18 resultados para Mushrooms, Edible

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The mushrooms have been object of intense research in view of its potential raising of application in different sectors of the pharmacology and alimentary industry. Among diverse bioactive composites of polyssacharides nature that exist in the fungus the glucans are much searched. These are polymers of glucose and classified as the type of glicosidic linking [α, β]. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), ranscription factors belonging to the family of nuclear receptors that bind themselves o specific agonists, have shown their importance in controlling the inflammatory process. The aim of this study was to perform a chemical characterization of extract rom the mushroom Caripia montagnei, assess its antiinflammatory and antibacterial effect and determine if this effect occurs via PPAR. This mushroom is composed of carbohydrates (63.3±4.1%), lipids (21.4l±0.9%) and proteins (2.2± 0.3%). The aqueous solution resulting from the fractionation contained carbohydrates (98.7±3.3%) and protein (1.3±0.25%). Analyses of infrared spectrophotometry and of nuclear magnetic esonance demonstrated that the extract of mushroom C. montagnei is rich in β-glucans. In hioglycolate-induced peritonitis, the C. montagnei glucans (50 mg/kg) educed the inflammatory process in 65.5±5.2% and agonists, pharmacological igands, for PPAR: Wy-14643 (49.3±6.1%), PFOA (48.9±3.8%) and clofibrate in 45.2±3.2%. Sodium diclofenac showed a reduction of 81.65±0.6%. In the plantar edema, the glucans from C. montagnei (50 mg/kg) and L-NAME reduced the edema to a similar degree 91.4±0.3% and 92.8±0,5 %, respectively. In all the groups tested, nitric oxide (NO), an inflammation mediator, showed a significant reduction in the nitrate/nitrite levels when compared to the positive control (P<0.001). The C. montagnei glucans did not show cytotoxicity in the concentrations tested (2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0 and 40.0 µg/100 µL). Antibacterial activity demonstrated that, unlike total extract, there was no inhibition of bacterial growth. The C. montagnei glucans show great potential for antiinflammatory applications. This effect suggests that it is mediated by PPAR activation and by COX and iNOS inhibition


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Several pharmacological properties have been attributed to isolated compounds from mushroom. Recently, have these compounds, especially the polysaccharides derived from mushrooms, modulate the immune system, and its antitumor, antiviral, antibiotic and antiinflammatory activities. This study assesses the possible pharmacological properties of the polysaccharides from Scleroderma nitidum mushroom. The centesimal composition of the tissue showed that this fungus is composed mainly of fibers (35.61%), ash (33.69%) and carbohydrates (25.31%). The chemical analysis of the polysaccharide fraction showed high levels of carbohydrates (94.71%) and low content of protein (5.29%). These polysaccharides are composed of glucose, galactose, mannose and fucose in the following molar ratios 0.156, 0.044, 0.025, 0.066 and the infrared analysis showed a possible polysaccharide-protein complex. The polysaccharides from Scleroderma nitidum showed antioxidant potential with concentration-dependent antioxidant activity compared to ascorbic acid. The analysis scavenging of superoxide radical and inhibition of lipid peroxidation showed that the polysaccharides from S. nitidum have an IC50 of 12.70 mg/ml and EC50 10.4 μg/ml, respectively. The antioxidant activity was confirmed by the presence of reducing potential of these polysaccharides. The effect of these polymers on the inflammatory process was tested using the carrageenan or histamine-induced paw edema model and the sodium thioglycolate or zymosan-induced model. The polysaccharides were effective in reducing edema (73% at 50 mg/kg) and cell infiltrate (37% at 10 mg/kg) in both inflammation models tested. Nitric oxide, a mediator in the inflammatory process, showed a reduction of around 26% at 10 mg/kg of body weight. Analysis of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines showed that in the groups treated with polysaccharides from S. nitidum there was an increase in cytokines such as IL-1ra, IL-10, and MIP-1β concomitant with the decrease in INF-γ (75%) and IL-2 (22%). We observed the influence of polysaccharides on the modulation of the expression of nuclear factor κB. Thus, polysaccharides from S. nitidum reduced the expression of NF-κB by up to 64%. The results obtained suggest that NF-κB modulation is one of the possible mechanisms that explain the anti-inflammatory effect of polysaccharides from the fungus S. nitidum.


