11 resultados para Rural Education
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Under the aegis of the third diocese bishop of Caicó, Dom Manuel Tavares de Araújo, the Broadcasting Station of Rural Education of that city was founded, in May 1 s" 1963 with the ideal of being then an educational city, preferentially for youths and adults, rural meu and women of the arca of Seridó in Rio Grande do Norte state. In the year of its 40th birthday (2003), we began the investigation of that radio station choosing as study object its educational and formative programming, in the inc1usion of the first fifteen years of its existence (1963-1978), period that reaches the official inauguration of the Radio Station and the end of the bishopric of its fOllllder as Bishop of Caicó. Elucidating and showing Man's formative ideaIs longed by that Catholic educational broadcasting station, underlying to its radiophonic programming, such as the idealization for it reached, is the objective of this Doctorate work. It was considered pertinent to discover the guidelines that historically have permeated the Social Doçtrine of the Catholic Church addressing its aggiornamento, especially in what concerns to the employment of the modern ways of communication for the distance with the aim of evangelizing and educating. In arder to understand the ideaIs of the investigated educational Radio, we have delimited the research to the thematic Catholic Church, means of social communication and base education. In face of the study object and the aim to be reached it was appealed, methodologically, to the notion of cultural action present in Certeau (1995), and to the understanding of educational formation backgrounded fIam the modern thinkers that discuss it. Such frame references have allowed us to analyze in a wider spectrum tl)e programming broadcasted on the air by the sound wavys of that educ(itional Çatholic Radio, as well as, the very acts of cultural idealizations that has orientated it in its foundations. The thesis here defended is that. the Radio, at procJaiming itself as a broadcasting station of rural education directed preferably to the rural sertanejo countrymen, without neglecting its admitted ends, has surpassed them in its overall range. It was identified an articulate approach of its programmatic modules with the guid,elines emanateq from the Catholic Teaching about the use of the. means of social communication. At conceiving, establishin,g and executing an ec1ectic programmatic and div,ersified grating, the Rural Radio of Caicó has transcended to a strict human-Christian formation to request the development of the human, spiritual and cQrporaldimensions, jointly. With suchprogramming, it addressed to the seridoenses as real meu and women inserted in the "sertanej.o" environment with effective structural and existential problems of alI types, induding the hunger, the thirst, the syndical organization, the cQoperativism, the colIective modero work and the absence of universalizing school education. Its radiophonic transmissions, I}lled by the demands of an enlarged, open, dialogic and responsible communication, wheneIllbracing dedicated modules to religious and catechetical emissions, to the entertainment, to the radiojoumalism, to the country root culture, and to the school education of b se for the modality of the School and of the radiophonic classes, subsumed to ideaIs that longed for the formation of a multifaceted and pluridimensional sertanejo Man; of men and women that, without abjuring the Catholicism, were able to understand, to dialogued and to live together with the general demands of a society in progressive mutation, whose economical, social, cultural and educational demands it IDade themselves to be felt through the sertão potiguar of the Serido region, equal way of the intemationalized world
The present work has as aim to analyze the reorganization process of the rural education in Jardim de Piranhas-RN, on the context of the education policies, in particular of the period of 1999-2006, having as reference the transformations in the political, cultural and socio-economic setting in the national, regional and local level, above all from the decade of 1990. The studies carried out in diverse sources made possible to understand from the context in which they had developed the education policies, in particular, that one directed for the rural way, as well as the mediation of this with the education reorganization in the local scope. Besides these research procedures, we carry out interviews - semi-structuralized - with managers and teachers, and we analyze documents from the produced ones in national level to those local ones. From the viewpoint theoretician-methodological, we focus the national discussion that comes developing under a new ideological political configuration and, being entitled by the Field Education, understood as a policy directed to education specifities in this sector and consolidated in the Operational Guidelines for the Basic Education in the Field Schools (CNE/MEC/2002). As particularity of this object in Jardim de Piranhas-RN, we emphasize events occurred that had marked the rural education reorganization in that city, especially from the creation of the Rural Education named Center Teacher Maria Edite Batista. Studies make possible to realize that until the Center creation, the schools functioned in rather precarious infrastructure and physical conditions, that is, without electric energy and water supplying, as well as the lack of school snack and the management structure. There was not a project or specific pedagogical accompaniment for the sector. Moreover, the teachers worked predominantly with several grade classes and still they fulfilled the manager functions, caretakers, and cook- in some cases as school secretary. However, exactly with the creation of the Rural Education Center, the education municipal system did not become capable to overcome problems as of the evasion and school failure, as well as decreasing the work overload of teachers, neither to give greater consistency to the pedagogical project of the field schools in that city
