44 resultados para Protocolo de comunicação, Brasil
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The study consists in the structure elaboration and the ePoste project communicationprotocol, which is a system of monitoring by wireless communication with the aim tosensor and act with one or many public lighting points, and also the treatment of data todetect the activity in the sensors located on the posts. Previously the communication withsensors were made in locus and when data collect was necessary or the performance inthe devices, the operator had to move until the net place. Accordingly, the purpose has theconcern to increase the system dynamic, achieving the possible integrations with the systemsalready available to the lighting management. The same technology of communicationbetween the sensors are considerate, using the ZigBee protocol running on the meshnet, the communication with this net is made be internet through a gateway by GPRS,device with two basics functionalities, which bypass for data and the firmware update inthe sensor. This functionality test of data management is being tested; integrate way withlocal net of sensors and the internet data server operates. The protocol developed, besidesincorporating the ZigBee, that it is formation of framework in lower level, where definesbeginning, size and errors check, as well as the communication of sensor with the concentrator,which it is encapsulated in ZigBee; also the protocol of upper level, where thatit is the names, it was developed a platform of service to meet GET and POST requestsbeneath HTTP protocol, this service is implemented in the data server, which availablethe communication with the clients systems, in case, lighting management systems.
Internet applications such as media streaming, collaborative computing and massive multiplayer are on the rise,. This leads to the need for multicast communication, but unfortunately group communications support based on IP multicast has not been widely adopted due to a combination of technical and non-technical problems. Therefore, a number of different application-layer multicast schemes have been proposed in recent literature to overcome the drawbacks. In addition, these applications often behave as both providers and clients of services, being called peer-topeer applications, and where participants come and go very dynamically. Thus, servercentric architectures for membership management have well-known problems related to scalability and fault-tolerance, and even peer-to-peer traditional solutions need to have some mechanism that takes into account member's volatility. The idea of location awareness distributes the participants in the overlay network according to their proximity in the underlying network allowing a better performance. Given this context, this thesis proposes an application layer multicast protocol, called LAALM, which takes into account the actual network topology in the assembly process of the overlay network. The membership algorithm uses a new metric, IPXY, to provide location awareness through the processing of local information, and it was implemented using a distributed shared and bi-directional tree. The algorithm also has a sub-optimal heuristic to minimize the cost of membership process. The protocol has been evaluated in two ways. First, through an own simulator developed in this work, where we evaluated the quality of distribution tree by metrics such as outdegree and path length. Second, reallife scenarios were built in the ns-3 network simulator where we evaluated the network protocol performance by metrics such as stress, stretch, time to first packet and reconfiguration group time
One of the most important decisions to turn a substation automatic and no attended it relates to the communication media between this substation and Operation Center. Generally energy companies uses radio or optic fiber, depending of distances and infrastructure of each situation. This rule applies to common substations. Mobile substations are a particular case, therefore they are conceived for use at provisional situations, emergencies, preventive or corrective maintenance. Thus the telecommunication solution used at common substations are not applied so easily to mobile substations, due absence of infrastructure (media) or difficulty to insert the mobile substation data in existing automation network not long. The ideal media must supply covering in a great geographic area to satisfy presented requirements. The implantation costs of this big infrastructure are expensive, however a existing operator may be used. Two services that fulfill that requirements are satellite and cellular telephony. This work presents a solution for automation of mobile substations through satellite. It was successfully implanted at a brazilian electric energy concessionaire named COSERN. The operation became transparent to operators. Other gotten benefits had been operational security, quality in the supply of electric energy and costs reduction. The project presented is a new solution, designed to substations and general applications where few data should be transmitted, but there is difficulties in relation to the media. Despite the satellite having been used, the same resulted can be gotten using celullar telephony, through Short Messages or packet networks as GPRS or EDGE.
MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. et al. SISAL - Um Sistema Supervisório para Elevação Artificial de Petróleo. In: Rio Oil and Gas Expo Conference, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Anais... Rio de Janeiro, 2006.