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Polymers of mushroom cellular wall are recognized for presenting a lot of biological activities such as anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-tumoral action. Polysaccharides from mushrooms of different molecular mass obtained mushrooms can activate leucocytes, stimulate fagocitic, citotoxic and antimicrobial activity including oxygen reactive species production. In this study were investigated chemical characteristics, in vitro antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory action in an acute inflammation model of the polysaccharides extracted from Tylopilus ballouii. Results showed that were mainly extracted polysaccharides and that it primarily consisted of mannose and galactose with variable amounts of xylose and fucose. Infrared analysis showed a possible interation between this polysaccharides and proteins. In addition, molecular mass was about 140KDa. Antioxidant activity was tested by superoxide and hydroxyl radical scavenging assay, total antioxidant activity and lipid peroxidation assay. For superoxide and hydroxyl radical generation inhibition, polysaccharides have an IC50 of 2.36 and 0.36 mg/mL, respectively. Lipid peroxidation assay results showed that polysaccharides from Tylopilus ballouii present an IC50 of 3.42 mg/mL. Futhermore, anti-inflammatory assay showed that polysaccharides cause an paw edema decreasing in 32.8, 42 and 56% in 30, 50 and 70 mg/Kg dose, respectively. Thus, these results can indicate a possible use for these polysaccharides from Tylopilus ballouii as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.


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Seaweeds sulfated polysaccharides have been described as having various pharmacological activities. However, nothing is known about the influence of salinity on the structure of sulfated polysaccharides from green seaweed and pharmacological activities they perform. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of salinity of seawater on yield and composition of polysaccharides-rich fractions from green seaweed Caulerpa cupressoides var. flabellata, collected in two different salinities beaches of the coast of Rio Grande do Norte, and to verify the influence of salinity on their biological activities. We extracted four sulfated polysaccharides-rich fractions from C. cupressoides collected in Camapum beach (denominated CCM F0.3; F0.5; F1.0; F2.0), which the seawater has higher salinity, and Buzios beach (denominated CCB F0.3; F0.5; F1.0; F2.0). Different from that observed for other seaweeds, the proximate composition of C. cupressoides did not change with increased salinity. Moreover, interestingly, the C. cupresoides have high amounts of protein, greater even than other edible seaweeds. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) between the yield of polysaccharide fractions of CCM and its CCB counterparts, which indicates that salinity does not interfere with the yield of polysaccharide fractions. However, there was a significant difference in the sulfate/sugar ratio of F0.3 (p<0.05) and F0.5 (p<0.01) (CCM F0.3 and CCB F0.5 was higher than those determined for their counterparts), while the sulfate/sugar ratio the F1.0 and F2.0 did not change significantly (p>0.05) with salinity. This result suggested that the observed difference in the sulfate/sugar ratio between the fractions from CCM and CCB, is not merely a function of salinity, but probably also is related to the biological function of these biopolymers in seaweed. In addition, the salinity variation between collection sites did not influence algal monosaccharide composition, eletrophoretic mobility or the infrared spectrum of polysaccharides, demonstrating that the salinity does not change the composition of sulfated polysaccharides of C. cupressoides. There were differences in antioxidant and anticoagulant fractions between CCM and CCB. CCB F0.3 (more sulfated) had higher total antioxidant capacity that CCM F0.3, since the chelating ability the CCM F0.5 was more potent than CCB F0.5 (more sulfated). These data indicate that the activities of sulfated polysaccharides from CCM and CCB depend on the spatial patterns of sulfate groups and that it is unlikely to be merely a charge density effect. C. cupressoides polysaccharides also exhibited anticoagulant activity in the intrinsic (aPTT test) and extrinsic pathway (PT test). CCB F1.0 and CCM F1.0 showed different (p<0,001) aPTT activity, although F0.3 and F0.5 showed no difference (p>0,05) between CCM and CCB, corroborating the fact that the sulfate/sugar ratio is not a determining factor for biological activity, but rather for sulfate distribution along the sugar chain. Moreover, F0.3 and F0.5 activity in aPTT test was similar to that of clexane®, anticoagulant drug. In addition, F0.5 showed PT activity. These results suggest that salinity may have created subtle differences in the structure of sulfated polysaccharides, such as the distribution of sulfate groups, which would cause differences in biological activities between the fractions of the CCM and the CCB


