22 resultados para Periquet, Fernando, 1873-1940
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
In the mid-1980s, the magazine Projeto published the Actual Brazilian Architecture catalogue presenting texts by Hugo Segawa and Ruth Verde Zein with a corpus of works and engaged architects of the 1960s and 1970s. To comprehend the Brazilian architectural production post-1964, in those years of the 1980s, became a significant mission to reactivate the Brazilian architectural debate weakened by the military dictatorship. In his doctoral thesis Spadoni (2003) deals with the different ways which characterizes the Brazilian architectural production of the 1970s. Marked by inventiveness, this production was in tune with the modern thinking and in the transition period between the 1970s and the 1980s it synchronized with the international debate about post-modern architecture. Considering Spadoni s doctoral thesis, this work deals with the modern experience observed in the one-family-houses built in the seventies in João Pessoa. Some modern experiences were not clear outside, to observe it, it was necessary to search for the type of experience into the spatial disposition and of the know-how constructive, because into the appearance some houses not make explicit the use of the modern language. Other observed experiences allude to the repertoire of the Brazilian period in the years 1940s-1960s, to the experience of the modern architecture in São Paulo of the 1960s, to the experiences in which the climate of the Northeastern region strongly influenced the architectural conception. We can also find in a reduced number of houses a particular experience: it refers to experiences that expose the constructive doing, which leave the material apparent and apply to the residential type the experience of the industrial pre-fabricated buildings
Sea urchins are common benthic organisms on coastal ecosystems of tropical and temperate shallow waters. The impact of sea urchins populations in shore communities is density-dependent, and therefore, knowledge of the life history of these animals is important to understand these interactions. Between 2000 and 2005 a population boom of Tripneustes ventricosus was observed in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. In 2004 a research program was started to monitor the population dynamics of T. ventricosus in the archipelago, when it noted a lack of basic information on the biology and reproduction of this species, despite its broad geographic distribution and economic importance in parts of its occurrence. In this context, this work focuses on the reproductive biology of T. ventricosus with emphasis on the description of the gametogenic stages. Between December 2006 and July 2007, ten urchins were collected by snorkeling in two sites of the archipelago, totaling 120 individuals. Gametogenic stages were described for both sexes through microscopic analysis, and were defined as: Recovery, Growing, Premature, Mature and Spawning. Results showed increasing in Gonad index throughout of months of sampling and suggest that the reproductive cycle of the species in the archipelago is annual
Sea urchins are benthic macroinvertebrates that inhabit shallow coastal waters in tropical and temperate zones. Urchins are usually classified as generalists or omnivores as they can adjust their diet according to the food resources available in the environment. Due to the strong grazing pressure they may exert, urchins have an important role in marine ecosystems, occupying different trophic levels and stimulating the intensification of the dynamics of communities where they occur. In 2004, a monitoring program focused on the population dynamics of the white sea urchin, Tripneustes ventricosus, has been initiated in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. At the same time, a surprisingly lack of information on the species biology has been noted, despite their wide geographical distribution and economic importance in many parts of its range. Hence, this work was developed to provide information on the feeding habits of T. ventricosus in the archipelago. Ten specimens were collected between December 2006 and July 2007 at two sites of the archipelago, Air France and Sueste Bay for biometrics and analysis of gut contents. Test diameters ranged from 9.19 cm (± 1.1) to 10.08 cm (± 0.58). Calculated stomach repletion index (IRE) was higher (p <0.05) in the Air France site and also during January and July. The IRE was not correlated to the gonad index. Fifteen different species of algae were detected in a total of 120 stomachs examined: 4 Chlorophytas, 4 Phaeophytas and 6 Rhodophytas. Food diversity (p <0.05) was higher in December 2006 and January 2007. Although several items had a high frequency of occurrence, they were low represented in terms of weight, and consequently, had a low level of relative importance. The brown algae Dictyopteris spp and Dictyota spp, followed by the green algae Caulerpa verticillata accounted for the greatest importance in T. ventricosus diet, comprising about 90% of the consumed items