Coral bleaching has been increasingly the focus of research around the world since the early 1980s, when it was verified to be increasing in frequency, intensity and amount of areas affected. The phenomenon has been recorded since 1993, associated with elevation of the sea surface temperature due to El Niños and water thermal anomalies, according to most reports around the world. On the coast of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, a mass coral bleaching event was recorded in the Environmental Protection Area of Coral Reefs (APARC) during March and April 2010, when the water temperature reached 34°C for several days. About 80% of the corals in Maracajaú reef-complex exhibited partial or total bleaching. The aims of this study were to verify representativeness of coral coverage and how the bleaching dynamic has developed among different species. Coral coverage was estimated according to Reef Check Brazil protocol associated with quadrant method, and bleaching was evaluated from biweekly visual surveys in 80 colonies of Favia gravida, Porites astreoides, Siderastrea stellata and Millepora alcicornis. At the same time temperature, pH, salinity and horizontal transparency, as well as mortality and disease occurrence were monitored. Analysis of variance and Multiple Regression from the perspective of time lag concept were used to evaluate the bleaching dynamics among species and the relationship between variation of means of bleaching and variations of abiotic parameters, respectively. Species showed significant differences among themselves as to variation of means of bleaching over time, but the dynamic of variation exhibited similar patterns
This graduate thesis proposes a model to asynchronously replicate heterogeneous databases. This model singularly combines -in a systematic way and in a single project -different concepts, techniques and paradigms related to the areas of database replication and management of heterogeneous databases. One of the main advantages of the replication is to allow applications to continue to process information, during time intervals when they are off the network and to trigger the database synchronization, as soon as the network connection is reestablished. Therefore, the model introduces a communication and update protocol that takes in consideration the environment of asynchronous characteristics used. As part of the work, a tool was developed in Java language, based on the model s premises in order to process, test, simulate and validate the proposed model
The monitoring of patients performed in hospitals is usually done either in a manual or semiautomated way, where the members of the healthcare team must constantly visit the patients to ascertain the health condition in which they are. The adoption of this procedure, however, compromises the quality of the monitoring conducted since the shortage of physical and human resources in hospitals tends to overwhelm members of the healthcare team, preventing them from moving to patients with adequate frequency. Given this, many existing works in the literature specify alternatives aimed at improving this monitoring through the use of wireless networks. In these works, the network is only intended for data traffic generated by medical sensors and there is no possibility of it being allocated for the transmission of data from applications present in existing user stations in the hospital. However, in the case of hospital automation environments, this aspect is a negative point, considering that the data generated in such applications can be directly related to the patient monitoring conducted. Thus, this thesis defines Wi-Bio as a communication protocol aimed at the establishment of IEEE 802.11 networks for patient monitoring, capable of enabling the harmonious coexistence among the traffic generated by medical sensors and user stations. The formal specification and verification of Wi-Bio were made through the design and analysis of Petri net models. Its validation was performed through simulations with the Network Simulator 2 (NS2) tool. The simulations of NS2 were designed to portray a real patient monitoring environment corresponding to a floor of the nursing wards sector of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL), located at Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Moreover, in order to verify the feasibility of Wi-Bio in terms of wireless networks standards prevailing in the market, the testing scenario was also simulated under a perspective in which the network elements used the HCCA access mechanism described in the IEEE 802.11e amendment. The results confirmed the validity of the designed Petri nets and showed that Wi-Bio, in addition to presenting a superior performance compared to HCCA on most items analyzed, was also able to promote efficient integration between the data generated by medical sensors and user applications on the same wireless network
A remoção de inconsistências em um projeto é menos custosa quando realizadas nas etapas iniciais da sua concepção. A utilização de Métodos Formais melhora a compreensão dos sistemas além de possuir diversas técnicas, como a especificação e verificação formal, para identificar essas inconsistências nas etapas iniciais de um projeto. Porém, a transformação de uma especificação formal para uma linguagem de programação é uma tarefa não trivial. Quando feita manualmente, é uma tarefa passível da inserção de erros. O uso de ferramentas que auxiliem esta etapa pode proporcionar grandes benefícios ao produto final a ser desenvolvido. Este trabalho propõe a extensão de uma ferramenta cujo foco é a tradução automática de especificações em CSPm para Handel-C. CSP é uma linguagem de descrição formal adequada para trabalhar com sistemas concorrentes. Handel-C é uma linguagem de programação cujo resultado pode ser compilado diretamente para FPGA's. A extensão consiste no aumento no número de operadores CSPm aceitos pela ferramenta, permitindo ao usuário definir processos locais, renomear canais e utilizar guarda booleana em escolhas externas. Além disto, propomos também a implementação de um protocolo de comunicação que elimina algumas restrições da composição paralela de processos na tradução para Handel-C, permitindo que a comunicação entre múltiplos processos possa ser mapeada de maneira consistente e que a mesma somente ocorra quando for autorizada.
