46 resultados para Unidades de terapia intensiva pediátrica

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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O objetivo do nosso projeto foi determinar as características dos recém nascidos com crises convulsivas internados em unidades de terapia intensiva. Foi realizada uma pesquisa multicêntrica, observacional, prospectiva, cuja população alvo foi os recém nascidos com crises convulsivas internados em unidades de terapia intensiva, envolvendo equipe multidisciplinar constituída por neurologista infantil, neonatologistas, intensivistas pediátricos, enfermeiros, técnicos de enfermagem e fisioterapêutas. As crises foram definidas pelo critério clínico, com classificação de Volpe. Variáveis relacionadas à gestação, ao parto, características dos recém nascidos, aspectos das crises convulsivas e mortalidade foram analisadas. Estatística: descritiva (freqüências, medidas de tendência central e dispersão) e análise (teste de probabilidade, teste de risco e de acurácia). Comparamos as crises clínicas entre os recém nascidos de termo e pretermo e observamos diferenças com significância estatística na idade de início das crises, mais tardia nos prematuros, na etiologia predominante: hemorragia peri-intraventricular no prematuro e encefalopatia hipóxico-isquêmica no termo e tipo clínico de crise, clônica no pretermo e sutil no termo. Os testes de acurácia utilizados para determinar se o tipo clínico de crise convulsiva é predictor da etiologia da mesma não revelaram resultados positivos. Quanto às características associadas à mortalidade de prematuros com crise convulsiva, observamos associação entre ventilação mecânica e pneumonia com a mortalidade. Existem diferenças clínicas quando comparamos os recém nascidos pretermo e de termo com crises convulsivas, confirmando dados da literatura


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It is a descriptive-exploratory research, with a quantitative approach, aiming to characterize typical occupational accident suffered by the professionals from nursery group, in the Intensive Care Units and Emergency in a hospital in Natal-RN, trying to identify the factors that contribute to those accidents; to identify some information taken by those professionals related to the accident risks; to know the procedures taken after each accident. This sample is composed by 176 professionals that are 44 nurses and 132 nursing technicians/auxiliaries, collected from March to April 2010. The results related to the personal characterization of the nursery group showed that 31 (18.61%) are between the 36-40 years of age; 148 (84.09%) females and 96 (55.68%) had finished High School. Related to the professional characterization, 53 (30.11%) are nurses, and 123 (69.88%) nursing technicians and auxiliaries; 44 (25.00%) are working as nurses, and 132 (75.00%) as nursing technicians and auxiliaries; 45 (25.56%) are working in the nursery area between 15 to 20 years and 11 months; 53 (30.11%) are in this institution between 10 to 14 years and 11 months; 79 (44.88%) work in the ICU; 55 (31.25%) are working in this area from 1 to 4 years and 11 months; 110 (62.50%) like to work in this area; 161 (91.47%) work 30 to 40 hours per week; 90 (51,13%) have another employment. Related to knowledge about typical occupational accident, 167 (94.88%) said they know about it; 96 (54.54%) know the accident rules; 103 (58.52%) think it is important to talk about this subject in the nursery courses; 92 (52.27%) said this subject is important to be discussed in the work and 372 (87.73%) think education is necessary to reduce accident. Related to the data about accidents, 104 (59.09%) have suffered typical occupational accident, among them 69 (39.20%) have suffered it once; 47 (36.19%) did not register any accident; 60 (57.69%) were caring some patient during the accident; 47 (45.19%) of them occurred in the ICU; 50 (48.07%) professionals were working during the night period; 69 (66.34%) have suffered perforation; 86 (82.69%) had upper limbs affected; 64 (61.53%) were affected by needle; about the reason of the accident, 89 (60.54%) said it occurred due to carelessness. Related to the accident evolution, 88 (85.57%) did not need to remain off work after accident; 13 (81.25%) remained off work during 15 days; 87 (83.65%) had no sequelae and for 101 (97.11%) it was not necessary rehabilitation. We conclude that typical occupational accident can occur with young workers who admit a knowledge about the subject, however they do almost nothing to prevent it. We believe this research has contributed to the characterization of this kind of accident suffered by the nursery group of a public hospital in Natal, and it can stimulate the creation and reformulation of personal protection against typical occupational accident suffered by nursery professionals


