26 resultados para OCUPADO

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The definition of the boundaries of the firms is subject that has occupied the organizational theorists long ago, being the seminal work of Coase (1937) indicated as the trigger for one theoretical evolution, with emphasis on governance structures, which led to a modern theory of incomplete contracts. The Transaction Cost Economics (TCE) and Agency Theory arise within this evolution, being widely used in studies related to the theme. Empirically, data envelopment analysis (DEA) has established itself as a suitable tool for analysis of efficiency. Although TCE argues that specific assets must be internalized, recent studies outside the mainstream of theory show that, often, firms may decide, for various reasons, hire them on the market. Researches on transaction costs face with the unavailability of information and methodological difficulties in measuring their critical variables. There`s still the need for further methodological deepening. The theoretical framework includes classic works of TCE and Agency Theory, but also more recent works, outside the mainstream of TCE, which warn about the existence of strategies in use of specific assets that aren`t necessarily aligned with the classical ideas of TCE. The Brazilian oil industry is the focus of this thesis, that aimed to evaluate the efficiency of contracts involving high specificity service outsourced by Petrobras. In order to this, we made the categorization of outsourced services in terms of specificity, as well the description of services with higher specificity. Then, we verified the existence of relationship between the specificity of services and a number of variables, being found divergent results than those that are preached by the mainstream of TCE. Then, we designed a DEA model to analyze the efficiency in the use of onshore drilling rigs, identified among the services of highest specificity. The next step was the application of the model to evaluate the performance of drilling rigs contracts. Finally, we verified the existence of relationship between the efficiency of contracts and a number of variables, being found, again, results not consistent with the theory mainstream. Regarding to analyze of efficiency of drilling rigs contracts, the model developed is compatible with what is found in academic productions in efficiency of drilling rigs. The results on efficiency show a wide range of scores, with efficiencies ranging from 31.79% to 100%, being low the sample efficiency average. There is consonance between the model results and the practices adopted by Petrobras. The results strengthen the DEA as an important tool in studies of efficiency with possibility to use for analysis other types of contracts. In terms of theoretical findings, the results reinforce the arguments that there are situations in which the strategies of the organizations, in terms of use of assets and services of high specificity, do not necessarily follow what is recommended by the mainstream of TCE


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As micro e pequenas empresas, ao mesmo tempo em que exercem um papel extremamente relevante na estrutura produtiva da economia brasileira pelo grande número de empreendedores existentes e expressivo volume de pessoal ocupado, perdem competitividade ao se deparar com entraves ao seu desenvolvimento, sejam eles em âmbito gerencial, financeiro, burocrático ou estrutural. Com base nesse contexto, o estudo procura identificar em que medida, na percepção das MPEs exportadoras do Rio Grande do Norte, as exigências burocráticas do processo exportador afetam o seu desempenho no comércio exterior. Como exigências burocráticas compreende-se o conjunto de normas, regras e procedimentos e documentos que disciplinam o processo exportador, enquanto desempenho é entendido como os resultados da atividade econômica medido através do crescimento das vendas para o mercado externo; das demandas de produtos exportados não atendidas e da ampliação do mercado internacional. A pesquisa realizada é de caráter censitário, desenvolvida junto a quatorze MPEs do estado, atuantes regularmente no comércio exterior nos últimos três anos (2009-2011), utilizando aplicação de questionário, assim como uma consulta a dados secundários disponíveis. A análise dos dados levantados revelou que, efetivamente, na percepção dos respondentes, fatores externos como o custo do processo de exportação, falta de incentivo do governo, excesso de controle dos órgãos públicos e a infraestrutura logística do estado exercem influência na pequena participação das MPEs nas exportações do Brasil e do Nordeste, enquanto o bom desempenho exportador destas relaciona-se a fatores gerenciais, com destaque para investimentos na estrutura organizacional da empresa, conhecimento do mercado internacional e bom relacionamento com clientes e mercados


