35 resultados para TDC - Sincronização de batidas
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The significance of the body in electronic music parties as a sign for communicating and socializing among participants is the focus of this work. Qualitative research undertaken in this study seeks to investigate how sociability happens at raves and nightclubs in Natal/RN. Sociability is understood here as a play expression involving the dimensions of music, dance and party; the body, seen from a transdisciplinary approach, is understood as a symbolic instance, with its own meanings, as a result and a producer of social and as a cross between the cultural and the biological. The body has a communicative potential, is primary media. An intersection point between nature and culture, it serves as the seat of emotions and sociability, since it is through it that social relations are made. In electronic music parties, the body is interpreted based on its communication signs: clothing, accessories, body movements, tactile contact, body language, interactions between the public and dj, the dj and the public, gestures, expressive speech of emotions. Through such signs, body communication and a sense of community among participants develop sociability in the festive place and change the mood of the dancers. The Natal s electronic music parties young goer interacts on parties, adopts cheerful and receptive positions towards the other, maintains physical contact, values dance as a form of communication and lists happiness as the main feeling aroused in electronic music festivals. To achieve this result, a plurimetodological approach was used, which consisted of various methodological devices and various techniques of investigation: ethnographic observation, individual and informal interview techniques, photographic record of the scene, in-depth interview and application thirty questionnaires to patrons of electronic music parties
Food is essential for the survival of all animals. Its temporal availability is an important enviromental cue for the behavioral and physiological organization throughout the 24 hours of day in different species. Rats and mice, for example, show increased locomotion in the hours before food availability when it is presented in a recurrent manner, a behavior named foodanticipatory activity. Several lines of evidence indicate that this anticipation is mediated by a circadian oscillator. In this work, based on the hypothesis that pre- or post-ingestive humoral signals are involved in the entrainment process, we tested whether the daily intake of glucose is sufficient to induce anticipatory activity in rats. The rhythms of motor activity and central temperature were recorded in animals undergoing 10 days of temporal glucose (solution at 50%) or chow restriction in light-dark (LD) and constant darkness (DD). Animals under temporal glucose restriction increase motor activity and and central temperature in the hours preceding glucose availability and such aticipation is extremely similar to that observed in animals under temporal chow restriction. Glucose ingestion is, therefore, a sufficient temporal cue to induce anticipation in rats. It is possible that the increase in plasma glucose after food ingestion constitutes one of the signals involved in the behavioral entrainment process to food availability
ARAÚJO, B. G. ; VALENTIM, R. A. M. . Publicidade em celulares utilizando o sistema de busca de perfil. Holos, Natal,v. 1, p. 109-118, 2010. Disponível em:
This research work intends to carry out a study focused on the dynamic between development, poverty reduction and conservation of natural resources. To consider this relationship to the region chosen was the micro-region of Eastern and Western Seridó in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. In recent years, several studies (Araújo, 2011; BASTOS, 2009) have pointed out that after a period of economic crisis in its tripodproductive, formed by the activities of farming, cotton farming, mining and faced in the eighties, this region of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, has not only shown signs of economic recovery but also improve their social indicators. On the other hand, studies of desertification as the view of the state of RN (produced in cooperation between the Government of RN and research institutions) and the Sustainable Development Plan of Seridó (ADES, 2000), indicate that there is an ongoing French process of degradation of natural resources that is capable of compromising the ability of sustaining such a system. To verify this reality and likely finding this relationship, this work is adopted for this study, the analysis of evolution of secondary data from official bodies such as the IBGE on HDI, per capita income and other social indicators between 2000 and 2009. Here is another time of the survey analysis of qualitative data collected from interviews with institutions of academic intervention in nature, researchers at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) State agencies that address the issue of the Middle Environment in Seridó: Institute for Sustainable Development of the NB (IDEMA) and the Brazilian Institute of Environment and the Amazon (IBAMA) and institutions of direct intervention in the region, as the Agency's Sustainable Development Seridó (adhesive) and the Joint Semi-Arid (ASA). After crossing data from quantitative and qualitative, it was found that the dynamics of the region's economic Seridó Potiguar partially answers the improvement of social indicators of poverty. Contribution by the State in this shared stock transfer income. Regarding the influence of productive restructuring in the region on issues of environment, it is noted that the ceramic tile industry, responsible for the absorption percentage of the population with limited ingress into the urban economy, given the low education, accounts for the increase of susceptibility to the ongoing process of desertification in North Seridó Rio Grande. We conclude finally that the guarantee of increased income, freedom and conservation of natural resources ensures primarily by changing the beliefs and values, especially on the part of the business sector, which use natural resources so predatory, aimed at maintaining their rates of return on investment. And concomitantly, the synchronization between technological change, through the use of new energy sources, and institutional change.
