44 resultados para Metodologia para o ensino de uma língua segunda
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
La presencia de personas extranjeras radicadas en la província de Rio Grande del Norte trae a la escuela el desafio de recibir alumnos hablantes de otros idiomas. En esa perspectiva, el estudio tiene como objetivo investigar la practica pedagógica desarrollada por una profesora de Pipa - RN, con destaque en la enseñanza de Portugués para niños inmigrantes en la Enseñanza Fundamental. Esa temática se hace relevante al proponer posibles alternativas para el desarrollo de una acción docente reflexiva y mediatizadora de la enseñanza de una língua segunda. Para la concretización de este trabajo disertativo, se há realizado un estudio de caso de tipo etnográfico y de naturaleza qualitativa en una institución privada de la playa de Pipa - RN, en el período de noviembre de 2007 a agosto de 2008. Se há utilizado como procedimientos, la observación participante, la entrevista semiestruturada gravadaen áudio, la análise documental, el registro en diário de campo y el registro fotográfico. Se há elegido como referencial teórico las discusiones de Almeida Filho (1992, 1997, 2002, 2005), Cunha (1999, 2002), Freire (1996, 2004), Moita Lopes (1996), Vygotsky (1998), Wachowicz (1995) y Zabala (1998). La análise revela que, aunque la profesora observada no tenga conocimientos específicos sobre la enseñanza de PL2 en la escuela regular, su acción educativa há demonstrado avanzos, especialmente, al considerar los aprendizes como sujetos del processo de enseñanza aprendizaje, entre ellos los niños extranjeros; contemplar la identidad y las diferencias culturales y linguísticas de estos educandos; incluyese el aspecto lúdico en la preparación de las actividades; articular vínculos sociales, afectivos y cognitivos, entre otros aspectos destacados. Sin embargo, evidenciase la necesidad de una formación pedagógica específica para el trabajo con niños inmigrantes, a través de la interlocución entre los currículuns de los cursos de Filología y Pedagogia de las Universidades brasileñas, a partir del cual estudios y debates podran ser fomentados en la busqueda por uma enseñanza de PL2 verdaderamente comunicativo y democrático.
This paper presents methodology based on Lev Vigotsky`s social interactionist theory through investigative activities, which integrates the teaching of physics to robotics, directed to students of the Physics degree course, seeking to provide further training for future teachers. The method is organized through educational robotics workshops that addresses concepts of physics through the use of low-cost educational robots along with several activities. The methodology has been presented and discussed and put into practice afterwards in workshops so that these future teachers may be able to take robotics to their classroom. Students from the last and penultimate semester of the Physics degree course of the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Norte, Caicó campus participated in this project
The purpose of this research is to approach the English literary text from the point of view of the culture and the heterogeneity of discourse in its role as a source of elements that facilitate the teaching/learning process of English as a foreign language. Several instances of discourse heterogeneity are analyzed through cultural references in the original texts of the following English novels: Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë (1816-1855), published in 1847; The Mill on the Floss, by George Eliot (1819-1890), published in 1860 and Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens (1812-1870), published between 1860 and 1861. Theoretical support was sought in Kramsch, Bakhtin, Maingueneau, Authier-Revuz, Widdowson and Larsen-Freeman. Activities in English are proposed in the end whereby it can be seen that the questions at issue can be used extensively in the classroom.