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To Analyze the Managing Plans of Natal in the decades of 1970, 1980 and 1990, identifying elements that had contributed for the growth of the Lagoa Nova quarter, capital one of the Rio Grande do Norte state. Ahead of the sped up growth of the urban centers, many times is not given to analyze which law had taken care of to its objective, and which the imperfections that had appeared during the application of these laws. To make the comparisons in you square them chosen at there distantinct times made possible to analyze the form as the ground of Lagoa Nova absorbed the proposals laws.Therefore toanalyze influences it of the Managing Plans, to make comparatives analyses between the urbanistics condicion, made possible to understand that the fabric urban of the quarter of Lagoa Nova is a true granary of information that it makes possible to the dedicated ones to the urban studies, a true field of analysis


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The diet study of birds has contributed historically as a model for use to understanding ecological patterns and strategies used by several other groups of vertebrates, which are observed in season patterns and temporal availability of resources, and other. This study has as objective generate information concerning the diet of insectivorous birds during rainy season and dry season, as well as analyze Index food importance, niche overlap, niche breadth, electivity, and seasonal availability of prey. The study was conducted in a fragment of about 270 ha (center coordinates and 5 º 53'S 35 ° 23'W). The sampling of birds occurred between March 2008 and December 2009 in three pre-established trails. Catches of birds were performed using 10 mist nets placed in line, where each trails was sampled once a month. Samples of pellets were obtained by means of tartar emetic. Sampling of availability of prey occurred between February 2009 to December 2009. We used two methods of sampling (pitfall traps and Shake cloths). We captured 269 individuals of 21 species of insectivorous birds. We collected 4116 invertebrates of which 3259 in the rainy season and 857 in the dry season. We obtained 174 samples stomach, where 10 species were exclusively insectivorous diet, nine fed on insect/plant material, an insect/plant material/vertebrate and one for insect/vertebrate. During the rainy season was observing difference between the consumption of items with higher food importance. The Coleoptera was item with higher food importance (73%), followed by Formicidae (7%) and Araneae (6%). During the dry season, no difference was found difference between the consumption of items with higher food importance. The Coleoptera was item with higher food importance (34%), followed by seeds (29%) and Formicidae (18%). The highest levels of niche overlap occurred during the rainy season, while the dry season was characterized by high levels of niche 11 segregation. This indicates that the local insectivorous birds community was structured differently between periods. No was found correlation between the values of niche breadth to the mean weight of the body size. We observed seasonal patterns in prey availability, with the peak availability of invertebrates observed seasonal patterns in rainy season. The insectivorous birds selected the same species richness during both periods, showing a specialized diet. Thamnophilus pelzelni was the only species that had their diet influenced by seasonality. Regarding the overall diet of insectivorous birds, observed a high consumption of prey, whose food availability caused the birds could invest and increase their food resources


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Octopus insularis, target species in this study, is the dominant benthic octopus of the North and Northeast Brazil. Studies on behavior and ecology of the species have been conducted primarily on oceanic islands, with little information on the continental populations. In this study, two regions of the coast of RN, Rio do Fogo and Pirangi, were chosen for the characterization of the niche by O. insularis populations. The dietary niche, habitat and distribution of O. insularis of oceanic islands and the mainland, were compared. In addition, individual characteristics of feeding behavior in a population at Atol das Rocas was studied, taking into account the size of individuals, the proximity of the dens and characteristics of their "personality". The diet of the Rio do Fogo population was composed mainly of bivalve molluscs (82%), unlike Pirangi population that has a diet consisting mainly of crustaceans Decapoda (68%), similar to that described for the populations of the islands. Consequently, the feeding niches of the island populations were more similar, with greater overlap, but the niche breadth of the continent was larger. The habitats of occurrence on the coast includes reefs, rocks, gravel and an environment called Restinga, a plateau composed of biogenic gravel, sand, sponges and algae, showed a high density of animals. Similarly to that found in the islands, O. insularis in the continent, had a clumped distribution, and a bathymetric segregation between small and large individuals. The differences in diet composition among populations were explained by differences in habitat and coverage of the substrate, which may be directly influencing the diversity and prey availability in these environments. The individual analyzes of the population at Atol das Rocas, showed no relationship between the degree of individual specialization and the different personalities, or the distance between dens. The results suggest that the foraging strategy with greater availability of prey in the environment has an influence on diet octopuses over preferences or personalities