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The reports of adverse events date from 1990 up to the present day. Conceptually, these adverse events are unintentional injuries unrelated to the underlying disease, causing measurable lesions in patients, extending the period of hospitalization, or leading to death. These issues require discussions with regard to patient safety, improved quality of service, and preventing medical errors. In the Intensive Care Units, this concern is greater because these are sectors of intensive care to individuals with hemodynamic changes and imminent risk of death. Therefore, it is essential to conduct evaluation processes to investigate aspects of quality of nursing care and patient safety in these spaces. For that reason, we aimed to propose the Evaluation protocol of nursing care and patient safety in Intensive Care Units. For its achievement, we needed to: 1) analyze the evolution of the patient safety concept used in scientific productions, under Rodgers evolutionary concept; 2) identify the necessary items to build the evaluation protocol of nursing care and patient safety in the Intensive Care Unit, from the available evidence in literature; 3) construct an instrument for content validation of the evaluation protocol of nursing care and patient safety in the Intensive Care Unit; and 4) describe and evaluate the appropriateness of the content for an evaluation protocol of nursing care and patient safety in the Intensive Care Unit. This is a methodological study for the content validation of the abovementioned protocol. To meet the first three specific objectives, we used the integrative literature review in Theses Database of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel and the portal of the Collaborating Centre for Quality of Care and Patient Safety. The fourth specific objective happened through the participation of judges, located from the Lattes curricula, in the content validation process developed in two stages: Delphi 1 and Delphi 2. As instrument, we used the electronic form of Google docs. We present in tables the answers from the evaluation instruments by Delphi consensus and Content Validity Index (CVI) of the entire protocol. We summarized the results in articles entitled Analysis of the patient safety concept: Rodgers evolutionary concept ; Scientific evidence regarding patient safety in the Intensive Care Unit ; Technological device for the content validation process: experience report ; and Evaluation protocol of nursing care and patient safety in Intensive Care Units. The Embodied Opinion of the Research Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, No. 461,246, under CAAE 19586813.2.0000.5537, approved the study. Thus, we conclude the protocol valid in its content, constituting an important tool for evaluating the quality of nursing care and patient safety in Intensive Care Units


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The tales of children's literature, in their plots, mark existential dilemmas belonging in human‟s lives, such as death, situations of separation, loss, abandonment, fear, challenges, achievements and other elements that make them suitable material to assist children in their developmental process. Such elements, present in children‟s storybooks, are close to the experiences lived by the children in the context of hospitalization in a special manner. With that said this study focus on the understanding of the therapeutic possibilities of the tales of children's literature in the care of hospitalized children in Pediatric Intensive Care Units (UTIPED) based on the Heidegger's concept of Care and adopting the Phenomenology as the method. The UTIPED of a state public hospital located in the municipality of Natal/RN was elected as the study site and four hospitalized children aged between six and nine years, all males, presenting different clinical conditions were selected to participate in the study following age and clinical conditions as the selective criteria. The procedure of corpus construction included eight individual sessions of storytelling accompanied by the use of ludic resources. The phenomenological understanding about the therapeutic possibilities of tales was structured under three main elements: (1) the ludic axis; (2) the reflective axis; and (3) the affective axis. The appropriateness of the proposed therapy in the context of the UTIPED and the potential of the tales as a protection factor to the child was evident. The storytelling activity framed a scenario of care unusual in the context of intensive care units, establishing a symbolic space for children‟s expression. Therefore, this study indicates this therapeutic proposal for children‟s care in the UTIPED that considers their evolutionary stage, their clinical conditions at the time and especially their emotional needs during their immersion in a diverse and foreign environment which is filled with potentially harmful elements to their full development.


