26 resultados para Solidificação Simulada

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This work analyses a study on natural ventilation and its relation to the urban legislation versus the building types in an urban fraction of coastal area of Praia do Meio in the city of Natal/RN, approaching the type or types of land use most appropriate to this limited urban fraction. The objective of this study is to analyse the effects of the present legislation as well as the types of buildings in this area on the natural ventilation. This urban fraction was selected because it is one of the sites from where the wind flows into the city of Natal. This research is based on the hypothesis stating that the reduction on the porosity of the urban soil (decrease in the set back/boundary clearance), and an increase in the form (height of the buildings) rise the level of the ventilation gradient, consequently causing a reduction on the wind speed at the lowest part of the buildings. Three-dimensional computational models were used to produce the modes of occupation allowed in the urban fraction within the area under study. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software was also used to analyse the modes of land occupation. Following simulation, a statistical assessment was carried out for validation of the hypothesis. It was concluded that the reduction in the soil porosity as a consequence of the rates that defined the minimum boundary clearance between the building and the boundary of the plot (and consequently the set back), as well as the increase in the building form (height of the buildings) caused a reduction in the wind speed, thus creating heat islands


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The present work studies the natural ventilation and its relationship with the urban standards, which establishes the form of occupation and use of the land in our cities. The method simulates the application of the urban standards of the City Master Plan over the last three years. The simulation takes place in the District of Petrópolis, in the city of Natal , Brazil and analyses the effects of the standards of natural ventilation. The formulated hypothesis states that the reductions in the urban spaces between buildings rises up the vertical profile of ventilation, reducing, therefore, the velocity of the wind at the lower levels of the buildings. To develop the study, occupation models were built, using computerized, three-dimensional models. These occupation models were analyzed using the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) code. The conclusion is that the more we reduce the urban space between buildings, the more we reduce the wind speed in constructed areas, increasing, therefore, the possibility to generate heat islands


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The need to implement a software architecture that promotes the development of a SCADA supervisory system for monitoring industrial processes simulated with the flexibility of adding intelligent modules and devices such as CLP, according to the specifications of the problem, it was the motivation for this work. In the present study, we developed an intelligent supervisory system on a simulation of a distillation column modeled with Unisim. Furthermore, OLE Automation was used as communication between the supervisory and simulation software, which, with the use of the database, promoted an architecture both scalable and easy to maintain. Moreover, intelligent modules have been developed for preprocessing, data characteristics extraction, and variables inference. These modules were fundamentally based on the Encog software


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One of the waste generated during the drilling of oil wells are gravel which are impregnated of drilling fluid. This residue consists of highly toxic chemicals, including toxic metals. This study suggests an alternative process to the treatment of this waste, by incorporating it the form of raw material in the ceramic matrix , and by solidification and stabilize the metals present, Aluminum (Al), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn) and Zinc (Zn). The raw materials were characterized by the techniques of X ray fluorescence (FRX), X ray diffraction (DRX), laser granulometry (GL), thermogravimetry (TG) and differential thermal analysis (ADT). To evaluate the percentage of gravel effect the environmental and technological properties were obtained from formulations containing 0, 10 and 20 % by weight of gravel in the ceramic matrix. After sintering at temperatures 1080, 1120 and 1160 °C, the samples were tested for water absorption, the linear shrinkage firing, voltage of rupture and solubility. The results obtained showed that the stabilization by solidification, is a viable alternative to safe disposal of waste drilling. Ceramics products can be used in the manufacture of solid bricks