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Fungal polysaccharides have received a great deal of attention due to itsbecause of their potential use in a wide rangegreat variety fromof industries. Some studies have demonstrated that polysaccharides extracted offrom basidiomycetes they have presented significant properties as anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-tumoral properties. In spite of thisDespite these potential properties, these mushrooms have not been insufficiently investigated, and the great number of antibiotics number produced forby these organisms suggests that they canmay be a new source of bioactives composites source. In tThe present work, reports onlated the chemical composition, potential antioxidant, antiinflammatory and citotoxycity of extracted polymers extracted offrom the fruits bodies of the fungiius Geastrum saccatum and Polyporus dermoporus, native mushrooms of the Atlantic forest inof the state of the Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The Cchemical analyses had revealed ademonstrated text of total sugar rates of 65% and 49%, and proteins of 7.0% for in extracts of G. saccatum and P. dermoporus extracts, respectively. The analyses ofNMR spectroscopy of RMN had demonstrated that these extracts are composites forof a complex involving β- glucans and- proteins complex. The inhibition of the formation of superoxide radicals formation was of 88.4% in G. saccatum and 83.3% in P. dermoporus, and 75 and 100% for inhibition of hydroxyls radicals inhibition. TopicalThe topic application of extracts the 10, 30 and 50 mg/kg extract in BALBc mice with cutaneous inflammation induced byfor croton oil demonstrated to inhibitedion of ear edema of ear and cells polimorfonuclears cells atin the inflamed siteplace, being this reply more effective in lower concentrations being more effective. The evaluation of the glucans of G. saccatum and P. dermoporus glucans under induced pleurisy for carrageenan-induced pleurisya of showed the antiinflammatory action of these composites., being analyzed tThe frame number in the pleural exudates and thedosage of nitric oxide dosage was also analyzed. The cytotoxic action of these polymers was analyzed throughthrough the mitochondrial function (MTT). The incubation of the glucans with mononuclear cells of the peripheral blood demonstrated that the extracted glucans extracted fromof G. saccatum havepossess a moderate cytotoxic action. These results suggest that these mushrooms possess polymers formed byfor a complex glucana-protein complex, with antiinflammatory and antioxidant actions


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The antioxidant activity of aqueous extracts of five edible tropical fruits (Spondias lutea, Hancornia speciosa, Spondias purpurea, Manilkara zapota and Averrhoa carambola) was investigated using different methods. The amount of phenolic compounds was determined by the Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. The M. zapota had Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) higher than the other fruits. Extracts showed neither reducing power nor iron chelation (between 0.01 and 2.0 mg/mL). H. speciosa exhibited the highest superoxide scavenging activity (80%, 0.5 mg/mL). However, at high concentrations (8.0 mg/mL) only A. carambola, S. purpurea and S. lutea scavenging 100% of radicals formed. M. zapota and S. purpurea had higher phenolic compound levels and greater OH radical scavenging activity (92 %, 2.0 mg/mL). Antiproliferative activity was assessed with 3T3 fibroblasts and cervical tumor cells (HeLa). The most potent extract was S. purpurea (0.5 mg/mL), which inhibited HeLa cell proliferation by 52%. The most fruits showed antioxidant and antiproliferative properties, characterizing them as functional foods.