This study aims, to characterize the diversity of cephalopods by analyzing the stomach contents of fishes caught in the islands of St. Peter and St. Paul (ASPSP) and Fernando de Noronha (AFN). Also, verify the participation of cephalopods in the diet of their main predators. A total of 723 stomachs were collected, from 8 species of fish, caught by the fishery, 471 stomachs were from ASPSP and 252 were from the AFN. It was recorded the occurrence of food items (fish, cephalopods and crustaceans) and the cephalopods were identified to the lowest taxa possible, according to specialized literature. The Ommastrephidae family represented 84.46% of occurrence in the ASPSP and 63.48% in the AFN, confirming the importance of this family in the area studied and also in the diet of their predators. Among the species with greatest occurrence Ornitoteuthis antillarum was the most representative in both regions. This species had an average mantle length of 54.25 mm, thus demonstrating that the majority of this population is in the juvenile stage of development. The smallest species found was Argonauta nodosa with a mantle length of 4.06 mm and the largest was Ommastrephes bartrami, with 223.33 mm. In the AFN, the species richness (d) was 2.318, the diversity index (H ') was 1.454 and the measure of evenness (J) was 0.585. In the ASPSP, the species richness (d) was 2.66, the Shannon diversity index (H ') was 1.013 and the measure of evenness (J) was 0.373. AFN has a greater cephalopod diversity than ASPSP, confirming the pattern suggested by the Theory of Island Biogeography. Among the occurrence of prey items for all predators, the cephalopods are secondary preys. The most important cephalopod species in the diet of Thunnus albacares and Acantocybium solandri was Ornithoteuthis antillarum. These predators have different niche width the diet of Thunnus albacares is more specialized, but they have an overlap of 84.684% in the trophic niche, suggesting that in the ASPSP these two species may use similar niches
This work analyses pedagogical practices of Adelle Sobral de Oliveira, from 1900 to 1940, in order to notice how her performance as educator and administrator took place in Externato Angelo Varela in the Rio Grande do Norte city of Ceará-Mirim within a time in which the public teaching started to be considered modern in the State. Adelle was a self learner who developed an important role as a mentality mentor of a generation in the region. As the research corpus we have taken the five Reading Books written by Felisberto de Carvalho used by Adelle in her Externato, interviews with her ex-students and researches in the newspapers of her time, in the Public Archives and in the Historical and Geographic Institute of Rio Grande do Norte, and also in the governors messages, Education Department documents such as laws, and government decrees and acts. It was also taken as a research font the Publich Archives of Ceará-Mirim. The aim of this PhD thesis is understand the primary instruction spreading and modernization in the countryside of Rio Grande do Norte, which began with her teaching pedagogical practices. The research results show Adele Oliveira used practical and experimental modern methodological teaching methods in the subjects she taught. Due to this, in her scholar routine, she avoided physical punishment and mechanical teaching and learning strategies
La dissertation prétend considérer l'hétéronymie, experimentée par le poète Fernando Pessoa, comme une stratégie cognitive pour équivaloir l'autre dans le champs de l'éducation et minimiser des persistantes antinomies dans le processus de l'apprentissage tel que sentiment et pensée, émotion et raison. Ainsi, telle stratégie se constitue en un des fondements possibles de la méthode complexe au tisser de mode dialogique et récursive la relation de l'altérité que se constitue les identités plurielles dans l'éducation lançant des bases d`une science de la sensacions pour l'exercice d'une pédagogie de la feinte
