146 resultados para Terapia pelo movimento

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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COMASSETTO, Isabel, ENDERS, Bertha Cruz. Fenômeno vivido por familiares de pacientes internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem., Porto Alegre(RS), v.30,n., p.46-53. Mar. 2009. Disponivel em: < http://www.seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/RevistaGauchadeEnfermagem/search/results>.


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A partir de um conjunto de dados obtidos em pesquisa, o texto deseja salientar uma face pouco examinada pelos estudiosos do espiritismo no Brasil: aquela dos grupos espíritas que cultuam extraterrestres. Examina a narrativa Rebelião de Lúcifer, escrita pelo médium potiguar Jan Val Ellam. Sustenta que esta atualiza noções importantes em relação a narrativas de salvação anteriores construídas pelo espiritismo. Destaca em especial o aprimoramento racial e moral através da reencarnação em distintos corpos humanos e em diferentes planetas. Examina-os a partir das noções de exílio planetário e de evolução racializada. Argumenta que Jan Val Ellam as atualiza através da categoria nativa Povo de Alt’Lam e através de bricolagem com outros campos semânticos, notadamente a ufologia e a fi cção científica


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The spatial and temporal fluidity conditioned by the technologies of social interaction online have been allowing that collective actions of protest and activism arise every day in cyberspace - the cyber-activism. If before these actions were located in geographical boundaries, today's demands and mobilizations extrapolate the location, connect to the global, and at the same time, return to the regional through digital virtuality. Within this context of the relationship between digital technology and global flow of sociability, emerges in October 2010 the social movement of the hashtag "#ForaMicarla", which means the dissatisfaction of cibernauts from Natal of Twitter with the current management of the municipality of Natal-RN, Micarla de Sousa (Green Party). We can find in the center of this movement and others who appeared in the world at the same time a technological condition of Twitter, with the hashtag "#". Given this scenario, this research seeks to analyze how the relationship of the agents of movement hashtag "ForaMicarla", based on the principle that it was formed in the Twitter network and is maintained on the platform on a daily basis, it can create a new kind of political culture. Thus, this study discusses theoretically the importance of Twitter and movements that emerge on the platform and through it to understand the social and political demands of the contemporary world and this public sphere, which now seems to include cyberspace


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Gene therapy is one of the major challenges of the post-genomic research and it is based on the transfer of genetic material into a cell, tissue or organ in order to cure or improve the patient s clinical status. In general, gene therapy consists in the insertion of functional genes aiming substitute, complement or inhibit defective genes. The achievement of a foreigner DNA expression into a population of cells requires its transfer to the target. Therefore, a key issue is to create systems, vectors, able to transfer and protect the DNA until it reaches the target. The disadvantages related to the use of viral vectors have encouraged efforts to develop emulsions as non-viral vectors. In fact, they are easy to produce, present suitable stability and enable transfection. The aim of this work was to evaluate two different non-viral vectors, cationic liposomes and nanoemulsions, and the possibility of their use in gene therapy. For the two systems, cationic lipids and helper lipids were used. Nanoemulsions were prepared using sonication method and were composed of Captex® 355; Tween® 80; Spam® 80; cationic lipid, Stearylamine (SA) or 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammoniumpropane (DOTAP) and water (Milli-Q®). These systems were characterized by average droplet size, Polidispersion Index (PI) and Zeta Potential. The stability of the systems; as well as the DNA compaction capacity; their cytotoxicity and the cytotoxicity of the isolated components; and their transfection capacity; were also evaluated. Liposomes were made by hydration film method and were composed of DOTAP; 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DOPE), containing or not Rhodaminephosphatidylethanolamine (PE- Rhodamine) and the conjugate Hyaluronic Acid DOPE (HA-DOPE). These systems were also characterized as nanoemulsions. Stability of the systems and the influence of time, size of plasmid and presence or absence of endotoxin in the formation of lipoplexes were also analyzed. Besides, the ophthalmic biodistribution of PE-Rhodamine containing liposomes was studied after intravitreal injection. The obtained results show that these systems are promising non-viral vector for further utilization in gene therapy and that this field seems to be very important in the clinical practice in this century. However, from the possibility to the practice, there is still a long way