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One of the main problems related to the use of diesel as fuel is the presence of sulfur (S) which causes environmental pollution and corrosion of engines. In order to minimize the consequences of the release of this pollutant, Brazilian law established maximum sulfur content that diesel fuel may have. To meet these requirements, diesel with a maximum sulfur concentration equal to 10 mg/kg (S10) has been widely marketed in the country. However, the reduction of sulfur can lead to changes in the physicochemical properties of the fuel, which are essential for the performance of road vehicles. This work aims to identify the main changes in the physicochemical properties of diesel fuel and how they are related to reduction of sulfur content. Samples of diesel types S10, S500 and S1800 were tested according with the methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). The fuels were also characterized by thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and subjected to physical distillation (ASTM D86) and simulated distillation gas chromatography (ASTM D2887). The results showed that the reduction of sulfur turned the fuel lighter and fluid, allowing a greater applicability to low temperature environments and safer for transportation and storage. Through the simulated distillation data was observed that decreasing sulfur content resulted in higher initial boiling point temperatures and the decreasing of the boiling temperature of the medium and heavy fractions. Thermogravimetric analysis showed a loss event mass attributed to volatilization or distillation of light and medium hydrocarbons. Based on these data, the kinetic behavior of the samples was investigated and it was observed that the activation energies (Ea) did not show significant changes throughout conversion. Considering the average of these energies, the S1800 had the highest Ea during the conversion and the S10 the lowest values


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This work analyses a study on natural ventilation and its relation to the urban legislation versus the building types in an urban fraction of coastal area of Praia do Meio in the city of Natal/RN, approaching the type or types of land use most appropriate to this limited urban fraction. The objective of this study is to analyse the effects of the present legislation as well as the types of buildings in this area on the natural ventilation. This urban fraction was selected because it is one of the sites from where the wind flows into the city of Natal. This research is based on the hypothesis stating that the reduction on the porosity of the urban soil (decrease in the set back/boundary clearance), and an increase in the form (height of the buildings) rise the level of the ventilation gradient, consequently causing a reduction on the wind speed at the lowest part of the buildings. Three-dimensional computational models were used to produce the modes of occupation allowed in the urban fraction within the area under study. A Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software was also used to analyse the modes of land occupation. Following simulation, a statistical assessment was carried out for validation of the hypothesis. It was concluded that the reduction in the soil porosity as a consequence of the rates that defined the minimum boundary clearance between the building and the boundary of the plot (and consequently the set back), as well as the increase in the building form (height of the buildings) caused a reduction in the wind speed, thus creating heat islands


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The present work studies the natural ventilation and its relationship with the urban standards, which establishes the form of occupation and use of the land in our cities. The method simulates the application of the urban standards of the City Master Plan over the last three years. The simulation takes place in the District of Petrópolis, in the city of Natal , Brazil and analyses the effects of the standards of natural ventilation. The formulated hypothesis states that the reductions in the urban spaces between buildings rises up the vertical profile of ventilation, reducing, therefore, the velocity of the wind at the lower levels of the buildings. To develop the study, occupation models were built, using computerized, three-dimensional models. These occupation models were analyzed using the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) code. The conclusion is that the more we reduce the urban space between buildings, the more we reduce the wind speed in constructed areas, increasing, therefore, the possibility to generate heat islands


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The consumption of energy on the planet is currently based on fossil fuels. They are responsible for adverse effects on the environment. Renewables propose solutions for this scenario, but must face issues related to the capacity of the power supply. Wind energy offshore emerging as a promising alternative. The speed and stability are greater winds over oceans, but the variability of these may cause inconvenience to the generation of electric power fluctuations. To reduce this, a combination of wind farms geographically distributed was proposed. The greater the distance between them, the lower the correlation between the wind velocity, increasing the likelihood that together achieve more stable power system with less fluctuations in power generation. The efficient use of production capacity of the wind park however, depends on their distribution in marine environments. The objective of this research was to analyze the optimal allocation of wind farms offshore on the east coast of the U.S. by Modern Portfolio Theory. The Modern Portfolio Theory was used so that the process of building portfolios of wind energy offshore contemplate the particularity of intermittency of wind, through calculations of return and risk of the production of wind farms. The research was conducted with 25.934 observations of energy produced by wind farms 11 hypothetical offshore, from the installation of 01 simulated ocean turbine with a capacity of 5 MW. The data show hourly time resolution and covers the period between January 1, 1998 until December 31, 2002. Through the Matlab R software, six were calculated minimum variance portfolios, each for a period of time distinct. Given the inequality of the variability of wind over time, set up four strategies rebalancing to evaluate the performance of the related portfolios, which enabled us to identify the most beneficial to the stability of the wind energy production offshore. The results showed that the production of wind energy for 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2001 should be considered by the portfolio weights calculated for the same periods, respectively. Energy data for 2002 should use the weights derived from the portfolio calculated in the previous time period. Finally, the production of wind energy in the period 1998-2002 should also be weighted by 1/11. It follows therefore that the portfolios found failed to show reduced levels of variability when compared to the individual production of wind farms hypothetical offshore


