14 resultados para Work - psychological aspects

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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We believe that the dissatisfaction arising from the lack of belief in the possibilities of change in the workplace, which cause difficulties to achieve professional results in the professional psychological distress that currently fits into the context of mental health. This is a qualitative, descriptive and representational research aiming to discover how the professional nurses represent the very psychological distress from work in the hospital environment. Aided and supported by specific objectives of identifying factors that generates this suffering and strategies for defense and confronting these professionals in the hospital. 22 nurses participated in this research, officials of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes, located in the city of Natal / RN, with length of service in the institution more than one year and less than five, and they accepted, by signing the Term of Free and Informed Consent, participate in the study. We use plurimethodological approach: a questionnaire, a semi-structured interview and the design-story with a theme adapted from Trinca with the support of the Theory of Social Representations and that nurses do in their psychological distress of the Central Core. We reviewed the data from the results generated by the ALCESTE software, based on hierarchical categorization downward, leading seven classes used as categories: Work process: completeness vs. incompleteness; labor contradiction of the nurse; qualitative aspects of interpersonal relationships; hospital surveillance: Challenges, muteness and neglect; Expectations, conflicts and feelings in the work process; Leisure: the other side of the work process, and Suffering generating aspects of in the work process. We consider the analysis of quarters generated by the program, which SLQ houses in the central core of the representations; the SRQ and the DLQ the intermediaries elements and the DRQ the peripheral elements that nurses do in their psychological distress. We analytically adequate results in the three belonging dimensions of social representations: the Subjectivity, the Intersubjectivity and Trans-subjectivity. We infer that the interpersonal relationship, the extra work, the deviation in the role of nurse show themself as the factors responsible for psychological distress of it. In that sense, the central core of SR of this profession is based on the level of trans-subjectivity and understood as a Social Representation controversy


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The Kangaroo Program was implemented in Brazil in 2000 through the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde SUS) sustained with a humanized rethoric of health care assistance. This program adopts the skin-to-skin contact contributing to the mother-infant bond, breastfeeding and promoting security in mother s care. The users of SUS are encouraged to live in the maternity ward to follow the baby health improvement. However, it was verified in previous observations that mothers participation in the Kangaroo Program has been done through an imposed practice. Therefore, this study intended to understand the texts that permeate the kangaroo practice. This research was developed through two studies: 1) an historic exploration of motherhood concept and an analysis of how the motherhood is presented in the official document that orients the program; 2) an analysis of institutional dynamic of Kangaroo Program, emphasizing the study about the health workers everyday practice, the mothers view about their life in the maternity wards, and the attendance practice. It is highlighted that the relation between this two studies allowed the comprehension abouthow the official discourses can influence the health workers behaviors and how their viewpoint and position can shape the everyday work in a public health program. This research, supported by Institutional Ethnography, considers that people s practices and experiences are socially organized and shaped by broad social forces. The discourse method was used in the documental analysis and in the analysis of qualitative data from empiric research. The research showed that the kangaroo program has been an excellent way to save resources and to improve some baby s biologic and psychological aspects. However, this program has failed to consider the social, economic and cultural complexity of mothers and the structural limitation of the health care system. The official document uses the economic and medical approach, following the hegemonic biomedical model and the life style of the people that don t use the public health system. Consequently, the program has not been successful because it is planned without people participation. On the other hand, it was verified that although some professionals are committed with their work, the mainly does not consider mothers participation as an active process, using the institutional power as a social control to keep mothers uninformed about the possibility to leave the maternity wards. As a result, the research also showed that mothers perceive the program as mandatory and not as option that can improve pleasure moments. It is, therefore, necessary to consider the complex social determinants of health that can increase mothers participation in the Kangaroo Program. Bringing these issues into debate can be a reflective exercise on citizenship and governance, allowing spaces for the improvement of public health programs


