em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a key area of the basal ganglia circuitry regulating movement. We identified a subpopulation of neurons within this structure that coexpresses Vglut2 and Pitx2, and by conditional targeting of this subpopulation we reduced Vglut2 expression levels in the STN by 40%, leaving Pitx2 expression intact. This reduction diminished, yet did not eliminate, glutamatergic transmission in the substantia nigra pars reticulata and entopeduncular nucleus, two major targets of the STN. The knock-out mice displayed hyperlocomotion and decreased latency in the initiation of movement while preserving normal gait and balance. Spatial cognition, social function, and level of impulsive choice also remained undisturbed. Furthermore, these mice showed reduced dopamine transporter binding and slower dopamine clearance in vivo, suggesting that Vglut2-expressing cells in the STN regulate dopaminergic transmission. Our results demonstrate that altering the contribution of a limited population within the STN is sufficient to achieve results similar to STN lesions and high-frequency stimulation, but with fewer side effects.
Parkinson's disease (PD) is one of the most common neurodegenerative brain disorders and is characterized primarily by a progressive degeneration of dopaminergic neurons nigroestriatais. The main symptoms of this disease are motor alterations (bradykinesia, rigidity, tremor at rest), which can be highly disabling in advanced stages of the condition. However, there are symptomatic manifestations other than motor impairment, such as changes in cognition, mood and sensory systems. Animal models that attempt to mimic clinical features of PD have been used to understand the behavioral and neural mechanisms underlying neurophysiological disturbance of this disease. However, most models promote an intense and immediate motor impairment, consistent with advanced stages of the disease, invalidating these studies for the evaluation of its progressive nature. The administration of reserpine (a monoamine depletor) in rodents has been considered an animal model for studying PD. Recently we found that reserpine (in doses lower than those usually employed to produce the motor symptoms) promotes a memory deficit in an aversive discrimination task, without changing the motor activity. It was suggested that the administration of this drug in low doses can be useful for the study of memory deficits found in PD. Corroborating this data, in another study, acute subcutaneous administration of reserpine, while preserving motor function, led to changes in emotional context-related (but not neutral) memory tasks. The goal of this research was to study the cognitive and motor deficits in rats repeatedly treated with low doses of reserpine, as a possible model that simulates the progressive nature of the PD. For this purpose, 5-month-old male Wistar rats were submitted to a repeated treatment with vehicle or different doses of reserpine on alternate days. Cognitive and motor parameters and possible changes in neuronal function were evaluated during treatment. The main findings were: repeated administration of 0.1 mg / kg of reserpine in rats is able to induce the gradual appearance of motor signs compatible with progressive features found in patients with PD; an increase in striatal levels of oxidative stress and changes in the concentrations of glutamate in the striatum were observed five days after the end of treatment; in animals repeatedly-treated with 0. 1 mg/kg, cognitive deficits were observed only after the onset of motor symptoms, but not prior to the onset of these symptoms; 0.2 mg / kg reserpine repeated treatment has jeopardized the cognitive assessment due to the presence of severe motor deficits. Thus, we suggest that the protocol of treatment with reserpine used in this work is a viable alternative for studies of the progressive appearance of parkinsonian signs in rats, especially concerning motor symptoms. As for the cognitive symptoms, we suggest that more studies are needed, possibly using other behavioral models, and / or changing the treatment regimen
In the present work, we investigated behavioral changes associated with the increase in Zif268 protein expression within telencephalic areas of the tropical lizard Tropidurus hispidus that correspond to the mammalian hippocampus (HC). We used 13 male individuals of this species, collected at the Federal Agrotechnical School of Rio Grande do Norte, under SISBIO license number 19561-1. Four animals had their brains removed and were submitted to a Western blot with antibodies for the Zif268 protein. The remaining animals were separated in two different groups: a control group (n=4) and an exploration group (n=5). Animals from the exploration group were exposed to an enriched environment with many sensory cues novel to them. Control group animals stayed in the environment they were already habituated to. After 90 min from the onset of exposure to the new environment, animals from both groups were submitted to intracardiac perfusion with fixative, and the brains were removed, cryoprotected and frozen. After that, brains were sectioned at 20 μm and the sections were subjected to immunohistochemistry for the Zif268 protein. We verified that the Zif268 protein is likely conserved in the brain of T. hispidus, which showed antigenicity for the antibody anti-Zif268 made in mammals. In animals from the exploration group, we detected an increase of the Zif268 protein in the Septum, Striatum, Dorsoventricular Area and in cortical areas corresponding to the HC. This increase was proportional to the amount of environmental exploration, with maximum positive correlation in the hippocampal subareas Medial Cortex (R = 0.94 and p = 0.004) and Dorsomedial Cortex (R = 0.92 and p = 0.006). The data corroborate the notion that the reptilian hippocampus, as well as the mammalian HC, plays an important role in spatial exploration.
The objective of this research is to describe and analyze in literary corpus, the way we conceptualize emotions, especially anger. Using the assumptions of the call Cognitive Theory of Metaphor, present a general overview of cognition metaphor on the basis of Cognitive Linguistics, and in a deeper way, we analyze the metaphorical conceptualization of anger. The proposal embodied mind, prevalent in current cognitive science, is fundamental for studies involving mental simulation. Recent research shows that the metaphor is the result of cognitive processes that involve our perception sensorimotor combined with socio-cultural experiences. The ability to build via frequency standards for our experiments is crucial to our language, including metaphorical constructions. Such constructions are the result of cognitive processes that involve the relationship between image schemas and frames. Image schemas comes from our sensorimotor experience, which lists the limits of our bodies to the limits of our surroundings, and frames, in turn, comes from our ability to stock sociocultural events. The metaphorical construction is the result of this constant relationship between body, mind and culture, situating us in bodily experiences and cultural. By analyzing five national literary works, we created an analytical framework on how anger is understood, specifically in Portuguese language. The results are important to understand, through language, how culture is part of our cognition, in conjunction with the sensorimotor aspects.
