8 resultados para Three-state Potts model

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The usual Ashkin-Teller (AT) model is obtained as a superposition of two Ising models coupled through a four-spin interaction term. In two dimension the AT model displays a line of fixed points along which the exponents vary continuously. On this line the model becomes soluble via a mapping onto the Baxter model. Such richness of multicritical behavior led Grest and Widom to introduce the N-color Ashkin-Teller model (N-AT). Those authors made an extensive analysis of the model thus introduced both in the isotropic as well as in the anisotropic cases by several analytical and computational methods. In the present work we define a more general version of the 3-color Ashkin-Teller model by introducing a 6-spin interaction term. We investigate the corresponding symmetry structure presented by our model in conjunction with an analysis of possible phase diagrams obtained by real space renormalization group techniques. The phase diagram are obtained at finite temperature in the region where the ferromagnetic behavior is predominant. Through the use of the transmissivities concepts we obtain the recursion relations in some periodical as well as aperiodic hierarchical lattices. In a first analysis we initially consider the two-color Ashkin-Teller model in order to obtain some results with could be used as a guide to our main purpose. In the anisotropic case the model was previously studied on the Wheatstone bridge by Claudionor Bezerra in his Master Degree dissertation. By using more appropriated computational resources we obtained isomorphic critical surfaces described in Bezerra's work but not properly identified. Besides, we also analyzed the isotropic version in an aperiodic hierarchical lattice, and we showed how the geometric fluctuations are affected by such aperiodicity and its consequences in the corresponding critical behavior. Those analysis were carried out by the use of appropriated definitions of transmissivities. Finally, we considered the modified 3-AT model with a 6-spin couplings. With the inclusion of such term the model becomes more attractive from the symmetry point of view. For some hierarchical lattices we derived general recursion relations in the anisotropic version of the model (3-AAT), from which case we can obtain the corresponding equations for the isotropic version (3-IAT). The 3-IAT was studied extensively in the whole region where the ferromagnetic couplings are dominant. The fixed points and the respective critical exponents were determined. By analyzing the attraction basins of such fixed points we were able to find the three-parameter phase diagram (temperature £ 4-spin coupling £ 6-spin coupling). We could identify fixed points corresponding to the universality class of Ising and 4- and 8-state Potts model. We also obtained a fixed point which seems to be a sort of reminiscence of a 6-state Potts fixed point as well as a possible indication of the existence of a Baxter line. Some unstable fixed points which do not belong to any aforementioned q-state Potts universality class was also found


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High-precision calculations of the correlation functions and order parameters were performed in order to investigate the critical properties of several two-dimensional ferro- magnetic systems: (i) the q-state Potts model; (ii) the Ashkin-Teller isotropic model; (iii) the spin-1 Ising model. We deduced exact relations connecting specific damages (the difference between two microscopic configurations of a model) and the above mentioned thermodynamic quanti- ties which permit its numerical calculation, by computer simulation and using any ergodic dynamics. The results obtained (critical temperature and exponents) reproduced all the known values, with an agreement up to several significant figures; of particular relevance were the estimates along the Baxter critical line (Ashkin-Teller model) where the exponents have a continuous variation. We also showed that this approach is less sensitive to the finite-size effects than the standard Monte-Carlo method. This analysis shows that the present approach produces equal or more accurate results, as compared to the usual Monte Carlo simulation, and can be useful to investigate these models in circumstances for which their behavior is not yet fully understood


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Brazil since its first republican constitution has adopted systems of laws control. The review activity was given to three state powers or functions state, Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. However, it appears that in the country along the constitutional history, has stood considerably the jurisdictional control of the most important control. Initially, back in 1891, Brazil adopted the jurisdictional control of diffuse from U.S, whose role in monitoring of standards is delivered to all organs of the judiciary, which may face a case, put on trial, ascertain whether or not the possibility of applying a law, removing its impact in case of unconstitutionality. In 1969, entered in the second legal model of judicial review, the concentrated control of constitutionality, whose inspiration comes from the positivist theory of Hans Kelsen, and was adopted by the Austrian Constitution of 1920. According to the abstract control the supervision of law is given to a Court or Constitutional Court, responsible for the analysis of the legal constitutionality independent of its application to a specific case. In Brazil the role of concentrated control was handed over exclusively to the Supreme Court, which serves as the Constitutional Court, which accumulates that function with other constitutionally provided jurisdiction. Throughout this period, from 1891 until today, Brazil has maintained a dual system of judicial control of legal constitutionality, where they coexist and harmonize the diffuse control exercised by any organ of the Judiciary, and concentrated control of competence the Supreme Court. However, one must recognize that with the advent of the Federal Constitution of 1988, the concentrated control has emerged on the national stage due to two important factors: the expansion of the legal capacity to sue and the inclusion of other ways control, besides the already known Direct Claim of Unconstitutionality. This concentrated control and projection of the Supreme Court s attempt to become a true constitutional court, led to a relative weakening of diffuse control even when performed by the Brazilian Constitutional Court. In order to become a true constitutional court, all decisions handed down by the Supreme in the exercise of constitutional jurisdiction should have the same weight and the same measure, or at least bring improvement to similar effects, once is the responsible for the final word when it comes to constitutional interpretation. Thus, the writs of certiorari and stare decisis were responsible for profound changes in the diffuse control, allowing the Supreme Court can strengthen its decisions even in the diffuse control. These two institutions have substantially changed the legal status of diffuse control, allowing an extension of the effects of decisions handed down by the Supreme Court, so that you can no longer be said that the effects of this control to restrict the disputing parties in the process