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Purpose: assess the frequency of stress and anxiety levels in infertile women, correlate these aspects with risk factors and qualitatively analyze feelings resultant from the inability to conceive, in order to obtain data for specific psychological guidance. Methods: the case-control study included a total of 302 women, 152 being infertile (case group: 30.3 ± 5.4 years), and 150 non-fertile (control group: 25.7 ± 7.9 years). The quantitative approach involved the application of Lipp s Stress Symptoms Inventory (LSSI) and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), whereas the qualitative approach consisted of a semi-structured interview. Response variables considered were: stress frequency and anxiety scores (State and Trait). Statistical analysis compared frequencies and medians between groups, by means of qui-squared and Mann-Whitney tests, respectively, and constructed logistical regression models to test associations between response variables and risk factors considered. Qualitative data were analyzed descriptively and categorized in order to perform correspondence analysis. The level of significance was 5%. Results: in the study sample, stress frequency was higher in the case group than in the control(61.8 and 36.0%, respectively), however, significant differences were not observed between groups in relation to stress phases and predominant symptomology type. With respect to anxiety, there were no significant differences between case and control groups as to median state scores [39.5 (35.0 46.0) and 41.0 (35.7 47.0 ); respectively) and anxiety trait scores [44.0 (34.0 51.0) and 42.0 (36.0 49.2); respectively). Risk factors significantly associated with greater risk for high anxiety scores in the case group were: primary infertility, unawareness of the causal factor, diagnostic phase investigation, religion, lack of children from other marriages and the fact that the woman was previously married. The qualitative approach demonstrated that infertility provokes emotional responses, such as sadness, anxiety, anger, fear and guilt. Conclusions: it can be concluded that infertile women are more vulnerable to stress; however, they are capable of adapting to stressful events without serious physical or psychological compromising


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In recent years, much has been discussed about global climate changes (GCCs), popularly known as global warming. The scientific evidences point out to the influence of human actions for its drastic intensification. Therefore, studies of the psychological aspects involved become relevant. This study aimed at the investigation of the views of adolescents concerning GCCs, and the possible relations between those views and their pro-ecological commitment. Such commitment is measured by willingness for engagement in pro-environmental behaviors; environmentalism attitudes, like ecocentric and anthropocentric; consideration of future consequences; and ecological worldviews. Participants were 348 adolescents who answered a questionnaire containing questions about socio-demographic data, open questions about the practice of environmental care, and about GCCs, and the scales of Ecocentric and Anthropocentric Environmentalism, the Consideration of Future Consequences and the Ecological Worldviews assessment scale. From the inter-relationships between variables, procedures carried out by means of descriptive and correlacional statistics, it was observed that 55% of teenagers said that they did not engage in actions of environmental care, which was associated with apathyanthropocentric, immediatism, and individualism. The consideration of future consequences joined the practice of environmental care, corroborating evidence from the literature. It was evident that views concerning GCCs were superficial; adolescents perceive it as a generic environmental problem, and are confused with other problems such as pollution. This study found no association between views about GCCs and the indicators of pro-ecological commitment, perhaps due to the conceptual confusion about the subject. However, the lack of environmental care actions and other indicators of non-commitment (apathy-anthropocentric, individualism and immediatism) were associated with conceptually poor or incomplete responses (with no indication of cause, consequence or responsibility for the problem), demonstrating diminished knowledge and the failure to consider these issues


