9 resultados para NACL SOLUTION

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The production of water has become one of the most important wastes in the petroleum industry, specifically in the up stream segment. The treatment of this kind of effluents is complex and normally requires high costs. In this context, the electrochemical treatment emerges as an alternative methodology for treating the wastewaters. It employs electrochemical reactions to increase the capability and efficiency of the traditional chemical treatments for associated produced water. The use of electrochemical reactors can be effective with small changes in traditional treatments, generally not representing a significant additional surface area for new equipments (due to the high cost of square meter on offshore platforms) and also it can use almost the same equipments, in continuous or batch flow, without others high costs investments. Electrochemical treatment causes low environmental impact, because the process uses electrons as reagent and generates small amount of wastes. In this work, it was studied two types of electrochemical reactors: eletroflocculation and eletroflotation, with the aim of removing of Cu2+, Zn2+, phenol and BTEX mixture of produced water. In eletroflocculation, an electrical potential was applied to an aqueous solution containing NaCl. For this, it was used iron electrodes, which promote the dissolution of metal ions, generating Fe2+ and gases which, in appropriate pH, promote also clotting-flocculation reactions, removing Cu2+ and Zn2+. In eletroflotation, a carbon steel cathode and a DSA type anode (Ti/TiO2-RuO2-SnO2) were used in a NaCl solution. It was applied an electrical current, producing strong oxidant agents as Cl2 and HOCl, increasing the degradation rate of BTEX and phenol. Under different flow rates, the Zn2+ was removed by electrodeposition or by ZnOH formation, due the increasing of pH during the reaction. To better understand the electrochemical process, a statistical protocol factor (22) with central point was conducted to analyze the sensitivity of operating parameters on removing Zn2+ by eletroflotation, confirming that the current density affected the process negatively and the flow rate positively. For economical viability of these two electrochemical treatments, the energy consumption was calculated, taking in account the kWh given by ANEEL. The treatment cost obtained were quite attractive in comparison with the current treatments used in Rio Grande do Norte state. In addition, it could still be reduced for the case of using other alternative energy source such as solar, wind or gas generated directly from the Petrochemical Plant or offshore platforms


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The germination of cotton seeds and the seedlings emergency are generally delayed and reduced by the salinity. Although the cotton is considered a tolerant culture, it can suffer substantial reductions in regarding its growth and production when exposed to salinity condition. The aims of this study went evaluate the effect of the saline stress in the germination phase to four cotton genotypes (BRS Rubi, BRS Safira, BRS 201 and CNPA 187 8H), using different osmotic potentials generated with increment of sodium chloride (NaCl). The saline stress was simulated using NaCl aqueous solutions in the potentials: 0.0 (Control); -0.2; -0.4; -0.6; -0.8 and -1.0 MPa. The treatments were monitored by means of tests for analysis of seeds, germination, first counting, speed germination index, length of shoot, radicle length, dry weigth of embrionic axis and shoot/radicle ratio. The tests for germination, first counting and index of germination speed were accomplished using 50 seeds for repetition and for the study of length of shoot, radicle length, dry weigth of embrionic axis and shoot/radicle ratio were used 20 seeds by repetition. For both tests four repetitions were accomplished by genotype for each one of the potentials. The seeds of each repetition were involved in papers Germitest humidified with NaCl solution corresponding to the potential. The repetitions of both tests were maintained in a germinator with saturated humidity. The analysis were initiate four days after the induction of the saline stress. The evaluations of the first three variables analyzed were accomplished daily; the seeds were remove and counted when its germinated. For the length tests just the repetitions corresponding to the potential of NaCl 0,0 MPa were analysis 4 days after the beginning of the induction of the saline stress. The analysis of the repetitions of the potentials -0,2 and -0,4 and of the potentials -0,6, -0,8 and -1,0 MPa they were accomplished with 12 and 20 days, respectively. For accomplishment of the analisis of this test the shoot of the 20 plantules of each repetition was separate from the radicle and both parts were measured. The statistical analyses were performed using the GENMOD and GLM procedures of the SAS. For the variable germination, the cultivates CNPA 187 8H and BRS Safira stood out for the potential -0.8 MPa, with averages of 89% and 81%, respectively. The test of speed germination index to cultivate BRS Safira presented the largest averages for the two higher saline potentials. It was observed that the increase of the saline potential reduces the germination percentage and speed germination index. For each day of evaluation it was verified that the increase of the saline potential causes a reduction of the length both of the shoot and of the radicle. The radicle tends to grow more than the shoot until the potential -0,4 MPa