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This paper presents a reconstruction of the historical trajectory of the Escola Industrial de Natal (Industrial School of Natal), in the period 1942 to 1968, based on the analysis of its cultural, social and pedagogical characteristics in a process in which its educational practices and the individuals who constructed them were getting involved in their actions. In this sense, the concepts of memory and school culture occupied a central place to understand the elements that characterized its administrative and pedagogical organization such as, for example, its curriculum, aims, disciplinary rules, clientele, teachers, leaders and the configuration of the institutional power. Designed to meet the demands of an industrial process that has strengthened in the country, throughout its history, the Escola Industrial de Natal was becoming a space predominantly occupied by individuals, from economically disadvantaged social groups in society, in search of a professional training that would guarantee them the exercise of a profession. The time frame from 1942 to 1968 allowed us to verify the changes caused by the Organic Law of Industrial Education of 1942, and the Law number 3.552, from 1959, in the organizational structure of this school. In this context, a characteristic that was evident was the purpose of making it flow between the students the love for the country, the respect for civic values and the belief that industrial education would be able to boost the country's development, an aspect that reached a bigger dimension from the 1950 s. Marked the disciplinary character of this institution the control over the actions of individuals, developed through its multiple educational practices in specific areas and in the predetermined time, under the constant gaze of those who participated, in some from, in driving this process. On the other hand, the vocational and human training, provided to students, allowed new opportunities for social integration, not only in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, but also in other regions of Brazil. Conversely, during his career, the Escola Industrial de Natal has remained being seen as an organized institution, with good teachers, but intended for the children of others


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This work introduces a new method for environment mapping with three-dimensional information from visual information for robotic accurate navigation. Many approaches of 3D mapping using occupancy grid typically requires high computacional effort to both build and store the map. We introduce an 2.5-D occupancy-elevation grid mapping, which is a discrete mapping approach, where each cell stores the occupancy probability, the height of the terrain at current place in the environment and the variance of this height. This 2.5-dimensional representation allows that a mobile robot to know whether a place in the environment is occupied by an obstacle and the height of this obstacle, thus, it can decide if is possible to traverse the obstacle. Sensorial informations necessary to construct the map is provided by a stereo vision system, which has been modeled with a robust probabilistic approach, considering the noise present in the stereo processing. The resulting maps favors the execution of tasks like decision making in the autonomous navigation, exploration, localization and path planning. Experiments carried out with a real mobile robots demonstrates that this proposed approach yields useful maps for robot autonomous navigation


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O presente estudo traz uma reflexão sobre os discursos culturais afro-brasileiros e o lugar ocupado pela poesia em meio a uma sociedade racista. A pesquisa tem como propósito fazer um estudo da poesia de Oliveira Silveira (1968, 1970, 1977, 1981, 1987). Leva-se em consideração a relação da produção poética de Oliveira com as propostas do movimento da Negritude e o diálogo lúcido que o mesmo estabelece com poetas vinculados ao referido movimento e como Silveira sugere dentro da literatura a negritude como uma forma de intersecção na poesia brasileira. A proposta aqui apresentada observa também o hibridismo na poética de Oliveira Silveira ao se enfatizar um olhar sobre uma escrita comovida pelo traço do entre-lugar do discurso. Analisa-se a caracterização de uma literatura gerada pelo tom de denúncia ao desconstruir historicamente o que há muito tempo se estabelece como democracia racial . Em cumplicidade com a poesia regional do Rio Grande do Sul, a poesia de Oliveira vem permeada pela diversidade de ritmos que traduzem o legado da cultura negra mundo afora. Essa pesquisa sustenta-se nos estudos de Eduardo de Assis Duarte (2005, 2011) e Kabengelê Munanga (2008, 2009) sobre Negritude e Identidade na literatura afro-brasileira, que se caracteriza como um movimento de consciência pela reconstrução ou mesmo revisão histórica do que foi apagado no calabouço dos navios negreiros. As leituras de Eduardo de Assis Duarte fomentam novos questionamentos, põem em dúvida a existência de uma identidade essencialista. Aponta-se nessa travessia para uma pluralidade de identidades, construídas por inúmeros grupos culturais na encruzilhada dos diversos momentos históricos. Analisam-se, portanto, a partir da crítica que Stuart Hall (2011) faz ao considerar as ideias de diásporas, as fronteiras das margens no universo da pós-colonização. Por fim, há uma encruzilhada ao se pensar a partir de Kabengelê Munanga, o discurso da negritude e da identidade negra nas relações sociais e culturais afrodescendentes