Parkinson disease (PD) is associated with motor symptoms and dopaminergic cell loss in the nigrostriatal pathway. Alpha-synuclein is the major component of the Lewy bodies, the biological hallmarks of disease, and has been associated with familial cases of PD. Recently, the spinal cord stimulation (SCS) showed to be effective to alleviate the Parkinson symptoms in animal models and human patients. In this project, we characterized the motor and electrophysiological effects of alpha-synuclein overexpression in the substantia nigra of rats. We further investigated the effects of spinal electrical stimulation, AMPT and L-dopa administration in this model. Method: Sprague-Dawley rats were injected with empty viral vector or the vector carrying the gene for alpha-synuclein in the substantia nigra, and were tested weekly for 10 weeks in the open field and cylinder tests. A separated group of animals implanted with bilateral electrode arrays in the motor cortex and the striatum were recorded in the open field, during the SCS sessions and the pharmacological experiments. Results: Alpha-synuclein expression resulted in motor asymmetry, observed as the reduction in use of contralateral forepaw in the cylinder test. Animals showed an increase of local field potential activity in beta band three and four weeks after the virus injection, that was not evident after the 5th week. AMPT resulted in a sever parkinsonian state, with reduction in the locomotor activity and significant peak of oscillatory activity in cortex and striatum. SCS was effective to alleviate the motor asymmetry at long term, but did not reduce the corticostriatal low frequency oscillations observed 24 hs after the AMPT administration. These oscillations were attenuated by L-dopa that, even as SCS, was not effective to restore the locomotor activity during the severe dopaminergic depletion period. Discussion: The alpha-synuclein model reproduces the motor impairment and the progressive neurodegenerative process of PD. We demonstrated, by the first time, that this model also presents the increase in low frequency oscillatory activity in the corticostriatal circuit, compatible with parkinsonian condition; and that SCS has a therapeutic effect on motor symptom of this model.
The primary somatosensory cortex (S1) receives inputs from peripheral tactile receptors and plays a crucial role on many important behaviors. However, the plastic potential of this region is greatly reduced during adulthood, limiting functional recovery after injuries. This fact is due to the presence, in the brain parenchima, of structures and substances that have an inhibitory effect on plasticity, such as chondroitin sulfate proteoglicans (CSP) present in the perineuronal.nets (PNNs) surrounding a subset of neurons. Maturation of PNNs coincide with the closure of critical periods of plasticity in cortical areas, since CSP act to stabilize synaptic contacts. Removal of CSP is proven to be an effective therapeutic approach to restore plasticity and increase the odds of functional recovery after cortical lesion. In the present work, we removed CSP from the sensorimotor cortex of rats to restore plasticity and promote the compensatory morphofunctional regeneration of cortical circuits modified by removal of mystacial vibrissae during the critical period. Treatment with the CSP-digesting enzyme chondroitinase ABC proved efficient to restore plasticity in S1 circuits, as evidenced by morphological rearrangements and functional recovery.
The primary somatosensory cortex (S1) receives inputs from peripheral tactile receptors and plays a crucial role on many important behaviors. However, the plastic potential of this region is greatly reduced during adulthood, limiting functional recovery after injuries. This fact is due to the presence, in the brain parenchima, of structures and substances that have an inhibitory effect on plasticity, such as chondroitin sulfate proteoglicans (CSP) present in the perineuronal.nets (PNNs) surrounding a subset of neurons. Maturation of PNNs coincide with the closure of critical periods of plasticity in cortical areas, since CSP act to stabilize synaptic contacts. Removal of CSP is proven to be an effective therapeutic approach to restore plasticity and increase the odds of functional recovery after cortical lesion. In the present work, we removed CSP from the sensorimotor cortex of rats to restore plasticity and promote the compensatory morphofunctional regeneration of cortical circuits modified by removal of mystacial vibrissae during the critical period. Treatment with the CSP-digesting enzyme chondroitinase ABC proved efficient to restore plasticity in S1 circuits, as evidenced by morphological rearrangements and functional recovery.
The subthalamic nucleus (STN) is a key area of the basal ganglia circuitry regulating movement. We identified a subpopulation of neurons within this structure that coexpresses Vglut2 and Pitx2, and by conditional targeting of this subpopulation we reduced Vglut2 expression levels in the STN by 40%, leaving Pitx2 expression intact. This reduction diminished, yet did not eliminate, glutamatergic transmission in the substantia nigra pars reticulata and entopeduncular nucleus, two major targets of the STN. The knock-out mice displayed hyperlocomotion and decreased latency in the initiation of movement while preserving normal gait and balance. Spatial cognition, social function, and level of impulsive choice also remained undisturbed. Furthermore, these mice showed reduced dopamine transporter binding and slower dopamine clearance in vivo, suggesting that Vglut2-expressing cells in the STN regulate dopaminergic transmission. Our results demonstrate that altering the contribution of a limited population within the STN is sufficient to achieve results similar to STN lesions and high-frequency stimulation, but with fewer side effects.