14 resultados para Spectrometer.

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This study aims to compare the thermal performance of tiles made from recycled material (waste packaging cardboard with aluminized film) with the tiles of fiber and bitumen, fiber cement and red ceramic with the aim of verifying the suitability of tile to be used in hot and humid climate of low latitude. The samples were selected according to the availability from Natal - RN market, as they are sold to the consumers. The methodology was based on studies that used experimental apparatus composed of thermal chambers heated by banks of incandescent bulbs, to analyze the thermal performance of materials. The tiles in the study were submitted to analysis of thermal performance, thermophysical properties and absorptance, using chambers of thermal performance, measuring the thermophysical properties and portable spectrometer, respectively. Comparative analysis of thermal performance between two samples of the recycled material with dimple sizes and different amounts of aluminum were made, in order to verify, if these characteristics had some interference on the thermal performance of them; the results showed no significant performance differences between the samples. The data obtained in chambers of thermal performance and confirmed by statistical analysis, showed, that the tile of recycled material have similar thermal performance to the tile of fiber cement. In addition to these tests was carried out the automatic monitoring of a building covered with tiles of recycled material, to verify its thermal performance in a real situation. The results showed that recycled shingles must be used with technical criteria similar to those used for fiber cement tiles, with regard to the heat gain into the building. Within these criteria should be taken into account local characteristics, especially in regions with hot and humid climate, and its use must be associated, according to the literature, to elements of thermal insulation and use of passive techniques such as vented attics, ceilings and right foot higher


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The β-proteobacterium Chromobacterium violaceum is a Gram-negative, free-living, saprophytic and opportunistic pathogen that inhabits tropical and subtropical ecosystems among them, in soil and water of the Amazon. It has great biotechnological potential, and because of this potential, its genome was completely sequenced in 2003. Genome analysis showed that this bacterium has several genes with functions related to the ability to survive under different kinds of environmental stresses. In order to understand the physiological response of C. violaceum under oxidative stress, we applied the tool of shotgun proteomics. Thus, colonies of C. violaceum ATCC 12472 were grown in the presence and absence of 8 mM H2O2 for two hours, total proteins were extracted from bacteria, subjected to SDS-PAGE, stained and hydrolysed. The tryptic peptides generated were subjected to a linear-liquid chromatography (LC) followed by mass spectrometer (LTQ-XL-Orbitrap) to obtain quantitative and qualitative data. A shotgun proteomics allows to compare directly in complex samples, differential expression of proteins and found that in C. Violaceum, 131 proteins are expressed exclusively in the control condition, 177 proteins began to be expressed under oxidative stress and 1175 proteins have expression in both conditions. The results showed that, under the condition of oxidative stress, this bacterium changes its metabolism by increasing the expression of proteins capable of combating oxidative stress and decreasing the expression of proteins related processes bacterial growth and catabolism (transcription, translation, carbon metabolism and fatty acids). A tool with of proteomics as an approach of integrative biology provided an overview of the metabolic pathways involved in the response of C. violaceum to oxidative stress, as well as significantly amplified understanding physiological response to environmental stress. Biochemical and "in silico" assays with the hypothetical ORF CV_0868 found that this is part of an operon. Phylogenetic analysis of superoxide dismutase, protein belonging to the operon also showed that the gene is duplicated in genome of C. violaceum and the second copy was acquired through a horizontal transfer event. Possibly, not only the SOD gene but also all genes comprising this operon were obtained in the same manner. It was concluded that C. violaceum has complex, efficient and versatile mechanisms in oxidative stress response


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The technique of surface coating using magnetron sputtering is one of the most widely used in the surface engineering, for its versatility in obtaining different films as well as in the micro / nanometric thickness control. Among the various process parameters, those related to the active species of the plasma are of the most fundamental importance in the mechanism and kinetics of deposition. In order to identify the active species of the plasma, parameters such as gas flow, pressure and density of electric power were varied during titanium coating on glass substrate. By flowing argon gas of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 sccm (cubic centimeters per minute) for each gas flow a sequential scan of the electric current of 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.40 , 0.50 A. The maximum value of 0.50 A was chosen based both on literature data and on limitations of the equipment. The monitoring of plasma species present during the deposition was carried out in situ by the technique of optical emission spectroscopy (OES) through the spectrometer Ocean Optics USB2000 Series. For this purpose, an apparatus was developed to adapt the OES inside the plasma reactor to stay positioned closest to the target. The radiations emitted by the species were detected by an optical fiber placed behind the glass substrate and their intensities as a function of wavelength were, displayed on a monitor screen. The acquisition time for each condition of the plain parameters was related to the minima of spectral lines intensities due to the film formed on the substrate. The intensities of different emission lines of argon and titanium were then analyzed as a function of time, to determine the active species and estimate the thickness of the deposited films. After the deposition, the coated glasses thin films were characterized by optical transmittance through an infrared laser. It was found that the thickness and deposition rate determined by in situ analysis were consistent with the results obtained by laser transmittance


