2 resultados para PFU, erba sintetica

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Toxoplasmosis is one zoonosis caused by Toxoplasma gondii protozoan. Goats, amongst the production animals, are one of the species most susceptible to this parasite, being one them main involved agents in ovine and goat abortions, determining great economic losses and implications for public health, since the presence it parasite in the products of goat origin, consist in one of the main sources of infection for the man. In this study 244 blood samples in 8 farms situated in 4 cities from the Sertão do Cabugi region, Rio Grande do Norte State, northeast of Brazil and, tested by ELISA assay. The results had shown a prevalence of 47.13% for anti- T. gondii antibodies and a significant association between positivity and variable evaluated as age, locality and property. The IgG avidity assay evaluated in 115 positive samples was carried to discriminate acute and chronic infection. Twelve samples (10.4%) had presented antibodies of low avidity while 103 (89.6%) presented high avidity antibodies; indicating that most of the animals was precocious exposure to the parasite. Significant difference was verified only for the variable sex. We also evaluate the capacity of recombinant adenoviruses codifying SAG1, SAG2, SAG3 and CMV in inducing activation of specific immune response in goat. These 109 animals received 109 pfu of the AdSAG1, AdSAG2, AdSAG3, AdCMV or PBS in vaccine protocol with 3 immunizations. Serum samples of the each animal, before and after mmunization, had been submitted to the ELISA. The results demonstrate that the immunizations had induced the production of IgG antibodies specific against T. gondii proteins


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This study presents a comparative analysis of methodologies about weighted factors considered in the selection of areas for deployment of Sanitary Landfills, applying the methodologies of classification criteria with scoring bands Gomes, Coelho, Erba & Veronez (2000); Waquil et al, 2000. That means, we have the Scoring System used by Union of Municipalities of Bahia and the Quality Index Landfill Waste (IQR) which are applyed for this study in Massaranduba Sanitary Landfill located in the municipality of Ceará Mirim /RN, northeastern of Brazil. The study was conducted in order to classify the methodologies and to give support for future studies on environmental management segment, with main goal to propose suited methodologies which allow safety and rigor during the selection, deployment and management of sanitary landfill, in the Brazilian municipalities, in order to help them in the process to extinction of their dumps, in according of Brazilian Nacional Plan of Solid Waste. During this investigation we have studied the characteristics of the site as morphological, hydrogeological, environmental and socio-economic to permit the installation. We consider important to mention the need of deployment from Rio Grande do Norte State Secretary of Environment and Water (SEMARH), Institute of Sustainable Development and Environment of RN (IDEMA), as well, from Federal and Municipal Governments a public policies for the integrated management of urban solid waste that address environmental preservation and improvement of health conditions of the population of the Rio Grande do Norte