6 resultados para Problema público

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This study aimed to describe the spatial and temporal patterns of variation in trophic state and its relation with the structure and dynamics of planktonic community of a large reservoir located in semi-arid tropical region of Northeast Brazil. The reservoir Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves is the biggest reservoir of the Rio Grande do Norte State and is responsible for about 53% of all surface water accumulated in the State. The samples of water and plankton were taken monthly in 10 points distributed throughout the longitudinal axis of the reservoir and over a full hydrological cycle. The samples were collected to determine concentrations of total phosphorus, total nitrogen, chlorophyll a and suspended solids (fixed and volatile) and for determining the composition and abundance of phytoplanktonic and zooplanktonic species. During the study period, the reservoir was characterized as eutrophic and there was no trend of increasing the trophic state of the reservoir in the period of drought. The concentrations of total phosphorus and suspended fixed solids decreased towards the dam while the N:P ratios increased in the same direction due to the reduction in the phosphorus concentrations and relative constancy in the nitrogen concentrations. The N:P ratios observed were indicative of greater limitation by phosphorus than by nitrogen. However, as concentrations of both nutrients were high and the water transparency was very low, with secchi depth usually lower than one meter, it seems likely that the planktonic primary production of the reservoir is more limited by the availability of light than the availability of nutrients. High nutrient concentrations coupled with low availability of light may explain the continuing dominance of filamentous cyanobacteria such as Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in the plankton of the reservoir.These cyanobacteria are potentially toxic and pose a serious environmental problem because it compromises the water quality for public supply, recreation and fishing when present in high densities as in this study. The mesozooplankton of the reservoir was dominated by the calanoid Notodiaptomus cearensis and the cladoceran Diaphanosoma spinulosum. In general, the structure of zooplankton community seems to be particularly influenced by the spatial variation of cyanobacteria. The results of the regression analyses show that both the chlorophyll a concentrations and the cyanobacteria biovolume were more strongly correlated with the nitrogen than with phosphorus and that the water transparency was more strongly correlated with algal biomass than with other sources of turbidity. The maximum load of phosphorus to attain the maximum permissible concentration of total P in the reservoir was estimated in 63.2 tonnes P/ year. The current external P load to the reservoir is estimated in 324 tonnes P / year and must be severely reduced to improve the water quality for water supply and allow the implementation of aquaculture projects that could contribute to the socio-economic development of the region


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The objective of this study was to investigate the environmental perception of: People with common-sense knowledge on the desertification process in RN. People with scientific knowledge on the desertification process in RN. Focal points in the combat at desertification of the RN and public ministery representant with actions in interinstitutional articulations promoter (and/or relative actions) at the desertification process in the RN. The research was carried in the city of Natal-RN and in two small cities of the Seridó region (RN): Caicó and Currais Novos. The research carried, is classified as exploratory and 22 people were interviewed. The research includes: The propension/intensity of the desertification in the RN and in the Seridó region; Evaluation of the knowledge of those interviewed, concerning the subject desertification ; Problems in order to combat desertification; Causes of desertification; The profile of the interviewed. The results of this present study indicate that the a desertification process is more agressive in the Seridó region than in the state of RN, being the two following: the absence of preocupation of the affected population with the process and the escarcity of governamental recurses, indicates how problems greather in the combat to the phenomen. Decreasing of produtivity in the agriculture and increasing of the migration to the urbans centers have been the main consequences of the process, that have at water scarcity, deforestation and extraction of argil (being this, regional factor), relevant variables in the influence to the surgiment of the desertification process of the RN


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It analyses the approach given by health professionals (social workers, nurses and doctors) against woman violence at the Medical Unities of Felipe Camarão and Quintas of the City of Natal and searches to identify if the domestic violence is (in)visible at the Public Health Assistance System attendance. and It refers to the grandiosity of this violence and its consequences to the women health, recognizing it as a public health problem. To the comprehension of the relationship between violent acts against women and their health serious damages, exposes the battle history of the feminist movements and the brazilian women, demonstrating the visibility acquired by theses conquests of the questions related to the women and how the gender study becomes the central category to (re) think the social relations involving women and men, specially, the violent relationships between them. It analyses, mainly, those practiced by the husbands, partners, boyfriends or lovers. It refers, at the end, about the public politics of violence combat adopted at police stations at health centers, showing the difficulties to establish the legislation that exists to combat the violence suffered by the women that look for assistance at the health unities. It intends, with this way, to give more visibility to the domestic questions at the marital relations and ask attention from the public power and health professionals between them, the social worker to the (in) visibility of this problems at the attendances practiced


