7 resultados para Sequences stratigraphy

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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AIRES, Kelson R. T. ; ARAÚJO, Hélder J. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. . Plane Detection from Monocular Image Sequences. In: VISUALIZATION, IMAGING AND IMAGE PROCESSING, 2008, Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Proceedings..., Palma de Mallorca: VIIP, 2008


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Hebb proposed that synapses between neurons that fire synchronously are strengthened, forming cell assemblies and phase sequences. The former, on a shorter scale, are ensembles of synchronized cells that function transiently as a closed processing system; the latter, on a larger scale, correspond to the sequential activation of cell assemblies able to represent percepts and behaviors. Nowadays, the recording of large neuronal populations allows for the detection of multiple cell assemblies. Within Hebb's theory, the next logical step is the analysis of phase sequences. Here we detected phase sequences as consecutive assembly activation patterns, and then analyzed their graph attributes in relation to behavior. We investigated action potentials recorded from the adult rat hippocampus and neocortex before, during and after novel object exploration (experimental periods). Within assembly graphs, each assembly corresponded to a node, and each edge corresponded to the temporal sequence of consecutive node activations. The sum of all assembly activations was proportional to firing rates, but the activity of individual assemblies was not. Assembly repertoire was stable across experimental periods, suggesting that novel experience does not create new assemblies in the adult rat. Assembly graph attributes, on the other hand, varied significantly across behavioral states and experimental periods, and were separable enough to correctly classify experimental periods (Naïve Bayes classifier; maximum AUROCs ranging from 0.55 to 0.99) and behavioral states (waking, slow wave sleep, and rapid eye movement sleep; maximum AUROCs ranging from 0.64 to 0.98). Our findings agree with Hebb's view that assemblies correspond to primitive building blocks of representation, nearly unchanged in the adult, while phase sequences are labile across behavioral states and change after novel experience. The results are compatible with a role for phase sequences in behavior and cognition.


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Baixo Vermelho area, situated on the northern portion of Umbuzeiro Graben (onshore Potiguar Basin), represents a typical example of a rift basin, characterized, in subsurface, by the sedimentary rift sequence, correlated to Pendência Formation (Valanginian-Barremian), and by the Carnaubais fault system. In this context, two main goals, the stratigraphic and the structural analysis, had guided the research. For this purpose, it was used the 3D seismic volume and eight wells located in the study area and adjacencies. The stratigraphic analysis of the Valanginian-Barremian interval was carried through in two distinct phases, 1D and 2D, in which the basic concepts of the sequence stratigraphy had been adapted. In these phases, the individual analysis of each well and the correlation between them, allowed to recognize the main lithofacies, to interpret the effective depositional systems and to identify the genetic units and key-surfaces of chronostratigraphic character. The analyzed lithofacies are represented predominantly by conglomerates, sandstones, siltites and shales, with carbonate rocks and marls occurring subordinately. According to these lithofacies associations, it is possible to interpret the following depositional systems: alluvial fan, fluvio-deltaic and lacustrine depositional systems. The alluvial fan system is mainly composed by conglomerates deposits, which had developed, preferentially in the south portion of the area, being directly associated to Carnaubais fault system. The fluvial-deltaic system, in turn, was mainly developed in the northwest portion of the area, at the flexural edge, being characterized by coarse sandstones with shales and siltites intercalated. On the other hand, the lacustrine system, the most dominant one in the study area, is formed mainly by shales that could occur intercalated with thin layers of fine to very fine sandstones, interpreted as turbidite deposits. The recognized sequence stratigraphy units in the wells are represented by parasequence sets, systems tracts and depositional sequences. The parasequence sets, which are progradational or retrogradational, had been grouped and related to the systems tracts. The predominance of the progradation parasequence sets (general trend with coarsening-upward) characterizes the Regressive Systems Tract, while the occurrence, more frequently, of the retrogradation parasequence sets (general trend with finning-upward) represents the Transgressive System Tract. In the seismic stratigraphic analysis, the lithofacies described in the wells had been related to chaotic, progradational and parallel/subparallel seismic facies, which are associated, frequently, to the alluvial fans, fluvial-deltaic and lacustrine depositional systems, respectively. In this analysis, it was possible to recognize fifteen seismic horizons that correspond to sequence boundaries and to maximum flooding surfaces, which separates Transgressive to Regressive systems tracts. The recognition of transgressive-regressive cycles allowed to identify nine, possibly, 3a order deposicional sequences, related to the tectonic-sedimentary cycles. The structural analysis, in turn, was done at Baixo Vermelho seismic volume, which shows, clearly, the structural complexity printed in the area, mainly related to Carnaubais fault system, acting as an important fault system of the rift edge. This fault system is characterized by a main arrangement of normal faults with trend NE-SO, where Carnaubais Fault represents the maximum expression of these lineations. Carnaubais Fault corresponds to a fault with typically listric geometry, with general trend N70°E, dipping to northwest. It is observed, throughout all the seismic volume, with variations in its surface, which had conditioned, in its evolutive stages, the formation of innumerable structural features that normally are identified in Pendencia Formation. In this unit, part of these features is related to the formation of longitudinal foldings (rollover structures and distentional folding associated), originated by the displacement of the main fault plan, propitiating variations in geometry and thickness of the adjacent layers, which had been deposited at the same time. Other structural features are related to the secondary faultings, which could be synthetic or antithetic to Carnaubais Fault. In a general way, these faults have limited lateral continuity, with listric planar format and, apparently, they play the role of the accomodation of the distentional deformation printed in the area. Thus, the interaction between the stratigraphic and structural analysis, based on an excellent quality of the used data, allowed to get one better agreement on the tectonicsedimentary evolution of the Valanginian-Barremian interval (Pendência Formation) in the studied area