This thesis aims to investigate the Agronomy course in the perspective of the graduation course for the settlers of the Universidade Federal do Pará- Marabá. This course requires a partnership with the social movements of the North region of the country, with the purpose to understand knowledge production and how learning process occurs from the point of interaction and reliable relationships which are established in the organization during the course. The base of theses studies is to reflect of how the dialogue and learning processes occurred during the Agronomy course and resulted in changing in the teachers behavior and in the other integrated members of the group and mainly in the graduating settlers students. These changings happens as a consenquence of the dialogue production between the most varied areas, different people and institutions which take collective decisions. I observe educational actions, researches, extention concepts of extension and also development researches presented in the educative actions discussed by Freire (1985), Simões (2001, 2003) e de Amartya Sen (2000). The theory in which I am basing these studies are based in Boaventura de Souza Santos Simões (2001, 2003) and Amartya Sen (2000). Methodologically I analyse knowledge production by sudying the thesis and scientific works related to rural education, social movements, university and higher education in the last 20 years. I analyze the scientific works of all settler students, and besides, I do open interviews with the students, as well as, with the teachers and the leaders of social movements (MST, FETAGRI, CPT, EFA/FATA). I organize and analyze all the speeches from the ecological knowledge as defined by Boaventura de Souza Santos (2006). Finally, I visit five towns of municipal districts of the southeast of Pará, which represents the final methodological part of the research, in order to verify in loco the practices of the experiments purposed as final activity of the Agronomy course. I organize the work in five areas composed by the occupational process and the initiatives which emerged from them; development model and the social and environmental consequences; I also organize the university role and the relationship established between people and institutions which gave origin to the Agronomy course of UFPA and the programs developed in the region; conjuncture of creation of the groups of settled students, curriculum, principles and focus on the course and the experienced actions; developed practices in the course and the relations of reliability experienced internally and externally to the Academy, the learning and dialogue promoted by the course. I believe that the dialogue has caused changes in the organization of the knowledge and in the educative practices of the teachers, as well as, in the socio-productive practices of the regressed settled students
Estágio Supervisionado na formação de professores em serviço dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental
This report aims to present the results of research on the possibilities and limits of Supervised Traineeship in a the course of Training of Teachers in Service of the early years of primary education conducted through an agreement between the Federal University of Piauí and the Teresina city council (PI) UFPI/PMT, offers subsidies to teaching practices that address the reality of students who live, work and/or studying in school located in rural areas. The research is based on a theoretical and methodological approach that places the object of study in the critical perspective and using procedures such as: literature (bibliographical research), documentary analysis, semi-structured interview and photographic record. We researched 10 (ten) teachers of the course promoted by UFPI graduating in 2006 and who develop teaching activities in schools located in rural areas in the city of Teresina-PI, 02 (two) teachers who are trainee supervisor of UFPI and the coordinator of the course. The analysis evidenced that the object, historically, educational policies have changed, but did not break the traditional patterns of teacher education, enough, especially in the curricular proposals in light of the changes required by the information and global society. We also note that in the supervised training, the process of critical reflection on teaching practice was made possible, in part, and raised the reconstruction of specific knowledge to make teaching in order to conduct the teaching-learning process articulating different realities of primary teaching and facing situations due to conservative practices in relation to education in rural areas. It contributed, therefore, this curricular component to resize, in part, the pedagogical action of the teachers graduated. The study also drives the research toward to similar studies in the perspective of overcoming the current model of teacher training that does not correspond to the demands of society in change and to the crisis of capital, with immeasurable consequences in the workplace. The contemporary claims for a University to form professionals capable of directing the destiny of society, where teacher training is a social and political demands on which is co-responsible