In order to guarantee database consistency, a database system should synchronize operations of concurrent transactions. The database component responsible for such synchronization is the scheduler. A scheduler synchronizes operations belonging to different transactions by means of concurrency control protocols. Concurrency control protocols may present different behaviors: in general, a scheduler behavior can be classified as aggressive or conservative. This paper presents the Intelligent Transaction Scheduler (ITS), which has the ability to synchronize the execution of concurrent transactions in an adaptive manner. This scheduler adapts its behavior (aggressive or conservative), according to the characteristics of the computing environment in which it is inserted, using an expert system based on fuzzy logic. The ITS can implement different correctness criteria, such as conventional (syntactic) serializability and semantic serializability. In order to evaluate the performance of the ITS in relation to others schedulers with exclusively aggressive or conservative behavior, it was applied in a dynamic environment, such as a Mobile Database Community (MDBC). An MDBC simulator was developed and many sets of tests were run. The experimentation results, presented herein, prove the efficiency of the ITS in synchronizing transactions in a dynamic environment
This graduate thesis proposes a model to asynchronously replicate heterogeneous databases. This model singularly combines -in a systematic way and in a single project -different concepts, techniques and paradigms related to the areas of database replication and management of heterogeneous databases. One of the main advantages of the replication is to allow applications to continue to process information, during time intervals when they are off the network and to trigger the database synchronization, as soon as the network connection is reestablished. Therefore, the model introduces a communication and update protocol that takes in consideration the environment of asynchronous characteristics used. As part of the work, a tool was developed in Java language, based on the model s premises in order to process, test, simulate and validate the proposed model
The electric energy is essential to the development of modern society and its increasing demand in recent years, effect from population and economic growth, becomes the companies more interested in the quality and continuity of supply, factors regulated by ANEEL (Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica). These factors must be attended when a permanent fault occurs in the system, where the defect location that caused the power interruption should be identified quickly, which is not a simple assignment because the current systems complexity. An example of this occurs in multiple terminals transmission lines, which interconnect existing circuits to feed the demand. These transmission lines have been adopted as a feasible solution to suply loads of magnitudes that do not justify economically the construction of new substations. This paper presents a fault location algorithm for multiple terminals transmission lines - two and three terminals. The location method is based on the use of voltage and current fundamental phasors, as well as the representation of the line through its series impedance. The wavelet transform is an effective mathematical tool in signals analysis with discontinuities and, therefore, is used to synchronize voltage and current data. The Fourier transform is another tool used in this work for extract voltage and current fundamental phasors. Tests to validate the location algorithm applicability used data from faulty signals simulated in ATP (Alternative Transients Program) as well as real data obtained from oscillographic recorders installed on CHESF s lines.
In 1998 the first decorticator was developed in the Textile Engineering Laboratory and patented for the purpose of extracting fibres from pineapple leaves, with the financial help from CNPq and BNB. The objective of the present work was to develop an automatic decorticator different from the first one with a semiautomatic system of decortication with automatic feeding of the leaves and collection of the extracted fibres. The system is started through a command system that passes information to two engines, one for starting the beater cylinder and the other for the feeding of the leaves as well as the extraction of the decorticated fibres automatically. This in turn introduces the leaves between a knife and a beater cylinder with twenty blades (the previous one had only 8 blades). These blades are supported by equidistant flanges with a central transmission axis that would help in increasing the number of beatings of the leaves. In the present system the operator has to place the leaves on the rotating endless feeding belt and collect the extracted leaves that are being carried out through another endless belt. The pulp resulted form the extraction is collected in a tray through a collector. The feeding of the leaves as well as the extraction of the fibres is controlled automatically by varying the velocity of the cylinders. The semi-automatic decorticator basically composed of a chassis made out of iron bars (profile L) with 200cm length, 91 cm of height 68 cm of width. The decorticator weighs around 300Kg. It was observed that the increase in the number of blades from 8 to twenty in the beater cylinder reduced the turbulence inside the decorticator, which helped to improve the removal of the fibres without any problems as well as the quality of the fibres. From the studies carried out, from each leaf 2,8 to 4,5% of fibres can be extracted. This gives around 4 to 5 tons of fibres per hectare, which is more than that of cotton production per hectare. This quantity with no doubt could generate jobs to the people not only on the production of the fibres but also on their application in different areas