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Introduction: Population aging in Brazil underscores the need to discuss the proper management of the budget allocated in health field, especially in the sectors of high complexity, where coexist costly procedures, limited resources and the need for cost containment. In the other hand, demand is growing in a way directly proportional to the increase in the number of elderly in country. Objective: In this way, this research had as main objective to analyze the costs resulting from the admission of elderly in intensive care units (ICU) and its associated factors. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach and featured as a descriptive and exploratory research. Data were collected from medical records of elderly hospitalized in ICU from a brazilian city called Natal-RN, between november first, 2013 and january, 31 of 2014. The variables collected relate to the socio demographic profile, morbidity framework and characterization of hospitalization. The dependent variable was categorized by quartile 75 in high and low expense of hospitalization and submitted to chi-square test with the independent variables of the survey. Associations with p value <0.20 in the bivariate analysis were submitted to the technique of multiple logistic regression. We opted for the construction of three regression models from the above algorithm: general regression model, composed by all 493 hospitalizations in the study, other made with 181 individuals admitted in health public system (SUS) and a third one related to 312 cases from private service in health area. Results: In the general regression model, the variables respiratory diseases, hospitalizations in the private system, disoriented patient and previous stroke were associated with greater probability of high spending in the ICU. In the other hand, in SUS kind of hospitalizations, this probability was associated with disoriented patient, 80 years old or more, sepsis and admission for clinical reason. In the cases from the private network health, the high expenditure was associated with respiratory disease, mechanical ventilation, hospitalization for clinical reason and disoriented patients. Conclusion: The increased expenditure on hospitalization of elderly in intensive care depends on the clinical conditions of individuals. This highlights the importance of avoiding hospitalizations due to diseases sensitive to primary care by health preventive actions and providing comprehensive care to the elderly. In addition, obtaining different explanatory models, according to kind hospital funding, demonstrates the importance of the organization in health services related to composition of costs of hospitalization among the elderly. Another question founded was the need that to improve the funding, we must use rationally the available resources by avoiding unnecessary hospitalizations of elderly people in the extremes of severity. On this kind of precarious funding, ICU hospitalization of elderly non-critical or in a terminal state can compromise the quality of services provided to those who really need intensive care.


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Technological advances combined with healthcare assistance bring increased risks related to patient safety, causing health institutions to be environments susceptible to losses in the provided care. Sectors of high complexity, such as Intensive Care Units have such characteristics highlighted due to being spaces designed for the care of patients in serious medical condition, when the use of advanced technological devices becomes a necessity. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess nursing care from the perspective of patient safety in intensive care units. This is an evaluative research, which combines various forms of data collection and analysis in order to conduct a deepened investigation. Data collection occurred in loco, from April to July 2014 in hospitals equipped with adult intensive care unit services. For this, a checklist instrument and semi-structured interviews conducted with patients, families, professionals were used in order to evaluate the structure-process-outcome triad. The instrument for nursing care assessment regarding Patient Safety included 97 questions related to structure and processes. Interviews provided data for outcome analysis. The selection of interviewees/participants was based on the willingness of potential participants. The following methods were used to collect data resulting from the instrument: statistical analysis of inter-rater reliability measure known as kappa (K); observations from judges resulting from the observation process; and added information obtained from the literature on the thematic. Data analysis from the interviews was carried out with IRAMUTEQ software, which used Descending Hierarchical Classification and Similarity analysis to aid in data interpretation. Research steps followed the ethical principles presented by Resolution No. 466 of December 12, 2012, and the results were presented in three manuscripts: 1) Evaluation of patient safety in Intensive Care Units: a focus on structure; 2) Health evaluation processes: a nursing care perspective on patient safety; 3) Patient safety in intensive care units: perception of nurses, family members and patients. The first article, related to the structure, refers to the use of 24 items of the employed instrument, showing that most of the findings were not aligned with the adequacy standards, which indicates poor conditions in structures offered in health services. The second article provides an analysis of the pillar of Processes, with the use of 73 items of the instrument, showing that 50 items did not meet the required standards for safe handling due to the absence of adequate scientific guidance and effective communication in nursing care process. For the third article, results indicate that intensive care units were safe places, yet urges for changes, especially in the physical structure and availability of materials and communication among professionals, patients and families. Therefore, our findings suggest that the nursing care being provided in the evaluated intensive care units contains troubling shortcomings with regards to patient safety, thereby evidencing an insecure setting for the assistance offered, in addition to a need for urgent measures to remedy the identified inadequacies with appropriate structures and implement protocols and care guidelines in order to consolidate an environment more favorable to patient safety.


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COMASSETTO, Isabel, ENDERS, Bertha Cruz. Fenômeno vivido por familiares de pacientes internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem., Porto Alegre(RS), v.30,n., p.46-53. Mar. 2009. Disponivel em: < http://www.seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/RevistaGauchadeEnfermagem/search/results>.


