9 resultados para Voip,PJSIP,Android,ABPS.

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This work deals with experimental studies about VoIP conections into WiFi 802.11b networks with handoff. Indoor and outdoor network experiments are realised to take measurements for the QoS parameters delay, throughput, jitter and packt loss. The performance parameters are obtained through the use of software tools Ekiga, Iperf and Wimanager that assure, respectvely, VoIP conection simulation, trafic network generator and metric parameters acquisition for, throughput, jitter and packt loss. The avarage delay is obtained from the measured throughput and the concept of packt virtual transmition time. The experimental data are validated based on de QoS level for each metric parameter accepted as adequated by the specialized literature


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New versions of SCTP protocol allow the implementation of handover procedures in the transport layer, as well as the supply of a partially reliable communication service. A communication architecture is proposed herein, integrating SCTP with the session initiation protocol, SIP, besides additional protocols. This architecture is intended to handle voice applications over IP networks with mobility requirements. User localization procedures are specified in the application layer as well, using SIP, as an alternative mean to the mechanisms used by traditional protocols, that support mobility in the network layer. The SDL formal specification language is used to specify the operation of a control module, which coordinates the operation of the system component protocols. This formal specification is intended to prevent ambiguities and inconsistencies in the definition of this module, assisting in the correct implementation of the elements of this architecture


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The present work aims to demonstrate the link of the principle of efficiency - as expressed in the Constitution of 1988, by Constitutional Amendment No. 19 - with regulatory agencies, more specifically the ANATEL (National Telecommunications Agency). It also includes this principle’s importance to regulation - to monitor and manage public services - as well as when an activity will be considered efficient, keeping in mind that agencies are subjected to other principles of public administration. The increasing use of telephony has enabled further development of technologies that provide improvements in the provision of this service. The VoIP (Voice over IP), is nothing more than a technological breakthrough that directly targets the providers of conventional telephone service, both by modifying the business working for a long time with the same technology as the amount of new competitors’ dispute on market share. It also analyses the difficulty of understanding and definition of what is VoIP telephony, its growth and the threats that the traditional and mostly which is ANATEL’s role concerning this telephony technology. As regulator of the telecommunications service, ANATEL not yet regulated the voice telephony service using the IP protocol. What looks over the years is that ANATEL exercise its regulatory function to provide better conditions for competition among providers of VoIP and traditional telephone companies, obviously some difficulties are expected, given that VoIP is a technology that provides two services, through conventional telephony and using the internet.


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Given the growing demand for the development of mobile applications, driven by use increasingly common in smartphones and tablets grew in society the need for remote data access in full in the use of mobile application without connectivity environments where there is no provision network access at all times. Given this reality, this work proposes a framework that present main functions are the provision of a persistence mechanism, replication and data synchronization, contemplating the creation, deletion, update and display persisted or requested data, even though the mobile device without connectivity with the network. From the point of view of the architecture and programming practices, it reflected in defining strategies for the main functions of the framework are met. Through a controlled study was to validate the solution proposal, being found as the gains in reducing the number of lines code and the amount of time required to perform the development of an application without there being significant increase for the operations.


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Given the growing demand for the development of mobile applications, driven by use increasingly common in smartphones and tablets grew in society the need for remote data access in full in the use of mobile application without connectivity environments where there is no provision network access at all times. Given this reality, this work proposes a framework that present main functions are the provision of a persistence mechanism, replication and data synchronization, contemplating the creation, deletion, update and display persisted or requested data, even though the mobile device without connectivity with the network. From the point of view of the architecture and programming practices, it reflected in defining strategies for the main functions of the framework are met. Through a controlled study was to validate the solution proposal, being found as the gains in reducing the number of lines code and the amount of time required to perform the development of an application without there being significant increase for the operations.


