em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
LOPES-DOS-SANTOS, V. , CONDE-OCAZIONEZ, S. ; NICOLELIS, M. A. L. , RIBEIRO, S. T. , TORT, A. B. L. . Neuronal assembly detection and cell membership specification by principal component analysis. Plos One, v. 6, p. e20996, 2011.
O conceito de saúde, na concepção mais abrangente, é uma condição multidimensional de bem-estar físico, psicológico e social e não apenas a inexistência de enfermidades. Os benefícios da atividade física são tão relevantes quanto os benefícios psicológicos, porque ambos contribuem para a saúde. A literatura aponta um conjunto de ligações diretas e indiretas entre a atividade física e a qualidade de vida. Apesar destes benefícios, o processo de envelhecimento é caracterizado por grandes perdas biopsicossociais, que geram várias situações de adversidades que causam preocupação e podem colocar em risco a saúde do idoso. Deste modo, surge a resiliência como um conjunto de processos sociais e intrapsíquicos, que possibilitam o desenvolvimento saudável do idoso, mesmo diante de experiências negativas. Nesta direção, observou-se a necessidade de executar uma pesquisa de conhecimento multidisciplinar conciliando a Educação Física com a Psicologia, a Medicina, a Terapia Ocupacional e a Gerontologia, com o objetivo de investigar o efeito da atividade física sobre os níveis de resiliência em mulheres idosas, bem como conhecer a importância desta atividade para suas vidas. Para tanto, realizou-se um estudo comparativo descritivo, de caráter transversal. Assim sendo, 230 mulheres idosas foram divididas em dois grupos: ativas (n=115; 65,8±5,8 anos de idade), constituído por idosas matriculadas em um programa de atividade física orientada para idosos com período de prática igual ou superior a dois anos, e sedentárias (n=115; 69,2±7,2 anos de idade). Em seguida, foram submetidas à avaliação do nível de resiliência psicológica e da aptidão física (resistência muscular de membros superiores e inferiores, flexibilidade e resistência aeróbia). As idosas ativas apresentaram valores significativamente (p=0,001) maiores do fator 3 da resiliência psicológica quando comparados àqueles do grupo de idosas sedentárias, o qual está relacionado à autoconfiança e à capacidade de adaptação a situações diversas. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas (p>0,05) entre os grupos para os demais fatores (1 e 2). Quando comparados os testes de aptidão física com o nível de resiliência psicológica moderada (n=28) e alta (n=202) do fator 3, observou- se que idosas com nível de resiliência psicológica alta apresentaram maior flexibilidade (p=0,004). E para a avaliação da percepção da importância da atividade física para as idosas foi aplicado um questionário semiestruturado. A partir da Análise de Conteúdo proposto por Bardin (2009) os resultados foram: saúde/prevenção (85%), interação (47%), autonomia (40%), alegria/felicidade (33%), resiliência (33%), lazer (15%). E para avaliar a resiliência utilizou-se a Escala de resiliência de Wagnild e Young (1993). Quanto aos níveis de resiliência os resultados demonstraram que todas idosas apresentaram alto nível. Considerando os achados do presente estudo, sugere-se o emprego da atividade física como método de intervenção para melhora da saúde mental e, por conseguinte, da resiliência psicológica na população em questão, uma vez que os resultados apontam que idosas fisicamente ativas apresentam escores de resiliência psicológica superiores àquelas estratificadas como sedentárias. O resultado desse estudo possibilitou também concluir que a importância da atividade física parece estar relacionada, na sua maioria, às características de saúde/prevenção, interação social, autonomia, resiliência, alegria/felicidade e lazer. Além disso, as mulheres do presente estudo apresentaram um alto nível de resiliência quando comparado à tabela normativa
BMPs are components superfamily ligands transformation growth fator-β (TGF-β) secreted into the extracellular environment, with mechanisms of intercellular communication through specific ligands and receptors in various target cells, being recognized for its influence in osteogenic induction, also play an important role in tissue homeostasis, cell proliferation, differentiation control , in addition to being present in the development of various malignancies. The aim of this study was to compare the immunohistochemical expression of BMP-2, BMP-4 and its receptors BMPRIA and BMPRII in cases of ameloblastoma and adenomatoid odontogenic tumor. The sample consisted of 20 cases of solid ameloblastoma (SA), 10 cases of ameloblastoma unicystic (UA) and 16 cases of adenomatoid odontogenic tumor (AOT). The expression of BMPs and their receptors was evaluated in the parenchyma and stroma of lesions, establishing the percentage of immunopositive cells (0 - negative; 1-1 % to 10 % of cells positive; 2 - 11% to 25% of positive cells; 3 - 26% to 50% of cells positive; 4 - 51% to 75 % of positive cells; 5 - more than 75% positive cells). Analysis of the expression of BMP-2 revealed no statistically significant differences in parenchymal (p = 0.925) and stromal component (p = 0.345) between the groups, as well as BMP-4 (p = 0.873 / p = 0.131). In the epithelial component, SA and AOT had a higher frequency of score 5. In turn, all cases of UA were classified as score 5. The analysis of the stromal component showed no statistically significant difference between groups with respect to median scores BMPRIA positivity (p = 0.768) and BMPRII (p = 0.779). In the epithelial component of SA and UA, no statistically significant correlations between imunoexpression proteins analyzed were observed. In turn, the group of AOT, statistically significant positive correlations between the scores of expression of all studied proteins were found. In the stromal component, statistically significant positive correlations were found only in the SA group in BMP -4 and BMPRII (r = 0.476; p = .034), in the UA in BMP-4 and BMPRIA (r = 0.709; p = 0.022). The results of this study suggest that the BMPs and their receptors are involved in the development process odontogenic tumors. BMP-4, in turn, besides being present in odontogenic tumors have the capacity to form mineralized material.
