9 resultados para Terremotos-Alcoi

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Throughout its history the population of the region of Mato Grande, which includes the city of João Câmara, in Rio Grande do Norte, was subject to earthquakes. These events are caused by a geological fault, known as fault Samambaia. In the 1980s there was an intensification of this phenomenon culminating in an earthquake 5.1 on the Richter scale in the early hours of November 30, 1986, causing researchers from Brazil and other countries to shift to the region to conduct research in Seismology. During this period there was a strong interaction between scientists and local people. With the aim of studying how people experienced that moment that marked the history of the city of João Câmara, from interviews with some individuals who witnessed the incident, is that this research was developed. Taking as a theoretical approach to Science, Technology and Society (STS), aimed to thus carry the theme in a systematic way to the classroom, promoting ways to help teachers with the scientific training and guidance to students in case of occurrence of earthquakes


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This study was conducted from a preliminary research to identify the conceptual and didactic approach to the logarithms given in the main textbooks adopted by the Mathematics teachers in state schools in the School of Natal, in Rio Grande do Norte. I carried out an historical investigation of the logarithms in order to reorient the math teacher to improve its educational approach this subject in the classroom. Based on the research approach I adopted a model of the log based on three concepts: the arithmetic, the geometric and algebraic-functional. The main objective of this work is to redirect the teacher for a broad and significant understanding of the content in order to overcome their difficulties in the classroom and thus realize an education that can reach the students learning. The investigative study indicated the possibility of addressing the logarithms in the classroom so transversalizante and interdisciplinary. In this regard, I point to some practical applications of this matter are fundamental in the study of natural phenomena as earthquakes, population growth, among others. These practical applications are connected, approximately, Basic Problematization Units (BPUs) to be used in the classroom. In closing, I offer some activities that helped teachers to understand and clarify the meaningful study of this topic in their teaching practice


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico


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In this dissertation it was studied the rupture characteristic of earthquakes of the Town of Cascavel CE, Northeastern Brazil. Located on the border of the Potiguar Basin, the Town of Cascavel is one of the most seismically active intraplate areas in the country. In this town, on November 20th, 1980 a 5,2mb earthquake occurred. This was the largest earthquake ever reported in Northeast Brazil. Studies of this region using instruments were possible after 1989, with several campaigns being done using seismographic networks. From the beginning of the monitoring to April 2008 more than 55,000 events were recorded. With the data collected by a network with six 3-components digital seismographic stations during the campaigns done from September 29th, 1997 to March 5th, 1998, estimates of source parameters were found fitting the displacement spectra in the frequency domain for each event. From the fitting of the displacement spectra it was possible to obtain the corner frequency ( ) c f and long period amplitude ( ) W0 . Source parameters were determined following Brune (1970) and Madariaga (1976) models. Twenty-one seismic events were analyzed (0.7 £ £ 2.1) b m in order to estimate the source dimension (r ), seismic moment ( ) M0 , static stress drop (Ds ), apparent stress ( ) a s , seismic energy ( ) S E and moment magnitude ( ) W M for each of the events. It was observed that the ratio between radiated seismic energy and moment seismic (apparent stress) increases with increasing moment and hence magnitude at the observed range. As suggested by Abercrombie (1995), also in this work there is a breakdown in the scaling for earthquakes with magnitudes smaller than three ( < 3.0) W M , so that the rupture physics is different for larger events. If this assumption is valid, the earthquakes analyzed in this work are not selfsimilar. Thus, larger events tend to radiated more energy per unit area than smaller ones.