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Acerola (Malpighia emarginata D.C.) is a red fruit widely cultivated in Brazil, especially in the Northeastern region. Its increasing demand is attributed to its high ascorbic acid contents. Besides ascorbic acid, widely known by its health-benefit effects, acerola is rich in anthocyanins, which contribute for the antioxidant power of the fruit. Acerola processing produces a bright-red pomace, usually discarded. The further processing of this pomace, in order to explore its antioxidant compounds, could enhance acerola market value and rentability of its processing. Both ascorbic acid and anthocyanins are highly susceptible to degradation, that can be delayed by microencapsulation, which consists on packing particles (core) in an edible matrix (wall material). This work has been made with the purpose of producing a microencapsulated acerola pomace extract, which could be used by the food industry as a functional ingredient with antioxidant and coloring properties. Antioxidant compounds were recovered by pressing the pomace diluted in a solvent (a citric acid aqueous solution), by using a central composite design, with two variables: citric acid concentration in the solvent (0-2%), and solvent: pomace mass ratio (2:1-6:1). The acerola pomace extract was then microencapsulated by spray drying. A central composite design was adopted, with three variables: inlet temperature of the spray dryer (170o-200oC), wall material: acerola solids mass ratio (2:1-5:1), and degree of maltodextrin replacement by cashew tree gum as wall material (0-100%). The cashew tree gum was used because of its similarity to arabic gum, which is regarded as the wall material by excellence. The following conditions were considered as optimal for extraction of anthocyanins and ascorbic acid: solvent/pomace ratio, 5:1, and no citric acid in the solvent. 82.47% of the anthocyanins were recovered, as well as 83.22% of the ascorbic acid. Anthocyanin and ascorbic acid retentions were favored by lower inlet temperatures, higher wall material: acerola solids mass ratio and higher maltodextrin replacement by cashew tree gum, which was presented as a promising wall material. The more adequate microencapsulation conditions, based not only on retention of antioxidant compounds but also on physical properties of the final powder, were the following: inlet temperature, 185oC; wall material: acerola solids mass ratio, 5:1, and minimum degree of maltodextrin replacement by cashew tree gum, 50%


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As an auxiliary tool to combat hunger by decreasing the waste of food and contributing for improvement of life quality on the population, CEASA/RN has released from August/03 to August/05 the program MESA DA SOLIDARIEDADE. Despite of the positive results of this program, that has already distributed around 226 tons of food, there is still food being thrown in the trash as the deliver of the same food in its natural form would be a health risk to those who would consume it and only the correct processing of this food can make it edible. This work has as a goal the reuse of solid residues of vegetal origin generated by the CEASA/RN, through the Program MESA DA SOLIDARIEDADE and the characterization of the product obtained so it might be used as a mineral complement in the human diet. To the collecting of samples (from September until December /2004) it was developed a methodology having as a reference the daily needs of mineral salts for infants at the age of seven to ten. The sample was packed in plastic bags and transported in an ambient temperature to the laboratory where it was selected, weighted, disinfected, fractionated and dried to 70ºC in greenhouse. The dry sample was shredded and stored in bottles previously sterilized. The sample in nature was weighted in the same proportion of the dry sample and it was obtained a uniform mass in a domestic processor. The physical-chemical analyses were carried out in triplicate in the samples in nature and in the dry product, being analyzed: pH, humidity, acidity and soluble solids according to IAL (1985), mineral salts contents (Ca, K, Na, Mg, P and Fe) determined by spectrophotometry of Atomic Absorption, caloric power through a calorimetric bomb and presence of fecal traces and E. coli through the colilert method (APHA, 1995). During this period the dry food a base of vegetables presented on average 5,06% of humidity, 4,62 of pH, acidity of 2,73 mg of citric acid /100g of sample, 51,45ºBrix of soluble solids, 2.323,50mg of K/100g, 299,06mg of Ca/100g, 293mg of Na/100g, 154,66mg of Mg/100g, 269,62mg of P/100g, 6,38mg of Fe/100g, caloric power of 3,691Kcal/g (15,502KJ/g) and is free of contamination by fecal traces and E..coli. The dry food developed in this research presented satisfactory characteristics regarding to its conservation, possessing low calories, constituting itself a good source of potassium, magnesium, sodium and iron that can be utilized as a food complement of these minerals