Removing inconsistencies in a project is a less expensive activity when done in the early steps of design. The use of formal methods improves the understanding of systems. They have various techniques such as formal specification and verification to identify these problems in the initial stages of a project. However, the transformation from a formal specification into a programming language is a non-trivial task and error prone, specially when done manually. The aid of tools at this stage can bring great benefits to the final product to be developed. This paper proposes the extension of a tool whose focus is the automatic translation of specifications written in CSPM into Handel-C. CSP is a formal description language suitable for concurrent systems, and CSPM is the notation used in tools support. Handel-C is a programming language whose result can be compiled directly into FPGA s. Our extension increases the number of CSPM operators accepted by the tool, allowing the user to define local processes, to rename channels in a process and to use Boolean guards on external choices. In addition, we also propose the implementation of a communication protocol that eliminates some restrictions on parallel composition of processes in the translation into Handel-C, allowing communication in a same channel between multiple processes to be mapped in a consistent manner and that improper communication in a channel does not ocurr in the generated code, ie, communications that are not allowed in the system specification
MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. et al. SISAL - Um Sistema Supervisório para Elevação Artificial de Petróleo. In: Rio Oil and Gas Expo Conference, 2006, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Anais... Rio de Janeiro, 2006.
A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) consists of distributed devices in an area in order to monitor physical variables such as temperature, pressure, vibration, motion and environmental conditions in places where wired networks would be difficult or impractical to implement, for example, industrial applications of difficult access, monitoring and control of oil wells on-shore or off-shore, monitoring of large areas of agricultural and animal farming, among others. To be viable, a WSN should have important requirements such as low cost, low latency, and especially low power consumption. However, to ensure these requirements, these networks suffer from limited resources, and eventually being used in hostile environments, leading to high failure rates, such as segmented routing, mes sage loss, reducing efficiency, and compromising the entire network, inclusive. This work aims to present the FTE-LEACH, a fault tolerant and energy efficient routing protocol that maintains efficiency in communication and dissemination of data.This protocol was developed based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and suitable for industrial networks with limited energy resources
VANTI, Nadia; SILVA, Lailde da. Análise webométrica das Universidades Públicas Federais das Regiões Norte e Centro- oeste do Brasil.In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE ESTUDANTES DE BIBLIOTECONOMIA, DOCUMENTAÇÃO, GESTÃO, E CIÊNCIA DA INFORMAÇÃO,33 , 2010, Paraíba. Anais... Paraíba: ENEBD, 2010.