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This work intends to analyze the behavior of the gas flow of plunger lift wells producing to well testing separators in offshore production platforms to aim a technical procedure to estimate the gas flow during the slug production period. The motivation for this work appeared from the expectation of some wells equipped with plunger lift method by PETROBRAS in Ubarana sea field located at Rio Grande do Norte State coast where the produced fluids measurement is made in well testing separators at the platform. The oil artificial lift method called plunger lift is used when the available energy of the reservoir is not high enough to overcome all the necessary load losses to lift the oil from the bottom of the well to the surface continuously. This method consists, basically, in one free piston acting as a mechanical interface between the formation gas and the produced liquids, greatly increasing the well s lifting efficiency. A pneumatic control valve is mounted at the flow line to control the cycles. When this valve opens, the plunger starts to move from the bottom to the surface of the well lifting all the oil and gas that are above it until to reach the well test separator where the fluids are measured. The well test separator is used to measure all the volumes produced by the well during a certain period of time called production test. In most cases, the separators are designed to measure stabilized flow, in other words, reasonably constant flow by the use of level and pressure electronic controllers (PLC) and by assumption of a steady pressure inside the separator. With plunger lift wells the liquid and gas flow at the surface are cyclical and unstable what causes the appearance of slugs inside the separator, mainly in the gas phase, because introduce significant errors in the measurement system (e.g.: overrange error). The flow gas analysis proposed in this work is based on two mathematical models used together: i) a plunger lift well model proposed by Baruzzi [1] with later modifications made by Bolonhini [2] to built a plunger lift simulator; ii) a two-phase separator model (gas + liquid) based from a three-phase separator model (gas + oil + water) proposed by Nunes [3]. Based on the models above and with field data collected from the well test separator of PUB-02 platform (Ubarana sea field) it was possible to demonstrate that the output gas flow of the separator can be estimate, with a reasonable precision, from the control signal of the Pressure Control Valve (PCV). Several models of the System Identification Toolbox from MATLAB® were analyzed to evaluate which one better fit to the data collected from the field. For validation of the models, it was used the AIC criterion, as well as a variant of the cross validation criterion. The ARX model performance was the best one to fit to the data and, this way, we decided to evaluate a recursive algorithm (RARX) also with real time data. The results were quite promising that indicating the viability to estimate the output gas flow rate from a plunger lift well producing to a well test separator, with the built-in information of the control signal to the PCV


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In this work we study the phase transitions of the ferromagnetic three-color Ashkin-Teller Model in the hierarquical lattice generated by the Wheatstone bridge using real space renormalization group approach. With such technique we obtain the phase diagram and its critical points with respective critical exponents v. This model presents four phases: ferromagnetic, paramagnetic and two intermediates. Nine critical points were found, three of which are of Ising model type, three are of four states Potts model type, one is of eight states Potts model type and the last two which do not correspond to any Potts model with integer number of states. iv


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Creativity is a skill found in all individuals and one of the strategies used to intensify it is through the application of creativity techniques. In order to propose a new technique for generating new crafts product ideas, this dissertation, which is part of a research project of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, through action research, intervened in three state communities artisans - Lajes Pintada, Massaranduba and Vera Cruz - to develop the artisans creative potential. Based on the techniques studied in the literature, we selected three techniques for interventions, composing two dynamics - one to improve features and functionalities of existing products, with the technique of SCAMPER; and the other to generate ideas for creating new products, with techniques Listing and Random Words / Figures. These latter techniques were not satisfactory in its objective by presenting constraints, not covered in the description, for the participant group. Thus, it was necessary to propose a new technique for the same purpose, the technique CREATION Clarify technique, Realized creativity, Explain, Apply for word, Think fast, Interpret, Organize ideas, Now evaluate, composed of twelve steps. To use the new technique requires that it be used by a dynamic that takes into account three phases: Planning, Application and Analysis. In the new technique application were generated around 30 ideas, regarded as new, in six sessions, from test pilot to interventions in artisans communities


