20 resultados para Poesia épica História e crítica
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
La prsente thse est une approche critique de la production littraire de l crivain carioca Ana Cristina Cesar. Aussi bien dans la posie que dans son oeuvre critique, Ana Cristina Cesar a mis en vidence la question de l criture comme le principal dilme de son projet comme crivain. En face d autant de registres, soit en forme de pomes, texte critique ou lettres, la question de l criture est, dans l ensemble de son oeuvre, formule partir d une interpntration entre la littrature et la vie. Considrant le problme de l criture comme partie d un projet de l tre crivain pour Ana Cristina Cesar, nous affirmons que l intrt de notre recherche se dirige vers l analyse des manires selon lesquelles ce problme parcourt son criture et dvient une question mtalinguistique dans sa cration. Nous partons de la rflexion sur l criture dans son oeuvre pour relever la question principale de notre proposition de travail avec son texte: Qu est-ce que c est, aprs tout, crire pour Ana Cristina Cesar et comment cela se formule-t-il dans la production des rles qu elle exerce en tant que pote, critique et professeur? Parmi les principaux objectifs qui guident cette recherche sont: promouvoir un dialogue avec les textes de l auteur, o se prsente le problme de l crire, travers une rflexion sur le parcours de son activit intellectuelle, pour elle imprgn de questions sur l criture fminine et la production marginale; et enquter les manires dont cette rflexion s articule dans les fonctions qu elle dveloppe comme pote, critique et professeur et les rlations qu elle tabli avec la littrature de son poque. En outre, nous discuterons l importance de son oeuvre dans la littrature marginale, ce qui possibilite aussi une valuation de cette production dans la littrature brsilienne
A obra "A razo embotada: ensaios de crítica literria", de autoria do prof. Andrey Pereira de Oliveira, do Departamento de Letras da UFRN, composta por 14 ensaios que discorrem acerca de obras das literaturas brasileira e universal. Os textos tiveram uma primeira publicao em livros coletivos, revistas acadmicas ou anais de congressos cientficos e passaram por adaptaes para reunio neste volume.
A study about the polyphonic aspect of The Lusiads. An epic poem in Portuguese Language written by Lus de Cames, that narrates the adventure of the journey of Vasco da Gama in the discoverer of new shipping lanes for the ndias. Secondarily, tells the historics battles engaged during the process of foundation and consolidation of the Portuguese Empire. The object of the study are the diverse speeches that compose the poem s narration, aiming at to the possible aesthetic relation of the epic poetry of Cames with the novelistic prose developed in the modernity, starting with D. Quijote and consacrating it at polyphonic novels written by Dostoivski. The sdudy focuses the singularity of Cames lies in the elaboration of a narrative structurally epic, but at the same time contains several deviating speeches. Such speeches emphasize the multiple planes and multiple voices (characteristics of novelistic prose) without, however, prejudice the interlinking logical-formal epos, resulting in the monological finish conventional of the epic gender. This feature characterizes The Lusiads as monological literary work, but also shows dialogism and plurilinguism, essentials to the polyphonic phenomenon. Another prominent aspect of the poetry of Cames is the relative procedure to the expressiveness of the characters. They are, in the majority, rhetorical creations, which assume, in the speech, human or myhtological characteristics. Stratagem that permits to the poet to emit a multiple faces of vision of the facts told. The analysis of the speeches supports-itself entirely in the polyphonic theory of Mikhail Bakhtin, shall be cited, accessory, viewpoints of others theoretical, as long if it is judged compatible with the theory adopted
Originalmente tese de doutorado da autora, defendida na Universidade de So Paulo, a obra discorre acerca do papel dos peridicos recreativos, cientficos e literrios na sociedade brasileira do sculo Xix e incio do sculo XX. Demonstrando amplo domnio bibliogrfico a respeito das discusses mais recentes sobre o assunto, a autora preenche uma lacuna sobre a revista francesa, que logo caiu no gosto das elites brasileiras a partir do Segundo Reinado.
