11 resultados para Retina - irrigação sangüínea
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Embora tenha sido proposto que a vasculatura retínica apresenta estrutura fractal, nenhuma padronização do método de segmentação ou do método de cálculo das dimensões fractais foi realizada. Este estudo objetivou determinar se a estimação das dimensões fractais da vasculatura retínica é dependente dos métodos de segmentação vascular e dos métodos de cálculo de dimensão. Métodos: Dez imagens retinográficas foram segmentadas para extrair suas árvores vasculares por quatro métodos computacionais (“multithreshold”, “scale-space”, “pixel classification” e “ridge based detection”). Suas dimensões fractais de “informação”, de “massa-raio” e “por contagem de caixas” foram então calculadas e comparadas com as dimensões das mesmas árvores vasculares, quando obtidas pela segmentação manual (padrão áureo). Resultados: As médias das dimensões fractais variaram através dos grupos de diferentes métodos de segmentação, de 1,39 a 1,47 para a dimensão por contagem de caixas, de 1,47 a 1,52 para a dimensão de informação e de 1,48 a 1,57 para a dimensão de massa-raio. A utilização de diferentes métodos computacionais de segmentação vascular, bem como de diferentes métodos de cálculo de dimensão, introduziu diferença estatisticamente significativa nos valores das dimensões fractais das árvores vasculares. Conclusão: A estimação das dimensões fractais da vasculatura retínica foi dependente tanto dos métodos de segmentação vascular, quanto dos métodos de cálculo de dimensão utilizados
Embora tenha sido proposto que a vasculatura retínica apresenta estrutura fractal, nenhuma padronização do método de segmentação ou do método de cálculo das dimensões fractais foi realizada. Este estudo objetivou determinar se a estimação das dimensões fractais da vasculatura retínica é dependente dos métodos de segmentação vascular e dos métodos de cálculo de dimensão. Métodos: Dez imagens retinográficas foram segmentadas para extrair suas árvores vasculares por quatro métodos computacionais (“multithreshold”, “scale-space”, “pixel classification” e “ridge based detection”). Suas dimensões fractais de “informação”, de “massa-raio” e “por contagem de caixas” foram então calculadas e comparadas com as dimensões das mesmas árvores vasculares, quando obtidas pela segmentação manual (padrão áureo). Resultados: As médias das dimensões fractais variaram através dos grupos de diferentes métodos de segmentação, de 1,39 a 1,47 para a dimensão por contagem de caixas, de 1,47 a 1,52 para a dimensão de informação e de 1,48 a 1,57 para a dimensão de massa-raio. A utilização de diferentes métodos computacionais de segmentação vascular, bem como de diferentes métodos de cálculo de dimensão, introduziu diferença estatisticamente significativa nos valores das dimensões fractais das árvores vasculares. Conclusão: A estimação das dimensões fractais da vasculatura retínica foi dependente tanto dos métodos de segmentação vascular, quanto dos métodos de cálculo de dimensão utilizados
SILVA, Jorge Luiz Mariano da. Eficiência técnica dos produtores familiares no projeto de irrigação do Baixo Açu/RN.In: CONGRESSO SA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE ECONOMIA E SOCIOLOGIA RURAL,42., 2004, Cuiabá - MT. Dinâmcias Setorias e Desevolvimento Regional, 2004.