The focus of this research is the teaching of the Latin language. Due to the fact that its teaching has been facing a growing crisis in the last four decades, which currently persists, we ponder about external and internal causes of its decline, aiming at pointing out an alternative that enable us to find a way out of this situation. So, our research questions mainly concern how the teaching of Latin is viewed amongst the academic society, also investigating if it has kept up with the development of the scientific reflection about human language and the new approaches on language teaching. Furthermore, we analyse the contribution that the study of Latin can provide to the academic formation of language teachers and try to identify the areas of knowledge that can contribute to a reshaping of its teaching. Based on these guidelines, we have established as the goals of this research: 1) to reflect about the current situation of the teaching of Latin and the causes of its decline; 2) to determine its social representation among teachers and students of the Language Courses, as a way of defining the role it fulfills in the academic formation of teachers; 3) to accomplish an exploratory study of some handbooks that show alternative proposals on how to teach Latin, in order to detect their adequacy to current times and to the goals of the academic study of languages; 4) to offer an alternative proposal on how to teach Latin that takes into account the principles of Applied Linguistics, considering the socio-historical and cultural aspects of the language, enabling it to meet the requirements set by modern times. This research is divided into two parts. The first part presents the theoretical framework. We map the studies about Latin teaching inside and outside Brazil and argue against the concept of Latin being a dead language, presenting arguments set on changing this view. Then we describe and comment the notions of literacy, genre and culture, which helped us understand the reasons for the decline of the teaching of Latin and to point out suitable ways to overcome the crisis. The second part is dedicated to reflecting on the literacy practices in Latin teaching. We began by examining the answers to the questionnaires given to students and teachers about the view of Latin in the Language Courses; then we reflect on the teaching-learning of Latin as an academic literacy practice followed by an analysis of the didactic material used in teaching Latin. Finally, we suggest an approach of the familiar letter genre in ancient Rome as a means of teaching Latin in a contextualized way
This study focuses on the teaching and learning of English based on a new theoretical perspective concerning the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), which points to the apprehension of metacognitive processes as the way to reach learning autonomy. The theoretical set underline this study is those of a new pedagogy based on the symbiosis of Bruner‟s (2002) and Freire‟s (2009) concepts and in the metacognitive theory. In a social context dominated by the Communication and Information Technologies (CIT), the integration between teacher and learners with the support of the internet has been used as the way to operationalize this new emergent proposal of the theoretical perspectives. The analyses have been conducted through Systemic and Integral Action Research. The results at the end of this study corroborate our hypothesis that the enlargement of spontaneous knowledge of the learners can facilitate the understanding of scientific concepts, stimulating their metacognition and thus promoting their autonomy.
This work aims to understand the teaching of English at the Federal Institute of considering the recommendations of official and technical documents for the integrated secondary school and the perspective of the English teachers settled in one of the campuses of the Institute. It is also an objective of this research to infer as to what extent the perspective of teachers is articulated to the documental recommendations. For this purpose, several official and technical documents (LÜDKE; ANDRÉ, 1986), such as the PCNEMs (BRAZIL, 2000), the OCNEMs (BRAZIL, 2006) and the Political-Pedagogical Project of the Institute (IFRN, in press) were gathered, and a questionnaire was submitted to six teachers of English from one of the campuses of the institution. The theoretical references of the research include, among others, Bakhtin (1997; 1999), Widdowson (1991), Almeida Filho (2011; 2004), Celani (1988; 2009), Hutchinson and Waters (1987) and Dudley-Evans and St. John (1998). The results show that the teaching of English according to the documents predicts the instrumental use of the foreign language, but suggests the development of competences and skills as contextualized social practices, aimed at the education of the student as a professional-citizen. The perspective of teachers, in turn, points to a concern that the teaching of English serves as a tool for improving student life through the instrumental use of language as a means of accessing information and professional training. This finding reveals that the articulation between the documental recommendations and perspective of teachers does not go beyond what refers to the instrumental language teaching, since teachers do not show, when reporting their practices, the teaching of language as social practice, as mentioned in the legal texts
This work consists of a cognitive-functional approach of relativization strategies of Brazilian Portuguese (BP), this is, standard relatives (with preposition or without it) and non-standard relatives (copiadora and the deletion pattern), and it emphasizes the last one. We investigate the use of the relative construction strategies in spoken and written texts produced by speakers from different school levels in a specific situation: a face-to-face interviewing. Our database is the corpora Discurso & Gramática: a língua falada e escrita na cidade do Natal e a língua falada e escrita na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. We contrast the use of the standard relative to the deletion pattern in prepositional context, by considering cognitive, social and interactional motivations for the use of the deletion pattern instead of the standard one. Our research leads us to verify that the deletion pattern is fixing as the preferred relativization strategy in prepositional contexts, and, in this way, it brings out a grammaticalization process in working. For this reason, we propose to take this relative construction as a common way to structure a relative clause, in the same way we take the standard pattern. Finally, we discuss the treatment of questions related to the processes of teaching and learning of Portuguese language and some suggestions are given in terms of class activities. We expect that the development of this research may give both support for the Portuguese teachers and suggestions to improve the teaching and learning process of Portuguese language, contributing in special to the treatment of the syntax of complex clauses.