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In the historical-cultural perspective, the drawing is processed by means of a shared and complex way, under diverse relations with the other and with the immersed signs of the culture. That is, something constituted by the social interactions and that can modify the structure of the psychological functions, therefore as socialized sign, propitiates the incorporation of the functions socially. In this way, the figuration carrier sensitive and established meanings historically disclosing the shared experiences and the ways of the subject to think and perceive the world. Such reflections gave shape to the main problem of this research: how to think over about the drawing at the school to incide in the reconstruction of the childs imaginative language? Under such perspective, this work deals with the interactions in the production process of the drawing of the children in a context of teach-Iearning of the elementary school having as goal to analyze the interactions established in the cIassroom in the process of production of the drawings; to propose situations of learnings that favor the advance graphical expression of the students; and to identify in the interactive games some relations between body expression and drawing. For its accomplishment, it was opted for the construction process based in the collaborative investigation by the fact to propitiate negotiations, sharing and confrontation of ideas, becoming possible a joint construction of the knowledge. For this research, the researcher and the collaborating teacher, as well as the involved children, become themselves into co-authors of the context studied. As locus of the research, it was chosen a first cycle class, with 30 students, from Municipal School Profª. Emília Ramos (Natal/RN - Brazil), whose election took in account the fact of this school to constitute in a promotional space of reflections and professional development of teachers in service and, at the same time, for presentinglimitations theoretic- methodological in the field of teaching for Arts. In the process of the research, it was perceived that the children with the support of the verbal language formulates meanings on the seen and imagined object, printing lines and forms that if overlap to the physiological aspects of the visual perception. That is, the drawing discloses a reality appraised, enriched for the picked up vision of the image, but the meanings established for the author, or observer who becomes it perceivable and identified. In the systemizing situations, it was observed that the teaching-Iearning process of the drawing, implies a co-construction between teachers and learners. And, moreover, the necessity to interlace emotion and cognition by means of plastic-corporal interactions that foment drawing experiences, whose process concurs for the imagenative reconstruct of the apprentices


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Analyzes the factors that unleash violence by banalization of the problems and health questions of workers in a federal public institution, in Natal/RN. It analyzes transformations in the world of the work, with its politic, social and economic determinatives and its relation to the worker health. Boarding the violence in the work enviroment and its implications to the worker health, focusing on the banalization of problems faced by the workers as a kind of violence in and with the work. It was chosen an analitic methodology with qualitative approach, through the collection tecnic and information analyzes according to the thematic oral history, with recorders of authorized personal narratives, through individual interview with a semi-structured guide. In the analyzis of results it were made empiric cathegories: the daily work enviroment and its influence to the worker profession and life; the violence presents in the work enviroment and its consequences to the worker life and health; the banalization of the social injustice, due to violence against the worker that broked their dreams concerned to the nursing contribution. The results revealed the ordinary work of these workers showing enviromental and organizational unhealthy conditions, caracterized by physical and tecnical insecurity; absence and disqualification of instrumental and human supplies; overload and complexity service; bad distribution of the duties and pressure to the deadline and productivity, producing tension, conflict and anxiety related to the users, colleagues, superiors and to the duties. In the work enviroment, it were identified a external violence, caracterized by physical and verbal aggresion, psychic suffering, worker depreciation; and internal, caracterized by: moral and psychological molestations and accupational structural violence. These kinds of violence bring consequences to the life, that is, professional, economic and moral order of factors and to the health by biological, mental and emocional factors. The banalization of social injustice during the daily work was discussed in the aspects of banalization of problems and work conditions, the health, qualification banalizations and professional valorization. The workers expectatives pointed out to the necessity of: secure conditions of work; trainning and tecnical assistance; politics of attention to the physical, mental and social health to the workers and their family. We conclude the enviromental and organizational conditions of the workers interviewed do not offer physical and tecnical security that they need to the execution of their activities, neither offer comfort or physical and psychological satisfactions. The politic the instituition has used points out to the depreciation and inhumanization of them producing feelings as unsatisfaction, frustation and indignation related to the institution and the work, bringing suffering and physical and mental sicking. We noticed the most terrible violence found in the work enviroment is the banalization of social injustice related do the problems and health of these workers, producing a slowly debility and simbolic death of their lifes. Therefore, it is necessary the implementation of a politic that promotes assurance, health and integral education, valorization and humanization of these workers