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The produced water is a byproduct formed due to production of petroleum and carries with it a high amount of contaminants such as oil particles in suspension, organic compounds and metals. Thus, these latter pollutants are very difficult to treat because of its high solubility in water. The objective of this work is to use and evaluate a microemulsioned system to remove metals ( K , Mg , Ba , Ca , Cr , Mn , Li , Fe ) of synthetic produced water. For the extraction of metals, it was used a pseudoternary diagram containing the following phases: synthetic produced water as the aqueous phase (AP), hexane as organic phase (OP), and a cosurfactant/surfactant ratio equal to four (C/S = 4) as the third phase, where the OCS (saponified coconut oil) was used as surfactant and n-butanol as cosurfactant. The synthetic produced water was prepared in a bench scale and the region of interest in the diagram for the removal of metals was determined by experimental design called. Ten points located in the phase Winsor II were selected in an area with a large amount of water and small amounts of reagents. The samples were analyzed in atomic absorption spectrometer, and the results were evaluated through a statistical assesment, allowing the efficiency analysis of the effects and their interactions. The results showed percentages of extraction above 90% for the metals manganese, iron, chromium, calcium, barium and magnesium, and around 45% for metals lithium and potassium. The optimal point for the simultaneous removal of metals was calculated using statistical artifact multiple response function (MR). This calculation showed that the point of greatest extraction of metals occurs was the J point, with the composition [72% AP, 9% OP, 19% C/S], obtaining a global extraction percentage about 80%. Considering the aspects analyzed, the microemulsioned system has shown itself to be an effective alternative in the extraction of metals on synthetic produced water remediation


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In this work, biodiesel was produced from castor oil that was a byproduct glycerin. The molar ratio between oil and alcohol, as well as the use of (KOH) catalyst to provide the chemical reaction is based on literature. The best results were obtained using 1 mol of castor oil (260g) to 3 moles of methyl alcohol (138g), using 1.0% KOH as catalyst at a temperature of 260 ° C and shaken at 120 rpm. The oil used was commercially available, the process involves the reaction of transesterification of a vegetable oil with methyl alcohol. The product of this reaction is an ester, biodiesel being the main product and the glycerin by-product which has undergone treatment for use as raw material for the production of allyl alcohol. The great advantage of the use of glycerin to obtain allyl alcohol is that its use eliminates the large amount of waste of the biodiesel and various forms of insult to the environment. The reactions for the formation of allyl alcohol was conducted from formic acid and glycerin in a ratio 1/1, at a temperature of 260oC in a heater blanket, being sprayed by a spiral condenser for a period of 2 hours and the product obtained contains mostly the allylic alcohol .. The monitoring of reactions was performed by UV-Visible Spectrophotometer: FTIR Fourier transform, the analysis showed that these changes occur spectrometer indicating the formation of the product allylic alcohol (prop-2-en-1-ol) in the presence of water, This alcohol was appointed Alcohol GL. The absorption bands confirms that the reaction was observed in (υ C = C) 1470 -1600 cm -1 and (υ CO), 3610-3670 attributed to C = C groups and OH respectively. The thermal analysis was carried out in a thermogravimetric analyzer SDT Q600, where the mass and temperature are displayed against time, that allows checking the approximate rate of heating. The innovative methodology developed in the laboratory (LABTAM, UFRN), was able to treat the glycerine produced by transesterification of castor oil and used as raw material for production of allyl alcohol, with a yield of 80%, of alcohol, the same is of great importance in the manufacture of polymers, pharmaceuticals, organic compounds, herbicides, pesticides and other chemicals