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The inter-subjectivity is the answer in the search for the solution of complex problems, which concerns interfaces of knowledge, respecting their borders. This paradigm is essential in the author's work. So, the search on screen is based on this perspective, by using inter-subject groups of work conduced by professionals of Computer Science, Social Communication, Architecture and Urbanism, Pedagogy, Psicopegagogy, Nutritional Science, Endocrinology, Occupational Therapy and Nursing, it was also part of this group an 8 year old child, daughter of one of the professional who took part of the group. This thesis aims to present the course of investigation developed, analyzing the action of inter-subject Occupational Therapy and Nutrition on the promotion of learning nutritional concepts through educative-nutritional games in order to prevent child's obesity in an educative context. The research was analytic, interventionist and almost experimental. It took place in a public school in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, between August and December 2004. It was selected a sample non-probabilistic, by convenience, of 200 children, born from 1994 to 1996. It was selected almost nonprobabilistically, by convenience, 200 children born between 1994 and 1996. To analyze the results it was used a triangulation, associated by quantitative and qualitative approaches. The basis collect happened through games specially manufactured to these research- video-games, board games, memory games, puzzles, scramble, searching words and iterative basics. There were semi-structured interviews, direct and structured observations and focus in-groups. It was noticed the efficiency of educativenutritional games in the learning process, which lead to a changing of attitude towards the eating choices. These games gave similar results in relation to the compared variations preferences, experience and attitudes, theses attitudes were observed through the game; and the categories to compare the possibility of learning by playing, the fantasy in the learning process, learning concepts of nutritional education and the need of help in the learning process (mediation). It was proved that educativenutritional games could be used to teach nutritional concepts, in an inter-subjective action of Occupational Therapy and Nutrition in schools. The simultaneous application of these games lead to the optimization of child s learning process. It should be emphasized the need of studies about the adaptation of tools used in a child s Nutritional Education, with the help of inter-subjective action. Because just one subject, in a fractionated way can give an answer to complex problems and help to a change of the reality with effectiveness and resolution


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A busca por um modelo democrático de saúde despertou a atenção do governo brasileiro para o estabelecimento de prioridades e estratégias, que impulsionaram a implantação do Programa de Saúde da Família (PSF), atualmente denominada Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF), a fim de aproximar a equipe de saúde da comunidade e, assim, implementar ações de promoção da saúde e de prevenção do adoecimento. Nessa perspectiva a Terapia Comunitária (TC) emerge como uma tecnologia de cuidado voltada à saúde mental na Atenção Básica de Saúde. Desde 2007, a TC vem sendo desenvolvida no município de João Pessoa/PB por profissionais da ESF: enfermeiras, agentes comunitários de saúde, médicos, odontólogos, fisioterapeutas, nutricionistas, psicólogos, entre outros. O estudo teve como objetivos: avaliar a satisfação dos usuários em relação à TC na Atenção Básica no município de João Pessoa/PB; medir o nível de satisfação dos participantes da TC em relação a essa ferramenta do cuidado; identificar elementos importantes para a satisfação em relação à TC por parte dos usuários. Trata-se de um estudo avaliativo, transversal e observacional, realizado no período de maio a agosto de 2009. Utilizou-se como instrumento de coleta de dados a Escala de Avaliação da Satisfação dos Usuários com os Serviços de Saúde Mental Satis-BR, bem como um instrumento de perguntas complementares utilizado pelos terapeutas comunitários. Os resultados revelaram que dos 198 (100%) entrevistados, 105 (53%) verbalizaram satisfação e 93 (47%) muita satisfação nos encontros de TC, o que evidencia que a totalidade da amostra está satisfeita com a terapia. Os elementos importantes que concorreram para a satisfação dos usuários da TC foram: respeito, dignidade, escuta, compreensão, acolhimento, apoio nas necessidades e boas instalações dos locais onde ocorre a terapia. A TC vem fortalecendo o cuidado à saúde mental, por se constituir como uma tecnologia de prevenção e fortalecendo a porta de entrada para a rede de saúde mental e de apoio psicossocial. Conclui-se, portanto, que a TC vem se destacando como instrumento de inclusão da saúde mental na Atenção Básica no atendimento aos usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde


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A venous ulcer is the most serious clinical manifestation of chronic venous failure, and the most frequent in lower limbs, accounting for 70% of all ulcers. Patients may suffer from this infirmity for several years without healing of the lesion if treatment is inadequate. The aim of this investigation was to verify the effectiveness of decongestive physical therapy in the healing of venous ulcers. This is a quasi-experimental, interventionist study, with paired, non-probabilistic sampling, composed of 50 patients divided into two groups: control and intervention, each composed of 25 patients. Both groups were identically treated for six months with daily dressings and the latter also underwent complex physical therapy consisting of a combination of the following techniques: manual lymphatic drainage, compression bandaging, lower limb elevation, myolymphokinetic exercises and skin care. The study was approved (Protocol no. 59/2007) by the Ethics Committee of the State University of Southeast Bahia. The Mann-Whitney and Chi-square tests were applied for data analysis. After statistical analysis the patients who underwent therapy showed a statistically significant difference with respect to wound contraction starting in the second month of treatment. Compared to the control, the intervention group showed a greater reduction in both pain and edema starting in the third and fourth month of therapy, respectively. To reinforce these findings, the mean percentage of tissue present at the base of the ulcer (granulation/fibrin ratio) was calculated. The intervention group showed greater granulation at the base of the ulcer compared to the control, significant from the second month of treatment on. It was observed in this study that lymphotherapy, when compared between the intervention and control groups, accelerated the healing process, and reduced pain and edema in the affected limbs. It is expected, therefore, that these results widen scientific knowledge and we suggest that this therapy be used 78 not only to reduce lymphedema, but also as a treatment option for venous ulcers, given its easy application and low cost. The data, therefore, demonstrated the importance of basic care on the part of a multiprofessional and transdisciplinary health team involved in the healing process of these infirmities, thereby contributing to better quality of life in these individuals