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Ambient seismic noise has traditionally been considered as an unwanted perturbation in seismic data acquisition that "contaminates" the clean recording of earthquakes. Over the last decade, however, it has been demonstrated that consistent information about the subsurface structure can be extracted from cross-correlation of ambient seismic noise. In this context, the rules are reversed: the ambient seismic noise becomes the desired seismic signal, while earthquakes become the unwanted perturbation that needs to be removed. At periods lower than 30 s, the spectrum of ambient seismic noise is dominated by microseism, which originates from distant atmospheric perturbations over the oceans. The microsseism is the most continuous seismic signal and can be classified as primary – when observed in the range 10-20 s – and secondary – when observed in the range 5-10 s. The Green‘s function of the propagating medium between two receivers (seismic stations) can be reconstructed by cross-correlating seismic noise simultaneously recorded at the receivers. The reconstruction of the Green‘s function is generally proportional to the surface-wave portion of the seismic wavefield, as microsseismic energy travels mostly as surface-waves. In this work, 194 Green‘s functions obtained from stacking of one month of daily cross-correlations of ambient seismic noise recorded in the vertical component of several pairs of broadband seismic stations in Northeast Brazil are presented. The daily cross-correlations were stacked using a timefrequency, phase-weighted scheme that enhances weak coherent signals by reducing incoherent noise. The cross-correlations show that, as expected, the emerged signal is dominated by Rayleigh waves, with dispersion velocities being reliably measured for periods ranging between 5 and 20 s. Both permanent stations from a monitoring seismic network and temporary stations from past passive experiments in the region are considered, resulting in a combined network of 33 stations separated by distances between 60 and 1311 km, approximately. The Rayleigh-wave, dispersion velocity measurements are then used to develop tomographic images of group velocity variation for the Borborema Province of Northeast Brazil. The tomographic maps allow to satisfactorily map buried structural features in the region. At short periods (~5 s) the images reflect shallow crustal structure, clearly delineating intra-continental and marginal sedimentary basins, as well as portions of important shear zones traversing the Borborema Province. At longer periods (10 – 20 s) the images are sensitive to deeper structure in the upper crust, and most of the shallower anomalies fade away. Interestingly, some of them do persist. The deep anomalies do not correlate with either the location of Cenozoic volcanism and uplift - which marked the evolution of the Borborema Province in the Cenozoic - or available maps of surface heat-flow, and the origin of the deep anomalies remains enigmatic.


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This thesis presents and discusses the results of ambient seismic noise correlation for two different environments: intraplate and Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The coda wave interferometry method has also been tested for the intraplate data. Ambient noise correlation is a method that allows to retrieve the structural response between two receivers from ambient noise records, as if one of the station was a virtual source. It has been largely used in seismology to image the subsurface and to monitor structural changes associated mostly with volcanic eruptions and large earthquakes. In the intraplate study, we were able to detect localized structural changes related to a small earthquake swarm, which main event is mR 3.7, North-East of Brazil. We also showed that the 1-bit normalization and spectral whitening result on the loss of waveform details and that the phase auto-correlation, which is amplitude unbiased, seems to be more sensitive and robust for our analysis of a small earthquake swarm. The analysis of 6 months of data using cross-correlations detect clear medium changes soon after the main event while the auto-correlations detect changes essentially after 1 month. It could be explained by fluid pressure redistribution which can be initiated by hydromechanical changes and opened path ways to shallower depth levels due to later occurring earthquakes. In the Mid-Atlantic Ridge study, we investigate structural changes associated with a mb 4.9 earthquake in the region of the Saint Paul transform fault. The data have been recorded by a single broadband seismic station located at less than 200 km from the Mid-Atlantic ridge. The results of the phase auto-correlation for a 5-month period, show a strong co-seismic medium change followed by a relatively fast post-seismic recovery. This medium change is likely related to the damages caused by the earthquake’s ground shaking. The healing process (filling of the new cracks) that lasted 60 days can be decomposed in two phases, a fast recovery (70% in ~30 days) in the early post-seismic stage and a relatively slow recovery later (30% in ~30 days). In the coda wave interferometry study, we monitor temporal changes of the subsurface caused by the small intraplate earthquake swarm mentioned previously. The method was first validated with synthetics data. We were able to detect a change of 2.5% in the source position and a 15% decrease of the scatterers’ amount. Then, from the real data, we observed a rapid decorrelation of the seismic coda after the mR 3.7 seismic event. This indicates a rapid change of the subsurface in the fault’s region induced by the earthquake.