Although it has been suggested that retinal vasculature is a diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) fractal, no study has been dedicated to standardizing its fractal analysis . The aims of this project was to standardize a method to estimate the fractal dimensions of retinal vasculature and to characterize their normal values; to determine if this estimation is dependent on skeletization and on segmentation and calculation methods; to assess the suitability of the DLA model and to determine the usefulness of log-log graphs in characterizing vasculature fractality . To achieve these aims, the information, mass-radius and box counting dimensions of 20 eyes vasculatures were compared when the vessels were manually or computationally segmented; the fractal dimensions of the vasculatures of 60 eyes of healthy volunteers were compared with those of 40 DLA models and the log-log graphs obtained were compared with those of known fractals and those of non-fractals. The main results were: the fractal dimensions of vascular trees were dependent on segmentation methods and dimension calculation methods, but there was no difference between manual segmentation and scale-space, multithreshold and wavelet computational methods; the means of the information and box dimensions for arteriolar trees were 1.29. against 1.34 and 1.35 for the venular trees; the dimension for the DLA models were higher than that for vessels; the log-log graphs were straight, but with varying local slopes, both for vascular trees and for fractals and non-fractals. This results leads to the following conclusions: the estimation of the fractal dimensions for retinal vasculature is dependent on its skeletization and on the segmentation and calculation methods; log-log graphs are not suitable as a fractality test; the means of the information and box counting dimensions for the normal eyes were 1.47 and 1.43, respectively, and the DLA model with optic disc seeding is not sufficient for retinal vascularization modeling
Traditional irrigation projects do not locally determine the water availability in the soil. Then, irregular irrigation cycles may occur: some with insufficient amount that leads to water deficit, other with excessive watering that causes lack of oxygen in plants. Due to the nonlinear nature of this problem and the multivariable context of irrigation processes, fuzzy logic is suggested to replace commercial ON-OFF irrigation system with predefined timing. Other limitation of commercial solutions is that irrigation processes either consider the different watering needs throughout plant growth cycles or the climate changes. In order to fulfill location based agricultural needs, it is indicated to monitor environmental data using wireless sensors connected to an intelligent control system. This is more evident in applications as precision agriculture. This work presents the theoretical and experimental development of a fuzzy system to implement a spatially differentiated control of an irrigation system, based on soil moisture measurement with wireless sensor nodes. The control system architecture is modular: a fuzzy supervisor determines the soil moisture set point of each sensor node area (according to the soil-plant set) and another fuzzy system, embedded in the sensor node, does the local control and actuates in the irrigation system. The fuzzy control system was simulated with SIMULINK® programming tool and was experimentally built embedded in mobile device SunSPOTTM operating in ZigBee. Controller models were designed and evaluated in different combinations of input variables and inference rules base
This work aims for the evaluation of Cruzeta Irrigated Perimeter, RN, which consists in the efficient use of water for agricultural production. The goal is looking for the available quantity of water for supplying required demands for adequate and economically viable cultures for the region. It is supposed that regional community water is supplied by pipelines from sources located outside of the region. From this study it is recommended the implantation of adequate installments for culture management in accordance with the availability of water resources and others conditionings. It must be considered the intensity of rainy and drought seasons in order to adjust the cultivated area and equipments to be operated, and also, the use of operating models and simulations in order to establish alert levels and eventually, reduction of irrigated area. Based on obtained data it is proposed the cultivation of different types of non-permanent cultures so that temporary cultures would be extensively produced in periods of abundant reservoir storage water permitting the transformation of storage water in storage culture products and few or no production in severe drought periods. This is the basic premise for sustainable agricultural development for Brazilian semiarid region