Teaching and learning History in dialectical relationship between interpretation and critical historical awareness has investigated the triggering of a theoretical-practical training process developed with a history teacher, her mediation in the teaching and learning of the discipline process, related to the appropriation of history text interpretation and the development of critical historical consciousness by public school 8 th-grade students of elementary level. It aims to analyze the relationship between mediation of teaching activity and ownership by the student on this level, the interpretation of history texts and development of this consciousness. It has been opted for collaborative research, as training and strategy, and was employed as procedures for the formation of knowledge: Meeting, Cycles of Reflexive Studies, Planning (with teachers), Observation performed in real life and portfolio (involving students). The teacher appropriated of contributions of the theory by P. Ya . Galperin and critical historical consciousness and developed a teaching process using a methodology grounded in theoretical constructs this author. The students appropriated the interpretation of history texts and demonstrated to be in a process of developing a critical historical consciousness. Performance of the students occurred more consistently in the interpretations implemented in groups, with teacher guidance and support of the activity map. Training processes, performed in and about teaching and student activities, revealed an improvement in teacher's professional development and the knowledge and expertise of the students. It has contributed to this, the critical reflection experienced in the investigative process. Given these findings, as needs of new thinking, research recommends the development of teaching and learning processes in other years of elementary school, involving the interpretation of history texts and the development of critical historical consciousness of students.
A tese trata de dois construtos scio-histricos Administrao e Administrador em face do capitalismo em sua fase flexvel. Considerando as mudanas do capitalismo, o texto estabelece como objeto de estudo as concepes de Administrao e Administrador, para o campo administrativo, na contemporaneidade. A tese suportada por uma pesquisa de campo cujo objetivo foi compreender criticamente as concepes do campo administrativo sobre a Administrao e o Administrador, em tempos de capitalismo flexvel. Epistemologicamente, a pesquisa foi conduzida a partir da perspectiva crítica frankfurtiana, fundamentada em trs pares categricos dialticos: (i) história versus naturalizao; (ii) prxis social versus sistema; e (iii) alienao versus emancipao; privilegiando o pensamento crtico vinculado primeira gerao da Escola de Frankfurt. A literatura prevalente da rea de Administrao foi revisada mediada pelas duas questes ontolgicas que suportam a tese: O que Administrao? e O que Administrador? para autores como Taylor, Fayol, Drucker, Ohno, Deming, Champy e Mintzberg. Metodologicamente, foi realizada uma pesquisa integralmente qualitativa, com uso de trs tipos de entrevistas: (i) entrevista narrativa com história de vida; (ii) entrevista com uso de elementos-estmulo; e (iii) entrevista narrativa ficcional. Para compreenso das narrativas, foi utilizada a tcnica de anlise hermenutico-dialtica. Os resultados indicam o predomnio da concepo pragmtica-instrumental, no tocante Administrao, pela qual ela continua a ser pensada e discursada como uma ao tecnolgica e teleolgica, que utiliza saberes mltiplos e aprendizagens cambiantes como meios para alcance das finalidades do contexto organizacional mutante. Com relao ao Administrador, h a emergncia da concepo esttica para apresent-lo, quando vinculado s organizaes. Por esta concepo, h a migrao do histrico esteretipo do Administrador controlador e vigilante para a representao do Administrador como um profissional performtico. O segundo resultado, que se apresenta como o mais relevante em relao ao Administrador, o da fuga da profisso. A partir dos pares categricos dialticos, esta tese prope algumas snteses provisrias críticas: (i) história-naturalizao: os sujeitos tomam como naturais a organizao empresarial e suas demandas, naturalizando as recentes mudanas que, entre outras coisas, reduzem os postos gerenciais; (ii) prxis social-sistema: pela concepo pragmtica-instrumental, as experincias dos Administradores so concebidas a partir do confinamento funcionalista em uma organizao-sistema; (iii) emancipao-alienao: tanto a forma naturalizada com que especificam as organizaes e sua Administrao quanto a prxis interrompida velada em uma experincia reificada mostram-se como fenmenos intrinsecamente e subjetivamente alienantes e contraemancipatrios. Por outro lado, atravs do movimento de fuga da profisso, os entrevistados parecem (re)significar o silncio fundador da alienao associada condio de Administrador: a de pensar como capital, e no se pensar como trabalho. Finalmente, o texto prope que as possibilidades de emancipao deste profissional residem na tomada de conscincia de sua condio como integrante da classe trabalhadora, mesmo em tempos de riscos e incertezas. Assumindo-se como trabalhador, o Administrador poder lutar pelo seu trabalho, repensando-o em novos termos, em que as dimenses pragmticas-instrumentais que envolvem sua profisso possam ser dosadas e sempre mediadas por contedos substantivos e emancipatrios