In machining of internal threads, dedicated tools, known as taps, are needed for each profile type, diameter, and low cutting speed values are used when compared to main machining processes. This restriction in the cutting speed is associated with the difficulty of synchronizing the tool s rotation speed and feed velocity in the process. This fact restricts the flexibility and makes machining lead times longer when manufacturing of components with threads is required. An alternative to the constraints imposed by the tap is the thread milling with helical interpolation technique. The technique is the fusion of two movements: rotation and helical interpolation. The tools may have different configurations: a single edge or multiple edges (axial, radial or both). However, thread milling with helical interpolation technique is relatively new and there are limited studies on the subject, a fact which promotes challenges to its wide application in the manufacturing shop floor. The objective of this research is determine the performance of different types of tools in the thread milling with helical interpolation technique using hardened steel workpieces. In this sense, four tool configurations were used for threading milling in AISI 4340 quenched and tempered steel (40 HRC). The results showed that climb cut promoted a greater number of machined threads, regardless of tool configuration. The upcut milling causes chippings in cutting edge, while the climb cutting promotes abrasive wear. Another important point is that increase in hole diameter by tool diameter ratio increases tool lifetime
One of the best established properties of the single late type evolved stars is that their rotational velocity and lithium content decrease with effective temperature and age. Nevertheless, the root cause of this property, as well as the link between rotation and lithium abundance and, in particular, the effects of binarity on rotation and lithium content in binary systems with evolved component, are not yet completely established. How does the gravitational tides, in binary systems, affects rotational evolution and lithium dilution? Trying to answer these questions, we have carried out an observational survey, in the lithium region centered at the lithium I line A6707.81A, for a large sample of about 100 binary systems with evolved component along the spectral range F, G and K, with the CES spectrometer mounted at the CAT 1.44 m Telescope of the ESO, La Silla, Chile. By combining the abundances of lithium issued from these observations with rotational velocity and orbital parameters, we have found a number of important results. First of all, we confirm that in this class of binary systems rotation is effectively affected by tidal effects. Binary systems with orbital period lower than about 100 days and circular or nearly circular orbits, present rotational velocity enhanced in relation to the single giant stars and to the binary systems with an orbital period larger than 100 days. This is clearly the result of the synchonization between the rotational and orbital motions due to tidal effects. In addition, we have found that lithium abundances in binary systems with giant components present the same gradual decreasing with effective temperature, observed in the single giants of same luminosity class and spectral types. We have found no lithium-rich binary systems, in contrast with single giants. A remarkable result from the present study is the one showing that synchronized binary systems with giant component retains more of their original lithium than the unsynchronized systems. In fact, we have found a possible "inhibited zone", in which synchronized binary systems with giant component having lithium abundance lower than a threshold level should be unusual. Finally, the present study also shows that the binary systems with giant component presenting the highest lithium contents are those with the highest rotation rates
Stroke is a neurological disorder caused by restriction of blood flow to the brain, which generates directly a deficit of functionality that affects the quality of life of patients. The aim of this study was to establish a short version of the Social Rhythm Scale (SRM), to assess the social rhythm of stroke patients. The sample consisted of 84 patients, of both sexes, with injury time exceeding 6 months. For seven days, patients recorded the time held 17 activities of SRM. Data analysis was performed using a principal components factor analysis with varimax rotation of the full version of SRM in order to determine which activities could compose brief versions of SRM. We then carried out a comparison of hits, the ALI (Level Activity Index) and SRM, between versions, by Kruskal-Walls and the Mann-Whitney test. The Spearman correlation test was used to evaluate the correlation between the score of the full version of SRM with short versions. It was found that the activities of SRM were distributed in three versions: the first and second with 6 activities and third with 3 activities. Regarding hits, it was found that they ranged from 4.9 to 5.8 on the first version; 2.3 to 3.8 in