PF was estimated for the ovary pair and the presence of a large quantity of primary follicles (P<0.05) was evidenced. Most of the PF was morphologically normal (94.6%), in which the oocyte nuclei presented condensed granules of heterochromatin. Round or elongated shaped mitochondria constituted the most abundant organelles. In regard of the SSV, the protocol using the dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) 3M possibility the preservation of 69.5% of morphologically normal PF, which was evidenced by the light and transmission electronic microscopy. At third experiment, the evaluation of the SSV procedure on the morphology and viability in situ PF form collared peccaries (Pecari tajacu) was performed. No differences were observed among treatments, in which the use of DMSO, ethylene glycol (EG) and dimethylformamide (DMF) as cryoprotectants, regardless its concentration, promoted the morphology preservation of much than 70% of PF. Concerning the PF viability, the DMSO and EG promoted the best preservation. The fourth experiment aimed to evaluate the effect of α MEM+ or TCM199 associated or not to 50 ng of FSHr on the morphology, activation and growth of collared peccaries PF, in vitro cultured (IVC) during 1 or 7 days and the effect on the extracellular matrix (ECM). After 7 days of IVC only the use of TCM199/FSH maintained the proportion of intact PF, similar to day 1(63.2%), however, no differences were observed among treatments (P>0.05). Also, an improvement of the proportion of intact growing PF was verified (P>0.05). By the Ag-NOR analysis it was observed that only the treatment using TCM199/FSH promoted the maintenance of cell proliferation similar to day 1 (P>0.05). The picrosirius red stain revealed that ECM remained intact in all treatments (P>0.05). Thus, as the general conclusion, the use of MOEPF in the refereed species allowed the knowledge of aspects related to its reproductive morphology and physiology, enabling the germplasm conservation, with the possibility of germplasm bank formation, as the elucidation of mechanisms related to the PF survive and in vitro development.


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The main concern of this work is to offer an analysis of the possibility of an ethical approach to the interaction between human beings and animals. As far as possible we seek an approach which rely neither on utilitarian considerations nor on indirect reasons to explain the attribution of dignity or moral rights to animals. We take for granted that some of them (if not all) do possess it. And then we try to show that a deontological ethical theory (one which centers in the human as the agent but is not restricted to humans as the objects of the moral action) can afford us a good theoretical basis for the grounding of the attribution of rights or dignity to animals. Analyzing the main features of Kantian ethics, as well as some of its alternatives, it will be possible to show that an ethical theory which does not presuppose reciprocity nor depends solely upon particular human concerns is not only possible but also reveals itself as the most sensible and adequate to the nature of our values and of the case at hand.


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The main concern of this work is to offer an analysis of the possibility of an ethical approach to the interaction between human beings and animals. As far as possible we seek an approach which rely neither on utilitarian considerations nor on indirect reasons to explain the attribution of dignity or moral rights to animals. We take for granted that some of them (if not all) do possess it. And then we try to show that a deontological ethical theory (one which centers in the human as the agent but is not restricted to humans as the objects of the moral action) can afford us a good theoretical basis for the grounding of the attribution of rights or dignity to animals. Analyzing the main features of Kantian ethics, as well as some of its alternatives, it will be possible to show that an ethical theory which does not presuppose reciprocity nor depends solely upon particular human concerns is not only possible but also reveals itself as the most sensible and adequate to the nature of our values and of the case at hand.


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In our first chapter was recorded the perception of fishermen and gatherers of Patané about the absence of local forests, was collected a list of species considered locally as strategic use, the ethnoknowledge associated with those, and identify which of these plants are already perceived as scarce in the region. In the second chapter, was studied all species of plants known by the community, the associated knowledge and the various uses. Were used individual interviews, formal and semi-structured, that have been consecutively applied to sampled respondents not probabilistically by snowball. Were collected socioeconomic data of informants. A adequacy test was performed. Guided tours were conducted to gather photographs and samples witnesses of plants, all identified by the usual methods of botany. Excerpts of the interviews on perceptions appear by looking for consensual information. Some data were presented by descriptive statistics. Were mounted two lists of plants, one with the strategic use and one with all the species listed in the study. It was shown that knowledge about plants remains resilient despite the forest resources now no longer be available.