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Exploratory descriptive study, prospective with quantitative approach, performed in the nefrology outpatient service from the Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL), Natal/RN, aiming to identify aspects that concern Quality of Life (QOL) on transplanted and hemodialysis patients, as measured by WHOQOL-bref and describe the aspects that differentiate QL between the two groups as measured by the same instrument. The population was of 62 renal patients in hemodialysis and 58 transplantd, with data collected from february to march 2006. The instrument used was WHOQOL-bref, translated to and validated for Portuguese by the multicentric group of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Brazil. The results show predominance of the masculine gender both in the post-transplant group (55,17%), as well as in the hemodialysis group (51,61%); the age strip of 28 to 43 prevailed, among which were 53,45% transplanted and 48,99% hemodialysis patients; 79,93% of the hemodialysis patients and 62,07% of the transplanted were provenient from ouside the capital of the state; from the hemodialysis population, 59,68% were married, while among the transplanted 48,28% were single; 58,06% of the hemodialisys patients had 1 to 3 children, while the majority of the transplanted, 44,83%, had no children; regarding scholarity level on both groups, there was a predominance of incomplete fundamental school, representing 62,9% of the hemodialysis patients and 46,6% of the transplanted; regarding work status, 98,39% of those in hemodialysis informed not to be working, and the same applied to the transplanted, with 75,86%; regarding treatment time, most patients of both populations were in the 1- to 4-year interval, of which were 62,9% of the hemodialisys patients and 53,45% of the transplanted. The analysis of WHOQOL-bref reliability through Crobach s Alpha coefficient had a value of 0,8816, demonstrating good internal consistency for the instrument. Regarding description of QOL tests, the average scores of the post-transplant were (Q-1) 18,14 e (Q-2) 18,69, and 12,3 (Q-1) and 11,29 (Q-2) for the group in hemodialisys. Regarding the aspects that differentiate QOL on the two groups observed through average scores from the Domains: Physical, 15,91 for the post-transplant group and 12,71 for the hemodialisys group; Psychological, 16,75 for the post-transplant group and 14,84 for the hemodialisys group; Social Relations, 17,79 on the post-transplant group and 16,58 on the hemodialisys group; Environment, 14,16 on the post-transplant group and 12,38 on the hemodialisys group. On every evaluated item, the post-transplant group achieved higher scores when compared to the hemodialisys group. The diference in QOL for both populations was significant on all items evaluated with a p<0,005


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This Masters degree dissertation presents a research that aims at analyzing the activities regarding within a hotel managers work in Natal/RN - Brazil, This Masters degree dissertation presents the research that aims at analyzing the activities regarding the hotel managers work in Natal / RN - Brazil, performing diagnosis of their activities and relating the aspects that impact the quality and productivity of hotel services and managers occupational health. This research is characterized as a case study with a qualitative approach, taking the method of Ergonomic Work Analysis which is the analysis of the managers work activity as a reference to the focus; and combining the use of observational and interactional methods. Ergonomics and macroergonomics are used in this study not only to understand the physical, cognitive and organizational constraints of the manager s duties, but also to characterize the work organizational architecture and design of that hotel. High workload, accumulation of tasks and diversion of functions performed by managers were noticed, increasing thereby the physical and psychological suffering for them. It was found that the activity of managers is characterized by the ambivalence of power, limited autonomy, cooperation, interdependence between managers and the fear of incompetence. It was also noticed that managers devote more time to the day job (37%), another time to sleep (30%), while only 33% of the rest of the day are meant for activities like taking care of health, family, social life and study. Although there are few studies addressing the health and safety of hotel managers, this research revealed that 84% of the surveyed hotel managers complain of musculoskeletal pain which 50% are obese and are 100% sedentary. It was also observed that managers adopt unsuitable postures for carrying out the work activities that contribute to becoming injured or work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the near future. Ergonomic measures were recommended as an investment in the skills and the training of managers, encouraging cooperative work, appropriateness of workload, limiting overtime, preserving the enjoyment of breaks during work and weekly holidays, changing the layout of the work sector , usage of communication technology to prevent displacement, compensatory physical activities, furniture adaptation, among others