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The environment of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is commonly referred to as a place where caring is inextricably linked to high technology. The care in ICU often changes the patient into a taxpayer being left apart from its complexity and sometimes seen through a reductionist perspective. Thus, studies circa the care process are needed oriented from a historical ransom, raising the prospect of a more centralized human care. Hence, this study aimed to analyze the care process in a nursing intensive care unit from the perspective of the professional, family and patients. The study is characterized from a qualitative, descriptive and exploratory methodological approach. The actors were participating nursing professionals, patients and family members of an intensive care unit of Mossoró / RN. Data were collected in the period of May-June 2011, through interviews and observation of activities performed by nursing professionals, and their records in the chart. Data analysis was divided into topics and subtopics representing the phases and shapes that formed the collection. The analysis and discussion of the interviews were based on Bardin's proposal, when we created categories from a process of sorting and grouping criteria adequately defined. The observation of nursing records intended to observe the emphasis which is described in those notes as well as their consistency with practice of FCN and resolution 358/2009. The analysis showed that the nursing staff also performs work focused on mechanized activities and technical-bureaucratic institution that seem to override the needs of patients. In an overview, the care provided by professionals occurs either fragmented or insipient, however there is a service that involves other aspects beyond technical-curative practice, considering that major attention is given to the family and patient, focused on the concern of Nursing guiding their actions in not only the performance of procedures. However, the process of humanizing not always ends with an engagement between professional and patient, which mischaracterizes the true meaning of human care. The records also showed a tendency to focus on caring in a positivist line, where, in most cases, the factors of the disease and the obligation to meet the productivity have overshadowed other relevant aspects to a holistic understanding of caring. Regarding FCN Resolution No. 358/2009, which guides a systematization of nursing care, it is confirmed a technical view, a fragmented and superficial view of the patient, as well as a weakness of care, caused by ignorance and unpreparedness of the entire team. The perspective of caring demonstrates a reality with dialectic between what is proposed in a humane nursing and what happens in this performance space. Besides, it was shown a daily full of important considerations that arise in professional practice, in their views and also those people who were participants in the process


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In recent decades, the search for quality care has been widely discussed by the institutions and health professionals. In this context, it is the nurse coordinator of the process of providing nursing staff, reflecting the commitment to quality of care. In this process, it is the appearance of Infections Related to health care and its potential association with the workload in nursing as a valuable indicator of quality of care. Thus, this research contributes to studies to characterize the demand of nursing work to promote a safe healthcare practice. This study aimed to identify the association of nursing workload with the number of cases of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia, urinary tract infection and central venous catheter infection in the intensive care unit. This is a quantitative research approach, descriptive, cross-sectional and prospective, held at Unimed Hospital in Natal-RN. The study population consisted of all patients treated in the Intensive Care Unit, Hospital for a period of 90 consecutive days in 2011. The convenience sample was compostapelos patients admitted to the ICU during the period of data collection, a total sample of 286 patients. To perform the data analysis software were used: Statistica 6.0, SPPS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) version 17.0 (2004) and Excel 2007. In the descriptive analysis, we used Measures of Central Tendency and Measures of Dispersion or Variability and the use of nonparametric tests. Of the 286 patients, 88 were from the ICU and 198 ICU II II. Males predominated in the ICU I (51.1%) and female ICU II (57.6%) patients in the ICU I were aged 61-80 years (39.8%) followed by greater than 80 years (39.8%). In the ICU II, most of the patients were aged 61-80 years (38.9%) and then from 41 to 60 years (24.2%). In relation to the class of TISS inlet predominant class II in the two ICUs (59.1%), followed by Class III also in the two units (34.6%). Most patients (70.6%) out of the ICUs belonging to class II TISS. In the ICU I, the average number of forms of the TISS 28 was 6, has in ICU II this value drops to 3.2 forms. The overall mean was 19.9 TISS points in ICU patients I and ICU II.the 17 points in the average hours required to provide adequate nursing care to patients in the ICU I found that is 10 , 7 hours, and the ICU II 9.2 hours. It was found that the time provided by the nursing staff were higher in ICU II, with an average of 19 hours available for nurses in this sector. In the ICU I, which showed higher need of available hours, it was found that the mean value of 12.7 available hours. It was found that only 2.4% of patients had these units Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia, 1.0% were infected central venous catheter and 1.4% of patients had urinary tract infection. Infection associated with health care occurs, on average, on the tenth day of hospitalization. In the ICU II, this average value extends to the twelfth day with an excess of 2.7 hours of nursing care while in ICU I value decays to the ninth day of hospitalization with a deficiency of 12-hour assistance. It is concluded that patients generally showed a need for classification of semi-intensive care and has been assisted in their need to load. As for his association with the Related Infections Health will assist this analysis could not be performed due to the small number of notifications in this period. It is suggested further study how other factors related to infections me a longer period of analysis