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The extraction with pressurized fluids has become an attractive process for the extraction of essential oils, mainly due the specific characteristics of the fluids near the critical region. This work presents results of the extraction process of the essential oil of Cymbopogon winterianus J. with CO2 under high pressures. The effect of the following variables was evaluated: solvent flow rate (from 0.37 to 1.5 g CO2/min), pressure (66.7 and 75 bar) and temperature (8, 10, 15, 20 and 25 ºC) on the extraction kinetics and the total yield of the process, as well as in the solubility and composition of the C. winterianus essential oil. The experimental apparatus consisted of an extractor of fixed bed and the dynamic method was adopted for the calculation of the oil solubility. Extractions were also accomplished by conventional techniques (steam and organic solvent extraction). The determination and identification of extract composition were done by gas chromatography coupled with a mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The extract composition varied in function of the studied operational conditions and also related to the used extraction method. The main components obtained in the CO2 extraction were elemol, geraniol, citronellol and citronellal. For the steam extraction were the citronellal, citronellol and geraniol and for the organic solvent extraction were the azulene and the hexadecane. The most yield values (2.76%) and oil solubility (2.49x10-2 g oil/ g CO2) were obtained through the CO2 extraction in the operational conditions of T = 10°C, P = 66.7 bar and solvent flow rate 0.85 g CO2/min


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Algaroba (Prosopis juliflora) is a typical legume from arid and semi arid regions, which is composed by sugar-rich pods and high protein seeds. Phenolic compounds are secondary metabolites recognized as potent bioactive compounds, found in several vegetables.Therefore, the objective of this work is to characterize the algaroba flour in terms of its physicalchemical composition, total phenolic content, antioxidant activity by DPPH and ABTS methods, a-amylase and a-glycosidase inhibition, as well as to analyze its organic compounds by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Three experimental groups were investigated (seeds, seeds and pod together and only pod), which were prepared by oven drying and posterior grinding. Water and ethanol extracts (70, 80, 100% v/v) were prepared and used for functional studies. Organic compounds were detected by using HPLC equipment coupled to mass spectrometer. Results show important physical-chemical differences among the experimental groups, seeds, seeds and pod together and only pod. The algarroba seed flour is high in protein (49.49%) and fat (3.10%), while the pod flour is especially rich in sugar (60.3% to 67.9%). Algaroba phenolics are concentrated in pod flour, mainly in water extracts (1.30 mg GAEQ/100g sample). All seed extracts showed high DPPH activity and maximum antioxidant activity was registered for ethanol 80% extracts (19.81 μM Trolox/g sample). The ABTS activity ranged from 9.73 to 12.74 μM Trolox/g sample. Nearly all the extracts were able to inhibit α-amylase activity mildly (30.50% to 48.80%), while the maximum α-glycosidase inhibition was observed for pod water extracts (81.03%). Algaroba water extracts proven to be especially rich in organic compounds, observed by the high number of chromatographic peaks. Results demonstrate that algaroba is a potential candidate for further investigations concerning its possible functional applications


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The purpose of this study is to describe the implementation of the Low Energy Electron Diffaction (LEED) technique in the Laboratory of Magnetic Nanostructures and Semiconductors of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Brazil. During this work experimental apparatus were implemented for a complete LEED set-up. A new vacuum system was also set up. This was composed of a mechanical pump, turbomolecular pump and ionic pump for ultra-high vacuum and their respective pressure measurement sensors (Pirani gauge for low vacuum measures and the wide range gauge -WRG); ion cannon maintenance, which is basically mini-sputtering, whose function is sample cleaning; and set-up, maintenance and handling of the quadrupole mass spectrometer, whose main purpose is to investigate gas contamination inside the ultra-high vacuum chamber. It should be pointed out that the main contribution of this Master's thesis was the set-up of the sample heating system; that is, a new sample holder. In addition to the function of sample holder and heater, it was necessary to implement the function of sustaining the ultra-high vacuum environment. This set of actions is essential for the complete functioning of the LEED technique