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Considering that tourism tends to reproduce itself privatizing the areas where it installs, the secondary residence has been an urban element responsible for the private appropriation of the public spaces of coastal of Nísia Floresta. The private appropriation of these accesses, for secondary residences, constitute in an issue-problem of the research. The principal goal is to analyze the relationship of the consumers/users of secondary residences with the public space; and, specifically, identify how the government has been acting and manifesting itself about the occupation of the coastal of Nísia Floresta; as also to verify how the secondary residence has been appropriating privately of the public access of the coastal. On account of the scarce literature about secondary residences and the importance of the public access to beaches for the inhabitant, the present work aims to contribute to the discussion of this theme. The secondary residences in Rio Grande do Norte began in the late nineteenth century, becoming more common in the 90s, when the coast south of Natal is appropriated from local vacationers. In 2000, foreign investment began to be applied in real state and tourism, producing closed developments, served in leisure infrastructure, trade, and hospitality, mainly to external demands. The methodology included a bibliographic survey, data collection and in lócus observation. Applied questionnaires and interviews were performed with consumers/users of the secondary residences, permanent residents and government, respectively. To the legal grounding, taken as a reference the article. 10, of the law 7.661/88 to establish that the beaches are goods of common use . Considering the conclusive analysis of the research, can be said that the right of free access and use of the beach is committed for the benefit of the consumers/users of secondary residences, due to the negligence and omission of the government


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Maternal and infant mortality have become a serious public health problem in Brazil, especially in northeasternand northern regions.In RioGrande do Norte, the high rates ofdeathsofmothersandbabies haveconcerned not onlythehealthauthorities andjusticeagenciessuch as the prosecution service. In 2011, State Public Ministry (MPE) has developed a proposition which was called “Nascer com Dignidade”, focused on the monitoring ofcare givenin prenatal, childbirth andpost childbirthin the cities. The aim of thisstudy was toinvestigate how the intervention of MPE works in maternal and child care. The method adopted to survey data was the case study by analyzing the skills of the reports which were carried out in four of the eight Public Health Regional Units (URSAP).A total of 26municipalities were chosenand the results showfragilityparticularly inprenatal care which can result in complicationsin childbirthand postpartumlike:incomplete health family teams(in05cities), lack of access orinaccessibility to laboratory tests(16 cities) and lack of the pregnant woman'sattachment to thebirthing place(in26 cities). Based on this reality, MPE has adopted relevant attitudes as filing public civil suits, compliance of Conduct Adjustment Declaration in the municipal management and performing interventions in heath care centers and maternity clinics of the state. Thereforeit is known thatPublic Ministryis of paramount importanceto indicatethe necessaryadjustmentsto addressinfant and maternalmortalityin the state (mean of 65/100,000 and16/100,000respectively) and give the city hall the responsibility for the health care quality provided to their citizens. These factors demand theprinciples ofuniversality and integrality to be performed in order to reduce social inequities.


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This study aimed to describe the spatial and temporal patterns of variation in trophic state and its relation with the structure and dynamics of planktonic community of a large reservoir located in semi-arid tropical region of Northeast Brazil. The reservoir Armando Ribeiro Gonçalves is the biggest reservoir of the Rio Grande do Norte State and is responsible for about 53% of all surface water accumulated in the State. The samples of water and plankton were taken monthly in 10 points distributed throughout the longitudinal axis of the reservoir and over a full hydrological cycle. The samples were collected to determine concentrations of total phosphorus, total nitrogen, chlorophyll a and suspended solids (fixed and volatile) and for determining the composition and abundance of phytoplanktonic and zooplanktonic species. During the study period, the reservoir was characterized as eutrophic and there was no trend of increasing the trophic state of the reservoir in the period of drought. The concentrations of total phosphorus and suspended fixed solids decreased towards the dam while the N:P ratios increased in the same direction due to the reduction in the phosphorus concentrations and relative constancy in the nitrogen concentrations. The N:P ratios observed were indicative of greater limitation by phosphorus than by nitrogen. However, as concentrations of both nutrients were high and the water transparency was very low, with secchi depth usually lower than one meter, it seems likely that the planktonic primary production of the reservoir is more limited by the availability of light than the availability of nutrients. High nutrient concentrations coupled with low availability of light may explain the continuing dominance of filamentous cyanobacteria such as Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii in the plankton of the reservoir.These cyanobacteria are potentially toxic and pose a serious environmental problem because it compromises the water quality for public supply, recreation and fishing when present in high densities as in this study. The mesozooplankton of the reservoir was dominated by the calanoid Notodiaptomus cearensis and the cladoceran Diaphanosoma spinulosum. In general, the structure of zooplankton community seems to be particularly influenced by the spatial variation of cyanobacteria. The results of the regression analyses show that both the chlorophyll a concentrations and the cyanobacteria biovolume were more strongly correlated with the nitrogen than with phosphorus and that the water transparency was more strongly correlated with algal biomass than with other sources of turbidity. The maximum load of phosphorus to attain the maximum permissible concentration of total P in the reservoir was estimated in 63.2 tonnes P/ year. The current external P load to the reservoir is estimated in 324 tonnes P / year and must be severely reduced to improve the water quality for water supply and allow the implementation of aquaculture projects that could contribute to the socio-economic development of the region