8 resultados para School field trips -- Victoria

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Ectomycorrhizal associations are poorly known from tropical lowlands of South America. Recent field trips to the reserve Parque Estadual das Dunas in Natal, in Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil, revealed a undocumented community of ectomycorrhizal fungi. This type of Mycorrhizal association is frequently in the north hemisphere in temperate and boreal forests. The aim of this work is to analyze the occurrence of ectotrophic areas in atlantic rainforest. Collections along and around the trails in the reserve revealed six genera of putatively ECM fungi which belong to the basidiomycete, Amanitaceae, Boletaceae, Russulaceae, Entolomataceae, and Sclerodermataceae family which are poorly documented in Brazil. Plants belonging to Myrtaceae, Polygonaceae, Leguminosae/Caesalpinioideae, Erythroxylaceae, Malphigiaceae, Bromeliaceae, Loganiaceae, Sapotaceae e Celastraceae were found living next to the species of fungi analized. Our results suggest that the area studied is an ectotrophic environment which shows high diversity of putatively ECM fungi and some plants probably host ECM. The tropical lands are a potential focus to study reinforced by the new records of Scleroderma in Brazil and Northwest of Brazil


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Four areas are known as of frequent usage by Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) in the south coast of Rio Grande do Norte state, northeast Brazil: Tabatinga, Pipa, Lagoa de Guaraíras and Baia Formosa. This extension of 40 km of shoreline is under increasing anthropogenic impacts due to continuous development of the coastal areas and vessel traffic. The objective of this study was to investigate aspects of population biology and habitat use of the population of Sotalia guianensis in the south coast of Rio Grande do Norte. It was applied the photo-identification technique and posterior methods of capture-recapture for population estimation (POPAN extension in MARK). The distribution, movement and site fidelity of the dolphins were analyzed trough the geographic information system (GIS) and group characteristics and behavior trough non-parametric statistics. Field work was conducted on board a 10m motor vessel from March 2008 to March 2009. Photo-identification effort was 329h with 113h of direct observation of the dolphins. The population estimatives for each area: Tabatinga: 75 (63-92); Pipa 105 (88-129); Lagoa de Guaraíras: 27 (18-54) e Baia Formosa: 112 (89-129) individuals. Total population estimative was: 223 (192 a 297). High site fidelity was detected for only part of the population (<15%) as low site fidelity and transients individuals were also detected (>20%). It was observed frequent movements between Tabatinga, Lagoa de Guaraíras and Pipa, but not Baía Formosa. This suggests a division in two communities along this shore extension: one in Pipa and other in Baía Formosa. Group size was small, most groups with up to 10 dolphins. The areas were use intensively, only in Lagoa de Guaraíras dolphins were not seen in all field trips. Lagoa de Guaraíras is an area used by small groups exclusively for foraging. In Tabatinga and Pipa dolphins concentrated close to the shore, in the inner sector of the area and the main activity is also foraging. Significant larger groups were seen in socializing behavior but there was no difference in group size between the inner and external sectors of the area. The presence of calves and juveniles were significant greater in the inner areas of Tabatinga and Pipa, confirming the hypothesis that these beaches are also used for parental care. In Baia Formosa dolphins concentrated in the outer sector and foraging was also predominant. Significant larger groups were seen in the outer sector, mainly engaged in mixed behaviors of travel/foraging, possibly in some kind of group foraging. Calves and juveniles were significant more present in the outer sector where group size was also larger. In general there was no difference in area usage and period of the day. Sotalia guianensis has characteristics that make the species vulnerable to human activities such as small population concentrated in patches of suitable habitats restrict to coastal areas. We hope that this study bring new information for the species and help for the adequate management of the area in order to assure the presence of the dolphins as well as its behavior pattern and gene flow betweencommunities.


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Considering the necessary approaches with the quotidian of the pedagogical field mentioned in the recent productions in Psychology about the insertion of psychologists in the school field, the objective of this work was to know and to understand the dynamics of functioning of a team of pedagogical coordination, intending to produce reflections on the possibilities of action in school psychology with these professionals. Our field of research was the Municipal School Teacher Emília Ramos (EMPER), considering its peculiar history, distinguished by a constant effort of achievement of the school success by its pupils. As subject of the study, six pedagogical coordinators participated, who worked at the school in the diurne turns, where regular classrooms of 1º cycle of basic education functioned. As procedures, we use participant observations and open interviews, focusing the activities performed by the coordinators and its possible demands to psychology. We use the analysis of content for the production of results. These results evidenced a work of coordination realized on a structured routine, but flexible, centered around the activity of conduction of groups of studies with the teachers. We grouped the demands to psychology in four thematic groups: diagnosis and attending the pupils; orientation to the families, contribution in the formation of the professionals and clinical listening of the professionals of the school. In this way, it is made clear that, in a context where happens a well articulated and consistent pedagogical work, the possible performance in school psychology is not scrumbled or confused with social and pedagogical practical others which many times takes attendance. With these information, we expect to contribute for the theoretical and practical elaborations, in Psychology and the Pedagogy, compromised with the success of the educative work realized in the public schools