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This research aimed to analyze the forms of ownership and use of urban land in Cidade Nova, third official neighborhood of Natal (Rio Grande do Norte), between 1901 and 1929. During this period, the city and state authorities began an urban renewal, trying to transform the city, represent it as a new, modernized, able to track the progress and the new political condition of the capital of a republican state. It is observed in Cidade Nova construction of a new material and symbolic territory: the area that was once occupied by huts built by refugees of drought and some summer houses, was, from 1901, transformed, scanned through a urban plan. In Natal various municipal resolutions published between 1901-1929, showed the desires of the group leader to build on Cidade Nova neighborhood a delightful, modernized its structures to reflect the new political condition of the capital of a republican state. The analyzes of the edicts of the materials published in the newspapers A Republica and Diário do Natal, and especially the study of letters of aforamento, demonstrated how many laws were not enforced or resignified, highlighting the existing continuities. Thus, throughout the paper aims to examine how this territory was occupied and used by its inhabitants, such as the granting of land in aforamento may exemplify this practice and noncompliance and how the land was used to consolidate relations of influence and power. After all, the values given to a space, turning it into territory, resulting from the social dimension of this space, in other words, the social categories that use it. Cannot be, therefore, analyze the ways of appropriation and use of urban land in the third neighborhood of Natal without studying individuals who appropriated and used this territory. The study of the allocation of extant aforamentos of land located in this neighborhood process demonstrated the formation of a specific type of market that were at stake not only economic exchanges, but also, and above all symbolic exchanges involving political and social capital. The analysis of such personnel developed market with the lands of Cidade Nova may indicate the existing relations of power between state government, Stewardship and tenants, providing a significant example of this modernization Natal early twentieth century process, guided by a more wealthy group and influential and characterized by limited social changes


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Nas últimas décadas, com a significativa redução da cárie dentária em crianças e adolescentes, uma maior atenção tem sido dada a outros problemas bucais como as oclusopatias. Em termos epidemiológicos no Brasil, esta tem ocupado o terceiro lugar dentre os problemas de saúde oral na população e, portanto, a inclusão destas como um problema de saúde pública se deve não apenas à sua alta prevalência, mas também ao impacto social, que interfere diretamente na qualidade de vida das pessoas. Diante do exposto é que este estudo objetiva buscar o impacto da presença e severidade das oclusopatias e suas respectivas necessidades de tratamento na qualidade de vida de adolescentes escolares de um município. Sendo assim, foram examinados 356 escolares na faixa etária de 15 -19 anos e determinadas a prevalência, severidade e necessidade de tratamento de oclusopatias através dos índices DAI, IOTN e ICON. O impacto sócio dentário das oclusopatias na qualidade de vida dos adolescentes foi analisado através do índice CS-OIDP. A fim de se verificar possíveis influências de variáveis estudadas na determinaçao do impacto na qualidade de vida das oclusopatias, estas serão coletadas através do estatus sócio-econômico, gênero, idade e tipo escola. Nos resultados parciais, relacionado a 50% da amostra, se observou uma maior prevalência do escolares de escola pública(68,1%), idade entre 15-16 anos(74,7%), gênero feminino(52,7%) e maior prevalência do SES baixo(77,5%). A análise estatística usando o teste qui-quadrado mostrou uma associação significativa do impacto da oclusopatia na qualidade de vida apenas quando avaliada com o índice ICON e o A-IOTN do examinado, comprovando uma associação da necessidade de tratamento com a presença do impacto na qualidade de vida. Com isso, busca-se comprovar e enfatizar a necessidade de se estabelecer políticas públicas que trabalhem na prevenção e interceptação dessas oclusopatias na população, melhorando, portanto, a qualidade de vida e saúde oral dos adolescentes.