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Since the publication of the report "To Err is Human" by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) , which estimated that between 44.000 to 98.000 Americans die annually as a result of errors in health care, patient safety spent gaining prominence, emerging studies assess the safety culture by measuring the safety climate. In this context, the aim of this study was to identify safety culture perceived by nursing professionals working in the intensive care unit of a maternity school in Natal/RN through the Security Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ). This was a descriptive study, cross-sectional and quantitative approach undertaken in the Intensive Care Unit Maternal and Neonatal a maternity school in Natal/RN. The project was submitted to and approved by Brazil Platform Zip/UFRN under number 309 540 and CAAE 16489713.7.0000.5537. It was used to collect data two instruments: a questionnaire in order to collect socio-demographic data of the subjects and the Questionário Atitudes de Segurança , a cultural adaptation to Portuguese of the instrument of the World Health Organization titled Safety Attitudes Questionnaire - (SAQ ) Short Form 2006. The collected data were analyzed quantitatively by the organization in electronic databases in Microsoft Excel 2010 spreadsheet and exported to statistical software for free access to be coded, tabulated and analyzed using descriptive statistics. The study included a total of 50 nurses, 31 and 19 of the NICU Maternal ICU, predominantly female, mean age 35 years, median time of 10 years training and working in maternity, mostly, less than 05 anos. As a result, two articles were produced. The first refers to the first two domains of the instrument entitled "climate of teamwork" and "climate security" . The scores of the two areas were slightly higher in Maternal ICU compared to the NICU, but no sector has reached the ideal minimum score of 75: in the first domain Maternal ICU had an average of 74.77, with medians of 75 and 100, while Neonatal ICU reached an average of 69.61 with median also 75 and 100, while the second field means were 69.35 and 66.01 for Maternal and Neonatal ICUs respectively, with a median of 100 in the two sectors. The second article relates to the field "Perception Management Unit and Hospital", which 9 assessed the perception of management units and motherhood by professionals. In general, the items of the domain in question also obtained scores below the ideal minimum: 63.68 to 51.02 and maternal ICU for neonatal, featuring a clear separation between the management and the professionals who work in direct care. These findings indicate a warning sign for the institution and point to the need to implement actions aimed at patient safety


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Dry eye syndrome is a multifactorial disease of the tear film, resulting from the instability of the lacrimal functional unit that produces volume change, up or tear distribution. In patients in intensive care the cause is enhanced due to various risk factors, such as mechanical ventilation, sedation, lagophthalmos, low temperatures, among others. The study's purpose is to build an assessment tool of Dry Eye Severity in patients in intensive care units based on the systematization of nursing care and their classification systems. The aim of this study is to build an assessment tool of Dry Eye Severity in hospitalized patients in Care Unit Intensiva.Trata is a methodological study conducted in three stages, namely: context analysis, concept analysis, construction of operational definitions and magnitudes of nursing outcome. For the first step we used the methodological framework for Hinds, Chaves and Cypress (1992). For the second step we used the model of Walker and Avant and an integrative review Whitemore seconds, Knalf (2005). This step enabled the identification of the concept of attributes, background and consequent ground and the construction of the settings for the result of nursing severity of dry eye. For the construction of settings and operational magnitudes, it was used Psicometria proposed by Pasquali (1999). As a result of context analysis, visualized from the reflection that the matter should be discussed and that nursing needs to pay attention to the problem of eye injury, so minimizing strategies are created this event with a high prevalence. With the integrative review were located from the crosses 19 853 titles, selected 215, and from the abstracts 96 articles were read in full. From reading 10 were excluded culminating in the sample of 86 articles that were used to analyze the concept and construction of settings. Selected articles were found in greater numbers in the Scopus database (55.82%), performed in the United States (39.53%), and published mainly in the last five years (48.82). Regarding the concept of analysis were identified as antecedents: age, lagophthalmos, environmental factors, medication use, systemic diseases, mechanical ventilation and ophthalmic surgery. As attributes: TBUT <10s, Schimer I test <5 mm in Schimer II test <10mm, reduced osmolarity. As consequential: the ocular surface damage, ocular discomfort, visual instability. The settings were built and added indicators such as: decreased blink mechanism and eyestrain.