This collaborative research is a qualitative approach, from historical and cultural perspective, made about a teacher of third grade of basic education in the area of history, in the municipality of Caic / RN. It has as objective to investigate, in a collaborative action, if the design process of teaching and learning the discipline of history based on the relationship before / after allows the development of critical reflective thinking of the teacher in school practices. The theoretical and methodological approaches are supported in the postulates of Vygotsky (1998), Rubinstein (1973) and Linblinskaia (1979), among others, whose understanding has led us to reflect if the teacher develops the reflective critical-thinking in history discipline classes. The complexity of the study led us to an analysis exercise, using different methodological procedures, such as: bibliographic review of the literature, considering also the literature of the history area, interviews, observation in the classroom, video recordings and reflective sessions, enabling clarify the construction and reconstruction of thought that the teacher had been developing during the process of teaching and learning. The test results point to a dichotomy between theory and practice, and also to a certain fragility in the position of professor in teaching and learning the discipline of history, at the third grade of basic education. The teacher recognizes that she requires a theoretical deepening with more intensity, as a process of continuous training to improve the practice of teaching in history school, though, stating in her speech that her teaching practice is based on critical reflection. However, she presents serious limitations in classroom practices. We conclude that, although she has shown willing to work on a critical perspective of reality, showed also poor change at school practices, starting to reflect about her own actions, pointing her limits and the changes needed that didn t become reality yet. It s necessary a formative process for her. The study therefore showed that even with the sessions and reflective of deepening theoretical studies, the teacher does not change its profile, while maintaining its traditional vision in any pedagogical action. This research recommends the formation of school groups for further studies and discussion on the practices of education in history area from a reflective-critical thought perspective as a mean of personal and professional development
From a critique of aspects of the current teaching of physics, we propose in this paper an investigation into the conceptions of Nature of Science (NOS) submitted by students from the high school level, as well as the inclusion of discussions about some elements of NOS, through the History and Philosophy of Science, understanding them as facilitating strategy for more effective learning of Physics and, more specifically, the contents of optics. Based on the historical period corresponding to Greek antiquity to the mid-nineteenth century, built and applied a teaching unit to a high school class at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN) Ipanguau campus. Our teaching unit involved the reading and interpretation of texts with historical content, observation and assembling five experimental activities, among other activities. Data analysis occurred through questionnaires investigative applied before and after the completion of the teaching unit, as well as questionnaires for content present in the texts. Although not significant, the results indicated that the application of the teaching unit allowed the (re) construction of some conceptions about NOS targets students present in our work, and contribute to a better learning content and greater optical science approach and its nature
Caractrisation du "Poema-Processo" au long de sa trajectoire entre les annes 1967 et 1972, au regard dune lecture visant son insertion dans le mouvement davant-guarde de la deuxime moiti du XX sicle, au Brsil. On vrifie la faon dont le mouvement du "Poema-Processo" sest form, comme ddoublement de lart concret, ainsi comme ses adquations la conjoncture de son apparition au Brsil, stablissant une comparaison entre la pratique du pome et les propositions des manifestes lancs. Lanalyse des pomes slectionns dmontre leur co-relation avec les travaux visuels initis par les avant-guardes historiques, ainsi comme les rponses de la pratique potique la thorie developpe par les principaux reprsentants, Wlademir Dias-Pinto, lvaro de S et Moacy Cirne. La production potique et culturelle de Moacy Cirne est aborde en observant sa pratique sur trois points fondamentaux: la production potique, la critique littraire donnant de lemphase la culture locale et au texte du "Poema-Processo", et la recherche du language des bandes dessines.
The Lusiads is an epic poem, written by Lus de Cames, about the adventure of Vasco da Gama s trip and the history of Portugal. It's based on traditionals epics from the Greek and Roman poets, Homero and Virglio. Cames followes especially their structures. However, the poet insert modifications that divert his poem from parameters established by Aristteles for the classic epic poems. These deviations are centered mainly on the narrative subject and in the point of view. We intend to show an analysis focused on digressions from The Lusiads, in which the author, himself or by tellers characters, narrates the story in order to make his complaints, reflections and exhortations. Besides, we present general aspects of Maneirismo predominant in these digressions how evidences of modernity of the poem; as one brief outlook about the poem's projection in time and around the world. These points are importants elements of consolidation of a universal permanence of The Lusiads. That's why they have had to read and to study by the centuries, according the vision of the epoch's spirit