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This study has as a main objective to make a detailed stratigraphic analysis of the Aptian-Albian interval in the east part of Araripe Basin, NE of Brazil which correspond, litostratigraphically, to Rio Da Batateira, Crato, Ipubi and Romualdo formations. The stratigraphic analysis was based on three different stages, the 1D, 2D and 3D analysis; these ones were adapted to the sequence stratigraphy concepts in order to create a chronostratigraphic framework for the study area within the basin. The database used in the present study contains field and well information, wells that belong to Santana Project, carried out by the Ministério de Minas e Energia- DNPM- CPRM from 1977 to 1978. The analysis 1D, which was done separately for each well and outcrop allowed the recognition of 13 sedimentary facies, mainly divided based on predominant litologies and sedimentary structures. Such facies are lithologically represented by pebble, sandstones, claystones, margas and evaporates; these facies are associated in order to characterize different depositional systems, that integrate from the continental environment (fluvial system and lacustre), paralic system (delta system and lagunar) to the marine environment (shelfenvironment). The first one, the fluvial system was divided into two subtypes: meandering fluvial system, characterized by fill channel and floodplain deposits; the facies of this system are associated vertically according to the textural thinning upward cycles (dirting-up trend pattern in well logs). Lacustrine environment is mainly related with the lithotypes of the Crato Formation, it shows a good distribution within the basin, been composed by green claystone deposits and calcareous laminated. Deltaic System represented by prodelta and delta front deposits which coarsening upward tendency. Lagunar system is characterised by the presence of anhydrite and gypsum deposits besides the black claystone deposits with vegetal fragments which do not contain a fauna typically marine. The marine platform system is composed by successions of black and gray claystone with fossiliferous fauna of Dinoflagellates (Spiniferites Mantell, Subtilisphaera Jain e Subtilisphaera Millipied genre) typical of this kind of depositional system. The sedimentary facies described are vertically arranged in cycles with progradational patterns which form textural coersening upward cycles and retrogradational, represented by textural thinning dowward cycles. Based in these cycles, in their stack pattern and the vertical change between these patterns, the systems tracks and the depositional sequences were recognized. The Low System Track (LST) and High System Track (HST) are composed by cycles with progradational stack pattern, whereas the Trangessive System Track (TST) is composed by retrogradational stack pattern cycles. The 2D stratigraphic analysis was done through the carrying out of two stratigraphic sections. For the selection of the datum the deepest maximum flooding surface was chosen, inside the Sequence 1, the execution of these sections allowed to understand the behaviour of six depositional systems along the study area, which were interpreted as cycles of second order or supercycles (cycles between 3 and 10 Ma), according to the Vail, et al (1977) classification. The Sequence 1, the oldest of the six identified is composed by the low, transgressive and high systems tracks. The first two system tracks are formed exclusively by fluvial deposits of the Rio da Batateira Formation whereas the third one includes deltaic and lacustrine deposits of the Crato Formation. The sequences 2 and 3 are formed by the transgressive systems tracks (lake spreading phase) and the highstand system track (lake backward phase). The TST of these sequences are formed by lacustrine deposits whereas HST contains deltaic deposits, indicating high rates of sedimentary supply at the time of it s deposition. The sequence 4 is composed by LST, TST and HST, The TST4 shows a significant fall of the lake base level, this track was developed in conditions of low relation between the creation rate of space of accommodation and the sedimentary influx. The TST4 marks the third phase of expansion of the lacustrine system in the section after the basin´s rift, the lacustrine system established in the previous track starts a backward phase in conditions that the sedimentary supply rate exceeds the creation rate of space accommodation. The sequence 5 was developed in two different phases, the first one is related with the latest expansion stage of the lake, (TST5), the basal track of this sequence. In this phase the base level of the lake rose considerably. The second phase (related to the TST5) indicates the end of the lacustrine domain in the Araripe Basin and the change to lagunar system ant tidal flat, with great portions in the supratidal. These systems were formed by restricted lagoons, with shallow level of water and with intermittent connections with the sea. This, was the phase when the Araripe Basin recorded the most several arid conditions of the whole interval studied, Aptian Albian, conditions that allow the formation of evaporitic deposits. The sequence 6 began its deposition after a significant fall of the sea (LST6). The sequence 6 is without any doubtlessly, the sequence that has deposits that prove the effective entrance of the sea into the Araripe Basin. The TST6, end of this sequence, represents the moment which the sea reaches its maximum level during the Aptian Albian time. The stratigraphic analysis of the Aptian Albian interval made possible the understanding that the main control in the development of the depositional sequences recognized in the Araripe Basin were the variations of the local base level, which are controlled itself by the climate changes


