13 resultados para Planeamento e Gestão do Território
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
This study aims to analize the Cariri Paraibano territory, as a product of relations of power that were being established along its historic process of territory formation. In this process, the fragmentation and the territory management are fundamental elements to socioterritorial reality comprehension. The theoretical-conceptual basis is based on notions of territory, region, power and territory management, which are articulated to the opinions and empiric confirmations origined from interviews made with several social actions. They also were made photographical records and researches on books, newspapers and magazines, as well on other information sources related to the object of studying. Obtained data confirm the pressuposement on which the relations of dominations and the used methods by the power s owners in the region created a little fruitful political practice and little adequate to the process of active participation of the local population on the territory management, even being on disagreement with the new political-institutional mechanisms, which take to political-administrative more democratic and participative in the country
The state of Rio Grande do Norte has been undergoing transformations in their territory, they are promoted by the installation of new infrastructure equipment, which in turn cause changes in the dynamic spatial and social hour set, causing new arrangements and new dynamics between cities. The overall goal of the research is to understand, at present, the urban network of the Rio Grande do Norte, from the centers of territory management. The picture presented in the paper reveals a network of cities that has gained a material basis urban, with the installation of new objects macro state structures (roads, ports, wind farms, banks, pipelines, internet access) that enable a relationship more intense between the urban centers of the state and other cities in the world, that the current structure characteristic of the urban network, its global nature, since the possibility of relations between the centers is greater. Such a relationship is indeed possible because the characteristics of the current historical period, with the high density of the tripod technique, science and information controlled by the market. In Rio Grande do Norte intentionality of the new arrangement that is configured is not other but meet market demands
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
The geo-environmental zoning is an important means to plan the management of the territory, once it is the result of integration of different elements of the physical environment. The Municipality of Crato has a diversity of geo-environmental systems due to its complex landscape, which characterization and delimitation will contribute to the most appropriate occupation and the fewer prejudicial to municipal area. This study, which was supported by geo-systemic theory, searched to reach the following objectives: to elaborate a proposal of geo-environmental zoning; to characterize identified and demarcated geo-environmental systems, including their potentiality and limitations of land use and human occupation; and to generate a database on digital maps through GIS Geographic Information System. Four geo-environmental systems were identified (Chapada do Araripe: plateau and hillside, Massif and residual crest, Sertão of peripheric southern depression and fluvial Plains) and ten geo-environmental subsystems (Eastern plateau covered by cerradão/cerrado, Western plateau covered by cerrado/carrasco, Northern-west hillside, central residual Massif, Northern Residual Massifs, Sertaneja depression dominated by sedimentary materials, Sertaneja depression dominated by embasement crystalline material; wet fluvial plains and dry fluvial plains). The identified system and subsystem are similar to those proposed by FUNCEME in spite of some changes due to the more detailed mapping
The creation of Extractive Reserves (RESEX s) emerges from the resistence movement of the forest people and represents an alternative administration of the naturel resources in the from of Conservation Units (UC). From the institutional point of view the RESEX s are UC s of direct use belong of the Brazilian State, which concedes the right of use to resident families through a legal concession, uhich in based an the principle of coadministration between state and community. The use of these areas is based on the paradigm of sustainable development. In the Extractive Reserve of Rio Cajari over time there has been an experience of confliting interests between the big capital and the local population, which led to noticiable changes of lifestyle of the rural extrativist. In this sense the essay Extractive Reserve of Rio Cajari: various aspects of land use and awnership in southem Amapa , wants to analyse the nuances in which the land grabbing happened and how it affected the day to day of life its in habitants
It analyzes the production of the space of the North Zone of Natal/RN, of the beginning of its formation - decade of 1970 - a present time, under the optics of the urban planning and of the administration of the territory. Inside of that path, it examines the interests that orientated the "creation" of the referred space, as support to the process of urban planning and of administration of the territory; as well as the recent processes that evidence a new partner-space dynamics, which is configured, now as an incipient insert of the North Zone to the context natalense urban-space, now as a "reedition" of its report process of partner-space segregation. It stands out that, while in the beginning of the formation of the North Zone, the State was made the main actor, making possible the expansion of the capital in the north sense of the city of Natal, through the implantation of the Industrial District of Natal (DIN) and of the expansion of the habitational politics of the House of Financial System (SFH); at the present time, the new space processes are configured through the economical inclination, through expansion of the tertiary section in the city of Natal. It is based in bibliography regarding the theme in focus, in primary and secondary sources, as well as in processes and forms that were unchained in the North Zone along the research. It analyzes the North Zone then in its group, the one that makes possible apprehend the inherent conflicts to the process of production-appropriation of the urban space, for the several social actors - the State, the capital and the society - that dispute the control of the production of the space according themselves their interests