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The Brazilian caatinga is characterized by low annual rainfall and arid soils. Several cactaceae, either native or adapted species, grow in this semi-arid region, including the prickly pear (Opuntia fícus indica) and facheiro ((Philosocereus pachycladus Ritter) which produce underexploited edible fruits. In addition to these species, the algaroba is a leguminous with little studied technological applications and bioactive potential so far. Therefore, this research aims to investigate the physicochemical, bioactive and functional attributes of the prickly pear and facheiro fruit pulps and the algaroba flour. Specifically, this study approaches the physicochemical characterization, total phenolic compounds (TPC) and the betalain identification and quantification by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS. It is also investigated the DPPH antioxidant capacity and the antienzymatic activities against alpha-amylase and alphaglucosidase of water and ethanolic extracts of these food material. In order to address their potential to be used as food ingredients, juice blends prepared with mixtures of cajá and prickly pear, biofilms with facheiro and cereal bars with algaroba flour were elaborated and analyzed. The prickly pear fruits presented low acidity and high sugar content when compared to facheiro. The Philosocereus pachycladus Ritter fruits had higher protein and ash content, but the algaroba flour was the species with higher protein and sugar content among all. The algaroba flour also presented outstanding food fiber content, which reveals its potentiality to be used as a natural intestinal regulator. The TPC of water and ethanol extracts ranged from 3.87 to 16.21 mg GAE/100g for algaroba flour, 79.24 to 110.20 GAE/ 100g for prickly pear and 412.23 to 539.14 mg GAE/100g for facheiro. The 70% (w/v) ethanol extract reached the highest DPPH antioxidant activity, which was linearly correlated to its high TPC content. In regard to the enzymatic inhibitory activities, the best performance was observed for the prickly pear extracts which presented a moderate inhibition for both investigated enzymes, but interestingly, no alpha-glucosidase inhibition was observed for facheiro extracts. This work shows, for the first time in the literature, the functional attributes of facheiro fruits, as well as the presence of betacianins and isobetanin in the pulp of this exotic fruit. When it comes to the food products developed here, the sensory attributes that better described the juice blend cajá-prickly pear were sweetness, acidity, color yellow-orange, body, turbidity and cajá flavor. The discriminative test applied for cereal bars produced with and without algaroba revealed that the texture was the only sensory attribute that differed (p<0.05) between these two samples. It was also observed that the addition of facheiro extracts did not influence the visual characteristics of the biofilms. Overall, this work unveils the physicochemical and bioactive attributes of these commercial and technologically underexploited species widely found in the Brazilian caatinga and presents alternatives for their rational use


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Red marine algae of the genus Gracilaria synthesize sulfated polysaccharides (PS) bioactive. But many of these PS were not properly assessed, as is the case of PS synthesized by edible seaweed Gracilaria birdiae. Previous studies showed that sulfated galactans this alga has anti-inflammatory effect. In this work, a galactan (GB) of G. birdiae was obtained and evaluated by different tests. GB showed anticoagulant activity in APTT assay. GB showed no toxicity to normal cells (3T3), but inhibited the survival of cells of adenocarcinoma of the cervix (HeLa) and human pancreatic cancer (Panc-1) 80% (1.5 mg / ml). GB was not able to hijack the OH radical or the superoxide radical. However, showed activity electron donor in two different tests and presented iron chelator activity (70% and 1.0 mg / ml) and Copper (70% at 0.5 mg / ml). The presence of a higher GB promotes formation of crystals of calcium oxalate dihydrate small size, which is less aggressive, because GB is able to interact with and stabilize the crystal that form. Furthermore, GB (2.0 mg / mL) was not cytotoxic to human renal cells (HEK-293). The data lead us to propose that GB has a great potential for the treatment of urolithiasis


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The sulfated polysaccharides (SP) from the edible red seaweed Gracilaria birdiae were obtained using five different condition extraction (GB1: Water; GB1p: Water/proteolysis; GB1s: Water/sonication; GB1sp: Water/sonication/proteolysis; GB2s: NaOH/sonication; GB2sp: NaOH/sonication/proteolysis. The yield (g) increased in the following order GB2sp>GB1sp>GB1p>GB2s>GB1s>GB1. However, the amount of SP extracted increased in different way GB2sp>GB1p>GB1>GB1sp>GB1s>GB2s. Infrared and electrophoresis analysis showed that all conditions extracted the same SP. In addition, monosaccharide composition showed that ultrasound promotes the extraction of other polysaccharides than SP. In the prothrombin time (PT) test, which evaluates the extrinsic coagulation pathway, none of the samples showed anticoagulant activity. While in the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) test, which evaluates the intrinsic coagulation pathway, all samples showed anticoagulant activity, except GB2s. The aPTT activity decreased in the order of GB1sp>GB2sp>GB1p>GB1>GB1s>GB2s. Total capacity antioxidant (TCA) of the SP was also affected by condition extraction, since GB2s and GB1 showed lower activity in comparison to the other conditions. In conclusion, the conditions of SP extraction influence their biological activities and chemical composition. The data showed NaOH/sonication/proteolysis was the best condition to extract anticoagulant and antioxidant SPs from Gracilaria birdiae.