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Petroleum evaluation is analyze it using different methodologies, following international standards to know their chemical and physicochemical properties, contaminant levels, composition and especially their ability to generate derivatives. Many of these analyzes consuming a lot of time, large amount of samples , supplies and need an organized transportation logistics, schedule and professionals involved. Looking for alternatives that optimize the evaluation and enable the use of new technologies, seven samples of different centrifuged Brazilian oils previously characterized by Petrobras were analyzed by thermogravimetry in 25-900° C range using heating rates of 05, 10 and 20ºC per minute. With experimental data obtained, characterizations correlations were performed and provided: generation of true boiling point curves (TBP) simulated; comparing fractions generated with appropriate cut standard in temperature ranges; an approach to obtain Watson characterization factor; and compare micro carbon residue formed. The results showed a good chance of reproducing simulated TBP curve from thermogravimetry taking into account the composition, density and other oil properties. Proposed correlations for experimental characterization factor and carbon residue followed Petrobras characterizations, showing that thermogravimetry can be used as a tool on oil evaluation, because your quick analysis, accuracy, and requires a minimum number of samples and consumables


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Hansen's disease, despite significant advances regarding the diagnosis, treatment and control still carries an immense burden of stigma as a result, mainly of its socio-historical marked by prejudice and isolation of patients, translated by suffering, abandonment and psychosocial problems. Thus, the study set out to rescue the life stories of former leprosy patients with a leprosarium history; recovering the life trajectory stories of these former patients and to identify common factors to these life stories. Exploratory-descriptive study with a qualitative approach, using the Life History Research Methodology. The sample was composed by twelve former leprosy patients who lived while undergone treatment in the Colony Hospital St. Francisco de Assis, located in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The network was composed without considering sex and age limit, patients that lived in the Colony Hospital for at least six months and who agree to participate freely in the study. The subjects with special physical needs (hearing) or mental disabilities and those who do not agree to participate were excluded. A semi-structured interview was used to data collection, the interviews were recorded in the household context of individual, residents in neighborhoods Felipe Camarão, Km 6 and Jardim America, more precisely at Nova Vida village, all located in that district. The data collected were subjected to the technique of thematic content analysis. This study had obtained an appropriate consent of the UFRN Research Ethics Committee under the protocol No. 016/2010. After extensive and careful readings of life stories we identified three themes that guided the data analysis: behavioral stages, social exclusion and, stigma and prejudice. Thus, it is clear that the practice of compulsory confinement of patients in nursing homes and the mythical image of Hansen's disease as being ugly and deformed, contributed to solidifying the historical stigma surrounding the disease and its patients, raising in society and family attitudes and feelings of exclusion, prejudice and fear. Moreover, there are remarkable stories in the lives of these interviewed reporting suffering, denials, anger that reverberate to this day, affecting negatively the social and family reintegration of these individuals. As a result, we see the need for managers and local health professionals, especially nurses, rethink existing strategies for social rehabilitation of the patient and ex-leprosy patient aiming to suppression unjust and harmful stigma rooted in image and stories of these individuals


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This study presents itself as a contribution to the solidification of the Natural Gas industry, within the scope of the development of new products. The goal of this paper is to analyze the factors that lead to the success of new products through the evaluation of the activities done during the process of development of these products in the Natural Gas sector. To achieve this goal a case study was done in a small company of this segment. At first, as a basis for the study, a bibliographical research was done with books, theses, dissertations, monographies, publications in national and international periodicals, congress annals and publications in the internet related to the subject. Afterwards, a case study was done, aiming at the acquisition of further knowledge about the real process of development of products in a small company of the Natural Gas sector, allowing for the performance of the evaluation. The case study was done at Gas Project and Systems do Brasil, a company that works with the development of electronic equipment to the conversion of car engines to natural gas, through direct observations and interviews with the person responsible for the development and management of products. Through the evaluation of the process it was observed that the activities related to it are done in an informal way and some activities are considered unnecessary for their success. The results also suggest an emphasis in the technological activities, something that was not observed in the activities related to the market. The instruments used in this evaluation prove to be efficient to evaluate the process of development of new products in other companies, including those of different areas. Taking into account the relevance of the studied theme to the strengthening of the Natural Gas industry, it is necessary to do further complementary studies