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
According to article 182 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, cities should perform social function, what brings the concept that the city should be a place for one to live well. For that to happen, it should be well administered by its public managers. However, so that there is a sound administration, one that really performs that social function, there must be, first, an efficient planning. We understand that such a thing occurs when the master plan is the main planning instrument of a city and serves as basis for its administration. We notice, however, that in most of the cities the master plan is formulated as a law that regulates urban planning but that both the population and the government most of the times are not aware of its importance concerning the relevant issues related to municipal administration, such as its relationship with the economy, taxation, the social issue, land use regulation, and, in summary, with all the aspects that constitute and that a municipal government should manage in the best possible way. One also knows that, in general, the attempt of city planning has always been connected to the duration of a mandate and that way public managers many times implement restricted measures aiming to just attain a political-electoral objective and publicizing their administration. That implies actions and works that in some cases have negative impacts or ones that cannot be removed from the cities. This study intends to show that the master plan should be the planning instrument guiding the municipal administration but that, however, what we note is a lack of connection between that instrument and the government guidelines of the municipal managers. In order to study what happens to the cities that have a planning which is not taken into account in its administration, we will use the city of Fortaleza, capital of the State of Ceará as a case study. Historically, in Fortaleza the public managers have seldom decided to administer the city in according to the master plans developed for it. We should emphasize that planning begins in the city quite late and until the current days it is being substituted by temporary measures. Through the analysis of the planning process and of the urban management of the city of Fortaleza, especially the master plans predicted since 1933, we explain that if such plans had been implemented, they could have been important tools for its administration to attain a social function, becoming therefore a place for one to live well
This study presents an approach to tourism activity from the perspective of the territory, analyzing the importance of the roles of the State and public policies for tourism development. Tourism in the northeastern region of Brazil begins to take its rise from the late 1970 through public policies, whose goal was to provide the necessary conditions for tourism development. The tourism public policies were the key elements in the production process of tourist territories in the region. In the state of Paraíba, the public authorities elected the coastline as the main attraction and the state capital, João Pessoa, as the locus for the tourism development, with the city receiving a series of public policies. In this context, this research aims to analyze the development process of three specific public policies for tourism development in João Pessoa: The (mega)Projeto Costa do Sol (1988), the PRODETUR/PB I and II (1997 e 2005) and the Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento do Turismo na Paraíba, the Plano Amanhecer (2000). This study was guided by the question that even having been contemplated by the tourism public policies, João Pessoa still remains in a peripheral position in the regional tourism market. The methodological procedures for this study were literature and documents research and semi-structured interviews with tourism public officials and representatives from local tourism trade. The research came to prove that the discontinuity between governmental administrations hampered the implementation process of the tourism public policies studied. It was observed that the implementation of tourism public policies in the long term depends on the interaction between governments, as well as the collective political will to develop tourism in Joao Pessoa
The Conservation Units, specially the National and State parks are among the major destinations for adventure tourism and ecotourism, so that the National System of Unit Conservation (Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação) SNUC (Law 9.985/2000) covers the practice of touristic activities, specially the ecotourism in these territorial unities. Despite these are areas for environmental conservation, practice of environmental education, scientific research and contemplation of the nature in its primary or in a similar condition, the practice of touristic activity does not often meet these aims. The main aim of this research was to evaluate the touristic activities and the actions of territorial management in the State Park of Pedra da Boca (PEPB), situated in the city of Araruna/PB. According to the results, the PEPB has in its territorial area a porphyritic granite rock set, whose geological and geomorphologic settings are unique and have scenic value. It is also home of flora and fauna endemic species and representative of the savanna biome. The data and information achieved show that the Park has a remarkable potential for tourism, especially ecotourism, however, there is a need for development of territorial management actions, in order to subsidize the use of spatial tourism site