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This thesis presents and discusses the results of ambient seismic noise correlation for two different environments: intraplate and Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The coda wave interferometry method has also been tested for the intraplate data. Ambient noise correlation is a method that allows to retrieve the structural response between two receivers from ambient noise records, as if one of the station was a virtual source. It has been largely used in seismology to image the subsurface and to monitor structural changes associated mostly with volcanic eruptions and large earthquakes. In the intraplate study, we were able to detect localized structural changes related to a small earthquake swarm, which main event is mR 3.7, North-East of Brazil. We also showed that the 1-bit normalization and spectral whitening result on the loss of waveform details and that the phase auto-correlation, which is amplitude unbiased, seems to be more sensitive and robust for our analysis of a small earthquake swarm. The analysis of 6 months of data using cross-correlations detect clear medium changes soon after the main event while the auto-correlations detect changes essentially after 1 month. It could be explained by fluid pressure redistribution which can be initiated by hydromechanical changes and opened path ways to shallower depth levels due to later occurring earthquakes. In the Mid-Atlantic Ridge study, we investigate structural changes associated with a mb 4.9 earthquake in the region of the Saint Paul transform fault. The data have been recorded by a single broadband seismic station located at less than 200 km from the Mid-Atlantic ridge. The results of the phase auto-correlation for a 5-month period, show a strong co-seismic medium change followed by a relatively fast post-seismic recovery. This medium change is likely related to the damages caused by the earthquake’s ground shaking. The healing process (filling of the new cracks) that lasted 60 days can be decomposed in two phases, a fast recovery (70% in ~30 days) in the early post-seismic stage and a relatively slow recovery later (30% in ~30 days). In the coda wave interferometry study, we monitor temporal changes of the subsurface caused by the small intraplate earthquake swarm mentioned previously. The method was first validated with synthetics data. We were able to detect a change of 2.5% in the source position and a 15% decrease of the scatterers’ amount. Then, from the real data, we observed a rapid decorrelation of the seismic coda after the mR 3.7 seismic event. This indicates a rapid change of the subsurface in the fault’s region induced by the earthquake.


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The seismic activity in the Northeastern of Brazil has been a constant target of study, since it is the most active region of the country. However, some areas have their earthquakes related to human action, what means they are induced. The Açu dam is a classic example of reservoir-induced seismicity and it has been the subject of several studies. Recently, after a considerable period of inactivity, the LabSis / UFRN recorded events related to the dam, which led to the installation of a network around the reservoir. From the data provided by this network, it was observed that the seismic activity is related to a new epicental area inside the lake. The epicentral parameters and the focal mechanism were determined. It was found that the events were related to the reactivation of a basement structure in a new seismogenic subvertical fault with NE-SW-striking subparallel to the São Rafael Fault. These results were used in the preparation of a scientific paper, which discussed the relationship between this seismicity with the geology of the region and with the reservoir water level. The paper showed that the diffusion of pore pressure was the main mechanism that controlled the triggering of the induced seismicity at the reservoir.


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The seismic activity in the Northeastern of Brazil has been a constant target of study, since it is the most active region of the country. However, some areas have their earthquakes related to human action, what means they are induced. The Açu dam is a classic example of reservoir-induced seismicity and it has been the subject of several studies. Recently, after a considerable period of inactivity, the LabSis / UFRN recorded events related to the dam, which led to the installation of a network around the reservoir. From the data provided by this network, it was observed that the seismic activity is related to a new epicental area inside the lake. The epicentral parameters and the focal mechanism were determined. It was found that the events were related to the reactivation of a basement structure in a new seismogenic subvertical fault with NE-SW-striking subparallel to the São Rafael Fault. These results were used in the preparation of a scientific paper, which discussed the relationship between this seismicity with the geology of the region and with the reservoir water level. The paper showed that the diffusion of pore pressure was the main mechanism that controlled the triggering of the induced seismicity at the reservoir.