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The aim of this work was to study a series of 11 different compositions of Ti-Zr binary alloys resistance to aggressive environment, i. e., their ability to keep their surface properties and mass when exposed to them as a way to evaluate their performance as biomaterials. The first stage was devoted to the fabrication of tablets from these alloys by Plasma-Skull casting method using a Discovery Plasma machine from EDG Equipamentos, Brazil. In a second stage, the chemical composition of each produced tablet was verified. In a third stage, the specimen were submitted to: as-cast microstructure analysis via optical and scanning electron microscopy (OM and SEM), x-ray dispersive system (EDS) chemical analysis via SEM, Vickers hardness tests for mechanical evaluation and corrosion resistence tests in a 0.9% NaCl solution to simulate exposition to human saliva monitored by open circuit potential and polarization curves. From the obtained results, it was possible to infer that specimens A1 (94,07 wt% Ti and 5,93% wt% Zr), A4 (77,81 wt % Ti and 22,19 wt % Zr) and A8 (27,83 wt% Ti and 72,17 wt% Zr), presented best performance regarding to corrosion resistance, homogeneity and hardness which are necessary issues for biomaterials to be applied as orthopedic and odontological prosthesis


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Leather tanneries generate effluents with high content of heavy metals, especially chromium, which is used in the mineral tanning process. Microemulsions have been studied in the extraction of heavy metals from aqueous solutions. Considering the problems related with the sediment resulting from the tanning process, due to its high content in chromium, in this work this sediment was characterized and microemulsion systems were applied for chromium removal. The extraction process consists in the removal of heavy metal ions present in an aqueous feeding solution (acid digestion solution) by a microemulsion system. First three different solid sludge digestion methods were evaluated, being chosen the method with higher digestion capacity. For this digestion method, seeking its optimization, was evaluated the influence of granule size, temperature and digestion time. Experimental results showed that the method proposed by USEPA (Method A) was the most efficient one, being obtained 95.77% of sample digestion. Regarding to the evaluated parameters, the best results were achieved at 95°C, 14 Mesh granule size, and 60 minutes digestion time. For chromium removal, three microemulsion extraction methods were evaluated: Method 1, in a Winsor II region, using as aqueous phase the acid digestion solution; Method 2, in a Winsor IV region, being obtained by the addition of the acid digestion solution to a microemulsion phase, whose aqueous phase is distilled water, until the formation of Winsor II system; and Method 3, in a Winsor III region, consisting in the formation of a Winsor III region using as aqueous phase the acid digestion solution, diluted in NaOH 0.01N. Seeking to optimize the extraction process only Method 1 (Systems I, II, and VIII) and Method 2 (System IX) were evaluated, being chosen points inside the interest regions (studied domains) to study the influence of contact time and pH in the extraction percentiles. The studied systems present the following compositions: System I: Surfactant Saponified coconut oil, Cosurfactant 1-Butanol, Oil phase Kerosene, Aqueous phase 2% NaCl solution; System II: Aqueous phase Acid digestion solution with pH adjusted using KOH (pH 3.5); System VIII: Aqueous phase - Acid digestion solution (pH 0.06); and System IX Aqueous phase Distilled water (pH 10.24), the other phases of Systems II, VIII and IX are similar to System I. Method 2 showed to be the more efficient one regarding chromium extraction percentile (up to 96.59% - pH 3.5). Considering that with Method 2 the microemulsion region only appears in the Winsor II region, it was studied Method 3 (System X) for the evaluation and characterization of a triphasic system, seeking to compare with a biphases system. System X is composed by: Surfactant Saponified coconut oil, Cosurfactant 1-Butanol, Oil phase Kerosene, Aqueous phase Acid digestion solution diluted with water and with its pH adjusted using 0.01N NaOH solution. The biphasic and triphasic microemulsion systems were analyzed regarding its viscosity, extraction efficiency and drop effective diameter. The experimental results showed that for viscosity studies the obtained values were low for all studied systems, the diameter of the drop is smaller in the Winsor II region, with 15.5 nm, reaching 46.0 nm in Winsor III region, being this difference attributed to variations in system compositions and micelle geometry. In chromium extraction, these points showed similar results, being achieved 99.76% for Winsor II system and 99.62% for Winsor III system. Winsor III system showed to be more efficient due to the obtaining of a icroemulsion with smaller volume, with the possibility to recover the oil phase in excess, and the use of a smaller proportion of surfactant and cosurfactant (C/S)