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The present study has the purpose of catching the significances of smoking in the social dinamics based on the Theory of Social Representations. It was developed among adults with ages from 20 to 59 years, low social and economic conditions, at Natal RN, Brazil. The Free-words Association Test was applied as the instrument of data collection and a semi-structured interview with the smokers and non-smokers, besides a structured interview with smokers, non-smokers and ex-smokers. All data was analyzed by the descriptive statistics using the Analysis of Content Technique of the thematic kind and by the softwares ALCESTE and EVOC 2000. Elaborations about smoking were marked by social, cultural and historical dimension, however they showed sensibility to changes and revealed positive and negative aspects of the habit. The analysis of the semi-structured interviews showed the following categories and under-categories respectively: Initiation of the habit (Friends and Family and Appreciation and Beauty); Psychosocial Implications of smoking (Personal relationship, Work and Financial); Behavior when facing smoking (Positive, Negative and Neutral); Smoking Effects (Smokers´ health and the other people health); Description about oral diseases ( Bad breath, Oral cancer and Dental problems); Smoking treatment (Physician and psychological, Supernatural and Difficulties). ALCESTE analysis presented 4 classes: Ambivalence between pleasure and get ill, Smoking as a trouble and danger to society, Social discrimination of smokers and Mouth as a place of reaffirmation of the discrimination. Those helped us to understand the psychosocial repercussion of the habit. On the social representation structure we identified as a probable central nucleus of the smoker group the categories Pleasure and Bad to the health and as peripheral elements Alcoholic Drink, Financial damage and Nervousness. For the non-smoker group the category Bad to the health comes first and Stop Smoking comes as a peripheral element. Finally, we hope that the knowledge of these representations can contribute to plan and/or to rethink over the professional practices and public policies related to smoking. Besides that, for an amplified comprehension of the study object the discussions over the identified representations should be deepen and amplified to other population and social groups


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The use and the demand for substances that enhance masculinity, strength and sexual power are not novel. Over the years, this search has assisted the research directions in this area, leading to the discovery of the primary male sex hormone testosterone in 1935. Since then, numerous testosterone analogue compounds were synthesized, which are generically called Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS). The AAS were produced for therapeutic purposes, but an increase in the use of these compounds for other purposes occurred over time. Initially they were used mainly to improve performance in athletes. However, recent studies have shown that the use of AAS by non-athletes with aesthetical purposes have been increasing as well. The abuse of AAS with non-clinical purposes can promote a number of physiological alterations, such as heart, liver, respiratory and psychological problems such as changes in mood, levels of anxiety and aggression. Exposure to supraphysiological doses of AAS is associated with behavioral changes, however, little is known about the effects of AAS on cognitive functions. In this work, we aimed to mimic the AAS abuse in humans with intramuscular administration of a supraphysiological dose of testosterone propionate (TP) in rats. We investigated the effects of this treatment on different aspects of cognitive function, specifically learning, memory and anxiety. Adult male Wistar rats were tested in the spontaneous alternation, novel object recognition and plus-maze discriminative avoidance tasks. The control group received intramuscular injections of vegetable oil (vehicle), and the TP group received injections of TP (10 mg/kg, i.m.). The injections were administered for 40 days, with intervals of 48 hours (chronic treatment) or in a single injection (acute treatment). In addition to the behavioral assessments, we performed biochemical analyzes as indicators of the endocrine effects of the treatment. Our results show that chronic treatment with a supraphysiological dose of TP caused memory impairments in the novel object recognition and the discriminative avoidance tasks. The spatial working memory (evaluated by spontaneous alternation task) was not affected. Also, we did not observe changes in anxiety levels. Regarding the biochemical parameters, chronic treatment increased serum levels of glutamicpyruvic transaminase, an indicator of hepatic and pancreatic lesions (as those observed after chronic use of these substances in humans). On the other hand, acute treatment with PT did not promote significant changes in any of these parameters when compared to the control group. In summary, we conclude that chronic treatment with a supraphysiological dose of testosterone propionate produces memory deficits in novel object recognition and retrieval of the discriminative avoidance task in adult male rats