Diese These besteht aus der Analyse der Enteignungsverhltnisse und der Misselung, welche in den Texten der Ursprung des Kunstwerkes und die Hymnen Hlderlins vorkommen. Germanien und der Rhein sind in den 30en-Jahren letzten Jahrhunderts von Martin Heidegger verfasst worden. Ab anwendung der kritischen Methodologia von Harold Bloom und der starken Texgestaltung von Richard Rorty wird es deutlich, dass die Heideggers Lesungen der Hlderlins Poesia als ei Ersatzversuch der von Hegel entwickelte Kulturgeschichte ab deutescher berlieferung klassicher Studien, die das tragische Erlebnis der alten Griechen als grundlegender Punkt des Westen Daseins vorbringen, verstanden werden knnen. So verlegt Heidegger die Aufbauachse der Entstehungserzlung des Abendlandes in Richtung Dichtkunst, indem er in seiner Wendung zum Dichterischen gleichzeitig auf der Suche nach einer abweichenden Feststellung der vorherrschaftlichen These ist, in welcher die Tragdie das grosse Antrittsereignis der westlichen Zivilisation darstellt, und darber hinaus noch der Herstellung einer innigen Verbindung zwischen der Poesie von Hlderlin und Hesiudus, um die Enge der dichterischen berinstimmung zu zeigen, welche die alten Griechen und die zeitegemssigen Deutschen verbrnde. Dieser geistige Aufbau Heideggers hat man somit als ein berholungsversuch Hegels Einfluss und Denkungsart zur Vollendung der von Nietzsche begonnenen berwindungsaufgabe des Hegelianismuszu verstehen
The present work seeks essentially to demonstrate how some anthropological structures of the imaginary, theorized by the French thinker Gilbert DURAND, projected themselves in a noticeable manner in the poetic work of the Brazilian poet Orides FONTELA. Chiefly we will demonstrate with great care in what way this projection and vivification occur through an imagination that not only materializes some fundamental archetypes of the human imagination, but also seeks to organize them through original poems in its form of presenting the poetic discourse, giving here a different contribution of the mythical or religious discourse, privileged places, since always, where the symbolic functions also manifest themselves
O presente estudo traz uma reflexo sobre os discursos culturais afro-brasileiros e o lugar ocupado pela poesia em meio a uma sociedade racista. A pesquisa tem como propsito fazer um estudo da poesia de Oliveira Silveira (1968, 1970, 1977, 1981, 1987). Leva-se em considerao a relao da produo potica de Oliveira com as propostas do movimento da Negritude e o dilogo lcido que o mesmo estabelece com poetas vinculados ao referido movimento e como Silveira sugere dentro da literatura a negritude como uma forma de interseco na poesia brasileira. A proposta aqui apresentada observa tambm o hibridismo na potica de Oliveira Silveira ao se enfatizar um olhar sobre uma escrita comovida pelo trao do entre-lugar do discurso. Analisa-se a caracterizao de uma literatura gerada pelo tom de denncia ao desconstruir historicamente o que h muito tempo se estabelece como democracia racial . Em cumplicidade com a poesia regional do Rio Grande do Sul, a poesia de Oliveira vem permeada pela diversidade de ritmos que traduzem o legado da cultura negra mundo afora. Essa pesquisa sustenta-se nos estudos de Eduardo de Assis Duarte (2005, 2011) e Kabengel Munanga (2008, 2009) sobre Negritude e Identidade na literatura afro-brasileira, que se caracteriza como um movimento de conscincia pela reconstruo ou mesmo reviso histrica do que foi apagado no calabouo dos navios negreiros. As leituras de Eduardo de Assis Duarte fomentam novos questionamentos, pem em dvida a existncia de uma identidade essencialista. Aponta-se nessa travessia para uma pluralidade de identidades, construdas por inmeros grupos culturais na encruzilhada dos diversos momentos histricos. Analisam-se, portanto, a partir da crítica que Stuart Hall (2011) faz ao considerar as ideias de disporas, as fronteiras das margens no universo da ps-colonizao. Por fim, h uma encruzilhada ao se pensar a partir de Kabengel Munanga, o discurso da negritude e da identidade negra nas relaes sociais e culturais afrodescendentes
Within the poetic scenario of Rio Grande do Norte the publication of Livro de Poemas de Jorge Fernandes, in 2007, marks, in the imagery of the Potiguar community of poetry readers, producers and critics, the beginning of the social circulation of an inventive ethos associated with the poet Jorge Fernandes de Oliveira (1887-1953). Regarding the event mentioned earlier as a point of reference, this research investigates the construction of such ethos based on the counterpoint between the poet s individual stylistic choices and the stylistic options that prevailed in the lyric production of the Twenties in the 20th Century. The corpus comprises poetic texts (by the poet under discussion and by other poets who were, then, regarded as icons of the poetry of Rio Grande do Norte) and texts representative of local literary criticism (produced both during the Twenties and in other decades of the last century). Support to this analysis is grounded in Mikhail Bakhtin s theory of the utterance (mainly regarding style) and in Dominique Maingueneau s theory of the utterance (mainly regarding ethos). During the course of this investigation, the research has outlined an inventory of the prevailing individual stylistic choices of Jorge Fernandes de Oliveira and the reasons why such choices point out towards the inventive ethos associated with the poet.