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One of the best established properties of the single late type evolved stars is that their rotational velocity and lithium content decrease with effective temperature and age. Nevertheless, the root cause of this property, as well as the link between rotation and lithium abundance and, in particular, the effects of binarity on rotation and lithium content in binary systems with evolved component, are not yet completely established. How does the gravitational tides, in binary systems, affects rotational evolution and lithium dilution? Trying to answer these questions, we have carried out an observational survey, in the lithium region centered at the lithium I line A6707.81A, for a large sample of about 100 binary systems with evolved component along the spectral range F, G and K, with the CES spectrometer mounted at the CAT 1.44 m Telescope of the ESO, La Silla, Chile. By combining the abundances of lithium issued from these observations with rotational velocity and orbital parameters, we have found a number of important results. First of all, we confirm that in this class of binary systems rotation is effectively affected by tidal effects. Binary systems with orbital period lower than about 100 days and circular or nearly circular orbits, present rotational velocity enhanced in relation to the single giant stars and to the binary systems with an orbital period larger than 100 days. This is clearly the result of the synchonization between the rotational and orbital motions due to tidal effects. In addition, we have found that lithium abundances in binary systems with giant components present the same gradual decreasing with effective temperature, observed in the single giants of same luminosity class and spectral types. We have found no lithium-rich binary systems, in contrast with single giants. A remarkable result from the present study is the one showing that synchronized binary systems with giant component retains more of their original lithium than the unsynchronized systems. In fact, we have found a possible "inhibited zone", in which synchronized binary systems with giant component having lithium abundance lower than a threshold level should be unusual. Finally, the present study also shows that the binary systems with giant component presenting the highest lithium contents are those with the highest rotation rates


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The metal concentrations (Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn ) and phosforus(P) had been determined analyzed through Plasma Inductively Coupled Plasme Mass Spectrometer for fine fraction, < 0,63 mm in 22 samples. The sample preparation for analysis had been make in the laboratories of geology of the UFRN. This samples procedures consists in register, dry, bolt and send to analysis in external laboratory (LAKEFIELD GEOSOL) in Belo Horizonte (MG, Brazil). The studied area involves the rivers Trairi, Ararí and Nísia Floresta lagoon, that empties in the sea, situated in the Rio Grande do Norte State. The study objects (Rivers Trairí, Ararí and Nísia Floresta lagoon) receive influences from urban dumpies, agrotoxics and fertilizer, shrimps tank, pastoral, with this, the concentrations of metals (Al, Ba, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, P, Zn) (except phosforus) in some points of the study area had been above of the value of reference what it leads to classify them as not polluted to moderately polluted, as the calculated Igeo. In front of discussed, can say about the environmental problems found in Trairi, Ararí and Nísia Floresta Lagoon are still in small scale, since when regard the studied área is over human activity effects


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The literature concerning color vision shows a trichromatic advantage in detecting ripe fruits and young leaves, but there are contradictory results. There is also the suggestion of this type of vision being adapted to perceive socio-sexual signals. Indeed, Old World primates utilize the skin color of conspecifics as a factor of attraction. But in New World primates there is no record of a coloration signal in the body that can be utilized by other group members. The present study aims to: 1- test whether there is a relation between coloration of body regions and ovulatory cycle in female Callithrix jacchus; 2- Determine if this species uses visual signals to choose mates that are sexually receptive. We collected feces from six females during one month to quantify progesterone concentration by EIA. Body region coloration was measured using a portable spectrometer and modeled to obtain the quantum catch of each photoreceptor, the opponency channels and chromatic distance between the points in units of JND. We recorded the behavior of six males exposed to three pairs of females with a cycling and a non-cycling female in each pair using a transparent plexiglass apparatus. The color of different body regions presented a correlation between progesterone concentration and the yellow-blue and red-green visual axes, with the genitalia as the region showing the highest correlation. The visual axis more apt to see the color variations was the yellow-blue in dichromats, and in trichromats were the red-green to face, yellow-blue to abdomen and both chromatic axes to genitalia. There was no difference in the signal detectability between trichromats and dichromats, but the perception pattern differed between the phenotypes, with a better signal detection by the dichromat phenotype 562 and the trichromat phenotype 543/562. During the behavioral experiments males presented longer gaze duration in periods of experimental manipulation and gaze duration was always longer towards cycling females compared to non-cycling females. Male locomotion during experimental manipulation was greater than in the control only during the periovulatory period of the female, indicating greater excitement. The behavior of cycling females was more active than the behavior of the non-cycling ones regarding locomotion and touching of the plexiglass division of the apparatus. Male gaze duration to cycling females increased with decreasing progesterone concentration, but none of the coloration parameters was correlated to the mate preference exhibited. This coloration signal can transmit information to animals of the group about fertility of female. Different from the intense red of the genitalia swellings of Old World primates, marmoset female genitalia became more bluish-green in the fertile period. Males chose fertile females and were able to visually identify the periovulatory period of females. Choice is related to progesterone concentration, but our results do not show relation between coloration and mate preference. Maybe some behavioral measure is associated with the choice