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This study analyzed measurements of the aeolian transport using vertical sand traps across the field dunes of Jenipabu, in the municipality of Extremoz, Rio Grande do Norte state to the North of Natal city. These measurements were used as parameters for the sand aeolian transport in the region. Before the field trips a map of landscape units was made. Three visits to the field were done in September 2011 (field a - the 13th, field b - the 21st, field c - the 29th), period of the year with the highest wind speed, and another in December 8th, 2011 (field d ) when the wind speed starts to decrease. The sand traps used were of the type "I" with collecting opening of 25 cm from the surface level, and type "S" with collecting opening of 25 cm located 25 cm from the surface level in six collecting points in two of the visits (fields a and d ), and sand traps of the type "T" with the collecting opening of 50 cm from the surface level in the other field trips (fields "b" and "c"). A set of records was also collected by using a portable meteorological station complemented with information such as frequency and intensity of winds, precipitation and relative air humidity in the region, from the Estação Meteorológica de Natal , located 12 km from the study area. The sediments collected were treated and the data obtained permitted calculating the ratio of sediment transport. In September, the sedimentation ratio varied from 0.01 to 11.39 kg.m-1.h-1 and in December this ratio varied from 0.33 to 1.30 kg.m-1.h-1 in the type T collectors. In type I collectors they ranged from 0.01 to 11.39 kg.m-1.h-1, while the same parameters varied from 0.01 to 0.73 kg.m-1.h-1 in type S collector. Based on the statistical analysis done, we concluded that the sediment transport increased proportionally to the wind speed 25 cm from the surface. However, this is not true above 25 cm from the surface. The transport of sediments is more intense near the surface where sedimentation ratios greater than 10 kg.m-1.h-1 were found, whilst a maximum value of 3 kg.m-1.h-1 was observed 25 cm below the surface. The volume of sediments collected increases with the increasing wind speed at the surface level, whereas this relationship is opposed far away from that surface


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The Amazon savannas occur as isolated patches throughout extensive areas of forest in the states of Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, and Roraima. There is a considerable variation in the composition of anuran assemblages in the localities and phytophysiognomies of Amazon savannas and given the absence of studies on reproductive behavior, a systematic and geographically wide sampling has been carried out in the Amapá savanna, located in the Eastern Amazon. The study was conducted in a savanna area in the state of Amapá to examine the composition, ecology, and reproductive behavior of anuran amphibians. We carried out 24 field trips in each phytophysiognomy (gramineous-woody savana, gramineous-herbaceous-woody savana, park savana, and arboreal savanna); for analysis of reproductive behavior observations were made during the period January to December 2013, lasting four consecutive days. Samples were collected by active and acoustic search along 20 plots of 100x50 meters. Twenty-one anuran species were recorded, of which four are new records for the state of Amapá: Dendropsophus walfordi, Scinax fuscomarginatus, Pseudopaludicola boliviana e Elachistocleis helianneae. The KruskalWallis ANOVA revealed significant differences between richness and species diversity in the phytophysiognomies (p < 0.05). The Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient divided the phytophysiognomies into three groups: arboreal savana, gramineous-woody savanna and gramineous-herbaceous-woody savanna, and park savanna. According to the non-metric multidimensional scaling, the structure of the anuran community resulted in a separation into three phytophysiognomies, with significant differences in the structure of communities (ANOSIM, R = 0.823; p < 0.001). In the study of community ecology, the results obtained for spatial, temporal, and trophic niche breadth suggest that the assemblage of anurans of the Amapá savanna is not composed of predominantly generalist species. Also, the presence of other specialist anurans may explain the processes of speciation associated with the isolation of habitats, resulting in heterogeneity and spatial discontinuity in the phytophysiognomies with open formations. The null model analysis revealed that the community is structured based on temporal and trophic niche, indicating a significant influence of contemporary ecological factors on the assemblage. The absence of structure based on spatial niche might be explained by the spatial segregation in the distribution and occupation of anurans in the different phytophysiognomies of the Amapá savanna. Regarding the reproductive behavior of anurans, 11 species were classified as having a long breeding season, intrinsically associated with the rainy season and the reproductive mode of most species that lay egg clutches in lentic water bodies. Six reproductive modes were recorded and parental care was observed in Leptodactylus macrosternum and L. podicipinus, whose reproductive mode is characterized by foam nests. Regarding behavioral reproductive strategies, calling males were observed in all species of anurans, satellite males were recorded only for D. walfordi, Hypsiboas multifasciatus, S. nebulosus and S. fuscomarginatus; active search for females was observed for Phyllomedusa hypochondrialis and L. fuscus, and male displacement was recorded only for Rhinella major and R. margaritifera. Of the reproductive behaviors observed, throat and vocal sac display is associated with courtship and territorial behavior exhibited by males. In addition to courtship behavior, visual signals associated with courtship strategies were recorded for the anurans of the Amapá savanna.


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Ectomycorrhizal associations are poorly known from tropical lowlands of South America. Recent field trips to the reserve Parque Estadual das Dunas in Natal, in Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil, revealed a undocumented community of ectomycorrhizal fungi. This type of Mycorrhizal association is frequently in the north hemisphere in temperate and boreal forests. The aim of this work is to analyze the occurrence of ectotrophic areas in atlantic rainforest. Collections along and around the trails in the reserve revealed six genera of putatively ECM fungi which belong to the basidiomycete, Amanitaceae, Boletaceae, Russulaceae, Entolomataceae, and Sclerodermataceae family which are poorly documented in Brazil. Plants belonging to Myrtaceae, Polygonaceae, Leguminosae/Caesalpinioideae, Erythroxylaceae, Malphigiaceae, Bromeliaceae, Loganiaceae, Sapotaceae e Celastraceae were found living next to the species of fungi analized. Our results suggest that the area studied is an ectotrophic environment which shows high diversity of putatively ECM fungi and some plants probably host ECM. The tropical lands are a potential focus to study reinforced by the new records of Scleroderma in Brazil and Northwest of Brazil


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This present study aimed to examine the use of games with rules in working with math education in regular classes included in Elementary School, in the municipal education schools of Natal/RN, observing the learning process and development of all students, especially those with disabilities. The theoretical references used are based on Vygotsky's works and other authors from the historical-cultural perspective, as well as researchers in the field of Inclusive Education and Mathematics Education. The investigation was based on the qualitative research guidelines, with the application of semi-structured interviews with educational coordinators and teachers from the schools involved as well as classroom observations, looking for, in the speeches of those involved and in their teaching practices, elements to reflect on the Mathematics Inclusive Education, the use of games with rules -starting from its goals, the participation of disabled students, the pedagogical mediations, up to its accessibility - and from the learning of disabled students. The analysis results showed that the concepts underlying the development of inclusive teaching practices still refer to the clinical-medical paradigm, understanding the student with disabilities from their deficiencies; which teachers use, in their majority, the mathematical games with rules in their classes, but which the teaching mediation, during these activities, still needs to be qualified so that they can, effectively, contribute to the learning and development of all students; students with disabilities do not always participate in games with others colleagues; games with rules are rarely accessible; and that the Universal Design principles are not adopted in the selected classrooms for this study. Thus, it is clear that much remains to be done so that Mathematics Education can contribute to the learning and development of all students, and among those actions the teacher continuing education is recommended


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Student’s mistakes as viewed in a didactic and pedagogical perspective are a phenomenon inevitably observed in any context in which formal teaching-andlearning processes are taking place. Researchers have shown that such mistakes are viewed most of the times as undesirable and often as a consequence of lack of attention or poor commitment on the part of the student and rarely considered didactically useful. The object of our reflections in this work is exactly those mistakes, which are born in the entrails of the teaching-and-learning processes. It is our understanding that a mistake constitutes a tool which mediates knowledge and may therefore become a strong ally of the instructor’s actions in her/his teaching tasks and thus should be taken into the teacher’s best consideration. Understanding a mistake as so, we postulate that the teacher must face it as a possibility to be exploited rather than as a negative occurrence. Such an attitude on the part of the teacher would undoubtedly render profitable didactic situations. To deepen the understanding of our aim, we took a case study on the perception of senior college students in the program of Mathematics at UFRN in the year 2009, 2nd term. The reason of this choice is the fact that Mathematics is the field presenting traditionally the poorest records in terms of school grades. In this work we put forth data associated to ENEM1 , to the UFRN Vestibular2 and the undergraduate courses on Mathematics. The theoretical matrixes supporting our reflections in this thesis follow the ideas proposed by Castorina (1988); Davis e Espósito (1990); Aquino (1997); Luckesi (2006); Cury (1994; 2008); Pinto (2000); Torre (2007). To carry out the study, we applied a semi-structured questionnaire containing 14 questions, out of which 10 were open questions. The questions were methodologically based on the Thematic Analysis – One of the techniques for Content Analysis schemed by Bardin (1977) – and it was also used the computer program Modalisa 6.0 (A software designed by faculties the University of Paris VIII). The results indicate that most of the teachers training instructors in their pedagogical practice view the mistakes made by their students only as a guide for grading and, in this procedure, the student is frequently labeled as guilty. Conclusive analyses, therefore, signal to the necessity of orienting the teachers training instructors in the sense of building a new theoretical contemplation of the students’ mistakes and their pedagogical potentialities and so making those professionals perceive the importance of such mistakes, since they reveal gaps in the process of learning and provide valuable avenues for the teaching procedures.