This dissertation describes the igneous suites of the Japi granitoid pluton, intrusive in the Paleoproterozoic gneiss-migmatite complex of the eastern domain of the Seridó Belt, northeastern Brazil. Field relations show that the pluton is affected by strong deformation associated to the Brasiliano orogeny (known as the D3 phase) , with a NW-trending extensionalleft-hand senestral shear zone (the Japi Shear Zone, JSZ) bordering the intrusive body to the west. Four plutonic suites are found in the main pluton and as satellyte intrusions, besides Iate pegmatite and pink leucogranites. An alkaline granitoid suite, dominated by syenogranites bearing sodic augite (and subordinate hornblende), define a main elliptical intrusion. In its northern part, this intrusion is made up by concentric sheets, contrasting with a smaller rounded stock to the south. These granites display a pervasive solid-state S>L fabric developed under high T conditions, characterized by plastic deformation of quartz and feldspar. It is especially, developed along the border of the pluton, with inward dips. A regular magmatic layering is present sometimes, parallel to the tectonic foliation. The syntectonic emplacement as regards to the Brasiliano (D3) event is indicated by the common occurrence of dykes and sheets along transtensional or extensional sites of the major structure. Field relations attest to the early emplacement of the alkaline granites as regards to the other suites. A basic-to-intermediate suite occurs as a western satellyte body and occupying the southern tail of the main alkaline pluton. It comprises a wide variety of compositional terms, including primitive gabbros and gabbro-norites, differentiated to monzonitic intermediate facies containing amphibole and biotite as their main mafic phases. These rocks display transitional high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic affinities. Porphyritic monzogranite suítes commonly occur as dykes and minor intrusives, isolated or associated with the basic-tointermediate rocks. In the latter case, magma mingling and mixing features attest that these are contemporaneous igneous suites. These granites show K-feldspar phenocrysts and a hornblende+biotite+titanite assemblage, displaying subalkaline/monzonitic geochemical affinities. Both suites exhibit SL magmatic fabrics overprinting or transitional to solid-state D3 deformation related to the JSI. Chemical data clearly show that they are related to different parental magmas. Finally, a microgranite suite occurs along a few topographic ridges paralell to the JSI. It comprises dominantly granodiorites with a mineralogy similar to the one of the porphyritic granitoids. However, discriminant diagrams show their distinct calc-alkaline affinity. The granodiorites display an essencially magmatic fabric, even though an incipient D3 solid-state structure may be developed along the JSI. Intrusion relationships with the previous suites, as well as regards to the D3 structures, point to their Iate emplacement. All these suites are intrusive in a Paleoproterozoic, high-grade gneiss-migmatite complex affected by two previous deformation phases (D1, D2). The fabrics associated with these earlier events are folded and overprinted by the younger D3 structures along the JSZ. The younger deformation is characterized by NE-dipping foliations and N/NE-plunging stretching lineations. In the JSZ northern termination the foliation acquires an ENE orientation, containing a stretching lineation plunging to the south. Symmetric kinematic cri teria developed at this site confirms the transpressional termination of the JSZ, as also shown by orthorrombic quartz c-axis patterns. E-W-trending d extra I shear zones developed in the central part of the JSZ are interpreted as antithetic structures associated to the transtensional deformation along the JSZ. This is consistent with its extensional-transcurrent kinematics and a flat-and-ramp geometry at depth, as shown by gravimetric data. The lateral displacement of the negative residual Bouguer anomalies, as regards to the main outcropping alkaline pluton, may be modelized by other deeper-seated granite bodies. Based on numerical modelling it was possible to infer two distinct intrusion styles for the alkaline pluton. The calculated model values are consistent with an emplacement by sheeting for the northern body, as already suggested by satellyte imagery and field mapping. On the other hand, the results point to a transition towards a diapir-related style associated to the smaller. southern stock. This difference in intrusion styles may relate to intensity variations and transtensional sites of the shear deformation along the JSZ. Trace element and Sr and Nd isotopes of the alkaline granites are compatible with their derivation trom a more basic crustal source, as compared to the presently outcropping highgrade gneisses, with participation (or alternatively dominated by) of an enriched lithospheric mantle component. Like other igneous suites in the Seridó Belt, the high LlL contents and fractionated REE patterns of the basic rocks also point to an enriched mantle as the source for this kind of magmatism. Geochemical and isotope data are compatible with a lower crustal origin for the porphyritic granites. On the basis of the strong control of the JSZ on the emplacement of lower crustal (porphyritic and alkaline granites) or lithospheric mantle (basic rocks, alkaline granites or a component of them) magmas, one may infer a deep root for this structure, bearing an important role in magma extraction, transport and emplacement in the Japi region, eastern domain of the Seridó Belt