La recherche intitulée l Histoire des femmes agées du group Aurore de La Vie: Campina Grande-PB (1940-1950) a surgit comme consequence de mon observation sur les interêts de femmes en retrouner à l école aprés qu elles étaient arrivées aux soixante ans, um moment de la vie que malgré son importance est encore considerée par trop de gens comme des moments d être seul jusqu à la fin de la vie. Alors, nous avons formulé la question la plus importante de ce travail: Quel est l histoire de l éducation des femmes agées du group Aurore de La Vie, dans le période de son education d enfant? Un group de 25 femmes qui ont étudié le projet Digna, on a fait une seletion de treize agées, entre 65 et 80 ans, qui s appellent: Perpétua, Florinda, Benta, Ambrósia, Celestine, Cordélia, Circe, Filomena, Desdêmona, Dorotéia, Ofelia, Martítius e Nausica. Beaucoup d intelectuels nous ont aidé avec la base theórico-methodologique et nous ont presenté l histoire des excludées comment une histoire en construction. Parmis ces intelectuelles on rencontre Chartier, Halbwachs, Elias, Perrot, Bosi, Bezerra, Morais et Machado. Pendant notre recherche nous avons employés des narrations, des entrevues, des questions ouvertes ou les femmes puissent parler sur l histoire de leur vie. Nous avons regardé aussi le fiche des agées, le arquive de La Secretarie Municipale de Assistence Social (SEMAS) du Hôtel de Ville de Campina Grande-PB. Nous avons aussi étudié sur la legislation relié à la tematique de la Constituition Brésilienne dans l estatute et dans la Politique Nacional de l age. Notre étude nous a donné des analises sur les themas: pauvresse, travail, sourvenirs, jeux e aussi punitions scolaires. Nous sommes arrivés à la conclusion qu à l époque de son enfance, l éducation formale était déjá determinée pour le mariage, la pró-création la famille. Enfim toujours dédans de la maison excludées du reste du monde. Nous avons compris que pesquiser cet object d étude est un contribut avec l histoire des excludées en cassant le silence des femmes lesqueles on été ignorées par presque toute la prodution historiographique
Quand on se plonge sur l‟oeuvre de Caio Fernando Abreu, on est forcement mené à faire une profonde analyse social qui résulte dans une grande bataille entre l‟amour, la société et la politique. Cette Memoire de Master, Politique, chanson et théâtre : Le conte « Ces deux-là » de Caio Fernando Abreu répercute au quotidien brésilien, montre que la plongé faite ici cherche à analyser, à partir d‟une perspective comparative, les angles observés par l‟auteur dans son oeuvre écrite pendant les années de la Dictature Militaire brésilienne, l‟influence des Beatles et du musicien/poète Caetano Veloso avec le mouvement du Tropicalismo. Dans ce travail, on observe le rôle du narrateur au sein du développement du conte comme représentation de la société irrémédiable et comme cette narrative s‟ajuste en mode théâtral. La lecture de cette memoire est basée sur l‟analyse du conte « Ces deux-là », du livre Fraises Moisies, et l‟influence de la musique Strawberry Fields Forever, des Beatles chez l‟écriture de l‟auteur, ainsi que les discussions sur les images présentent dans la narrative comme la structure essentielle pour le processus du montage du spectacle homonyme par la Cia. Luna Lunera, Minas Gerais, à partir du mécanisme de la traduction, du littéraire au scénique, appuyée sur les idées de Patrice Pavis
The answer to creating a fictional world? Repulsion or form of reaction to an outside world? Mental illness, whose brand can be symbolic simulation or depersonalization? Hard to take a stand when the deed is a poet Fernando Pessoa as what is at stake. Notes Schlafman Léo (1998) who, at the age of 20 years, Fernando Pessoa wrote in English, in his diary, "One of my mental complications is the fear of madness, which in itself already is crazy." What rid of madness, notes Robert Bréchon (1986), was the taste of the game and was playing it for your writing. Even though it has rid the madness, the poet does not quit seeking explanations - or provide it - for the phenomena much bother him, or defined.'s where we come across the alignment of Fernando Pessoa within philosophical as occultism and reading about psychological and mental disorders treated. paths were pursued by him to explain the existence of his heteronyms and its entry process. This work therefore presents main objective: to analyze the personal papers of Fernando Pessoa, whose outstanding feature is the presence of occult and alleged mediumship demonstrations held in response to non-literary and heteronímicas. Therefore, I focused on specific goals, which are: a) to study the speech of Fernando Pessoa on his mediumship / occult b) analyzing specific texts that are, for the poet, psychic demonstrations, c) study of a series of excerpts personal letters in which Fernando Pessoa suggested to be a medium. Admittedly, this essay will touch many arguments already made by scholars and experts of Fernando Pessoa, but consider the possibility of developing issues and contribute to the critical fortune of the poet. We assume that announces the Portuguese scholar Jerome Pizarro (2006), one of the greatest scholars of the work Pessoan: those interested in Fernando Pessoa be lost in the maze created by him. It is the image of a person-Minotaur, devouring all but, holding us in its labyrinthine tessitura, as marked by mystery. Will draw on our analysis, a theory aligned themselves to objects of research, whose main authors are Sigmund Freud (1908) Carl Jung (1991.1996). Gaston Bachelard (1996), Helena Blavatsky (2008), among others