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Avaliação de usabilidade é um processo importante durante o desenvolvimento de um software, seja ele para um sistema web ou mobile. No caso de um sistema mobile, o custo é bastante oneroso, tanto no que se refere à mão de obra especializada, como de recursos tecnológicos utilizados, tornando essa avaliação de usabilidade ainda mais importante. Além disso, as versões webdos sistemas SIG da UFRN já estão consolidadas e com uma grande aceitação, fazendo com que suas versões mobile tenham, ainda mais, a preocupação de lançar um produto de boa qualidade para manter essa credibilidade dos sistemas SIG , tanto na UFRN, como nas demais instituições que utilizam esses sistemas. Com este trabalho, buscou-se identificar algumas diretrizes de interface que possam ser utilizadas no processo de desenvolvimento dos sistemas SIG Mobile, mais especificamente o SIGAA Mobile, de modo a facilitar o desenvolvimento de novas funcionalidades voltadas para estes sistemas. Para isso, foi realizada uma avaliação de usabilidade no Portal do Aluno do SIGAA Mobile Android, tomando como base padrões de interface já existentes na literatura. Posteriormente, foi aplicado um questionário com os usuários do sistema para coletar as opiniões e sugestões dos mesmos. De posse de todos esses dados coletados, foi possível definir algumas diretrizes de interface a serem seguidas como recomendações no processo de desenvolvimento dos sistemas SIG Mobile.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de interfaces com o usuário para aplicativo móvel smartphones com intuito de contribuir para a eficiência das atividades de profissionais e pesquisadores da área de fisioterapia ao oferecer suporte ao acompanhamento clínico da dor no tratamento de pacientes fibromiálgicos. Utilizando a abordagem de Design Centrado no Usuário - DCU, foram realizadas entrevistas e uma investigação contextual para a identificação inicial dos problemas e necessidades dos usuários. Verificou-se que as atividades de monitoramento e acompanhamento das sessões do tratamento de pacientes fibromiálgicos são, tradicionalmente, realizadas por meio de manipulando de formulários e fichas em papel (registro das condições de saúde do paciente) e escalas de classificação da dor em formato impresso (apresentadas ao paciente para indicação de sua dor percebida para cada ponto pré-determinado do corpo). Os procedimentos envolvidos nestas atividades dificultam o gerenciamento do desempenho do tratamento, o que, segundo relatos, reflete no comprometimento dos pacientes na adesão e frequência as sessões. A partir da observação e do levantamento das necessidades desses profissionais diante de suas atividades, foi proposto um aplicativo para smartphone com a intenção de minimizar os problemas ocasionados pelo uso das ferramentas convencionais e de prover informações rápidas acerca dos dados coletados. Então, seguindo a abordagem do DCU foi elaborado um modelo conceitual durante a etapa de concepção de soluções, o qual guiou a criação dos protótipos. A avaliação das interfaces do protótipo foi realizada com o envolvimento dos usuários a partir da técnica de avaliação cooperativa. Seus resultados proporcionaram o refinamento das interfaces e o desenvolvimento de uma nova proposta do design das interfaces em protótipo de alta fidelidade, produzido para o ambiente Android. Assim, esse trabalho faz parte do processo de desenvolvimento de um produto de software personalizado com foco na concepção e avaliação das interfaces com o usuário. Por meio da metodologia aplicada, observaram-se indícios os quais sugerem que as interfaces propostas apresentaram-se como um recurso facilitador e capaz de contribuir para eficiência das atividades no acompanhamento do tratamento de pacientes fibromiálgicos


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This dissertation describes the use of new Technologies of the Areas of Telecommunications, Networks and Industrial Automation for increase of the Operational Safety and obtaining of Operational Improvements in the Platforms Petroliferous Offshore. The presented solution represents the junction of several modules of these areas, making possible the Supervision and Contrai of the Platforms Petroliferous Offshore starting from an Station Onshore, in way similar to a remote contral, by virtue of the visualization possibility and audition of the operational area through cameras and microphones, looking the operator of the system to be "present" in the platform. This way, it diminishes the embarked people's need, increasing the Operational Safety. As consequence, we have the obtaining of Operational Improvements, by virtue of the use of a digital link of large band it releases multi-service. In this link traffic simultaneously digital signs of data (Ethernet Network), telephony (Phone VoIP), image and sound


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior