43 resultados para Satélite CBERS 2B

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This work shows a theoretical analysis together with numerical and experimental results of transmission characteristics from the microstrip bandpass filters with different geometries. These filters are built over isotropic dielectric substrates. The numerical analysis is made by specifical commercial softwares, like Ansoft Designer and Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS). In addition to these tools, a Matlab Script was built to analyze the filters through the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method. The filters project focused the development of the first stage of filtering in the ITASAT s Transponder receptor, and its integration with the others systems. Some microstrip filters architectures have been studied, aiming the viability of implementation and suitable practical application for the purposes of the ITASAT Project due to its lowspace occupation in the lower UHF frequencies. The ITASAT project is a Universityexperimental project which will build a satellite to integrate the Brazilian Data Collect System s satellite constellation, with efforts of many Brazilian institutes, like for example AEB (Brazilian Spatial Agency), ITA (Technological Institute of Aeronautics), INPE/CRN (National Institute of Spatial Researches/Northeastern Regional Center) and UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte). Comparisons were made between numerical and experimental results of all filters, where good agreements could be noticed, reaching the most of the objectives. Also, post-work improvements were suggested.


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One of the most important decisions to turn a substation automatic and no attended it relates to the communication media between this substation and Operation Center. Generally energy companies uses radio or optic fiber, depending of distances and infrastructure of each situation. This rule applies to common substations. Mobile substations are a particular case, therefore they are conceived for use at provisional situations, emergencies, preventive or corrective maintenance. Thus the telecommunication solution used at common substations are not applied so easily to mobile substations, due absence of infrastructure (media) or difficulty to insert the mobile substation data in existing automation network not long. The ideal media must supply covering in a great geographic area to satisfy presented requirements. The implantation costs of this big infrastructure are expensive, however a existing operator may be used. Two services that fulfill that requirements are satellite and cellular telephony. This work presents a solution for automation of mobile substations through satellite. It was successfully implanted at a brazilian electric energy concessionaire named COSERN. The operation became transparent to operators. Other gotten benefits had been operational security, quality in the supply of electric energy and costs reduction. The project presented is a new solution, designed to substations and general applications where few data should be transmitted, but there is difficulties in relation to the media. Despite the satellite having been used, the same resulted can be gotten using celullar telephony, through Short Messages or packet networks as GPRS or EDGE.


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A rotação estelar é um dos mais importantes observáveis da evolução estelar. Neste sentido, o satélite CoRoT representa uma oportunidade única de medir os períodos rotacionais para uma amostra de estrelas estatisticamente robusta, oferecendo dados absolutamente necessários para o estudo da rotação e seu papel na evolução estelar. Para conseguir isto, um passo fundamental é a caracterização física e química das estrelas observadas pelo CoRoT, especificamente devido ao fato de que o cálculo de períodos rotacionais confiáveis é um trabalho difícil sem a ajuda dos parâmetros estelares. Desta forma, foi elaborado um importante seguimento observacional das estrelas nos campos do CoRoT do anticentro LRa01 e do centro LRc01, permitindo a correta identificação dos períodos que reflitam a modulação rotacional. Nesta tese de doutorado são apresentados os resultados de tal seguimento. Parâmetros físicos e químicos, tais como temperatura efetiva Teff , gravidade superficial log(g), velocidade de microturbulência Vmic, abundância de ferro [Fe/H], velocidade de rotação projetada Vsin(i), e abundância de lítio A(Li) são apresentados para uma amostra de 116 estrelas dos campos CoRoT. Elas se encontram em diferentes estágios evolutivos, desde a sequência principal (SP) até o ramo das gigantes vermelhas (GV). As observações foram feitas utilizando os espectrógrafos UVES (VLT) e HYDRA (CTIO). Para a derivação de tais parâmetros foram utilizados o programa TurboSpectrum e os modelos de atmosfera de MARCS. Paralelamente, velocidades rotacionais Vsin(i) foram obtidas a partir do ajuste dos perfis observados e sintéticos das linhas de ferro e por meio de uma calibração de função de correlação cruzada (CCF). Períodos rotacionais Prot para 77 estrelas da amostra foram obtidos a partir das curvas de luz do satélite CoRoT. Extensas tabelas destes parâmetros e seus respectivos erros são apresentadas. Foram encontradas diferenças nas distribuições de Teff , [Fe/H] e estágios evolutivos entre os diferentes campos do CoRoT, indicando possíveis efeitos de seleção na amostra, assim como a existência de diferentes populações estelares do disco Galáctico. Por outro lado, o comportamento rotacional e as abundâncias de lítio não apresentam diferenças entre estrelas de parâmetros físicos similares, mas que pertencem a diferentes campos do CoRoT. A partir da análise de temperaturas, foi encontrada uma maior extinção por avermelhamento para estrelas do CoRoT localizadas no campo LRc01, assim como um gradiente deste valor em função da distância. Os resultados mostram que as abundâncias de lítio, as velocidades de rotação e os períodos rotacionais apresentam o mesmo comportamento descrito na literatura. Por outro lado, é apresentada pela primeira vez a relação que existe entre o lítio e o período de rotação em diferentes estágios evolutivos, mostrando, tal como era esperado, que ambas as grandezas possuem uma anticorrelação. Também é apresentada a evolução simultânea da rotação e do lítio, e foram calculadas relações que permitem obter valores médios de A(Li) como função da temperatura efetiva e do período rotacional. Os dados apresentados nesta tese de doutorado representam um importante ponto de partida para serem utilizados como uma amostra de calibração para diferentes programas no contexto da missão do satélite CoRoT, uma vez que a lista de estrelas aqui analisadas são parte das mais brilhantes que compõem o campo Exo do CoRoT


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Lithium (Li) is a chemical element with atomic number 3 and it is among the lightest known elements in the universe. In general, the Lithium is found in the nature under the form of two stable isotopes, the 6Li and 7Li. This last one is the most dominant and responds for about 93% of the Li found in the Universe. Due to its fragileness this element is largely used in the astrophysics, especially in what refers to the understanding of the physical process that has occurred since the Big Bang going through the evolution of the galaxies and stars. In the primordial nucleosynthesis in the Big Bang moment (BBN), the theoretical calculation forecasts a Li production along with all the light elements such as Deuterium and Beryllium. To the Li the BNB theory reviews a primordial abundance of Log log ǫ(Li) =2.72 dex in a logarithmic scale related to the H. The abundance of Li found on the poor metal stars, or pop II stars type, is called as being the abundance of Li primordial and is the measure as being log ǫ(Li) =2.27 dex. In the ISM (Interstellar medium), that reflects the current value, the abundance of Lithium is log ǫ(Li) = 3.2 dex. This value has great importance for our comprehension on the chemical evolution of the galaxy. The process responsible for the increasing of the primordial value present in the Li is not clearly understood until nowadays. In fact there is a real contribution of Li from the giant stars of little mass and this contribution needs to be well streamed if we want to understand our galaxy. The main objection in this logical sequence is the appearing of some giant stars with little mass of G and K spectral types which atmosphere is highly enriched with Li. Such elevated values are exactly the opposite of what could happen with the typical abundance of giant low mass stars, where convective envelops pass through a mass deepening in which all the Li should be diluted and present abundances around log ǫ(Li) ∼1.4 dex following the model of stellar evolution. In the Literature three suggestions are found that try to reconcile the values of the abundance of Li theoretical and observed in these rich in Li giants, but any of them bring conclusive answers. In the present work, we propose a qualitative study of the evolutionary state of the rich in Li stars in the literature along with the recent discovery of the first star rich in Li observed by the Kepler Satellite. The main objective of this work is to promote a solid discussion about the evolutionary state based on the characteristic obtained from the seismic analysis of the object observed by Kepler. We used evolutionary traces and simulation done with the population synthesis code TRILEGAL intending to evaluate as precisely as possible the evolutionary state of the internal structure of these groups of stars. The results indicate a very short characteristic time when compared to the evolutionary scale related to the enrichment of these stars


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GURGEL, Bruno Cesar de vasconcelos.Influencia do meloxicam sobre a perda ossea alveolar em periodontite experimental: avaliaçao histometrica em ratos. 2003.97f. Dissertaçao (Mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba. Piracicaba, 2003. Disponivel em: . Acesso em: 04 out. 2010.


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Offshore wind power emits low amounts of gases, is renewable and has better performance than onshore due to its greater stability and higher wind power density, less visual and noise impact, among others. Brazil has a high capacity of generation, but has not yet developed any offshore projects. High costs are a strong impediment. This study is an effort towards pricing offshore resources through Livelized Cost of Energy - LCOE, which represents the minimum return to cover the costs of development, production and maintenance of a wind project. Initially LCOE was calculated for all Brazilian onshore wind farms listed at Bloomberg New Energy Finance R○, accounting for 71 farms. Then hypothetical offshore wind farms were created from the onshore farms, tripling the cost of generation, which is consistent with the literature, and estimating the offshore energy for two locations off the Brazilian coast using satellite data extracted from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The results demonstrate that offshore resources have the potential to significantly reduce the energy price due to the better performance of the wind at sea


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This work presents the results of a survey in oil-producing region of the Macau City, northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. All work was performed under the Project for Monitoring Environmental Change and the Influence of Hydrodynamic forcing on Morphology Beach Grass Fields, Serra Potiguar in Macau, with the support of the Laboratory of Geoprocessing, linked to PRH22 - Training Program in Geology Geophysics and Information Technology Oil and Gas - Department of Geology/CCET/UFRN and the Post-Graduation in Science and Engineering Oil/PPGCEP/UFRN. Within the economic-ecological context, this paper assesses the importance of mangrove ecosystem in the region of Macau and its surroundings as well as in the following investigative exploration of potential areas for projects involving reforestation and / or Environmental Restoration. At first it was confirmed the ecological potential of mangrove forests, with primary functions: (i) protection and stabilization of the shoreline, (ii) nursery of marine life, and (iii) source of organic matter to aquatic ecosystems, (iv) refuge of species, among others. In the second phase, using Landsat imagery and techniques of Digital Image Processing (DIP), I came across about 18,000 acres of land that can be worked on environmental projects, being inserted in the rules signed the Kyoto Protocol to the market carbon. The results also revealed a total area of 14,723.75 hectares of activity of shrimp production and salting that can be harnessed for the social, economic and environmental potential of the region, considering that over 60% of this area, ie, 8,800 acres, may be used in the planting of the genus Avicennia considered by the literature that the species best sequesters atmospheric carbon, reaching a mean value of 59.79 tons / ha of mangrove


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This work aims to describe and analyze the process of the mathematics teacher modernizing in Rio Grande do Norte, in the period from 1950 to 1980. For that, we use as theoretical foundation assumptions of Cultural History and memories of the researchers Maurice Halbwach, Ecléa Bosi and Paul Thompson. As methodological tools, we used bibliographical resources and semi-structured interviews, in order to do a historical reconstruct of the mathematics educational scene of institutions and people who taught mathematics in Rio Grande do Norte, or those who participated in the modernization of the teaching of this subject, recovering their training and its practices in teaching. For the analysis of the bibliographical resources, initially we organized in a systematic way the transcripts of the interviews and documents, which were accumulated during the research, so long our thoughts, returning to the theoretical basis of this research, through questioning of knowledge acquired and that guided the problem of our study. The analysis showed that, important moments to modernize the teaching of mathematics in Rio Grande do Norte happened such: (1) Training Course of Lay Teachers in Rio Grande do Norte, in 1965, (2) Course for Teachers in Normal Schools, in 1971 (3) Satelite Project on Interdisciplinary Advanced Communications (SPIAC) in 1973; (4) Lectures of the teacher Malba Tahan, at Natal, from the end of the 50 s, that could be analyzed through the lessons notes of the teacher Maria Nalva Xavier de Albuquerque and the narrative of teacher Evaldo Rodrigues de Carvalho and (5) Courses of the Campaign for Improvement of Secondary Education and Broadcasting (CISEB). Thereby, the modernization of the school s mathematics teaching in Rio Grande do Norte, in the period from 1950 to 1980, was given mainly by disclosure of the Discovery Method and by the Set Theory contents in Teacher Training Courses


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The present work aimed the elaboration of an environmental study focused on the hotel sector in order to present an analysis of the environmental aspects of Ponta Negra Beach, in Natal, RN, Brazil and also the aspects of the small and medium hotels existing in this area. By means of this work, it is possible to elaborate a model of a simplified System of Environmental Management which can attend to the exigencies required by NBR ISO 14001: 2004, as well as to present economical viability and possibility to be implemented in a way that hotels may converge to the sustainable environmental development of the tourism in Ponta Negra Beach. The research methodology presents itself divided into three items: execution of the environmental characterization of Ponta Negra Beach, by way of technical visits and interpretation of satellite images and cartograms of the main environmental characteristics of the region; execution of the work already made concerning the development, application and interpretation of the evaluation of the environmental aspects of each hotel, considering the hotels and the period of data collection, these used in evaluation, research instrument and a description of the procedure utilized for the analysis of the collected data and the utilized methodology for the elaboration of a model of a simplified System of Environmental Management. In a general way, it has been concluded that the practices executed by hotels in Ponta Negra Beach are impact-like and harmful to the environment. The simple implementation of analysis procedures and control of the environmental aspects could suggestively contribute to the reduction of environmental impacts promoted by the hotel section at this beach and in the nearby areas. It had been noticed that the study contributed to the sensitization of managers concerning the environmental problems since, in many other times, the detected problem was, in fact, the non-acquaintance about the environmental aspects and impacts from those hotels administrators, because of the lack of surveys and studies about the theme. It had also been noticed the arousing of a possible environmental attitude from some managers


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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This work presents simulation results of an identification platform compatible with the INPE Brazilian Data Collection System, modeled with SystemC-AMS. SystemC-AMS that is a library of C++ classes dedicated to the simulation of heterogeneous systems, offering a powerful resource to describe models in digital, analog and RF domains, as well as mechanical and optic. The designed model was divided in four parts. The first block takes into account the satellite s orbit, necessary to correctly model the propagation channel, including Doppler effect, attenuation and thermal noise. The identification block detects the satellite presence. It is composed by low noise amplifier, band pass filter, power detector and logic comparator. The controller block is responsible for enabling the RF transmitter when the presence of the satellite is detected. The controller was modeled as a Petri net, due to the asynchronous nature of the system. The fourth block is the RF transmitter unit, which performs the modulation of the information in BPSK ±60o. This block is composed by oscillator, mixer, adder and amplifier. The whole system was simulated simultaneously. The results are being used to specify system components and to elaborate testbenchs for design verification


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Antenna arrays are able to provide high and controlled directivity, which are suitable for radiobase stations, radar systems, and point-to-point or satellite links. The optimization of an array design is usually a hard task because of the non-linear characteristic of multiobjective, requiring the application of numerical techniques, such as genetic algorithms. Therefore, in order to optimize the electronic control of the antenna array radiation pattem through genetic algorithms in real codification, it was developed a numerical tool which is able to positioning the array major lobe, reducing the side lobe levels, canceling interference signals in specific directions of arrival, and improving the antenna radiation performance. This was accomplished by using antenna theory concepts and optimization methods, mainly genetic algorithms ones, allowing to develop a numerical tool with creative genes codification and crossover rules, which is one of the most important contribution of this work. The efficiency of the developed genetic algorithm tool is tested and validated in several antenna and propagation applications. 11 was observed that the numerical results attend the specific requirements, showing the developed tool ability and capacity to handle the considered problems, as well as a great perspective for application in future works.