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This work presents the processes and the results of a research concerning the affectivity in children suffering from the Down´s Syndrome (DS). The relevance of the study is justified due to the need of the development of researches, in the area of psychological evaluation of people who suffers from Down´s Syndrome (DS), that are backed by the use of appropriate instruments for such purpose. The thematic discussed focuses the characteristics of the affectivity of children suffering from Down´s Syndrome. Affectivity, conceptually, is considered a wide phenomenon, including several aspects such as emotions, passions, anxiety, anguish, sadness, happiness and even the pleasure sensations and pain. The general objective of the study consisted of investigating the manifestation of the affectivity in children and young with Down´s Syndrome and the parents´ and educators´ perception concerning the expression of the affectivity in the behavior and in the social activities. The specific objectives were: to identify the parents' perceptions about the several manifestations of indicative behaviors of affectivity; to verify in the social atmosphere, outside home, through the teachers' perception, the several forms and intensities of the expression of the affectivity; and, to make possible the use of the technique of Zulliger (Z-test) in people with Down´s Syndrome. 70 (seventy) children and young with Down´s Syndrome participated in the research, in the age group from 04 to 26 years old, which are attended by Institutions of Paraíba and of Rio Grande do Norte. The instruments used were two questionnaires, applied with the parents and teachers, and the projective technique, Z-test, applied, individually, with the children and young with Down´s Syndrome. For analysis of the data of the questionnaires, the program Trideux-Mots was used, with the intention of selecting the main outstanding words for the parents and teachers concerning the expression of the children's affectivity and young with Down´s Syndrome. For so much, it was organized a database that was processed by that program and, soon after, interpreted through the Factorial Analysis by Correspondence (AFC), looking for to clear the modalities of presented answers in an organized way, through a graph. The data of the Z-test were analyzed, taking in consideration the need to characterize the aspects of the affectivity and the elaboration of specific norms for this sample type, through normalized scores. In agreement with the data presented by Tri-deux-Mots, it was observed that in the affective behavior and in the relationship with the other, home and in the school, the children and young with Down´s Syndrome they express your affectivity through positive and negative characteristics, in the same way that any other child that doesn't have to syndrome. The Z-test made possible initial elements to work with that population, however it is necessary that grow other researches with the intention of investigating the reason of the answers they present not the specific categories that you/they are related to the affectivity, since it was well-known the diversity of affective characteristics presented by the researched group


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Currently, several psychological and non-psychological tests can be found in publishes without standardization on procedures set in different psychological areas, like intelligence, emotional states, attitudes, social skills, vocation, preferences and others. The computerized psychological testing is a extension of traditional testing psychological practices. However, it has own psychometrics qualities, either by its matching in a computerized environment or by the extension that can be developed in it. The current research, developed from a necessity to study process of validity and reliability on a computerized test, drew a methodological structure to provide parallel applications in numerous kinds of operational groups, evaluating the influences of the time and approach in the computerization process. This validity refers to normative values groups, reproducibility in computerized applications process and data processing. Not every psychological test can be computerized. Therefore, our need to find a good test, with quality and plausible properties to transform in computerized application, leaded us to use The Millon Personality Inventory, created by Theodore Millon. This Inventory assesses personality according to 12 bipolarities distributed in 24 factors, distributed in categories motivational styles, cognitive targets and interpersonal relations. This instrument doesn t diagnose pathological features, but test normal and non adaptive aspects in human personality, comparing with Theodore Millon theory of personality. In oder to support this research in a Brazilian context in psychological testing, we discuss the theme, evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of such practices. Also we discuss the current forms in computerization of psychological testing and the main specific criteria in this psychometric specialized area of knowledge. The test was on-line, hosted in the site http://www.planetapsi.com, during the years of 2007 and 2008, which was available a questionnaire to describe social characteristics before test. A report was generated from the data entry of each user. An application of this test was conducted in a linear way through a national coverage in all Brazil regions, getting 1508 applications. Were organized nine groups, reaching 180 applications in test and retest subject, where three periods of time and three forms of retests for studies of on-line tests were separated. Parallel to this, we organized multi-application session offline group, 20 subjects who received tests by email. The subjects of this study were generally distributed by the five Brazilian regions, and were noticed about the test via the Internet. The performance application in traditional and on-line tested groups subsidies us to conclude that on-line application provides significantly consistency in all criteria for validity studied and justifies its use. The on-line test results were related not only among themselves but were similar to those data of tests done on pencil and paper (0,82). The retests results demonstrated correlation, between 0,92 and, 1 while multisessions had a good correlation in these comparisons. Moreover, were assessed the adequacy of operational criteria used, such as security, the performance of users, the environmental characteristics, the organization of the database, operational costs and limitations in this on-line inventory. In all these five items, there were excellent performances, concluding, also, that it s possible a self-applied psychometric test. The results of this work are a guide to question and establish of methodologies studies for computerization psychological testing software in the country


