12 resultados para Método alternativo

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Liofilização é um método alternativo de preservação de espermatozóide, com vantagens sobre o criopreservado pelo baixo custo de armazenamento, facilidade no transporte pela não necessidade de containers e baixas taxas de contaminação. Esse estudo foi realizado no intuito e testar a eficácia de 5 açúcares na proteção do material cromossômico (DNA) de espermatozoides humanos liofilizados após reidratação. Para isso foram utilizados espermatozoides de indivíduos classificados como normozooespérmicos segundo OMS. Em eppendorfs foram colocados 1ml de sêmen que foram diluídos (1:1) em 1 ml de solução de Glicose, Lactose, Maltose, Manitol e Sorbitol, separadamente, nas concentrações 0.2M, 0.4M, 0.5M e 0.6M. Essas amostras foram analisadas em duas fases a primeira após congelamento observando a porcentagem de células com danos de membrana e outra análise após a liofilização, utilizando o Teste Cometa para detectar as taxas de fragmentação de DNA dos espermatozoides recuperadas após reidratação. O processo de liofilização de espermatozoides não foi capaz de recuperar a motilidade dos mesmos, mas foi capaz de manter 62.30 ± 13.76% de membrana plasmática intacta na presença de 0.6M manitol. As substâncias que melhor preservaram o DNA dessas células foram 0.2 lactose, 0.2M e 0.6M manitol e sorbitol, com apenas 4% de danos ao DNA. Esses resultados sugerem uma boa proteção ao DNA de espermatozoides humanos liofilizados, mas ainda requer testes adicionais para avaliar a fertilização e estudos que garantam a viabilidade da prole


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In general, the designs of equipment takes into account the effects and processes of deterioration it will undergo and arrives at an approximate useful life. However, changes in operational processes and parameters, the action of external agents, the kind of maintenance conducted, the means of monitoring, and natural and accidental occurrences completely modify the desired performance of the equipment. The discontinuities that occur in anisotropic materials often and due to different factors evolve from being subcritical to critical acquiring the status of defect and compromising the physical integrity of the equipment. Increasingly sophisticated technological means of detection, monitoring and assessment of these discontinuities are required to respond ever more rapidly to the requirements of industry. This paper therefore presents a VPS (Virtual Pipe System) computational tool which uses the results of ultrasonic tests on equipment, plotting the discontinuities found in models created in the CAD and CAE systems, and then simulates the behavior of these defects in the structure to give an instantaneous view of the final behavior. This paper also presents an alternative method of conventional ultrasonic testing which correlates the integrity of an overlay (carbon steel and stainless steel attached by welding) and the reflection of ultrasonic waves coming from the interface between the two metals, thus making it possible to identify cracks in the casing and a shift of the overlay


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Photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been proposed as an alternative method for the treatment of biofilm-dependent oral diseases like dental caries. This therapy consists of simultaneous action of a visible light (L) and a photosensitizer (FS) in the presence of oxygen, which leads to production of different reactive oxygen species that can interact with the bacterial cell components, and promote cell death. This study aims to evaluate the antimicrobial action of PDT on oral bacteria in suspension, as well as the formation of mono and multi-species biofilms, in vitro, from a standard strain of Streptococcus mutans (ATCC 25175) and saliva samples, respectively. The dye methylene blue (MB) and toluidine blue (TB) were used at a concentration of 100 mg/ L and activated by halogen light (600 to 750 nm) from a modified hand held photopolymerizer (Ultralux ®, Dabi Atlante, Ribeirão Preto , São Paulo, Brazil.). Planktonic cultures were prepared and submitted to different experimental conditions: 1. PDT using TB 2. PDT using MB, 3. L+ FS- , 4. TB + L - ; 5. MB+ L-; 6. L- FS- (negative control) and 7. administration of 0.12% chlorhexidine digluconate (positive control) (Periogard ®, Colgate-Palmolive Company, New York, USA). The immediate and mediated action of PDT on bacterial suspensions, as well as its effect on biofilm formation were observed from the number of colony-forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL) and measures optical density (OD). The data were statistically analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney test for the significance level of 5%. According to the results, the PDT showed no antibacterial action on suspensions of S. mutans, regardless of the dye used. PDT with MB activated by halogen light was able to reduce 86.6% CFU/mL multi-species planktonic cultures, however, this reduction was not significant (p > 0.05). PDT showed antibacterial effect, mediate on multi-species planktonic cultures with TB (p < 0.001) and MB (p < 0.001), activated by halogen light. PDT was able to prevent the formation of multispecies biofilm, through the activation of TB by halogen light (p = 0.01). We conclude that activation of the dye toluidine blue and methylene blue, by halogen light (PDT) showed antimicrobial activity, compared to multi-species planktonic cultures prepared from saliva samples