Processing in the visual system starts in the retina. Its complex network of cells with different properties enables for parallel encoding and transmission of visual information to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and to the cortex. In the retina, it has been shown that responses are often accompanied by fast synchronous oscillations (30 - 90 Hz) in a stimulus-dependent manner. Studies in the frog, rabbit, cat and monkey, have shown strong oscillatory responses to large stimuli which probably encode global stimulus properties, such as size and continuity (Neuenschwander and Singer, 1996; Ishikane et al., 2005). Moreover, simultaneous recordings from different levels in the visual system have demonstrated that the oscillatory patterning of retinal ganglion cell responses are transmitted to the cortex via the LGN (Castelo-Branco et al., 1998). Overall these results suggest that feedforward synchronous oscillations contribute to visual encoding. In the present study on the LGN of the anesthetized cat, we further investigate the role of retinal oscillations in visual processing by applying complex stimuli, such as natural visual scenes, light spots of varying size and contrast, and flickering checkerboards. This is a necessary step for understanding encoding mechanisms in more naturalistic conditions, as currently most data on retinal oscillations have been limited to simple, flashed and stationary stimuli. Correlation analysis of spiking responses confirmed previous results showing that oscillatory responses in the retina (observed here from the LGN responses) largely depend on the size and stationarity of the stimulus. For natural scenes (gray-level and binary movies) oscillations appeared only for brief moments probably when receptive fields were dominated by large continuous, flat-contrast surfaces. Moreover, oscillatory responses to a circle stimulus could be broken with an annular mask indicating that synchronization arises from relatively local interactions among populations of activated cells in the retina. A surprising finding in this study was that retinal oscillations are highly dependent on halothane anesthesia levels. In the absence of halothane, oscillatory activity vanished independent of the characteristics of the stimuli. The same results were obtained for isoflurane, which has similar pharmacological properties. These new and unexpected findings question whether feedfoward oscillations in the early visual system are simply due to an imbalance between excitation and inhibition in the retinal networks generated by the halogenated anesthetics. Further studies in awake behaving animals are necessary to extend these conclusions
Oral and facial bone defects can undertake appearance, psychosocial well-being and stomathognatic function of its patients. Over the yerars several strategies for bone defect regeneration have arised to treat these pathologies, among them the use of frozen and irradiated bone allograft. Manipulation of bone grafts it s not determined yet, and several osteotomy alternatives can be observed. The present work evaluated with a microscope the bone fragments obtained from different osteotomy methods and irrigation on rings and blocks allografts irradiated and frozen at 80° negative in a rabbit model. The study is experimental in vitro and it sample was an adult male New Zealand rabbit. The animal was sacrificed to obtain long bones, that were submitted to freezing at 80º negative and irradiated with Cobalt- 60. Then the long bones were sectioned into 24 bone pieces, divided into 4 groups: G1 (n=06) osteotomy was performed with bur No. 6 forming rings with 5 mm thickness with high-speed handpiece with manual irrigation; G2 (n=06) osteotomy was performed with bur No. 6 forming rings with 5 mm thick with surgical motor with a manual irrigation rotation 1500 rpm; GA (n=06), osteotomy with trephine using manual irrigation with saline; and GB (n=06), osteotomy with trephine using saline from peristaltic pumps of surgical motor. Five bone pieces of each group were prepared for analysis on light microscopy (LM) and one on electronic scan electronic microscopy (SEM). On the SEM analysis edges surface, presence of microcracks and Smear Layer were evaluated. Analyzing osteotomy technics on SEM was observed: increased presence of microcracks cutting with high speed; increased presence of areas covered by Smear Layer when cutting with motor implant. The irrigation analysis with SEM was observed: that the presence of microcracks does not depend on the type of irrigation; on manual irrigation, there was greater discrepancy between the cutting lines. The descriptive analysis of the osteotomy and irrigation process on LM showed: histological analysis showing the bony margins with clear tissue changed layer, composed of blackened tissue of charred appearance near to the cortical bone; on the edges of the bony part, bone fragments that were displaced during the bone cut and bone irregularities were observed. After analysis of results we can conclude: that there was greater regularity of the bone cut using high-speed handpiece than using motor implant; the cut with trephine using saline irrigated from peristaltic pumps of surgical motor showed greater homogeneity when compared with manual irrigation; charred tissue was found in all obtained bone samples, whit no significant statistically difference on the proportion of carbonization of the two analysed technics