En los días actuales, la Educación Inclusiva hay sido eje de amplias discusiones, pues en ella, la educación es direccionada a todas las personas, con discapacidades o no. Por intermedio de ella, todos tienen derechos a una enseñanza de calidad y pueden compartir las mismas oportunidades de aprendizaje. Esta investigación tiene por objetivo hacer un análisis del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la lengua española en un contexto, en lo cual alumnos con y sin ceguera compartían el mismo espacio educacional. Es por lo tanto un investigación de naturaleza exploratória e cualitaviva, en la cual es utilizada como un herramienta para la recogida de los datos la entrevista semiestructurado con preguntas abiertas, realizada con los profesores de lengua española y sus alumnos ciegos. Como aporte metodológico utilizamos el Análisis Proposicional del Discurso – APD (PIRES, 2008) para que los datos pudieran ser analizados. Los resultados señalaron que, aunque los diferentes condicionantes, los alumnos ciegos, cuanto al proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje de la lengua española, presentan dificultades de orden estructural, personal y pedagógica semejantes. Evidenciado a partir de las declaraciones. También se constató una ausencia de preparación por parte de los profesores referentes a la utilización de recursos didácticos y estrategias de enseñanza que pudieran contemplar a las especificidades de aprendizaje de estos alumnos.
In this work, we propose a methodology for teaching robotics in elementary schools, based on the socio-historical Vygotsky theory. This methodology in conjunction with the Lego Mindstoms kit (R) and an educational software (an interface for control and programming of prototypes) are part of an educational robotics system named RoboEduc. For the practical development of this work, we have used the action-research strategy, being realized robotics activities with participation of children with age between 8 and 10 years, students of the elementary school level of Municipal School Ascendino de Almeida. This school is located at the city zone of Pitimbu, at the periphery of Natal, in Rio Grande do Norte state. The activities have focused on understanding the construction of robotic prototypes, their programming and control. At constructing prototypes, children develop zone of proximal development (ZPDs) that are learning spaces that, when well used, allow the construction not only of scientific concepts by the individuals but also of abilities and capabilities that are important for the social and cultural interactiond of each one and of the group. With the development of these practical workshops, it was possible to analyse the use of the Robot as the mediator element of the teaching-learning process and the contributions that the use of robotics may bring to teaching since elementary levels
This dissertation aims at investigating the teachers beliefs about the role of the reading ability in English at public state high schools in Natal and identifying the social value of the process of learning English for students of a foreign language. From the understanding of studies on reading, both in the field of Cognitive Psychology, as in Gibson & Levin (1975), as in the area of Psycholinguistics, as in Goodman (1970) and Del Re (2006), We researched the teachers perceptions about the skills and competencies that should permeate their educational practices, through their knowledge about theories of language acquisition as Cognitivism (Piaget, 1961) and Social Interactionism (Vygotsky, 1979) and the official documents (PCNEM, 1999; PCN+, 2002 ) that are the parameters for teaching a foreign language. We took into consideration other factors that influence the choice of the goals and the objectives to be worked out, such as: intensity of teachers workload, number of classes and students per class for each teacher, materials and technologies available, among other factors that will play an important role in the choice of the appropriate methodologies. To conduct a case study, two questionnaires were used in the construction of direct interviews with fourteen English teachers in twenty schools. According to data on the teachers beliefs we could find that for them the reading ability does not seem to have an special treatment in the teaching of a foreign language due to factors that undermine this process and therefore make teachers do not realize the real objectives of teaching English at public state high schools in Natal. As a consequence, the current process of education complicates the formation of autonomous learners capable of fighting for a social transformation
The school is the social place which should provide the formation of critical readers. In this context, the role of the teacher is crucial when it comes to teaching reading. Thus, this doctoral research aims to explicit the reading practices evidenced from social voices of teachers and Fundamental School students from state public schools at RN that have successful results, according to IDEB 2009. Moreover, we seek to explicit, through the positions of teachers, the conceptions of reading underlying their reading activities, as well as elucidate the social voices related to teaching of reading that are present in the National Curriculum Guide for 9 years Fundamental School and in the Political-Pedagogical Projects of the educational institutions investigated. In order to accomplish this goal, we carried out observations in the classroom, applied questionnaires with teachers and students in the 9th grade of Fundamental School, in classes of Portuguese Language, and also performed dialogical meetings with the management and pedagogics schools teams. The theoretical foundation that guides the research comes from bakhtinian thinking (2009, 2010), which addresses the dialogical perspective of language and active responsive comprehension. Furthermore, this work is anchored in theoretical reflections of Antunes (2005, 2009) and Geraldi (2003, 2006, 2010) about the reading and writing in the country, which contribute to the resizing of the teaching and learning process of Portuguese Language. This study belongs to the field of Applied Linguistics, which investigates language as social practice in the context of learning