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Hexavalent chromium is a heavy metal present in various industrial effluents, and depending on its concentration may cause irreparable damage to the environment and to humans. Facing this surrounding context, this study aimed on the application of electrochemical methods to determine and remove the hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) in simulated wastewater. To determine was applied to cathodic stripping voltammetry (CSV) using ultra trace graphite electrodes ultra trace (work), Ag/AgCl (reference) and platinum (counter electrode), the samples were complexed with 1,5- diphenylcarbazide and then subjected to analysis. The removal of Cr6+ was applied electrocoagulation process (EC) using Fe and Al electrodes. The variables that constituted the factorial design 24, applied to optimizing the EC process, were: current density (5 and 10 mA.cm-2), temperature (25 and 60 ºC), concentration (50 and 100 ppm) and agitation rate (400 and 600 RPM). Through the preliminary test it was possible the adequacy of applying the CSV for determining of Cr6+, removed during the EC process. The Fe and Al electrodes as anodes sacrifice showed satisfactory results in the EC process, however Fe favored complete removal in 30 min, whereas with Al occurred at 240 min. In the application of factorial design 24 and analysis of Response Surface Methodology was possible to optimize the EC process for removal of Cr6+ in H2SO4 solution (0.5 mol.L-1), in which the temperature, with positive effect, was the variable that presented higher statistical significance compared with other variables and interactions, while in optimizing the EC process for removal of Cr6+ in NaCl solution (0.1 mol.L-1) the current density, with positive effect, and concentration, with a negative effect were the variables that had greater statistical significance with greater statistical significance compared with other variables and interactions. The utilization of electrolytes supports NaCl and Na2SO4 showed no significant differences, however NaCl resulted in rapid improvement in Cr6+ removal kinetics and increasing the NaCl concentration provided an increase in conductivity of the solution, resulting in lower energy consumption. The wear of the electrodes evaluated in all the process of EC showed that the Al in H2SO4 solution (0.5 mol.L-1), undergoes during the process of anodization CE, then the experimental mass loss is less than the theoretical mass loss, however, the Fe in the same medium showed a loss of mass greater experimental estimated theoretically. This fact is due to a spontaneous reaction of Fe with H2SO4, and when the reaction medium was the NaCl and Na2SO4 loss experimental mass approached the theoretical mass loss. Furthermore, it was observed the energy consumption of all processes involved in this study had a low operating cost, thus enabling the application of the EC process for treating industrial effluents. The results were satisfactory, it was achieved complete removal of Cr6+ in all processes used in this study.


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The treatment of wastewater is essential to human health. One of the most important steps is the disinfection treatment which uses chlorine to eliminate bacteria as required by environmental agencies. However, the identification of potentially toxic byproducts generated by this method, such as trihalomethanes, has stimulated the development of new alternative disinfection technologies. Among them, heterogeneous photocatalysis, TiO2 photocatalysis and electrochemical disinfection are considered suitable alternatives to the chlorination method. Thus, the present dissertation analyzes the evolution of active chlorine species in a synthetic NaCl solution and it is tested to treat a synthetic solution of the dye Reactive Blue 19 using boron-doped diamond (BDD) and ruthenium oxide (Ti/Ru0.3Ti0.7O2) as anodes. The indirect electrochemical process was discussed in terms of mineralization of the total organic load and percentage of color removal in order to evaluate the applicability of electrochemical technology. Electrochemical experiments were carried out with different current densities (25, 50 and 75 mA.cm-2) during 120 minutes. On the other hand, other important parameter in this study was the influence of the proportion sp3/sp2 on BDD anode on the performance of the evolution of active chlorine species which was investigated by electrolytic techniques (linear polarization), with the intention of determining the related training oxidizing species and consumption energy to chemical or electrochemical reactions. From the results, it can be noted that the BDD electrode showed better efficiency throughout the electrochemical process.