The Environmental Protection area sof Pitimbu river are important tools for planning and territorial land management. The Pitimbu river protection is aided in laws, so much of Federal stamp, as the Brazilian s Forest Code (Law No. 4771/1965), and in State s and City s Resolutions. So, this research begins in the State s Law No. 8426/2003interpretations, for being the most restrictive in the river's margin occupation and management. The objective is to analyze the applicability of the Environmental Protection areas of Pitimbu river, localized at the State of Rio Grande do Norte, considering environmental legislation and how to use this space by the man. Having specific goals for the discussion of the legislation s scope to this river; the identification of the types of soil s covering and evaluation the effectiveness of Law Nº.8426/2003, as protection instrument and land management. The river is characterized by its ecological importance and for feeding the Jiqui pond, an important reservoir that supplies 30% of drinking water to the east, west and south population sof the capital of the State. Pitimbu river is passing by a process of environmental degradation, originating from actions as deforestations of its ciliary forests by intensive agricultural practices; introduction of urban and industrial effluents leading to its contamination; increase of the pluvial drainage; erosion, sedimentation and discharge of urban waste , along with pressure for urban settlements along its banks. Under the methodological point of view is part of theoretical planning and land management research, and from a vision of social and environmental spaces. It was produced a survey map of the soil s covering, with 16 classes. Divided into coverage and disturbed natural covering. Using the 300 meters spatial limits of the Environmental Protection Strip, according to the State Law. The survey highlighted a higher percentage of classes disturbed, indicating man s interference in the balance of that system, as well as the lack of environmental actions. Leading to the degradation of riparian areas, and lack of conservation of water resources. Finally, it was considered that the strips of environmental protection are not effective as the preservation and territorial ordination
The Área de Proteção Ambiental de Jenipabu was created by Decreto 12,620/95, covering the beaches of Redinha Nova, Santa Rita and Jenipabu and Campina communities in the municipality of Extremoz, and Africa community fragment, in Natal. This protected area was created in the context of expansion of tourism in Rio Grande do Norte, in the 1990s, in which PRODETUR investments made possible the installation of infrastructure equipment, mainly in the Via Costeira and Ponta Negra beach in Natal by inserting it in the sun and sea tourism route to Northeast Brazil. In this context the beach Jenipabu in Extremoz, became one of the main attractions for those visiting Natal, due to the natural elements of its landscape, its dune field, which is offered to tourists the buggy ride. In December 1994 the excess buggy rides held in these dunes led to IBAMA ban their access to buggy for carrying out environmental study. This measure resulted in the creation of APAJ in 1995 with the goal of ordering the use and occupation to protect its ecosystems, especially the dunes, the disordered tourism. Given this context, this work aims to analyze the process of creating the APAJ and changes in the geographic space of its beaches, Redinha Nova, Santa Rita and Jenipabu, from the materialization of tourism process, as well as their implications for its residents. To this end, this paper presents a discussion of environmental currents that developed in the western portion of the globe, focusing on the need to regulate small areas of the national territory in protected areas, and an analysis of public policies that enabled the implementation tourism in APAJ as well as the laws and decrees governing the process of creation and management. Using the theory of circuits of urban economy of the Santos (2008) to analyze the territory used by tourism on the beaches of Redinha Nova, Santa Rita and Jenipabu, showing their dependent relationship with the territory used by the upper circuit on the Via Costeira and in the Ponta Negra beach and its influence on the APAJ urbanization process. Ending with the analysis of the influence of the materialization of tourism in the transformation of stocks ways of being-in-space and space-be of the Santa Rita and Jenipabu beaches in each geographical situation of APAJ among the first decades of the twentieth century to the 2014. Fieldwork was conducted between 2012 and 2014, performing actions of qualitative interviews with older residents of Santa Rita and Jenipabu beaches, interviews with structured questionnaire with merchants of APAJ and collecting GPS points trades, identifying and mapping the territory used by the lower circuit in APAJ beaches.
According to article 182 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution, cities should perform social function, what brings the concept that the city should be a place for one to live well. For that to happen, it should be well administered by its public managers. However, so that there is a sound administration, one that really performs that social function, there must be, first, an efficient planning. We understand that such a thing occurs when the master plan is the main planning instrument of a city and serves as basis for its administration. We notice, however, that in most of the cities the master plan is formulated as a law that regulates urban planning but that both the population and the government most of the times are not aware of its importance concerning the relevant issues related to municipal administration, such as its relationship with the economy, taxation, the social issue, land use regulation, and, in summary, with all the aspects that constitute and that a municipal government should manage in the best possible way. One also knows that, in general, the attempt of city planning has always been connected to the duration of a mandate and that way public managers many times implement restricted measures aiming to just attain a political-electoral objective and publicizing their administration. That implies actions and works that in some cases have negative impacts or ones that cannot be removed from the cities. This study intends to show that the master plan should be the planning instrument guiding the municipal administration but that, however, what we note is a lack of connection between that instrument and the government guidelines of the municipal managers. In order to study what happens to the cities that have a planning which is not taken into account in its administration, we will use the city of Fortaleza, capital of the State of Ceará as a case study. Historically, in Fortaleza the public managers have seldom decided to administer the city in according to the master plans developed for it. We should emphasize that planning begins in the city quite late and until the current days it is being substituted by temporary measures. Through the analysis of the planning process and of the urban management of the city of Fortaleza, especially the master plans predicted since 1933, we explain that if such plans had been implemented, they could have been important tools for its administration to attain a social function, becoming therefore a place for one to live well