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The patient safety is a major concern in health services for its global dimension, as evidenced by the fragility of care processes that predispose an occurrence of adverse events. These events in a neonatal intensive care unit are considered serious and hazardous to lives of newborns. The present study aimed to identify and analyze adverse events in a neonatal intensive care unit based in Trigger Tool. It is an epidemiological, cross-sectional , exploratory, retrospective study with quantitative, descriptive and analytical approach, performed in 2015 at a school hospital. The sample was not probabilistic, involving 116 newborns who met the eligibility criteria. Data collection was performed by retrospective review of medical records, using a specific kind of "trigger" instrument, composed of sentinel events in neonatology, adapted from the American model used by the Vermont-Oxford Network. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The chi-square test for linear trend was used to assess the associations between the variables of interest. The research received a favorable agreement from Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under number 1055533, and Presentation Certificate for Ethics Assessment 43894515.6.0000.5537. The results show among investigated newborns, 110 experienced at least one adverse event during their stay, with a total of 391 medical records analyzed and rate of 3.37 events per patient. Prevailed the preterm newborns with low birth weight, from mother who had hypertensive diseases during pregnancy and urinary tract infection. The average hospitalization time was 25 days, associated with hospital-acquired infections events (p = 0.01). Among the identified adverse events stood out the events related to thermoregulation disorders (39.0%), with prevalence of hypothermia (26.0%), followed by health care-related infections (16.4%) and blood glucose disorders, hypoglycemia (9.00%) and hyperglycemia (6.64%). Most of these incidents were classified in categories E and F, which represents that there was damage small proportion. Due to these damages come from the care practice with newborn, 78% were classified as avoidable. There was statistically significant association between the variable birth weight with infections (p = 0.006) as well as peri/intraventricular bleeding (p = 0.02), hypoglycemia (p = 0.021), hyperglycemia (p = 0.001), hyperthermia (p = 0.39) and death (p=0,02). Gestational age was associated with seizures (p = 0.002), hyperglycemia (p=0.017) e hyperthermia (p=0.027). The security institution culture was reported by the health workers as intermediate, even though the number of adverse events found in only one unit of service indicates that there is much to be done. Thus the high rate of adverse events identified in the neonatal intensive care unit reinforces the necessity to elaborate specific preventive strategies for this risk environment.


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The patient safety is a major concern in health services for its global dimension, as evidenced by the fragility of care processes that predispose an occurrence of adverse events. These events in a neonatal intensive care unit are considered serious and hazardous to lives of newborns. The present study aimed to identify and analyze adverse events in a neonatal intensive care unit based in Trigger Tool. It is an epidemiological, cross-sectional , exploratory, retrospective study with quantitative, descriptive and analytical approach, performed in 2015 at a school hospital. The sample was not probabilistic, involving 116 newborns who met the eligibility criteria. Data collection was performed by retrospective review of medical records, using a specific kind of "trigger" instrument, composed of sentinel events in neonatology, adapted from the American model used by the Vermont-Oxford Network. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The chi-square test for linear trend was used to assess the associations between the variables of interest. The research received a favorable agreement from Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, under number 1055533, and Presentation Certificate for Ethics Assessment 43894515.6.0000.5537. The results show among investigated newborns, 110 experienced at least one adverse event during their stay, with a total of 391 medical records analyzed and rate of 3.37 events per patient. Prevailed the preterm newborns with low birth weight, from mother who had hypertensive diseases during pregnancy and urinary tract infection. The average hospitalization time was 25 days, associated with hospital-acquired infections events (p = 0.01). Among the identified adverse events stood out the events related to thermoregulation disorders (39.0%), with prevalence of hypothermia (26.0%), followed by health care-related infections (16.4%) and blood glucose disorders, hypoglycemia (9.00%) and hyperglycemia (6.64%). Most of these incidents were classified in categories E and F, which represents that there was damage small proportion. Due to these damages come from the care practice with newborn, 78% were classified as avoidable. There was statistically significant association between the variable birth weight with infections (p = 0.006) as well as peri/intraventricular bleeding (p = 0.02), hypoglycemia (p = 0.021), hyperglycemia (p = 0.001), hyperthermia (p = 0.39) and death (p=0,02). Gestational age was associated with seizures (p = 0.002), hyperglycemia (p=0.017) e hyperthermia (p=0.027). The security institution culture was reported by the health workers as intermediate, even though the number of adverse events found in only one unit of service indicates that there is much to be done. Thus the high rate of adverse events identified in the neonatal intensive care unit reinforces the necessity to elaborate specific preventive strategies for this risk environment.