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Through an integrated approach, using litho, chrono and biostratigraphic data, the relative importance of climate variations and tectonics were recognized in rift sediments of the onshore Potiguar Basin, Northeast Brazil. Concepts of sequence stratigraphy were applied as a template to integrate sedimentological and geochemical data (oxygen isotopes), as well as quantitative palynologic methods to address and recognize the main depositional patterns produced in a rift basin. The main objective was to address the relative importance of climate changes and tectonics to the resultant stratigraphic architecture. The results of computer simulations of sedimentary basin fills of rift basins were quite useful to test working hypothesis and mimic the process of filling a half graben during a rift event. The studied section includes a neovalanginian-eobarremian (Lower Cretaceous) rift interval from the Pendência Formation, located in the southwestern portion of Umbuzeiro Graben, in the offshore Potiguar Basin. The depositional setting is interpreted as progradational deltaic system entering a lake from its flexural margin. Sismoestratigraphyc and well logs analyses allowed to interpret two regressive intervals (Green and Yellow Sequences), separated by a broad transgressive interval (Orange Sequence), known as the Livramento Shale. The depositional history encompass three stages: two tectonically active phases, during the deposition of the Green and Yellow Sequences, and a tectonically quiescent phase, during the deposition of the Orange Sequence. Paleoclimatic interpretation, based on quantitative palynology and geochemical data (��18O), suggests a tendency to arid conditions during the tectonically active phases and wet conditions during the tectonically quiescent phase. Stratigraphic modeling and backstripping techniques, supported by paleoclimatic/paleoecologic interpretations provide a powerful methodology to evaluate the tectonic and climatic controls on tectonic lakes