mother language or in contexts where relevant questions about the use of language are evidenced. The parameters of qualitative research in a social-historic perspective are adopted seeking to understand the school context by the subjects involved in research. The research corpus is composed of: (i) information constructed through the use of questionnaires with teachers and students; (ii) information constructed from the observed lesson and dialogue with management and pedagogical teams; (iii) a set of selected information, i.e., empiricism built through documentary analysis of the National Curriculum Guide for 9 years Fundamental School (CONSELHO NACIONAL DE EDUCAÇÃO, 2010) and the Political- Pedagogical Projects of the investigated schools. The analysis of the sayings of teachers and students suggest reading practices from various texts, in particular, from the literary sphere, in activities involving discussions, reading and reading comprehension exercises, interviews, songs, seminars organizations, concerts, dramatizations, literary weeks, among other practices. Furthermore, these analyses reveal that teach Portuguese Language requires commitment, responsibility and satisfaction, as well as more grounded theoretical principles, which make teaching practice more efficient. The research also reveals that the success of the teaching-learning process occurs by virtue of the involvement of school s segments in the educational process, creating therefore a network of responsibilities. In this sense, this research may contribute to the production of knowledge that can guide and enrich the teaching and learning of reading, envisioning a pedagogical practice constructed from the relationship with the other, i.e., from the dialogism which provides formation of young people that exercise their citizenship
There is a growing interest of the Computer Science education community for including testing concepts on introductory programming courses. Aiming at contributing to this issue, we introduce POPT, a Problem-Oriented Programming and Testing approach for Introductory Programming Courses. POPT main goal is to improve the traditional method of teaching introductory programming that concentrates mainly on implementation and neglects testing. POPT extends POP (Problem Oriented Programing) methodology proposed on the PhD Thesis of Andrea Mendonça (UFCG). In both methodologies POPT and POP, students skills in dealing with ill-defined problems must be developed since the first programming courses. In POPT however, students are stimulated to clarify ill-defined problem specifications, guided by de definition of test cases (in a table-like manner). This paper presents POPT, and TestBoot a tool developed to support the methodology. In order to evaluate the approach a case study and a controlled experiment (which adopted the Latin Square design) were performed. In an Introductory Programming course of Computer Science and Software Engineering Graduation Programs at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The study results have shown that, when compared to a Blind Testing approach, POPT stimulates the implementation of programs of better external quality the first program version submitted by POPT students passed in twice the number of test cases (professor-defined ones) when compared to non-POPT students. Moreover, POPT students submitted fewer program versions and spent more time to submit the first version to the automatic evaluation system, which lead us to think that POPT students are stimulated to think better about the solution they are implementing. The controlled experiment confirmed the influence of the proposed methodology on the quality of the code developed by POPT students
This is a qualitative and reflexive research with focus on digital literacy. Among the digital media that could support the teaching of argumentation in the Science & Technology and Information Technology undergraduate courses of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, we chose a serious game as object of research. Given the object of study in the discipline of reading and writing II – argumentation and genre from the order of argumentative writing -, common to the undergraduate courses mentioned, we invest on the development of a serious game, named ArgumentACTION, because we believe that it may, in fact, become a promising didactic instrument. Therefore we intend to understand whether and how this game can help students develop their reading and writing skills more independently, specifically towards an argumentative order genre: the opinion piece. With this research, we intend to contribute to the teaching of the Portuguese language on three bases: extending theoretical scope, in order to generate greater intelligibility on the teaching-learning process of argumenting; proposing a new methodological possibility, with the incorporation of a serious games to teaching; perfecting the game with which we are working, in order to build – and make available – a more refined digital tool to subsidize the teaching and learning of reading and writing of opinion pieces. To do so, we use the following as theoretical-methodological: Studies of Literacy (KLEIMAN, 2012b; TINOCO, 2008; OLIVEIRA, 2010; GEE, 2009; 2010; ROJO, 2012), The Applied Linguistics (KLEIMAN, 1998; BUSH-LEE, 2009), The Philosophy of Language (BAKHTIN, VOLOSHINOV, 2012) and Critical Pedagogy (DEWEY, 2010). A group of students from the upper mentioned undergraduate courses collaborated with this research by playing and analyzing the game. They were also interviewed about their experience in this matter. From the data generated, we established the categories of analysis: decollection, interest, multimodality/multisemiosis and interactivity, agent of literacy, learning principles. The conclusions we obtained show that the investment in applications, especially games, can bring real benefits to the teaching/learning of the Portuguese language; moreover they reveal that the work on argumenting has much to gain with the incorporation of serious games; however the possible advantages depend on a focused teaching practice and constant improvements and updates of this type of interactive tool, as well as the pedagogical practice from those who use and develop the games.