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Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte


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O objetivo do nosso projeto foi determinar as características dos recém nascidos com crises convulsivas internados em unidades de terapia intensiva. Foi realizada uma pesquisa multicêntrica, observacional, prospectiva, cuja população alvo foi os recém nascidos com crises convulsivas internados em unidades de terapia intensiva, envolvendo equipe multidisciplinar constituída por neurologista infantil, neonatologistas, intensivistas pediátricos, enfermeiros, técnicos de enfermagem e fisioterapêutas. As crises foram definidas pelo critério clínico, com classificação de Volpe. Variáveis relacionadas à gestação, ao parto, características dos recém nascidos, aspectos das crises convulsivas e mortalidade foram analisadas. Estatística: descritiva (freqüências, medidas de tendência central e dispersão) e análise (teste de probabilidade, teste de risco e de acurácia). Comparamos as crises clínicas entre os recém nascidos de termo e pretermo e observamos diferenças com significância estatística na idade de início das crises, mais tardia nos prematuros, na etiologia predominante: hemorragia peri-intraventricular no prematuro e encefalopatia hipóxico-isquêmica no termo e tipo clínico de crise, clônica no pretermo e sutil no termo. Os testes de acurácia utilizados para determinar se o tipo clínico de crise convulsiva é predictor da etiologia da mesma não revelaram resultados positivos. Quanto às características associadas à mortalidade de prematuros com crise convulsiva, observamos associação entre ventilação mecânica e pneumonia com a mortalidade. Existem diferenças clínicas quando comparamos os recém nascidos pretermo e de termo com crises convulsivas, confirmando dados da literatura


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The 1980s, at UFRN represented a moment of resumption of student struggles. The major goals of the student movement in this period was the fight against the authoritarian regime and for the democracy within and outside the university. In this context, events, activities, artistic and cultural productions were organized in order to make a critical policy for the procedure, trying to establish a dialogue between the university community and the population. Our work has made a research on cultural practices of the student movement in the 1980s. We did an analysis on the process of democratic transition in Brazil, the political participation of youth, their cultural practices in the country, society and politics in the RN, the student movement at UFRN and its cultural practices. We also discussed the concept of culture and cultural practices, but also pointed each of the the main activities and cultural productions organized by students of UFRN in that period. As methodological resource, were used the oral sources, the academic literature on the subject and newspaper pieces, newsletters and advertisement material of the students


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Este trabajo forma parte de una investigación cualitativa empírica que se ha realizado con el Movimiento Negro en Brasil, sobre todo en Uberlandia (MG), en busca de Políticas Públicas para la Promoción de la Igualdad Racial y sus conflictos históricos con la sociedad brasileña entre los años 1980 , 1990 y 2009. En cuanto a los objetivos generales destacan la variación en la forma de organización social y política de la comunidad Uberlandense negro, ya que es un ejemplo de los patrones de producción de la organización política y las correlaciones entre las múltiples formas de organización política de la población por la política pública Promoción de la Igualdad Racial, aprobada por el legislativo y constitucional