version 2 and 2.8 to 6.2 in version 3, the first the only version that did not show low values. The analysis of ALI, in version 1, the median was 29, in version 2 was 14 and in version 3 was 18. Significant difference in the values of ALI between versions 1 and 2, between 2 and 3 and between versions 1 and 3. The highest median was found in the first version, formed by activities: out of bed, first contact, drink coffee, watch TV in the evening and go to bed. The lowest median was observed in the second version and this was not what had fewer activities, but which had social activities. The medians of the SRM version 1 was 6, version 2 was 4 and version 3 was 6. Significant difference in the values of SRM between versions 1 and 2 and between 2 and 3, but no significant difference between versions 1 and 3. Through analysis, we found a significant correlation only between the full version and the version 1 (R2 = 0.61) (p <0.05), no correlation was found with version 2 (R2 = 0.007) nor with version 3 (R2 = 0.002), this was finally a factor to consider version 1 as the short brazilian version of the Social Rhythm Metric for stroke patients
Recently, genetically encoded optical indicators have emerged as noninvasive tools of high spatial and temporal resolution utilized to monitor the activity of individual neurons and specific neuronal populations. The increasing number of new optogenetic indicators, together with the absence of comparisons under identical conditions, has generated difficulty in choosing the most appropriate protein, depending on the experimental design. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to compare three recently developed reporter proteins: the calcium indicators GCaMP3 and R-GECO1, and the voltage indicator VSFP butterfly1.2. These probes were expressed in hippocampal neurons in culture, which were subjected to patchclamp recordings and optical imaging. The three groups (each one expressing a protein) exhibited similar values of membrane potential (in mV, GCaMP3: -56 ±8.0, R-GECO1: -57 ±2.5; VSFP: -60 ±3.9, p = 0.86); however, the group of neurons expressing VSFP showed a lower average of input resistance than the other groups (in Mohms, GCaMP3: 161 ±18.3; GECO1-R: 128 ±15.3; VSFP: 94 ±14.0, p = 0.02). Each neuron was submitted to current injections at different frequencies (10 Hz, 5 Hz, 3 Hz, 1.5 Hz, and 0.7 Hz) and their fluorescence responses were recorded in time. In our study, only 26.7% (4/15) of the neurons expressing VSFP showed detectable fluorescence signal in response to action potentials (APs). The average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) obtained in response to five spikes (at 10 Hz) was small (1.3 ± 0.21), however the rapid kinetics of the VSFP allowed discrimination of APs as individual peaks, with detection of 53% of the evoked APs. Frequencies below 5 Hz and subthreshold signals were undetectable due to high noise. On the other hand, calcium indicators showed the greatest change in fluorescence following the same protocol (five APs at 10 Hz). Among the GCaMP3 expressing neurons, 80% (8/10) exhibited signal, with an average SNR value of 21 ±6.69 (soma), while for the R-GECO1 neurons, 50% (2/4) of the neurons had signal, with a mean SNR value of 52 ±19.7 (soma). For protocols at 10 Hz, 54% of the evoked APs were detected with GCaMP3 and 85% with R-GECO1. APs were detectable in all the analyzed frequencies and fluorescence signals were detected from subthreshold depolarizations as well. Because GCaMP3 is the most likely to yield fluorescence signal and with high SNR, some experiments were performed only with this probe. We demonstrate that GCaMP3 is effective in detecting synaptic inputs (involving Ca2+ influx), with high spatial and temporal resolution. Differences were also observed between the SNR values resulting from evoked APs, compared to spontaneous APs. In recordings of groups of cells, GCaMP3 showed clear discrimination between activated and silent cells, and reveals itself as a potential tool in studies of neuronal synchronization. Thus, our results indicate that the presently available calcium indicators allow detailed studies on neuronal communication, ranging from individual dendritic spines to the investigation of events of synchrony in neuronal networks genetically defined. In contrast, studies employing VSFPs represent a promising technology for monitoring neural activity and, although still to be improved, they may become more appropriate than calcium indicators, since neurons work on a time scale faster than events of calcium may foresee
Processing in the visual system starts in the retina. Its complex network of cells with different properties enables for parallel encoding and transmission of visual information to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and to the cortex. In the retina, it has been shown that responses are often accompanied by fast synchronous oscillations (30 - 90 Hz) in a stimulus-dependent manner. Studies in the frog, rabbit, cat and monkey, have shown strong oscillatory responses to large stimuli which probably encode global stimulus properties, such as size and continuity (Neuenschwander and Singer, 1996; Ishikane et al., 2005). Moreover, simultaneous recordings from different levels in the visual system have demonstrated that the oscillatory patterning of retinal ganglion cell responses are transmitted to the cortex via the LGN (Castelo-Branco et al., 1998). Overall these results suggest that feedforward synchronous oscillations contribute to visual