Considering articles written for Fernando Pessoa in 1912 about The new Portuguese poetry , where he already proclaimed the appearance of the Super-Camões, poet that would be able to revolutionize Portuguese literature e, concomitantly, to make resurging from rubble the Portuguese nation; we understand that, decades before the writing of Message, the poet was already armed with a Will of Power , expression of Friedrich Nietzsche that incorporate the idea of resurgence to the man like creator of news values. Fernando Pessoa believed to make his poetical word, the epic, restoring word of the ideas of Messianism and Fifth Empire as the pushing force of the new Portuguese largeness. However, we look for to investigate the conditions of Malaise that surround the universe of the poem and that restrict its capacity of action on the reality in its return, a time that the space destined in modernity to the poet and to his poetry hindered him of a devoted and positive action, We select therefore theorist like Sigmund Freud e Walter Benjamin
In this dissertation, we analyze, in a comparative perspective, the link between the short stories: Dama da Noite‟ and O Rapaz mais triste do mundo‟, of Caio Fernando Abreu. In order to reveal, analyze and establish relevant dialogues with Queer Theory, it‟s important, above all, make a misreading guided in the discursive contextuality of postmodern literature. In order to justify and clarify the many issues that arises in the emblematic relationships of characters that are present in the text and in the cultural context, historically and socially. It also highlights the utterance comparative value identified in the works, given the peculiarities of each one of them, not being possible to classify them as `figures of language` with which the comparison can be cited as an example. In this case, they serve to inspire the ways that may lead us to a better understanding of the parallels created between a world of the binary value and adjectives suggested by society and so well portrayed in the ideas and writings of Caio Fernando Abreu
This text aims to study the literary representation of homoaffectivity in short stories of Caio Fernando Abreu in the context of brazilian redemocratization, specifically in the narratives published between 1982 and 1988. To understand the relation between literature and historical context in the tales, we betake, principally, to a notion of Literature and Society, as proposed for Antonio Candido. Relating the narratives of Caio Fernando Abreu with the military dictatorship and the redemocratization processes, as well as a generational project named contraculture, we aim to verify as the search for affection for men that desire others men may be conditioned for specific socio-hystorical conditions, understanding the literary work as a privileged field of representation and comprehension of reality
This Masters thesis investigates and analyzes the homoerotic expressions in Fernando Pessoa s poetry and in his heteronyms : Álvaro de Campos, Alberto Caeiro and Ricardo Reis. Through the elaboration of deceptive strategies as a way to escape from the insults and the constraints, the poet by means of creative runaway lines builds up a homoerotic poetry that differ from the established patterns and representational models of the literature. We can find, bearing in mind a problematic sexuality which overflows in the various I s, of the sinuous identities and the movable boundaries, and intense mask games. They become real in poems, especially by means of sensations, yielding the possibility of a queer discourse and generating a homoerotic poetry. Pessoa s homoerotism is, thus, presented amid friendly relationships, smooth spaces, of heterotrophy of the city, or others space and the closet s aesthetics. Based on this, it is noted the articulations of a performance gender as body scripture and inscription, thus establishing a physical-writing which reveals a transgressive sexuality, with multiple entrances and exits, affirmations and denials that originate paradoxes. In this matter, we develop links between Foucault conceptions (2010a, 2010b, 2011) towards the history of sexuality, friendship and the power-knowledge relations with traces of significance and subjectivity, in processes of faciality and BwO (Body-without-Organs) in Deleuze and Guattari (1996). We still consider the ontological questionings towards the Gay dimension in Eribon (2008) and we raise aspects concerning the construction of the idea of masculinity in Bourdieu (2010). Finally, we base ourselves on Sedgwick s 1993 closet epistemological approach, as well as on Butler s 2012 gender and performance theory, also going through a few Bataille 1987 passages about erotism, that redimension the homoaffective images of the Portuguese poet