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La tesis parte del presupuesto que el cine ofrece la imensa capacidad de entretejer de forma compleja realidad e imaginación. Con eso sugerimos que tal cual una "escuela de vida", según la definición de Edgar Morin (2003), el cine, por medio de sus producciones y exibiciones, pude ser capaz de operar un movimiento de reinvención de una estética del vivir en el espacio de lo improbable. De ahi surge la pregunta: ¿Cómo un fenómeno artístico, estético e imagético puede realizar tal movimiento? Tomando como referencia el guión de vida del personaje de la vida real José Isaias de Lucena Filho, más conocido por Zezeco, encontramos pistas de esa reinvención. Residente de una pequeña ciudad del interior de la província de Rio Grande do Norte, llamada Ouro Branco, en la década del 1960, se desplazó hacia el centro-sur de Brasil y retornó a su lugar de partida con la idea de trabajar proyectando peliculas. De manera singular y plural, este sujeto asumió el riesgo y la incertidumbre de enfrentar determinismos sociales, climáticos y culturales para proponer nuevas simbolizaciones por medio del cine itinerante. La presencia del séptimo arte en pequeñas ciudades de hábitos rurales marcadas por la miséria, el hambre, la negligéncia, el coronelismo político y los problemas climáticos, alteró escenários, actualizó mitos y proporcionó nuevas interacciones entre los sujetos. Zezeco entró en las cifras del éxodo rural y emigró hacia Rio de Janeiro, pero su éxodo fue cinematográfico, porque le sirvió como base para la inserción de efectos especiales fantásticos y poéticos en guiones de vidas inmersas en lo trivial y lo contingente. Tal cual un cinematógrafo vivo, capturó el escenário cultural efervescente de Rio de Janeiro y lo proyectó en la pequeña ciudad de Ouro Branco y en otras ciudades del interior de las províncias de Rio Grande do Norte y Paraiba. Con ello le atribuyó un nuevo uso a la vida de su lugar de partida y de retorno. Actuó en la ambiguedad, la ambivalencia y la complejidad entre el sapiens e el demens; real e imaginario; prosa y poesia de la vida; razón y pasión; racional y simbólico; lógico y mítico. El alcance de la investigación contempla entrevistas, memória, registros manuscritos y fotografías de colección particular de habitantes de la ciudad de Ouro Branco-RN. Como referenciales teóricos principales, tenemos las obras de Edgar Morin sobre el cine y de otros autores como Giorgio Agamben y Maria da Conceição de Almeida que expanden la comprensión sobre el entreejido de realidad e imaginación, vida e ideas


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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An organisms movement within and between habitats is an essential trait of life history, one that shapes population dynamics, communities and ecosystems in space and time. Since the ability to perceive and react to specific conditions varies greatly between organisms, different movement patterns are generated. These, in turn, will reflect the way species persist in the original habitat and surrounding patches. This study evaluated patterns of movement of frugivorous butterflies in order to estimate the connectivity of a landscape mosaic in an area of Atlantic Forest. For this purpose, we used the capture-mark-recapture method on butterflies trapped with fermented fruit bait in three distinct habitats. The first represents a typical Atlantic forest fragment, while the other two represent man-made matrix habitats. One contains a coconut plantation and the other a plantation of the exotic Acacia mangium species. Five traps were randomly placed in each landscape unit in areas of 40 x 40m. Using recapture data and relating it to distance between captures and habitat structure, I found that movement frequencies, both within and between landscape units were different for the analyzed species, suggesting that they do not interpret and react to the landscape in the same way. Thus this study was able to measure landscape functional connectivity. For most species, the exchange between forest and coconut plantations occurred with low frequency compared to exchanges between the forest and acacia plantations, which share more structural similarities. This seems to indicate that a matrix that is more similar to patches of native vegetation can shelter species, permit their movement and, consequently, contribute to the landscape connectivity


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The acquiring process of morals on a person is one of the most important aspects of his Social Identity. The basis for his ethics and moral choices are built when he interacts with the world. A child that interacts with participants of Movimento Sem Terra (MST) movement that fights for the Land Reform and the transformation of the society may have the opportunities to acquire the culture, morals and ethics of this movement. Based on this understanding, this work intends to comprehend how children think and incorporate the rules that are the base of the values and principles of MST, considering the diversity of the situations, the limits and the possibilities to experience these values in their everyday life in the Movement. To understand how the process of cognitive construction of the rules takes place in a child, it is important to consider the theories of Jean Piaget. According to him, morals development follows a sequence: the anomie (0 to 2 years old), marked by the absence of rules; the heteronomy (2 to 6/7 years old), where takes place the adoption of rules due to exterior obedience, such as a relative, an institution or a movement; and the autonomy (from 6/7 years old on), in which rules are considered legitimate. All the children in this research have relatives working at MST. The research has two parts. We have first observed the behavior of three groups of children (beyond six years old) while they were involved on their normal activities (kindergarten) activities. On the second moment, we have interviewed 20 children (between 3 and 10 years old). We used flashcards containing scenes; we also told stories and asked moral questions involving the character s behavior. We have noticed the unilateral respect and extern coercion are between the definers of the moral decisions of a child. The empathy and the reduction of the egocentrism help seeing the situation of the point of view of other, although it doesn t mean that one is going to accept others point of view. In the taking decision of the child other factors are also considered such as the space of socialization (family, school). Though the children don t work or take part at MST activities, they have already opinions about involved people behaviors. The interaction with relatives and teachers is one of the most important aspects to encourage them elaborate moral understandings according to the ethics of this movement