Analisa as práticas de mediação desenvolvidas nas bibliotecas universitárias pelos bibliotecários diante das tecnologias digitais. Para tanto estabelece como objetivo geral analisar de forma comparativa, o impacto e mediação das tecnologias digitais no funcionamento de bibliotecas Universitárias de Portugal e da região Nordeste do Brasil. Integraram esta pesquisa 10 universidades federais brasileiras e 12 universidades públicas portuguesas, com um total geral de 115 bibliotecários, que são os sujeitos participantes. É uma pesquisa qualitativa que adota o método quadripolar – recomendado para os trabalhos desenvolvidos no âmbito das Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, e em especial na área de Ciência da Informação. Através da interação entre os polos: epistemológico, teórico, técnico e morfológico, que fundamentam este método, houve o fortalecimento e a fluidez das questões estudadas. Os resultados dos questionários aplicados aos bibliotecários, bem como da análise dos sítios das bibliotecas pesquisadas, foram interpretados através de um alicerce teórico baseado em três pontos principais: as questões paradigmáticas que envolvem a área de Ciência da Informação, a análise da mediação pós-custodial informacional e científica e as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação presentes nas bibliotecas. Como principais resultados vemos que o impacto das tecnologias digitais nas bibliotecas universitárias é considerado pelos bibliotecários brasileiros e portugueses como positivo, com ênfase em dois pontos: a inovação dos suportes de informação e a autossuficiência dos utilizadores. A maior diferença se percebe em relação ao aspecto social, através de uma maior preocupação entre os bibliotecários brasileiros com as barreiras informacionais causadas por questões econômica, social e educacional e sentido com menos intensidade pelos bibliotecários portugueses, que ascendem as tecnologias digitais com mais facilidade. De forma conclusiva, a análise do impacto e a mediação das tecnologias digitais nas bibliotecas pesquisadas, apontam para uma evolução nas práticas mediadoras das bibliotecas universitárias de Portugal e do Nordeste do Brasil e uma convergência laboral entre os bibliotecários portugueses e brasileiros.
This study is about the institutional self-evaluation in Dimension 4, "Communication with Society", from the National System of Higher Education Evaluation SINAES, mandatory for all universities in Brazil. A multiple cases study was conducted with three institutions from Rio Grande do Norte, and the goal was to know how this evaluation is made, describing the concept for the evaluation of communication proposed by them, identifying controllers or emancipator aspects, categorizing methodological procedures and discussing the difficulties reported in the communication evaluation process. Coordinators of the institutions Evaluating Committees were interviewed and data categorized by means of qualitative content analysis. It was noted characteristics of the current controller, emancipator and hybrid designs in the three institutions for evaluation of communication, revealing the lack of a theoretical corpus that transits in accordance with the systemic perspective and epistemology of complexity from SINAES. It was found that the most frequently reported difficulties in the evaluation processes of communication are in the preparation stage, especially in the definition of indicators and tools and awareness work. The weakness in planning makes their own activities in the sector of communication become targets of assessment, forming goals poorly related with broader organizational goals. It was also concluded that the technical evaluation cannot override the issues associated with the broader issue of the complexity surrounding the assessment paradigm proposed by SINAES because contradictions and imperfections are part of the evaluation process and several references are current in the literature to support this view. Finally, it is said that objectives such as transparency and behavioral changes can rely on methodologies and techniques for research on the question of the construction of meaning
This work supports the formalist education s improvement of the Brazilian architect and urban designer through a better application and systematization of the computer science s teaching potentialities. The research analyzes the discipline introduction in the Brazilian courses: Computer Science Applied to Architecture and Urbanism (InfoAU) in the Architecture and Urbanism Courses of Brazil (CAUs). It goes since the discipline was obligated by the MEC s Regulation nr. 1.770 from 1994 until the CNE/CES Resolution nr. 6 from 2006; it comprehends the discipline implantation, development and current context, in order to get more detailed, the research analyses three federal universities from the Northeast of the country: UFRN, UFPB and UFPE. Once identified the historical educational needs in the CAUs, the study focus on the computer science s increasing potential as an agent of integration, communication, development and knowledge/data management. It points out new social perspectives for a better use of this tool/mechanism, which adequately structuralized and integrated, creates propitious educational and professional performance/recycling conditions and a propeller instrument of research and extension activities. Among this work, it is suggested the aggregation of elements, which are complementary to the InfoAU discipline s reorganization, throughout a computerization s plan for the CAUs, extensive to the professional formation, generating a virtuous cycle in several activities of the academic, administrative and, research and extension s departments. Therefore, the InfoAU in the Brazilian CAUs context was analyzed; the main solutions and problems found were systemized; the possibilities of computer science s uses inside AU ware structuralized, InfoAU discipline s improvement plan was also defined, as well as strategies for the implementation of the computerization s plan for the CAUs, which would guarantee its maintenance in a continuity perspective