1 resultado para Sima, Guang, 1019-1086.
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The daily teaching invokes us to answer questions that surround the educational action, they are ethic and political exercises of us teachers, considering the responsibility that is presented to us in circumstance of perspective that we create as for our students´ formation. Considering the public school Terezinha Paulino as stage of the daily teaching which we invested, and finally, the school gymnastic group (GGTP), as pedagogical practice specifically attended during this study, we launch the following questions: 1. What are the ethic indicators present in the experience lived by GGTP members? 2. What s the meaning of these indicators for the GGTP members? 3. Do these meanings configure a socio-political dimension of the individuals involved formation ? What socio-political dimension is that? And What is its contribution to think of Physical Education in school? From these issues, we highlight our goals in this research: investigate the educational experience lived in GGTP, with a focus on the ethical elements that characterize and reflect the relationship of these elements in the socio-political dimension of Physical Education in school. To answer the initial questions and achieve our goals, we use the Content Analysis (BARDIN, 2004) as a methodological contribution of this research. From this methodological contribution we got two strands of the discussion here related: relational behavior of living and undesirable relational conduct and non-social. typical examples of good living are: union, cooperation, solidarity, fraternity, conversation, dialogue, love, trust, responsibility, commitment, dedication, application, respect, partition, sharing, gratitude, companionship, kindness Correspond to undesirable behaviors conduct: intrigue, strife (dispute), vanity, arrogance, anger, rage, fury, nervousness, anxiety and fear. Permeates the categories discussion, The group of knowledge produced by different authors, Humberto Maturana predominate among them, sometimes related to some of its main partners, , José Varela, Gerda Verden-Zöller and Sima Nisis de Rezepka. Although less frequent, we broach other authors, including Edgar Morin and Paulo Freire, to enlarge, articulate, and thus contribute to support the notes, contents of this study. Besides the introductory chapter, is the content of this dissertation: ethics: textual understanding, the methodological way; relational behaviors of living; undesirable conduct relational and non-social; gymnastics as an ethical and political bet on training human. In ethics: textual understandings, we make a brief introduction to distinguish the ethical field which we are advancing; In the methodology way, we briefly describe the implementation of the analysis content (BARDIN,2007); in relational behaviors of living, as well as, in undesirable relational conduct and non-social, we point out the meanings discussing them supported on theoretical contribution of this research. Finally, in gymnastics as an ethical and political bet on training human, we point out some possibilities for the gymnastic practice and physical education at school, as well as to think about education by training human bias.