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The treatment of wastewater is essential to human health. One of the most important steps is the disinfection treatment which uses chlorine to eliminate bacteria as required by environmental agencies. However, the identification of potentially toxic byproducts generated by this method, such as trihalomethanes, has stimulated the development of new alternative disinfection technologies. Among them, heterogeneous photocatalysis, TiO2 photocatalysis and electrochemical disinfection are considered suitable alternatives to the chlorination method. Thus, the present dissertation analyzes the evolution of active chlorine species in a synthetic NaCl solution and it is tested to treat a synthetic solution of the dye Reactive Blue 19 using boron-doped diamond (BDD) and ruthenium oxide (Ti/Ru0.3Ti0.7O2) as anodes. The indirect electrochemical process was discussed in terms of mineralization of the total organic load and percentage of color removal in order to evaluate the applicability of electrochemical technology. Electrochemical experiments were carried out with different current densities (25, 50 and 75 mA.cm-2) during 120 minutes. On the other hand, other important parameter in this study was the influence of the proportion sp3/sp2 on BDD anode on the performance of the evolution of active chlorine species which was investigated by electrolytic techniques (linear polarization), with the intention of determining the related training oxidizing species and consumption energy to chemical or electrochemical reactions. From the results, it can be noted that the BDD electrode showed better efficiency throughout the electrochemical process.


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The production of water has become one of the most important wastes in the petroleum industry, specifically in the up stream segment. The treatment of this kind of effluents is complex and normally requires high costs. In this context, the electrochemical treatment emerges as an alternative methodology for treating the wastewaters. It employs electrochemical reactions to increase the capability and efficiency of the traditional chemical treatments for associated produced water. The use of electrochemical reactors can be effective with small changes in traditional treatments, generally not representing a significant additional surface area for new equipments (due to the high cost of square meter on offshore platforms) and also it can use almost the same equipments, in continuous or batch flow, without others high costs investments. Electrochemical treatment causes low environmental impact, because the process uses electrons as reagent and generates small amount of wastes. In this work, it was studied two types of electrochemical reactors: eletroflocculation and eletroflotation, with the aim of removing of Cu2+, Zn2+, phenol and BTEX mixture of produced water. In eletroflocculation, an electrical potential was applied to an aqueous solution containing NaCl. For this, it was used iron electrodes, which promote the dissolution of metal ions, generating Fe2+ and gases which, in appropriate pH, promote also clotting-flocculation reactions, removing Cu2+ and Zn2+. In eletroflotation, a carbon steel cathode and a DSA type anode (Ti/TiO2-RuO2-SnO2) were used in a NaCl solution. It was applied an electrical current, producing strong oxidant agents as Cl2 and HOCl, increasing the degradation rate of BTEX and phenol. Under different flow rates, the Zn2+ was removed by electrodeposition or by ZnOH formation, due the increasing of pH during the reaction. To better understand the electrochemical process, a statistical protocol factor (22) with central point was conducted to analyze the sensitivity of operating parameters on removing Zn2+ by eletroflotation, confirming that the current density affected the process negatively and the flow rate positively. For economical viability of these two electrochemical treatments, the energy consumption was calculated, taking in account the kWh given by ANEEL. The treatment cost obtained were quite attractive in comparison with the current treatments used in Rio Grande do Norte state. In addition, it could still be reduced for the case of using other alternative energy source such as solar, wind or gas generated directly from the Petrochemical Plant or offshore platforms


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A batch of eighty-four coupons of low carbon steel were investigated at laboratory conditions under a corrosive, cavitative-corrosive (CO2) and corrosive-erosive (SiO2 + CO2) in an aqueous salt solution and two levels of temperature. The following measurements were made on Vickers (HV0,05, HV0,10, HV0,20) Microhardness tests at three levels of subsurface layer. A turbulent flow collided on the cylindrical sample, with and without mechanical stirring and gas bubbling, with and without fluid contamination by solid particles of SiO2, at two temperatures. Surface Roughness and Waviness, under two conditions "as received, after machining" and "after worn out", as well as gravimetric and electrochemical parameter were measured on the two opposite generatrices of each cylindrical sample, on the flow upstream (0°) and downstream (180°) by Profilometry, Mass Variation and Linear Polarization Resistance (LPR). The results of the Microhardness and Surface Texture of all coupons were subjected to statistical comparison, using the software Statgraphics® Centurion XVI, 95% statistical certainty, and significant differences were observed in some arrays of measurements. The corrosive wear rate measured by LPR and mass variation shown to be sensitive to the presence of bubbles and hydrodynamic fluctuations inside the cell, considering the temperature and contamination of corrosive fluid by solid particles. The main results of visual inspection relative to some topologies of the surface damages involving different mechanisms that were seen to give explanation for some fluctuations in wear rates of the steel experimentally investigated