The present investigation deals with the Curriculum and Pedagogical Practices of Young and Adults, EJA, and articulates with the conceptions and beliefs of teachers sitting. The empirical scope of this investigation consisted in the Municipal School Francisca Leonísia, located in the Agrarian Reform Settlement Serra Nova, city of Florânia/RN. Seeks to analyze the relationship between the Curriculum and Educational Practices of Young and Adult EJA - conceptions beliefs of these teachers. This work is based on qualitative research, interpretative character reflective and makes use of documentary analysis, structured interviews and reflective sessions as methodological procedures which ensure the achievement of our goals in research. These procedures allowed us to enter the practice setting and curriculum for teachers to understand how they think, prepare and practice of adult education in school curriculum research field. The documentary analysis provided the rethinking of the curriculum selected references, Political Pedagogical Project and Proposed Course of EJA, from a critical reading of concepts and conceptions given in these references, with a view to construction and reconstruction of concepts that reclaim the identity of young people and adult field, inserted in the Rural Workers Movement landless/MST. As reflective sessions were constituted in spaces of collective training and allowed the group to selfreflection e collective reflection about the ideas and beliefs that permeate the curriculum and guide their practices education in adult education. In these areas of training are also discussed current problems of adult education, the construction of an educational project of the adult education field to, warranties of learning and cultural identity of the adult education field and placed in the context of the MST. Under this view, it is concluded that the conceptions and beliefs of teachers seated directly relate to the curriculum designed, developed and practiced in adult education, as well as the educational practices that permeate the curriculum. This relation is in the midst of adversities of Rural Education, inserted in the Movement of Landless Rural Workers-MST, and requires the commitment of teachers to the necessary changes to an education are critical and emancipatory
Considering the situation of neglect existing in Brazilian public education and, specially, in the process of rural schooling, this dissertation aims to analyze the process of implementation of the Operational Guidelines for Basic Education in Rural Schools (DOEBEC), regulatory framework of the national policy of rural education. On it, we analyze the conditions of teaching work in rural schools of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), in 2010. The sample of the survey has as reference the representativeness of the chosen universe in relation to the totality of rural schools belonging to the state of RN. To answer the goals of the research, we opted to present a critical analysis of the following points: 1) Implementation of the DOEBEC; 2) Conditions of teaching work and teaching training. The points or categories of research were chosen based in the determinations of the DOEBEC (Resolution CNE/CEB n. 01/2002). For the data collection in the referred schools, we opted for the realization of interviews with the teachers and managers of these teaching establishments, in 2010. It was also utilized, for the characterization of school attendance in rural schools of RN, in 2010, official statistical data available by the State Secretary of Education and Culture (SEEC/RN). The analysis of the statistical data and of the primary data collected in field research indicated that the conditions of teaching work are still an obstacle to the development of the educative work of the teacher in rural areas. According to interviews with the participants of the research, we realized that the DOEBEC, despite being sanctioned in 2002, were still dimly known and discussed by the interviewees of the referred schools in 2010. Thus, we propose that the implementation of the policy of rural education in RN, instituted by DOEBEC’s legal landmark, and reaffirmed by the Rio Grande do Norte’s Charter to Rural Education (Brazil, 2005), is rethought and reconsidered, in the sense of ensuring that the changes proposed in this legal text, inherent to the school functioning, to the conditions of teaching work, to the rural schools’ management, to the remuneration and valorization of teaching work, to the teaching training, to the conditions of school transport, among others, be turned into concrete actions to improve the quality of education offered in the rural schools of RN state.