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Nas últimas décadas, com a significativa redução da cárie dentária em crianças e adolescentes, uma maior atenção tem sido dada a outros problemas bucais como as oclusopatias. Em termos epidemiológicos no Brasil, esta tem ocupado o terceiro lugar dentre os problemas de saúde oral na população e, portanto, a inclusão destas como um problema de saúde pública se deve não apenas à sua alta prevalência, mas também ao impacto social, que interfere diretamente na qualidade de vida das pessoas. Diante do exposto é que este estudo objetiva buscar o impacto da presença e severidade das oclusopatias e suas respectivas necessidades de tratamento na qualidade de vida de adolescentes escolares de um município. Sendo assim, foram examinados 356 escolares na faixa etária de 15 -19 anos e determinadas a prevalência, severidade e necessidade de tratamento de oclusopatias através dos índices DAI, IOTN e ICON. O impacto sócio dentário das oclusopatias na qualidade de vida dos adolescentes foi analisado através do índice CS-OIDP. A fim de se verificar possíveis influências de variáveis estudadas na determinaçao do impacto na qualidade de vida das oclusopatias, estas serão coletadas através do estatus sócio-econômico, gênero, idade e tipo escola. Nos resultados parciais, relacionado a 50% da amostra, se observou uma maior prevalência do escolares de escola pública(68,1%), idade entre 15-16 anos(74,7%), gênero feminino(52,7%) e maior prevalência do SES baixo(77,5%). A análise estatística usando o teste qui-quadrado mostrou uma associação significativa do impacto da oclusopatia na qualidade de vida apenas quando avaliada com o índice ICON e o A-IOTN do examinado, comprovando uma associação da necessidade de tratamento com a presença do impacto na qualidade de vida. Com isso, busca-se comprovar e enfatizar a necessidade de se estabelecer políticas públicas que trabalhem na prevenção e interceptação dessas oclusopatias na população, melhorando, portanto, a qualidade de vida e saúde oral dos adolescentes.


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The increasing search for the psychological attendance, express in the waiting list in the clinics, clinic-school and in the private clinics, beyond the increase of the choice of psychology as professional career among the pre-college students, allows us to reflect about the place that is occupied by the Psychology, nowadays. The main focus of this study is the clinical Psychology, an area of psychology. The interest in to deepen the reflection regarding of the place that the psychologist and his acting had been assumed in our society, emerged from our own actuation as clinical psychologist. Reflections concerning the suffering of man of our time, accompanying our inquietude while researcher and made us question about the actuation of clinical psychology, nowadays. This research aimed to understand how the clinical psychologists perceive their practice, attempting to get appointments regarding of what is to be clinical psychologist in contemporaneity, more specifically, in the face of the psychic suffering. Based on a phenomenological perspective of research were accomplished semi-structured interviews and a discussion group with clinical psychologists. From the obtained results, we arrived to the following conclusions: a) the most of participants considered the academic formation of the psychologist insufficient and far from social reality; b) the speeches revealed that there is still a relation between the practice of clinical psychologist and the medical model of attendance. Nevertheless, was observed a change in the new psychologists conception of clinic, but is still in development; c) in the most of speeches, we founded consensus about the idea of that the social context which the contemporaneous world lives, had generated new demands of suffering; d) the clinical listening is considered the specificity of the clinical psychologist. We believe that this study had been contributed to fomenting the discussion about the academic formation of clinical psychologist and, the concepts and models of clinic that now base the actuation of the professionals that are inserted on the work market