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In Brazilian scene the child labor is a serious and relevant theme regarding issues that involve infancy, arousing the interest and concerning of public and private institutions, and organized civil society. Thus, the child labor is forbidden by the law, considered that the child worker have a distinguished life experience, especially because it is demanded them the early mature of some skill, generating implications on their physical, emotional, cognitive, social and psychological development. Observing those issues, we proposed think the child labor, over and above those considered the worst forms of one and more found in literature, what lead us to think the child labor in the advertising. In that way, this research aimed to investigate the insertion and development conditions of children who work in advertisements, and the possible effects on their lives in the face of that insertion. Participated of this study: three advertising agencies, six video producers companies, one child model s agent and five children with their respective families. Those children were four boys and two girls, with ages between seven and eleven years old, which one that have accomplished four or more advertisements, in Natal city, Rio Grande do Norte. Based on social-historical perspective, we used the semi-structured interview as methodological instrument, which underlays the comprehension of the data obtained in field research processes. This study revealed that when children are inserted in the advertising activities they are submitted to irregular and adverse work situations, what occurs in others productive activities mentioned in the literature. The data still exposed that the family is the main responsible to the children insertion in the advertisement work; moreover, there is an ambiguousness of wishes in relation of that activity. On the other hand, we realized that the legal content concerning to the child labor forbidding, carries contradictory aspects in face of the ECA s 149 article, that one, under some conditions, allows that a child take part in the activities of advertising context. This highlights the necessity of a rigorous evaluation of the children insertion in the advertising, in order to ensure the whole children and adolescents protection. This study put in evidence the complexity that involves the child labor in this context, mainly, due to the exposition and manipulation of the childish image on the media. Besides, we understand that the discussion on this subject should be stimulated and, therefore, enlarged this on over and above those considered the worst forms of child labor


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The importance of identifying the consequence of the hours worked on people in society has been well recognized within Organizational and Work Psychology. From this point of view, the present research had the objective of analysing the effects of work regimes on the mental health of petroleum operators of Petrobrás. The sample totaled 144 subjects, corresponding to 27% of the work population. The mental health of the participants was evaluated using the following instruments of measurement: QSG-12, Scale of self-esteem, Scale of Positive and Negative Affections and the Scale of Valuable Attributes of IMST, each representing an empirical factor used to indicate and measure the five dimensions of mental health. The subjects perceptions of their work regime and the rest of their conditions of work were evaluated using scales of descriptive attributes of IMST, by applying a semi-structured questionnaire and by use of interviews. A socio-demographic file was used to collect information related to the biographical and socio-occupational profile of the worker sample. The answers to the questionnaire were inserted into the data bank of SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science), for statistical analysis, and the interviews were analised based on the technique of Contents Analysis recommended by Bardin (1995). The main results revealed that one third of the worker sample were tense; however, the mental health of the majority was preserved. Cluster Analysis applied to the group of seven factors which measured the five dimensions of mental health identified four profiles of psychological well-being shared between members of the sample. It was observed that the people working in the system of Continuous Shift Alternation (TIR) and in the system of Pre-advising tended to present balanced and satisfactory profiles, while the ones which worked in the Administrative Field tended to present anxious and oscillating profiles, and thus were more affected psychologically. These were also the ones that also perceived the more negative aspects of their laborious conditions (reduced chances of self-improvement, physically stressful and financial resources below expectations with which to supply family and personal necessities. In agreement with the ecological model formulated by Warr (1987), the present study concluded that the positive and negative effects on the psychological well-being tended to occur as a consequence of the perceptions the petrol operators developed to face their work conditions