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This work presents a study of implementation procedures for multiband microstrip patch antennas characterization, using on wireless communication systems. An artificial neural network multilayer perceptron is used to locate the bands of operational frequencies of the antenna for different geometrics configurations. The antenna is projected, simulated and tested in laboratory. The results obtained are compared in order to validate the performance of archetypes that resulted in a good one agreement in metric terms. The neurocomputationals procedures developed can be extended to other electromagnetic structures of wireless communications systems


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The industries are getting more and more rigorous, when security is in question, no matter is to avoid financial damages due to accidents and low productivity, or when it s related to the environment protection. It was thinking about great world accidents around the world involving aircrafts and industrial process (nuclear, petrochemical and so on) that we decided to invest in systems that could detect fault and diagnosis (FDD) them. The FDD systems can avoid eventual fault helping man on the maintenance and exchange of defective equipments. Nowadays, the issues that involve detection, isolation, diagnose and the controlling of tolerance fault are gathering strength in the academic and industrial environment. It is based on this fact, in this work, we discuss the importance of techniques that can assist in the development of systems for Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) and propose a hybrid method for FDD in dynamic systems. We present a brief history to contextualize the techniques used in working environments. The detection of fault in the proposed system is based on state observers in conjunction with other statistical techniques. The principal idea is to use the observer himself, in addition to serving as an analytical redundancy, in allowing the creation of a residue. This residue is used in FDD. A signature database assists in the identification of system faults, which based on the signatures derived from trend analysis of the residue signal and its difference, performs the classification of the faults based purely on a decision tree. This FDD system is tested and validated in two plants: a simulated plant with coupled tanks and didactic plant with industrial instrumentation. All collected results of those tests will be discussed


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Nowadays, where the market competition requires products with better quality and a constant search for cost savings and a better use of raw materials, the research for more efficient control strategies becomes vital. In Natural Gas Processin Units (NGPUs), as in the most chemical processes, the quality control is accomplished through their products composition. However, the chemical composition analysis has a long measurement time, even when performed by instruments such as gas chromatographs. This fact hinders the development of control strategies to provide a better process yield. The natural gas processing is one of the most important activities in the petroleum industry. The main economic product of a NGPU is the liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). The LPG is ideally composed by propane and butane, however, in practice, its composition has some contaminants, such as ethane and pentane. In this work is proposed an inferential system using neural networks to estimate the ethane and pentane mole fractions in LPG and the propane mole fraction in residual gas. The goal is to provide the values of these estimated variables in every minute using a single multilayer neural network, making it possibly to apply inferential control techniques in order to monitor the LPG quality and to reduce the propane loss in the process. To develop this work a NGPU was simulated in HYSYS R software, composed by two distillation collumns: deethanizer and debutanizer. The inference is performed through the process variables of the PID controllers present in the instrumentation of these columns. To reduce the complexity of the inferential neural network is used the statistical technique of principal component analysis to decrease the number of network inputs, thus forming a hybrid inferential system. It is also proposed in this work a simple strategy to correct the inferential system in real-time, based on measurements of the chromatographs which may exist in process under study


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The main purpose of this work is to develop an environment that allows HYSYS R chemical process simulator communication with sensors and actuators from a Foundation Fieldbus industrial network. The environment is considered a hybrid resource since it has a real portion (industrial network) and a simulated one (process) with all measurement and control signals also real. It is possible to reproduce different industrial process dynamics without being required any physical network modification, enabling simulation of some situations that exist in a real industrial environment. This feature testifies the environment flexibility. In this work, a distillation column is simulated through HYSYS R with all its variables measured and controlled by Foundation Fieldbus devices