encoding. In the present study on the LGN of the anesthetized cat, we further investigate the role of retinal oscillations in visual processing by applying complex stimuli, such as natural visual scenes, light spots of varying size and contrast, and flickering checkerboards. This is a necessary step for understanding encoding mechanisms in more naturalistic conditions, as currently most data on retinal oscillations have been limited to simple, flashed and stationary stimuli. Correlation analysis of spiking responses confirmed previous results showing that oscillatory responses in the retina (observed here from the LGN responses) largely depend on the size and stationarity of the stimulus. For natural scenes (gray-level and binary movies) oscillations appeared only for brief moments probably when receptive fields were dominated by large continuous, flat-contrast surfaces. Moreover, oscillatory responses to a circle stimulus could be broken with an annular mask indicating that synchronization arises from relatively local interactions among populations of activated cells in the retina. A surprising finding in this study was that retinal oscillations are highly dependent on halothane anesthesia levels. In the absence of halothane, oscillatory activity vanished independent of the characteristics of the stimuli. The same results were obtained for isoflurane, which has similar pharmacological properties. These new and unexpected findings question whether feedfoward oscillations in the early visual system are simply due to an imbalance between excitation and inhibition in the retinal networks generated by the halogenated anesthetics. Further studies in awake behaving animals are necessary to extend these conclusions
In this study, two circadian related centres, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) were evaluated in respect to their cytoarchitecture, retinal afferents and chemical content of major cells and axon terminals with a tract tracer and immunohistochemical techniques in the rock cavy (Kerodon rupestris), a Brazilian caviidae rodent species. The rock cavy SCN is innervated in its ventral portion by terminals from the predominantly contralateral retina. It also contains neurophisin and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide immunoreactive cell bodies and neuropeptide Y and enkephalin immunopositive fibres and terminals and is marked by intense GFAP immunoreactivity. The IGL receives a predominantly contralateral retinal projection, contains neuropeptide Y and nitric oxide synthase producing neurons and enkephalin immunopositive terminals and is characterized by dense GFAP immunoreactivity. This is the first report examining the neural circadian system in a crepuscular rodent species for which circadian properties have been described. The results are discussed comparing with what has been described for other species and in the context of the functional significance of these centres
The circadian system consists of multiple oscillators organized hierarchically, with the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) as the master oscillator to mammalians. There are lots of evidences that each SCN cell is an oscillator and that entrainment depends upon coupling degree between them. Knowledge of the mechanism of coupling between the SCN cells is essential for understanding entrainment and expression of circadian rhythms, and thus promote the development of new treatments for circadian rhythmicity disorders, which may cause various diseases. Some authors suggest that the dissociation model of circadian rhythm activity of rats under T22, period near the limit of synchronization, is a good model to induce internal desynchronization, and in this way, enhance knowledge about the coupling mechanism. So, in order to evaluate the pattern of the motor activity circadian rhythm of marmosets, Callithrix jacchus, in light-dark cycles at the lower limit of entrainment, two experiments were conducted: 1) 6 adult females were submitted to the LD symmetric cycles T21, T22 and T21.5 for 60, 35 and 48 days, respectively; 2) 4 male and 4 female adults were subjected to T21 for 24 days followed by 18 days of LL, and then back to T21 for 24 days followed by 14 days of LL. Vocalizations of all animals and motor activity of each one of them were continuously recorded throughout the experiments, but the vocalizations were recorded only in Experiment 1. Under the Ts shorter than 24 h, two simultaneous circadian components appeared in motor activity, one with the same period of LD cycle, named light-entrained component, and the other in free-running, named non-light-entrained component. Both components were displayed for all the animals in T21, five animals (83.3%) in T21.5 and two animals (33.3%) in T22. For vocalizations both components were observed under the three Ts. Due to the different characteristics of these components we suggest that dissociation is result of partial synchronization to the LD cycle, wherein at least one group oscillator is synchronized to the LD by relative coordination and masking processes, while at least another group of oscillators is in free-running, but also under the influence of masking by the LD. As the T21 h was the only cycle able to promote the emergence of both circadian components in circadian rhythms of all Callithrix jacchus, this was then considered the lower entrainment limit of LD cycle promoter of dissociation in circadian rhythmicity of this species, and then suggested as a non-human primate model for forced desynchronization