This research aims to investigate the use of Project based learning as a method for teaching music in Elementary Schools located in Natal, RN. Its main objective is to analyze how this method is used during the classes of music at school context and which are its implications to the process of music learning acquirement. The specific objectives comprise: gathering the music teachers in preschool that work with project based learning as a method for their classes; identifying how the theory meets their practice; and analyzing how project based learning contributes to the learning process of music within schools. The main scholars adopted as theoretical reference were Boutinet (2002), Hernández (1998; 200), Antunes (2001), Cavalcante (2009), from Education area; and Penna (2008), Fonterrada (2008), Queiroz (2012), regarding Musical Education. Such choice was made in views of identifying the relationship and how project based pedagogy associates to the current Brazil school curriculum. For data collection, mixed methodological strategies were used, of qualitative and quantitative approaches that are complementary for better meeting the research needs. By applying a questionnaire, it was sought to identify the music schools and teachers who reported working with project based learning. Based on these results were selected two schools, one private school and one public school to perform a participant observation in two groups following the development of music classes based on project based learning, and the information were recorded in a diary of audio and video recordings. The results of this work show that the Project Education is a methodology frequently used by music teachers from Natal/ RN contributing to the integration of content and subjects and engages students in activities awakening interest and contributing to the development of music education at school. However, it was identified that many of the conceptions of the teachers about projects are confused by ambiguities from the use of the term in different areas and in various theoretical perspectives as well as the lack of publications that address the music education through the project based learning. It is hoped that this study provides discussions and research about the project based learning applied to music education in elementary school.
Ce travail se propose de discuter, dans les domaines de la linguistique appliquée, focalisés dans l enseignement-apprentissage de la langue maternelle, les processus didactique-pédagogique avec lesquels se construisent, interactivement, et s organisent les pratiques de lecture et d écoute du genre roman, en tant qu objet enseigné, dans le contexte du cours de langue portugaise. On cherche ici, spécifiquement, à décrire et à interpréter les différentes manières utilisées par l enseignante pour apprendre la lecture et l écoute du roman Le Petit Prince, d Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, et, par conséquent, la réception de ce genre du discours par les apprenants, résultat des échanges interactifs entre l enseignante et les apprenants pris dans le processus de transposition de savoirs à propos de ce genre. La condition d existence de ces échanges se trouve dans les procédures didactiques de l enseignant lorsqu il propose aux apprenants des activités de la lecture et de l écoute des textes. Dans ce contexte, le corpus dont nous nous occupons se constitue des enregistrements en vidéo, audio et prises de notes dans les carnets de classe des cours de Portugais, pour la période scolaire de 2005, avec un groupe de 5ème année de la formation fondamentale d une école publique fédérale de Belém (PA). Du point de vue théorique-methodologique, nous nous inspirons des contributions de Moita-Lopes (2003) et Geertz (2006), surtout à ce qui concerne la conception et les procédures de constitution et traitement des données selon les présupposés de la recherche ethnographique. Encore du point de vue théorique et pour ce qui concerne l analyse des données, nous utilisons les contributions de Bakhtin (2003), sur les études énonciatif-discoursifs sous une conception dialogique du langage, les contributions issues des domaines des études appliquées et des études en didactiques de langues, dans la section de Psychologie et Sciences de l Éducation de l Université de Genève, coordonnée par Schneuwly, Dolz et ses collaborateurs (2000, 2001, 2002, 2004 et 2005) envisageant la construction de l objet enseigné par moyen d instruments didactiques, et, finalement, Rojo (2001 et 2002), et sa discussion sur l apprentissage des capacités de lecture essentielles à la formation du lecteur et producteur à l école. L analyse des données obtenues nous a permis de relever la façon utilisée par le professeur pour enseigner le genre roman, mettant en relief l apprentissage de la lecture par les apprenants à travers les instruments didactiques capables de le faire devenir l objet enseigné