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Anxiety disorders and Parkinson’s disease (PD) affect a large portion of the world population. Indeed, therapeutic alternatives available do not contribute to improve most clinical conditions and/or are linked with undesirable side effects. Thus, there is a great demand for the development of new drugs to treatment of these diseases. Passiflora cincinnata Mast. is a native species present in several Brazilian states, popularly known as “maracujá do mato”, “maracujá tubarão” or “maracujá mochila”. Additionally, species of Passiflora genus are traditionally known for their exotic flowers, edible fruits with pronounced flavor and for their sedative, tranquilizer and anxiolytic properties reported by folk medicine. These plants possess important organic compounds such as phenols, cyanogenic glycosides, flavonoids and alkaloids, which are responsible for the anxiolytic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antihyperglycemic, among others activities when tested in mammals. Despite this fact, only a few studies have been conducted to investigate the possible in vivo biological effects of Passiflora cincinnata Mast extracts. Thereby, in this study we evaluated the effects of the alcoholic extract of this plant in anxiety and PD animal model. Mice acutely or chronically administered with ethanolic extract of P. cincinnata do not showed any anxiogenic- or anxyolitic-like effect in elevated plus maze (EPM). In order to reproduce PD symptom’s in mice, we administered repeated injections of reserpine which progressively induced motor impairments such as increase in catalepsy, oral movements, and reduction of the average speed of the animals in the open field, as well as depleted dopamine prodution in SNpc cells. Furthermore, this treatment resulted in the loss of aversive memory recall in mice when undergoing PMDAT. Yet, passiflora group also show this amnesic profile. However, animals treated concomitantly with the alcoholic extract of Passiflora cincinnata Mast. showed higher latency for the onset of motor impairment evaluated by catalepsy. Thus, our results shows that the alcoholic extract of the plant P. cincinnata was able to delay the onset of the catalepsy induced by reserpine administration, plus reverted the depletion of dopamine production in SNpc cells.


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Considering the plant biodiversity in the Brazilian Northeast, whose components can be inserted into sustainable production systems, the jujube (Ziziphus joazeiro Mart.) emerges as to recovery of its fruit. The present study has as objective to characterize the fruit of the jujube under the physical, physicochemical and chemical approach and assess its conservation by spontaneous lactic fermentation under the influence of chloride, sodium, calcium and potassium. According to the legislation, vegetable acidified by fermentation that is subjected to lactic acid fermentation in order to achieve a final product pH less than or equal to 4.5. The results of the physical, chemical and physico-chemistry of ripe fruit jujube showed the potential of this species for agro-processing. The yield of edible portion (91.83%), soluble solids content (18,98º Brix), titratable acidity (0.14% citric acid), pH (5.30) and its composition, divided in moisture (79.01%), protein (2.01%), lipids (0.52%), carbohydrate (17.59%), fiber, ash (0.76%) and its minerals were consistent with the characteristic profile fruits, thus favoring the development of spontaneous lactic fermentation. The minimum pH and titratable acidity observed maximum in the fermentation process under the influence of mixtures of salts (NaCl and KCl NaCl2) values ranged from 3.4 to 3.7 and from 0.54 to 0.95 (% lactic acid), respectively. The profile of the lactic fermentation of fruit of jujube in brine, fermented microbiological quality and the result of analysis of primary sensory prepared preserved, the application of endorsed by the consumer sensory evaluation, more particularly, derived from fermented fruit preserved in the presence of chloride sodium, in accordance with the traditional techniques of lactic fermentation of vegetables. The results of sensory evaluation conducted with 100 consumers (tasters) revealed an acceptance rate equal to 78% of the preserve. Despite restrictions on the sensory acceptability of fermented under the influence of salts (KCl and CaCl2) substitutes sodium chloride, preserved these perspectives presented to balance the optimization of mixtures, health product safety and consumer awareness towards prefer a more healthy product with reduced sodium content.