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The study of polymer blends has been an alternative method in the search field of new materials for obtaining materials with improved properties. In this work blends of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) and poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) doped with titanium dioxide (TiO2) were studied. The PEO is a polymer semicrystalline structure varying between, 70 and 84% crystallinity, while the PMMA exhibits behavior amorphous in their structure. The use of TiO2 is related to corrosion-resistant of titanium as well as good heat transfer and other characteristics. The study of these polymer blends doped TiO2 gives the properties junction organic (polymer) and inorganic (oxide) which leads to modification of the properties of the resultant material. The blends were doped TiO2 (POE/PMMA/TiO2) in different proportions of the PMMA with the PEO and TiO2 fixed. The ratios were: 90/10/0,1; 85/15/0, 1; 80/20/0,1, 75/25/0,1 and 70/30/0,1. The resulting material was obtained in powder form and being characterized by Fourier Transformed Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). The infrared spectra (IR) for the blends in different ratios showed a band at 1744 cm-1, characteristic of the C=O stretching, which increases in intensity with increasing PMMA composition, while in the spectrum of pure PEO this band is absent. This may suggest that the interaction is occurring between the polymers. In the micrographs of the blends also observed change in their surfaces with variation of the composition of PMMA, contributing to the change of the electrical properties of the material. The EIS data showed that the material exhibited conductivity of the order of 10-6 S.cm-1. The blend in the ratio B2(85/15/0, 1) showed better conductivity, σ = 1.56 x 10-6 S.cm-1. It was observed that the diffusion coefficient for the blends, B5(70/30/0, 1) was the largest, 1.07 x 10-6 m2.s-1. The XRD data showing that, with the variation in the composition of the PMMA blend crystallinity of the material is decreased reaching a minimum B3(80/20/0,1), and then increases again. Thermal analysis suggests that blends made from the material obtained can be applied at room temperature


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Aiming to consumer s safety the presence of pathogenic contaminants in foods must be monitored because they are responsible for foodborne outbreaks that depending on the level of contamination can ultimately cause the death of those who consume them. In industry is necessary that this identification be fast and profitable. This study shows the utility and application of near-infrared (NIR) transflectance spectroscopy as an alternative method for the identification and classification of Escherichia coli and Salmonella Enteritidis in commercial fruit pulp (pineapple). Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Independent Modeling of Class Analogy (SIMCA) and Discriminant Analysis Partial Least Squares (PLS-DA) were used in the analysis. It was not possible to obtain total separation between samples using PCA and SIMCA. The PLS-DA showed good performance in prediction capacity reaching 87.5% for E. coli and 88.3% for S. Enteritides, respectively. The best models were obtained for the PLS-DA with second derivative spectra treated with a sensitivity and specificity of 0.87 and 0.83, respectively. These results suggest that the NIR spectroscopy and PLS-DA can be used to discriminate and detect bacteria in the fruit pulp


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Nanostructured materials have been spreading successfully over past years due its size and unusual properties, resulting in an exponential growth of research activities devoted to nanoscience and nanotechnology, which has stimulated the search for different methods to control main properties of nanomaterials and make them suitable for applications with high added value. In the late 90 s an alternative and low cost method was proposed from alkaline hydrothermal synthesis of nanotubes. Based on this context, the objective of this work was to prepare different materials based on TiO2 anatase using hydrothermal synthesis method proposed by Kasuga and submit them to an acid wash treatment, in order to check the structural behavior of final samples. They were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), adsorption/desorption of N2, thermal analysis (TG/DTA) and various spectroscopic methods such as absorption spectroscopy in the infrared (FT-IR), Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). All the information of characterizations confirmed the complete conversion of anatase TiO2 in nanotubes titanates (TTNT). Observing the influence of acid washing treatment in titanates structure, it was concluded that the nanotubes are formed during heat treatment, the sample which was not subjected to this process also achieved a complete phase transformation, as showed in crystallography and morphology results, however the surface area of them practically doubled after the acid washing. By spectroscopy was performed a discussion about chemical composition of these titanates, obtaining relevant results. Finally, it was observed that the products obtained in this work are potential materials for various applications in adsorption, catalysis and photocatalysis, showing great promise in CO2 capture