The visual system is an important link between the animal and the environment, com profound influences on the habits and lifestyle in various habitats. Adaptive mechanismsto the temporal niche are present in the visual system of many vertebrates, involving changins in ocular dimensios and design, retinal cell distribution and organization of neurochemical circuits related to the retinal resolution or sensitivity. The sensory system of the eye is represented by the retina, whose organization is responsible by receipty, initial analysis, and transmission of the information to the brain. The knowledge of the position of the eyes in the head and the distribution of retinal cells allow to identify adaptive aspects of each species to its visual field, which is characteristic to the ecological niche it occupies. In this research, we study eye anatomical characteristics and retina neurochemical features of the rock cavy (Kerodon rupestris), a tipical Brazilian rodent from the suborder Hystricomorpha, family Caviidae. The rock cavy has lateral eyes well constitute bony orbit and well differentiated extrinsic muscle. The study of the descriptive and morphometric anatomy of the showed mean values of axial diameter 10.7±0,5mm and equatorial diameter 11.6±0.7mm. The pupil is slit shaped and the lens has mean axial diameter 5.4±0.03 mm, corresponding to ~45% of the axial diameter of the eye. The posterior nodal distance and the retinal magnification factor were estimated at 6.74 mm e 118 μm/grau, respectively. Flat mounts were processed for Nissl stain, and the topographic distribution of ganglion cells showed a moderate visual band, just below the optic disc, with higher density in the ventral retina. Retinal vertical sections and flat mounts were processed for immunohistochemistry to visualize tyrosine hydroxilase (TH) and thus two types of TH+ cells were detected. Type 1 cells had strong TH-immunoreactivity, the body cell varied from 120.047 to 269.373 μm2 stratifying in the sublamina 1 of the IPL. Type 2 cells were weakly TH-imunoreactive, had cell body located mostly in the IPL, varying from 54.848 to 177.142 μm2, constituting ~10% of the TH+ cells. Both cell types exhibited similar topographic distribution with higher density found in a horizontal band along of the naso-temporal axis in the dorsal retina. The total population of dopaminergic cells was 2,156±469,4 cells, occupying an average area of 198,164 μm2. The presence of cones and rods was detected by immunohistochemistry in vertical sections and flat mounts. S cones density is around 10 times smaller than L cones, with different degree of spatial organization. Other retinal neuronal populations of the rock cavy were also detected in vertical sections with specific markers. Comparative analysis of the anatomical characteristics of the rock cavy eye 12 suggest that it was designed to acquire higher sensitivity to light, at expense of image sharpness, compatible with a vision at mesopic conditions. Additionally, the distribution of the 2 subtypes of dopaminergic cells in a naso-temporal band in the dorsal retina seems suitable to a gain in sensitivity, coherent with an animal with predominantly crepuscular activity pattern
For many decades the problematic raised about the indiscriminate use of pesticides in modern agriculture has incited the interest of many researchers to discover the effects caused by such products in the environment and consequently in the life of the ones which use that products (farmers) and those people who live in places next to the agricultural areas. Facing these facts, this research had the intention of comprehend the environmental perception of habitants of the Distrito Irrigado do Baixo-Açu (DIBA), located in the semiarid of Rio Grande do Norte, by using agro toxics and its possible environmental effects, as well as evaluate the levels of toxicity of waters from agricultural runoff in this region by using eco-toxicological exams with Ceriodaphnia silvestii. Were done 86 interviews with dwellers and farmers from DIBA. With the results reached in the evaluation of the interviews it was possible to identify that one of major problems is the inappropriate discard of empty packs of the pesticides used at that place. The samples collected for eco-toxicological evaluation showed a variation in its toxicity, once that the point of collect which receives waters from different cultures presented in four out of five samples toxicity for the tested species. Therefore, it concludes that the indiscriminate use of pesticides agricultural practice presented a potential to pollute to the irrigation waters, and the absence of elucidation by the farmers about the manipulation of these products contribute to the risk of environmental contamination and the possible decrease of the quality of life of the dwellers of the region
SILVA, Jorge Luiz Mariano da. Eficiência técnica dos produtores familiares no projeto de irrigação do Baixo Açu/RN.In: CONGRESSO SA SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE ECONOMIA E SOCIOLOGIA RURAL,42., 2004, Cuiabá - MT. Dinâmcias Setorias e Desevolvimento Regional, 2004.