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In our first chapter was recorded the perception of fishermen and gatherers of Patané about the absence of local forests, was collected a list of species considered locally as strategic use, the ethnoknowledge associated with those, and identify which of these plants are already perceived as scarce in the region. In the second chapter, was studied all species of plants known by the community, the associated knowledge and the various uses. Were used individual interviews, formal and semi-structured, that have been consecutively applied to sampled respondents not probabilistically by snowball. Were collected socioeconomic data of informants. A adequacy test was performed. Guided tours were conducted to gather photographs and samples witnesses of plants, all identified by the usual methods of botany. Excerpts of the interviews on perceptions appear by looking for consensual information. Some data were presented by descriptive statistics. Were mounted two lists of plants, one with the strategic use and one with all the species listed in the study. It was shown that knowledge about plants remains resilient despite the forest resources now no longer be available.


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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) consists of a non-toxic photosensitizing agent (FS) administration followed by a laser source resulting in a sequence of photochemical and photobiological processes that generate reactive oxygen species (ROS) that damaging cells. The present work evaluated the effects of PDT nanoemulsion-aluminum chloride phthalocyanine (AlClFc) mediated on malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) levels, which represent indicators involved in oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses. For this purpose, this study used 120 female rats of the Rattus norvegicus species, Wistar race, divided into 5 groups: Healthy (H), with periodontal disease (PD), with periodontal disease and treatment with FS (F), with periodontal disease and treatment with the laser (L); and periodontal disease and treatment with PDT (FL). An experimental model for represent periodontal disease (PD) was induced by ligature (split-mouth). Seven days later the induction of PD, the treatments were instituted according to the groups. In the group treated with PDT was applied 40μl FS (5μM) followed by laser irradiation diode InGaAlP (660nm, 100J / cm2). The rats were sacrificed on the 7th and 28th day after treatment and tissue specimens were removed and subjected to histological, immunohistochemical methods and enzymatic colorimetric measurements with detection by UV / VIS spectroscopy. Inflammatory changes, connective tissue disorganization and alveolar bone loss were displaying in groups with PD induced. The enzyme dosages showed that MDA levels were higher in PD induced groups, with no statistically significant differences (p> 0.05). High levels of GSH were found in groups L (p = 0.028) and FL (p = 0.028) compared with PD group, with statistically significant differences. Immunohistochemistry for SOD showed higher immunostaining in L and FL groups, compared to the PD group without statistically significant differences (p> 0.05). GPx showed lower immunoreactivity in the DP group when compared to the other groups and statistically significant differences were observed between the DPxL groups (p <0.05). TFD administered in this experiment did not induce elevation of MDA levels significantly increased the GSH levels and showed intense immunostaining pada SOD and GPx, showing that this therapy does not accentuated lipid peroxidation, however, it was able to induce effects on the antioxidant defenses processes. The LBI therapy appeared to show photomodulatory promoting effects reduction of the MDA levels, increasing GSH levels and with intense immunostaining for SOD and GPx, demonstrating that laser therapy induced antioxidant effects.