Dans les premières décennies du XXème siècle, un groupe d intellectuels brésiliens a pris pour soi la mission de conduire la nation aux chemins du progrès, en réfléchissant sur les transformations des villes et, souvent, en proposant et en mettant en avant des actions et mesures qui dirigeraient la modernisation du pays. Dans ce contexte, la ville apparaissait comme un synonyme de progrès en opposition à la campagne, en donnant emphase à la construction du Brésil urbain. À Natal, celui-ci a été une période de sensible modification dans l espace urbain, en suivant les préceptes de l hygiénisme et de l esthétique racionaliste, qui ont orienté les réformes entreprises dans beaucoup de villes brésiliennes. Les élites politiques et socioéconomiques de la capitale du Rio Grande do Norte ont developpé le discours en faveur de la modernisation qui avait pour objectif de justifier les interventions dans la ville et l introduction de l infra-structure de services urbains, par exemple, les services d illumination et de transport, qui à partir de 1911, ont commencé à être stimulés par l électricité. Cette modernisation est matérialisée par de nouveaux équipements et services, par des espaces remodelés en accord avec la rationalité technique de l urbaniste, pour l utilisation de nouvelles sources d énergie (gaz, électricité), en plus de la croissance de la population résidente en ville. Cependant, nous ne pouvons pas oublier que la construction de la ville moderne est passée tant par des transformations physiques, matérielles, comme par l absorption de valeurs, symboles, gestes, vocabulaires, objets, adoptions de nouvelles normes de comportement et par la formation de nouvelles sensibilités sur l espace urbain et la vie en ville. De cette manière, les nouvelles normes technologiques, comme l électricité, ont rendu possible des transformations dans la structure matérielle de la ville et en vie urbaine dans ses plus divers aspects. Ce travail propose d analyser la relation entre énergie électrique et la vie urbaine à Natal entre 1911 et 1940, en prenant en compte, pour cela, les actions d intervention de l État sur l espace urbain et les perceptions d intellectuels face aux transformations urbaines dont ils étaient les témoins. À partir de cette analyse, nous cherchons à préciser les efforts gouvernementaux pour la manutention des services d électricité et conservation des équipements urbains; comprendre comment l utilisation d énergie électrique a aidé à produire de nouvelles situations quotidiennes et comment elle a été perçue, traduite en sentiments et perceptions fondées dans la cohabitation avec cette innovation technique. Les élites locales désiraient diffuser des habitudes considerées modernes, en construisant une identification avec la manière de vie urbaine, fortement inspirée dans la vie dans les villes Européennes et Américaines. L électricité a rendu possible des expériences et sensations qui allaient caractériser l habitant de la ville
Backland¹ are not only geographic spaces limited by physically established borders. It is a space composed by events, experiences, behavior, symbology, manners related to how to live and see the world. It is developed from historical processes and layers of discourses that contact each other, compete among themselves, establish agreement, promote consensus which define, resignify and update them over time. The present paper seeks to analyze and discuss the forms in which discourses produced by cordel literature² sold and consumed in popular locations, from backlands to coast cities, during the first four decades of 20th century, represented the environment, habits, moral codes, cultural traits, social types, rites and beliefs, related to northeastern backlands. The paper also aims to investigate the forms on how discourses produced by representations contributed to the constitution of backlands as a space culturally constructed. Poems from the poet and editor João Martins de Athayde will be used to establish dialogues between discourses produced by cordel and others discursive modalities, such as, newspapers, prose literature, painting, texts of memoirists and historiography, about backlands, analyzing how those representations circulated, were consumed and absorbed by backlands and other spaces inhabitants, contacted and agreed with other types of discourse, supporting the establishment of backlands as a space and countryside people as a social type