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The mushrooms have been object of intense research in view of its potential raising of application in different sectors of the pharmacology and alimentary industry. Among diverse bioactive composites of polyssacharides nature that exist in the fungus the glucans are much searched. These are polymers of glucose and classified as the type of glicosidic linking [α, β]. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), ranscription factors belonging to the family of nuclear receptors that bind themselves o specific agonists, have shown their importance in controlling the inflammatory process. The aim of this study was to perform a chemical characterization of extract rom the mushroom Caripia montagnei, assess its antiinflammatory and antibacterial effect and determine if this effect occurs via PPAR. This mushroom is composed of carbohydrates (63.3±4.1%), lipids (21.4l±0.9%) and proteins (2.2± 0.3%). The aqueous solution resulting from the fractionation contained carbohydrates (98.7±3.3%) and protein (1.3±0.25%). Analyses of infrared spectrophotometry and of nuclear magnetic esonance demonstrated that the extract of mushroom C. montagnei is rich in β-glucans. In hioglycolate-induced peritonitis, the C. montagnei glucans (50 mg/kg) educed the inflammatory process in 65.5±5.2% and agonists, pharmacological igands, for PPAR: Wy-14643 (49.3±6.1%), PFOA (48.9±3.8%) and clofibrate in 45.2±3.2%. Sodium diclofenac showed a reduction of 81.65±0.6%. In the plantar edema, the glucans from C. montagnei (50 mg/kg) and L-NAME reduced the edema to a similar degree 91.4±0.3% and 92.8±0,5 %, respectively. In all the groups tested, nitric oxide (NO), an inflammation mediator, showed a significant reduction in the nitrate/nitrite levels when compared to the positive control (P<0.001). The C. montagnei glucans did not show cytotoxicity in the concentrations tested (2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0 and 40.0 µg/100 µL). Antibacterial activity demonstrated that, unlike total extract, there was no inhibition of bacterial growth. The C. montagnei glucans show great potential for antiinflammatory applications. This effect suggests that it is mediated by PPAR activation and by COX and iNOS inhibition


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Several pharmacological properties have been attributed to isolated compounds from mushroom. Recently, have these compounds, especially the polysaccharides derived from mushrooms, modulate the immune system, and its antitumor, antiviral, antibiotic and antiinflammatory activities. This study assesses the possible pharmacological properties of the polysaccharides from Scleroderma nitidum mushroom. The centesimal composition of the tissue showed that this fungus is composed mainly of fibers (35.61%), ash (33.69%) and carbohydrates (25.31%). The chemical analysis of the polysaccharide fraction showed high levels of carbohydrates (94.71%) and low content of protein (5.29%). These polysaccharides are composed of glucose, galactose, mannose and fucose in the following molar ratios 0.156, 0.044, 0.025, 0.066 and the infrared analysis showed a possible polysaccharide-protein complex. The polysaccharides from Scleroderma nitidum showed antioxidant potential with concentration-dependent antioxidant activity compared to ascorbic acid. The analysis scavenging of superoxide radical and inhibition of lipid peroxidation showed that the polysaccharides from S. nitidum have an IC50 of 12.70 mg/ml and EC50 10.4 μg/ml, respectively. The antioxidant activity was confirmed by the presence of reducing potential of these polysaccharides. The effect of these polymers on the inflammatory process was tested using the carrageenan or histamine-induced paw edema model and the sodium thioglycolate or zymosan-induced model. The polysaccharides were effective in reducing edema (73% at 50 mg/kg) and cell infiltrate (37% at 10 mg/kg) in both inflammation models tested. Nitric oxide, a mediator in the inflammatory process, showed a reduction of around 26% at 10 mg/kg of body weight. Analysis of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines showed that in the groups treated with polysaccharides from S. nitidum there was an increase in cytokines such as IL-1ra, IL-10, and MIP-1β concomitant with the decrease in INF-γ (75%) and IL-2 (22%). We observed the influence of polysaccharides on the modulation of the expression of nuclear factor κB. Thus, polysaccharides from S. nitidum reduced the expression of NF-κB by up to 64%. The results obtained suggest that NF-κB modulation is one of the possible mechanisms that explain the anti-inflammatory effect of polysaccharides from the fungus S. nitidum.