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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) constitute a family of compounds characterized by having two or more condensed aromatic rings and for being a class of substances that are widely distributed in the environment as a complex mixture, being very persistent in the environment due to its low solubility in water. The application of chemometric methods to analytical chemistry has provided excellent results in studying the solubility of PAHs in aqueous media in order to understand the mechanisms involved in environmental contamination. The method consists in analyzing the solubilization of PAHs from diesel oil in water varying parameters such as stirring time, volume of oil added and pH, using a full factorial design of two levels and three factors. PAHs were extracted with n-hexane and analyzed by fluorescence spectroscopy because they have molecular characteristics fluorescent due to the large number of condensed rings and links, and gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The results of fluorescence analysis showed that only the stirring time and pH influenced the solubility of PAHs in diesel fuel. How is a non-selective technique for the study of fluorescence was performed on form and semi-quantitative. And for the chromatographic analysis the results showed that the solubility of the different PAHs is influenced differently so that you can classify them into groups by the results of the effects


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In this work were synthesized and characterized the materials mesoporous SBA-15 and Al- SBA-15, Si / Al = 25, 50 and 75, discovered by researchers at the University of California- Santa Barbara, USA, with pore diameters ranging from 2 to 30 nm and wall thickness from 3.1 to 6.4 nm, making these promising materials in the field of catalysis, particularly for petroleum refining (catalytic cracking), as their mesopores facilitate access of the molecules constituting the oil to active sites, thereby increasing the production of hydrocarbons in the range of light and medium. To verify that the materials used as catalysts were successfully synthesized, they were characterized using techniques of X-ray diffraction (XRD), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared Fourier transform (FT-IR) and adsorption nitrogen (BET). Aiming to check the catalytic activity thereof, a sample of atmospheric residue oil (ATR) from the pole Guamaré-RN was performed the process by means of thermogravimetry and thermal degradation of catalytic residue. Upon the curves, it was observed a reduction in the onset temperature of the decomposition process of catalytic ATR. For the kinetic model proposed by Flynn-Wall yielded some parameters to determine the apparent activation energy of decomposition, being shown the efficiency of mesoporous materials, since there was a decrease in the activation energy for the reactions using catalysts. The ATR was also subjected to pyrolysis process using a pyrolyzer with gas chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer. Through the chromatograms obtained, there was an increase in the yield of the compounds in the range of gasoline and diesel from the catalytic pyrolysis, with emphasis on Al-SBA-15 (Si / Al = 25), which showed a percentage higher than the other catalysts. These results are due to the fact that the synthesized materials exhibit specific properties for application in the process of pyrolysis of complex molecules and high molecular weight as constituents of the ATR


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This study aims to compare the thermal performance of tiles made from recycled material (waste packaging cardboard with aluminized film) with the tiles of fiber and bitumen, fiber cement and red ceramic with the aim of verifying the suitability of tile to be used in hot and humid climate of low latitude. The samples were selected according to the availability from Natal RN market, as they are sold to the consumers. The methodology was based on studies that used experimental apparatus composed of thermal chambers heated by banks of incandescent bulbs, to analyze the thermal performance of materials. The tiles in the study were submitted to analysis of thermal performance, thermophysical properties and absorptance, using chambers of thermal performance, measuring the thermophysical properties and portable spectrometer, respectively. Comparative analysis of thermal performance between two samples of the recycled material with dimple sizes and different amounts of aluminum were made, in order to verify, if these characteristics had some interference on the thermal performance of them; the results showed no significant performance differences between the samples. The data obtained in chambers of thermal performance and confirmed by statistical analysis, showed, that the tile of recycled material have similar thermal performance to the tile of fiber cement. In addition to these tests was carried out the automatic monitoring of a building covered with tiles of recycled material, to verify its thermal performance in a real situation. The results showed that recycled shingles must be used with technical criteria similar to those used for fiber cement tiles, with regard to the heat gain into the building. Within these criteria should be taken into account local characteristics, especially in regions with hot and humid climate, and its use must be associated, according to the literature, to elements of thermal insulation and use of passive techniques such as vented attics, ceilings and right foot higher