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This research aimed to understand the place that the child s play in the childish education of Vitoria da Conquista s public system. We understand the childish education institution like a space that should respect the child as a person in a peculiar condition of development. We adopted the social-historical approach understood from Vygotsky and Leontiev, with the social theory of construction of knowledge and its dialogue with authors like Piaget e Brougère. The child s play was seen like result of social relations with great influence in the childish development. The research was accomplished in 04 public day care centers, amongst 18 existent ones in the city. While subjects of investigation participated 09 educators that works with children with ages between 03 and 04 years old and the children of their respective class-room. The procedures used were the participative observation and the interview with the educators, as a procedure of composition of research corpus, focusing the child s play activity, particularly in the way that it is expressed in the childish education. From of corpus constitution we used the thematic content analysis. We clustered the appearance of child s play in the childish education in three thematic nucleuses to detailed analysis: 1. mediated by the educator; 2. proposed by the educator; and 3. started by the children. The results show that, despite of the limitations that configure the day care centers routine, the child s play appears in the childish education. We hope, through the comprehension of the place occupied by the child s play in the childish education, contributes to the execution of the public politics, above all in the educational scope, to children with ages between zero and six years old, fomenting the discussion of the educator practice, its limitations and possibilities


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It discusses the social place occupied by the youth of outlying areas in the urban social imaginary. Having the stigma issue as an axle, it presents the essential categories to its understanding, such as (in)visibility, violence and exclusion, pointing out this quarrel in a social- anthropologychal approach. The research was carried through with teenagers of the age band from 15 to 24 years old, living in Mãe Luiza neighborhood, a popular quarter of Natal s east zone, that has close to 16.000 inhabitants. Quantitative methods had been used, through questionnaires application to 364 teenagers; and qualitative methods through the accomplishment of 5 focal groups with the adolescents. The results point a strong youth concern regarding the quarter daily violence; and the weaved image in the urban social imaginary of the neighborhood As dangerous", "violent". It is also possible to perceive the social groups diversity, in general, related with churches and cultural activities, which are important catalysers of the envolvement process of the youth with the quarter


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About 40% of the earth is occupied by tropical and subtropical forests, including 42% of dry forests, where there is Caatinga Bioma, contemplating tree forests and shrubs, with xerophytic characteristics. Study and conservations of Caatinga biologic diversity is one of the greatest challenges of Brazilian science because those are, proportionally, the less studied among natural areas, with most of the scientific effort centered in very few points around the main cities in the area and also because it is the less protected natural Brazilian area. The environmental degradation is constantly increasing and has its rhythm accelerated by the men appropriation to meet or not their own needs. Therefore, species conservation should be based in three principles: the use of natural resources by present generation, waste prevention and use of the natural resources to benefit the majority of the citizens. Among the strategies to species conservation, we can mention the ex situ conservation , in which the conservation of genetic resources may be realized outside of the natural environment in which the species occur, and in situ conservation , or, in other words, in the places where the species occur. In ex situ conservation, the germplasm collections are maintained in the field and/or in laboratories (conservation chambers), and this mainly conserves intraspecific diversity (genetic variance), the ex situ collections are continuously enriched by collection activities, introduction and germplasm interchange; the in situ conservation preserving ecosystems and habitats, maintaining and recovering native population of species of interest. So, the objective of this paper is the search for strategies to the conservation of Mimosa caesalpiniifolia B. (sabiá) using instruments of environmental perception and plant biotechnology, as mechanisms of in situ and ex situ conservation. To environmental perception, were realized open, semi-structured and qualitative interviews. The questions included socioeconomic data and knowledge of Sabiá specie. To plant biotechnology, Sabiá seed collection were realized in different location to formation of a germplasm bank. The specie micropropagation was made from nodal segment of plants from the matrizeiro. About the knowledge of rural populations and the use of Sabiá plant, some preferences occurred from speeches that the plant possesses a firm wood, not attacked by termites, legalized for exploration by the Brazilian environmental organ (IBAMA), and is a native specie. This research found the rural population has knowledge about Sabiá specie and the natural resources are exhausting. The proposal that the rural community brought was the donation of the Sabiá specie seeding initiating on the rain season, in which the seeding would be plated between the lots, in individual plantations. To the formation of a matrix bank, plant biothecnology brought answers favorable to Sabiá specie seeding, with the formation of multiple shoots