Considering the situation of neglect existing in Brazilian public education and, specially, in the process of rural schooling, this dissertation aims to analyze the process of implementation of the Operational Guidelines for Basic Education in Rural Schools (DOEBEC), regulatory framework of the national policy of rural education. On it, we analyze the conditions of teaching work in rural schools of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), in 2010. The sample of the survey has as reference the representativeness of the chosen universe in relation to the totality of rural schools belonging to the state of RN. To answer the goals of the research, we opted to present a critical analysis of the following points: 1) Implementation of the DOEBEC; 2) Conditions of teaching work and teaching training. The points or categories of research were chosen based in the determinations of the DOEBEC (Resolution CNE/CEB n. 01/2002). For the data collection in the referred schools, we opted for the realization of interviews with the teachers and managers of these teaching establishments, in 2010. It was also utilized, for the characterization of school attendance in rural schools of RN, in 2010, official statistical data available by the State Secretary of Education and Culture (SEEC/RN). The analysis of the statistical data and of the primary data collected in field research indicated that the conditions of teaching work are still an obstacle to the development of the educative work of the teacher in rural areas. According to interviews with the participants of the research, we realized that the DOEBEC, despite being sanctioned in 2002, were still dimly known and discussed by the interviewees of the referred schools in 2010. Thus, we propose that the implementation of the policy of rural education in RN, instituted by DOEBEC’s legal landmark, and reaffirmed by the Rio Grande do Norte’s Charter to Rural Education (Brazil, 2005), is rethought and reconsidered, in the sense of ensuring that the changes proposed in this legal text, inherent to the school functioning, to the conditions of teaching work, to the rural schools’ management, to the remuneration and valorization of teaching work, to the teaching training, to the conditions of school transport, among others, be turned into concrete actions to improve the quality of education offered in the rural schools of RN state.
This study aims to the evaluate the determinants for rural households northeastern be pluriactive, in 2011. For this, at first, we conducted a review of national and international literature in order to get beyond the theoretical part which refers to the study of pluriactivity identify possible determinants of the phenomenon. In this rescue, it was the observed determinants could be macroeconomic in nature and / or microeconomics. Therefore, it became necessary to describe the characteristics of the region under study, the Northeast. In order to identify the determinants were two estimated Probit models, one based on the literature review and the second with a variable characteristic of the Northeast, the transfers. For this, we used the PNAD in 2011. The results indicate both the microeconomic determinants are : gender, race, age, years of education, hours worked, number of family members, per capita income, transfer the macroeconomic in nature: living conditions (water, energy, sanitation ), housing location. In addition to identifying the determinants, the Econometric model allows to know the probability of each variable on the dependent variable, which stood out: the transfer variable, gender, per capita income, number of family members, housing conditions and housing location. Therefore, it is concluded that it is the set of determinants (macro and micro) allow rural families become northeastern pluriactive. However, one can not fail to consider may also have other determinants were not captured due to the availability of data, which may be indications for future studies. In summary, the pluriactivity in the Brazilian Northeast is a phenomenon distinct from found in Europe and southern Brazil. It is a pluriactivity survival that is part of the strategies of rural households in the Northeast to ensure their social reproduction amid the poverty of the region
Teaching Mathematics in a contextualized and significant manner, in the world of the child and the adolescent, requires a solid theoretical and methodological basis on the part of the researcher. The present work found this foundation in two ways: teaching with projects and ethnomathematics. It is understood that these ways have points in common, such as: the real, interdisciplinarity, teaching methods, flexibility in sequencing the curriculum and interactive learning. This makes possible a theoretical cross-fertilization, which is important for the teaching/learning of Mathematics. Those points are merged in the present proposal, making possible new strategies, distinct from those of the Traditional Teaching Methodology and giving raise to an Alternative Teaching Methodology, which is to be lived in the Mathematics classrooms. This work gives a new direction to teaching, going beyond the traditional forms of education by allowing the teaching of Mathematics to become integrated with other school subjects, resulting in significant learning. In order to implement the proposal, it is necessary to form partnerships with teachers, pupils and the whole community, so that the way can be traced by continual dialogue