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Most algorithms for state estimation based on the classical model are just adequate for use in transmission networks. Few algorithms were developed specifically for distribution systems, probably because of the little amount of data available in real time. Most overhead feeders possess just current and voltage measurements at the middle voltage bus-bar at the substation. In this way, classical algorithms are of difficult implementation, even considering off-line acquired data as pseudo-measurements. However, the necessity of automating the operation of distribution networks, mainly in regard to the selectivity of protection systems, as well to implement possibilities of load transfer maneuvers, is changing the network planning policy. In this way, some equipments incorporating telemetry and command modules have been installed in order to improve operational features, and so increasing the amount of measurement data available in real-time in the System Operation Center (SOC). This encourages the development of a state estimator model, involving real-time information and pseudo-measurements of loads, that are built from typical power factors and utilization factors (demand factors) of distribution transformers. This work reports about the development of a new state estimation method, specific for radial distribution systems. The main algorithm of the method is based on the power summation load flow. The estimation is carried out piecewise, section by section of the feeder, going from the substation to the terminal nodes. For each section, a measurement model is built, resulting in a nonlinear overdetermined equations set, whose solution is achieved by the Gaussian normal equation. The estimated variables of a section are used as pseudo-measurements for the next section. In general, a measurement set for a generic section consists of pseudo-measurements of power flows and nodal voltages obtained from the previous section or measurements in real-time, if they exist -, besides pseudomeasurements of injected powers for the power summations, whose functions are the load flow equations, assuming that the network can be represented by its single-phase equivalent. The great advantage of the algorithm is its simplicity and low computational effort. Moreover, the algorithm is very efficient, in regard to the accuracy of the estimated values. Besides the power summation state estimator, this work shows how other algorithms could be adapted to provide state estimation of middle voltage substations and networks, namely Schweppes method and an algorithm based on current proportionality, that is usually adopted for network planning tasks. Both estimators were implemented not only as alternatives for the proposed method, but also looking for getting results that give support for its validation. Once in most cases no power measurement is performed at beginning of the feeder and this is required for implementing the power summation estimations method, a new algorithm for estimating the network variables at the middle voltage bus-bar was also developed


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The pumping through progressing cavities system has been more and more employed in the petroleum industry. This occurs because of its capacity of elevation of highly viscous oils or fluids with great concentration of sand or other solid particles. A Progressing Cavity Pump (PCP) consists, basically, of a rotor - a metallic device similar to an eccentric screw, and a stator - a steel tube internally covered by a double helix, which may be rigid or deformable/elastomeric. In general, it is submitted to a combination of well pressure with the pressure generated by the pumping process itself. In elastomeric PCPs, this combined effort compresses the stator and generates, or enlarges, the clearance existing between the rotor and the stator, thus reducing the closing effect between their cavities. Such opening of the sealing region produces what is known as fluid slip or slippage, reducing the efficiency of the PCP pumping system. Therefore, this research aims to develop a transient three-dimensional computational model that, based on single-lobe PCP kinematics, is able to simulate the fluid-structure interaction that occurs in the interior of metallic and elastomeric PCPs. The main goal is to evaluate the dynamic characteristics of PCP s efficiency based on detailed and instantaneous information of velocity, pressure and deformation fields in their interior. To reach these goals (development and use of the model), it was also necessary the development of a methodology for generation of dynamic, mobile and deformable, computational meshes representing fluid and structural regions of a PCP. This additional intermediary step has been characterized as the biggest challenge for the elaboration and running of the computational model due to the complex kinematic and critical geometry of this type of pump (different helix angles between rotor and stator as well as large length scale aspect ratios). The processes of dynamic generation of meshes and of simultaneous evaluation of the deformations suffered by the elastomer are fulfilled through subroutines written in Fortan 90 language that dynamically interact with the CFX/ANSYS fluid dynamic software. Since a structural elastic linear model is employed to evaluate elastomer deformations, it is not necessary to use any CAE package for structural analysis. However, an initial proposal for dynamic simulation using hyperelastic models through ANSYS software is also presented in this research. Validation of the results produced with the present methodology (mesh generation, flow simulation in metallic PCPs and simulation of fluid-structure interaction in elastomeric PCPs) is obtained through comparison with experimental results reported by the literature. It is expected that the development and application of such a computational model may provide better details of the dynamics of the flow within metallic and elastomeric PCPs, so that better control systems may be implemented in the artificial elevation area by PCP