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COMASSETTO, Isabel, ENDERS, Bertha Cruz. Fenômeno vivido por familiares de pacientes internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem., Porto Alegre(RS), v.30,n., p.46-53. Mar. 2009. Disponivel em: < http://www.seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/RevistaGauchadeEnfermagem/search/results>.


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To characterize patients according to gender, age category, internment time, diagnostical hypothesis and location of the pressure ulcer; to identify the susceptibility conditions, intrinsical and extrinsical factors present on ICU patients and to verify on the existence of association between the susceptibility conditions and the intrinsecal and extrinsecal factors on the occurrence of PU. Methods: It is a descriptive study, of longitudinal design of the panel type, with quantitative approach, performed on two ICU s of a private hospital located in Natal/RN, with 40 patients interned at these units. The data collection was performed on all three shifts through a structured observation and physical exam of the patients' skin form seeking to identify the presence of PU. Results: The greatest occurence of PU was on individuals of the male gender (70%) when compared to the female gender (30%), that difference being statistically significant (p=0,0267), with the male gender presenting 4,3 times greater chance of developing PU than the female; the predominant age category was from 60 years of age on (85%), 60,0% presented 1 to 2 PU s after 7 (seven) days of permanence in the ICU s, the predominant diagnostical hypothesis on the patients with PU were the respiratory diseases (42,3%) and the most frequent locations of PU were the sacral region (40,0%) and heels (36,0%). 25 PU s of stage I were diagnosed on 50,0% of the followed patients, with general incidence of 50,0% on both ICUs. from the 88 variables researched, 75 were identified on the patients from the study, being the predominant conditions (anemia, hypotension, leukocytosis, other diseases hypertension blood pressure, cardiac insuffience, pneumonia - and ansiolythic), the intrinsecal factors (diminished muscular strenght and/or mass, discrete edema, totally compromised mobile coordination and total inability for movement on the bed) and the extrinsecal factors (inadequate mattress type, permanence on a single position for >2 hours, shearing/friction force, bed clothes with folds that leave marks on the body, pressure force) predominated on patients with PU. The male gender variables (p=0,0267,OR=4,3), sedation (p=0,0006,OR=4,1), psychomotive agitation (p=0,0375,OR=5,8) and leukocytosis (p=0,0285,OR=5,0) presented a significant statistical diference when analyzed independently. We verified an association of 17,3%, statistically significant (p=0,0384), between the susceptibility conditions (anemia, leukocytosis and hypotension), the intrinsecal factors (age equal or above 60 years, diminished/absent pain sensibility and smooth, fine or delicate skin) and the extrinsecal factors (inadequate mattress, pressure forces, shearing/friction force, permanence on a single position for more than 2 hours, elevation between 30 to 45 degrees and inadequate bed clothes' conditions), with a chance ratio of 4,6 times the risk of occurrence of PU on the patients that presented the referred association. Conclusion: The incidence of PU detected on the ICU-interned patients was high and we made evident the existence of association between the susceptibility conditions, the intrinsecal and extrinsecal factors on the occurrence of PU s on the ICUinterned patients, and thus we accept the alternative hypothesis proposed on the study