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A complex depositional history, related to Atlantic rifting, demonstrates the geological evolution during the late Jurassic and early Neocomian periods in the Araripe Basin NE Brazil. Based on outcrop, seismic and remote sensing data, a new model of the tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the section that covers the stages Dom João, Rio da Serra and Aratu (Brejo Santo, Missão Velha and Abaiara formations) is presented in this paper. In the stratigraphic section studied, ten sedimentary facies genetically linked to nine architectural elements were described, representing depositional systems associated with fluvial, aeolian and deltaic environments. Based on the relationship between the rates of creation of accommodation space and sediment influx (A / S) it was possible to associate these depositional systems with High and Low accommodation system tracks. These system tracks represent two tectono-sequences, separated by regional unconformities. The Tectono-sequence I, which includes lithotypes from the Brejo Santo Formation and is related to the pre-rift stage, is bounded at the base by the Paleozoic unconformity. This unit represents only a High Accommodation System Track, composed by a succession of pelitic levels interbedded with sandstones and limestones, from a large fluvial floodplain origin, developed under arid climatic conditions. The Tectono-sequence II, separated from the underlying unit by an erosional unconformity, is related to the rift stage, and is composed by the Missão Velha and Abaiara Formation lithotypes. Changes in depositional style that reflect variations in the A / S ratio, and the presence of hydroplastic deformation bands, make it possible to divide this tectonosequence into two internal sequences. Sequence IIA, which includes the lower portion of the Missão Velha Formation and sequence IIB, is composed by the upper section of the Missão Velha and Abaiara Formations The Sequence IIA below, composed only by the Low Accommodation System Track, includes crossbedding sandstones interbedded with massive mudstones, which are interpreted as deposits of sandy gravel beds wandering rivers. Sequence IIB, above, is more complex, showing a basal Low Accommodation System Track and a High Accommodation System Track at the top, separated by an expansion surface. The lower System Track, related to the upper portion of the Missão Velha Formation, is composed by a series of amalgamated channels, separated by erosion surfaces, interpreted as deposits of a belt of braided channels. The High Accommodation System Track, correlated with the Abaiara Unit, is marked by a significant increase in the A / S, resulting in the progradation of a system of braided river deltas with aeolic influence. Regarding tectonic evolution, the stratigraphic study indicates that the Tectonosequence Rift in the Araripe basin was developed in two phases: first characterized by a beginning of rifting, related to Sequence IIA, followed by a phase of syndepositional deformation, represented by sequence IIB. The first phase was not influenced by the development of large faults, but was influenced by a sharp and continuous decrease of accommodation space that permitted a change in depositional patterns, establishing a new depositional architecture. In turn, the stage of syndepositional deformation allowed for the generation of enough accommodation space for the preservation of fluvial-lacustrine deposits and conditioned the progradation of a braided river-dominated delta system.


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The main objective of the present thesis was the seismic interpretation and seismic attribute analysis of the 3D seismic data from the Siririzinho high, located in the Sergipe Sub-basin (southern portion of Sergipe-Alagoas Basin). This study has enabled a better understanding of the stratigraphy and structure that the Siririzinho high experienced during its development. In a first analysis, we used two types of filters: the dip-steered median filter, was used to remove random noise and increase the lateral continuity of reflections, and fault-enhancement filter was applied to enhance the reflection discontinuities. After this filtering step similarity and curvature attributes were applied in order to identify and enhance the distribution of faults and fractures. The use of attributes and filtering greatly contributed to the identification and enhancement of continuity of faults. Besides the application of typical attributes (similarity and curvature) neural network and fingerprint techniques were also used, which generate meta-attributes, also aiming to highlight the faults; however, the results were not satisfactory. In a subsequent step, well log and seismic data analysis were performed, which allowed the understanding of the distribution and arrangement of sequences that occur in the Siririzinho high, as well as an understanding of how these units are affected by main structures in the region. The Siririzinho high comprises an elongated structure elongated in the NS direction, capped by four seismo-sequences (informally named, from bottom to top, the sequences I to IV, plus the top of the basement). It was possible to recognize the main NS-oriented faults, which especially affect the sequences I and II, and faults oriented NE-SW, that reach the younger sequences, III and IV. Finally, with the interpretation of seismic horizons corresponding to each of these sequences, it was possible to define a better understanding of geometry, deposition and structural relations in the area.