The current debate on rural development focuses on the territorial approach, recognizing the multifunctional character of rural areas. Emphasize the use of endogenous forces, the need of implement policies which valorize local specificities, the participation of social actors in revitalization of rural areas. In this context tourism enters as a means to induce a new dynamic to rural areas, since the activity is regarded as a channel for the upgrading of the natural and cultural resources and the rural way of life. This study focuses on local-based tourism as a promoter of rural development, giving an analysis of the social reality and potential for this tourism in the district of Dondo. In it, is proposed to analyze the potential for development of local-based tourism in the district of Dondo, assessing the extent to which local reality enables the inclusion of the community in the management of local tourism resources. For this, was showed the inclusion of local-based tourism in the current context of rural development, was identified and organized systematically the factors that influence the implementation of local-based tourism in the study area and was verified as far as possible the study area corresponds to the constraints identified, showing how local-based tourism can best been encouraged. Was adopted a qualitative methodological approach to both the procedures and data processing, but also by critical approach, using bibliographical research, semi-structured interviews that fell on the group of public administrators who work in tourism and community leaders. The critical analysis was based on the principles of sustainability o Sachs particular ecological, social, cultural, economic, space, beyond the analysis of political and institutional aspects. The survey results show that the district of Dondo has a potential for implementing a model of tourism development on a local basis, since it is rich in natural and cultural research, benefits from good network accessibility in the context of the market in the region, the population live according to their habits and customs and value their identity. There is also a good cooperation between community members, although not in tourism, a fact which is observed through the lever of community participation in associations, cooperatives, working in areas such as agriculture, fishing, environment, civic education etc. It also has public funding sources to augment or stimulate local investment. Despite obstacles such as inexistence of policies and local plans for tourism development, lack of awareness of tourism, lack of basic infrastructure, as well as equipment and facilities to support tourism, the results shows that these problems can be solved through a public commitment from both government, and community through a joint planning and participation
The accompaniment of growth and development is the central thrust of child care in primary health care in order to contribute to the reduction of infant morbidity and mortality and promote healthy development. Despite its importance, the family health unit located in rural Parazinhocounty experiences the problem of frequent absences of children to follow-up consultations. Thus, this study aims to analyze the participation of mothers in the accompaniment of growth and development of children in the Family Health Strategy. This is an exploratory, descriptive study with a qualitative approach with the method action research, developed with mothers who are part of the monitoring of the growth and development of children in the rural area of the municipality of Parazinho/RN from May to October 2014. Data collection was performed using the focus group techniques, participant observation and individual interviews. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis of categorization. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, under the opinion embodied 617,559 and CAAE 28598014.7.0000.5537. In step situation analysis, were conducted two focus groups, attended by a total of 14 mothers of different rural locations. From the speeches, one realizes that they have a satisfactory understanding of the monitoring of the growth and development of the childwas a learning moment. The nurse was mentioned as key professional that actionof accompaniment. The main reason that mothers to abandon consultations is access to health services, due to the distance from their homes to the basic unit, the shortage of public transport for the movement of users and delay between the service and the back home. As a strategy to try to tackle these problems, at the suggestion of their mothers was created Monitoring of Growth and Development Itinerant, where the FHS team moved to rural locations, performing activities related to children's health. Mothers who participated in the action approved the initiative as improving access and care of health needs, despite indicate dissatisfaction as the poor infrastructure and little privacy in consultations. Therefore, it is concluded that, despite the difficulties encountered often for lack of management support and involvement of some professionals, the monitoring of growth and development itinerant proved to be an important tool in solving the problem of access to services oriented to the health of child, in addition to functioning as a space for the realization of health education, becoming, since then, an activity inherent in family health team schedule.