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American visceral leishmaniasis is a zoonosis caused by Leishmania infantum and transmitted by the bite of the sand flies Lutzomia longipalpis.The main domestic reservoir is the dog, while foxes and opposums are the known wild reservoirs. However, identification of natural infections with L. infantum in rodents appears for need of investigating the participation of these rodents how source of infection of the parasite. In the present work the Leishmania infantum infection was investigated in rodents captured in Rio Grande do Norte, aiming at to offer subsidies to the understanding of the epidemic chains of LVA in the State. Thirteen Galea spixii were distributed in four groups, being G1 the group control with four animals and the others, G2, G3 and G4, with three animals each. Those animals were intraperitoneally inoculated with 107 promastigotas of L. infantum and accompanied for, respectively, 30, 90 and 180 days. Weekly the animals were monitored as for the corporal weight and rectal temperature. At the end of each stipulated period the animals were killed. Blood were used for determination of the parameters biochemical and haematological, PCR, ELISA, microscopic examination and cultivation in NNN medium. Liver, spleen and lymph node were used in Giemsa-stained impression and cultivation in NNN medium. Liver and spleen fragments were still used in PCR and histopathological, respectively. At the same time 79 rodents of the species Rattus rattus, Bolomys lasiurus, Oligoryzomys nigripis, Oryzomys subflavus and Trichomys apereoides were captured in the Municipal districts of Brejinho, Campo Grande, Coronel Ezequiel, Passa e Fica and Vázea for identification of natural infection with L. infantum. Evidence of infection was checked by direct examination of Giemsa-stained impression of liver, spleen and blood and culture of these tissues in NNN medium. Antibodies were researched by ELISA. They were not found differences among the weigh corporal final, rectal temperature and biochemical and haematological parameters of the Galea spixii controls and infected. The rectal temperature of the animals varied from 36OC to 40OC. For the first time values of the haematocrit (33,6% to 42,8%), hemoglobin (10,2 to 14,5g/dl), erythrocyts number (4,67x106 to 6,90x106/mm3), total leukocytes (0,9x103 to 9,2x103/mm3), platelets (49x103 to 509x103/mm3) total proteins (1,56 to 6,06 g/dl), albumin (1,34 to 3,05 g/dl) and globulins (0,20 to 3,01 g/dl) of the Galea spixii were determined. The lymphocytes were the most abundant leucocytes. Infection for L. infantum was diagnosed in two animals euthanasied 180 days after the infection. In one of the animals was also identified antibodies anti-Leishmania. The parasite was not found in none of the five other species of rodents captured. Galea spixii are resistant to the infection for L. infantum and they are not good models for the study for visceral leishmaniose, although they can act as infection sources. More studies are necessary to determine the paper of the rodents in the epidemic chain of transmission of the visceral leishmaniose in the State of Rio Grande do Norte


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Leptospirosis is a worldwide zoonosis of considerable medical and economical importance that affects humans in both urban and rural contexts, as well as domestic animals and wild fauna. Leptospira interrogans is the causative agent and is transmitted to humans by indirect contact with contaminated soil or water. The clinical syndromes include sub clinical infection, self-limited anicteric febrile illness, and severe and potentially fatal illness, known as Weil´s syndrome. In developed countries, leptospirosis is related to occupational or recreational activities while in developing countries, outbreaks occur during floods. In those regions, traditional strategies to prevent the transmission are difficulties to be implemented because of costs and lack of community acceptance. In addition, no efficient vaccine is available for human use. Several studies have suggested that chemoprophylaxis with doxycycline pre and post-exposure may be effective to prevent leptospirosis. Leptospirosis has been reported in rural areas of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil since 1985 in rice farmers who present the anicteric illness. The disease cause great social and economics impact. The study was conducted in São Miguel where an epidemic of leptospirosis in rice farmers was reported. The main objective was to determine the efficacy of doxycycline in preventing Leptospira exposure. A taxa de soroprevalência de leptospirose na população estudada antes e após a colheita foi de 14,2% (n=22) e de 16.6% (n=27) respectivamente. Anti-Leptospira serology was determined for 61 subjects in two instances, pre and post-exposure to potential contaminated water. There was an increased risk of 29.0 per cent in acquiring infection for individuals that did not use doxycycline. In addition, an increased risk of 30.0 % observed in farmers who did not use protection when exposed to Leptospira. The adhesion to preventive chemoprophylaxis was 55.7%. Therefore doxycycline, under specific circunstances appears to be an effective alternative to protect against leptosprirosis infection. A large sample composed of individuals to adhere to preventive therapy is needed to define time, dosage and length of use of doxycycline in this area