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The aim of this study is to characterize and evaluate the Macro System of Regional Water Distribution Natal North (RNN) and Southern Regional Natal (RNS), covering 35% and 65% respectively of the Natal-RN City. The terms of the quality and quantity of water (surface and groundwater) were also evaluated in order to adjust the parameters that contribute to proper distribution and control in water reserves. The methodology of the work took place from collecting volumetric data of production capacity and distribution of the two treatment plants for Regional as well as the flow rates of wells. Yet the quantitative capacity of reservation, distribution and consumption of the main reservoirs, population numbers and consumption of members neighborhoods were collected. Data were tabulated and used in computational simulator EPANET to diagnose possible through the water balance, the offers and demands on the water supply system in the neighborhoods of the capital, linking them to specific distribution points. We also evaluated the wells in the levels of nitrate in water consumed. As a result it was found that some neighborhoods in the South Regional Natal, was ranked as critical supply situation: City of Hope, Lagoa Nova and Nova Descoberta, where demand exceeds supply. While in most Northern Regional Natal present deficiency in the supply system as: Lagoa Azul, the Parque dos Coqueiros, igapó, Amarante and Salinas. The rates of nitrate in the city were significant, but manageable with corrective and preventive measures. The averages were 12 mg /l-N in Candelária, 10 mg/l-N in Lagoa Nova, 9 mg/l-N in Satelite, 20 mg/l-N in Gramore and 15 mg/l-N in N. Sra. Apresentação. Therefore proper distribution of water abstracted and implementation of quality control ensures the supply required by the system, associated with preservation of Water Resources of the Metropolitan Region of Natal


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In the present work, we have studied the nature of the physical processes of the coronal heating, considering as basis significant samples of single and binary evolved stars, that have been achieved with the ROSAT satellite. In a total of 191 simple stars were studied, classified in the literature as giants with spectral type F, G and K. The results were compared with those obtained from 106 evolved stars of spectral type F, G and K, which belong to the spectroscopic binary systems. Accurate measurements on rotation and information about binarity were obtained from De Medeiros s catalog. We have analysed the behavior of the coronal activity in function of diverse stellar parameters. With the purpose to better clarify the profile of the stars evolution, the HR diagram was built for the two samples of stars, the single and the binary ones. The evolved traces added in the diagram were obtained from the Toulouse-Geneve code, Nascimento et al. (2000). The stars were segregated in this diagram not only in range of rotational speed but also in range of X-ray flux. Our analysis shows clearly that the single stars and the binary ones have coronal activity controlled by physical process independent on the rotation. Non magnetic processes seem to be strongly influencing the coronal heating. For the binary stars, we have also studied the behavior of the coronal emission as a function of orbital parameters, such as period and eccentricity, in which it was revealed the existence of a discontinuity in the emission of X-rays around an orbital period of 100 days. The study helped to conclude that circular orbits of the binary stars are presented as a necessary property for the existence of a higher level ofX-rays emission, suggesting that the effect of the gravitational tide has an important role in the coronal activity level. When applied the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (KS test ) for the Vsini and FX parameters to the samples of single and binary stars, we could evidence very relevant aspects for the understanding of the mechanisms inherent to the coronal activity. For the Vsini parameter, the differences between the single stars and the binary ones for rotation over 6.3 km/s were really remarkable. We believe, therefore, that the existence of gravitational tide is, at least, one of the factors that most contribute for this behavior. About the X-rays flux, the KS test showed that the behavior of the single and the binary stars, regarding the coronal activity, comes from the same origin


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In the present work we study the processes of heating in the high stellar atmosphere, with base in an analysis of behavior of the cromospheric and coronal emission for a sample of single stars classified as giant in the literature. The evolutionary status of the stars of the sample was determined from HIPPARCOS satellite trigonometric parallax measurements and from the Toulouse Genéve code. In this study we show the form of behavior of the CaII emission flux in spectral lines H and K F(CaII) and the X-ray emission flux in function of the rotation, number of Rossby Ro and depth in mass of the convective envelope. In this analysis we show that while the cromospheric activity is dominated clearly by a physical process of heating associated with the rotation, like a magnetic field produced by dynamo effect, the coronal activity seems to be influenced for a mechanism independent of the rotation. We show also that the effective role of the depth in massa of the convective envelope on the stellar activity has an important effect in the responsible physical process for the behavior of the activity in the atmosphere of the stars.