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Produced water is considered the main effluent of the oil industry, due to their increased volume in mature fields and its varied composition. The oil and grease content (TOG) is the main parameter for the final disposal of produced water. In this context, it is of great significance to develop an alternative method based on guar gum gel for the treatment of synthetic produced water, and using as the differential a polymer having high hydrophilicity for clarifying waters contaminated with oil. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the efficiency of guar gum gels in the remotion of oil from produced water. Guar gum is a natural polymer that, under specific conditions, forms three-dimensional structures, with important physical and chemical properties. By crosslinking the polymer chains by borate ions in the presence of salts, the effect salting out occurs, reducing the solubility of the polymer gel in water. As a result, there is phase separation with the oil trapped in the collapsed gel. The TOG was quantified from the spectroscopy in the ultraviolet and visible region. The system was proven to be highly efficient in the removal of dispersed oil from water produced synthetically, reaching removal percentages above 90%.


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Fuel cells are considered one of the most promising ways of converting electrical energy due to its high yield and by using hydrogen (as fuel) which is considered one of the most important source of clean energy for the future. Rare earths doped ceria has been widely investigated as an alternative material for the electrolyte of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) due to its high ionic conductivity at low operating temperatures compared with the traditional electrolytes based on stabilized zirconia. This work investigates the effect of gallium oxide (Gallia) as a sintering aid in Eu doped ceria ceramic electrolytes since this effect has already been investigated for Gd, Sm and Y doped ceria electrolytes. The desired goal with the use of a sintering aid is to reduce the sintering temperature aiming to produce dense ceramics. In this study we investigated the effects on densification, microstructure and ionic conduction caused by different molar fraction of the dopants europium (10, 15 and 20%) and gallium oxide (0.3, 0.6 and 0.9%) in samples sintered at 1300, 1350 and 1450 0 C. Samaria (10 and 20%) doped ceria samples sintered between 1350 and 1450 °C were used as reference. Samples were synthesized using the cation complexation method. The ceramics powders were characterized by XRF, XRD and SEM, while the sintered samples were investigated by its relative density, SEM and impedance spectroscopy. It was showed that gallia contents up to 0.6% act as excellent sintering aids in Eu doped ceria. Above this aid content, gallia addition does not promote significant increase in density of the ceramics. In Ga free samples the larger densification were accomplished with Eu 15% molar, effect expressed in the microstructure with higher grain growth although reduced and surrounded by many open pores. Relative densities greater than 95 % were obtained by sintering between 1300 and 1350 °C against the usual range 1500 - 1600 0 C. Samples containing 10% of Sm and 0.9% of Ga reached 96% of theoretical density by sintering at 1350 0 C for 3h, a gain compared to 97% achieved with 20% of Sm and 1% of Ga co-doped cerias sintered at 1450 0 C for 24 h as described in the literature. It is found that the addition of gallia in the Eu doped ceria has a positive effect on the grain conductivity and a negative one in the grain boundary conductivity resulting in a small decrease in the total conductivity which will not compromise its application as sintering aids in ceria based electrolytes. Typical total conductivity values at 600 and 700 °C, around 10 and 30 mS.cm -1 respectively were reached in this study. Samples with 15% of Eu and 0.9 % of Ga sintered at 1300 and 1350 °C showed relative densities greater than 96% and total conductivity (measured at 700 °C) between 20 and 33 mS.cm -1 . The simultaneous sintering of the electrolyte with the anode is one of the goals of research in materials for SOFCs. The results obtained in this study suggest that dense Eu and Ga co-doped ceria electrolytes with good ionic conductivity can be sintered simultaneously with the anode at temperatures below 1350 °C, the usual temperature for firing porous anode materials


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It is analyzed through the concepts of tribology and mechanical contact and damage the suggestion of implementing a backup system for traction and passage of Pipeline Inspection Gauge (Pig) from the inside of pipelines. In order to verify the integrity of the pipelines, it is suggested the possibility of displacement of such equipment by pulling wires with steel wires. The physical and mechanical characteristics of this method were verified by accelerated tests in the laboratory in a tribological pair, wire versus a curve 90. It also considered the main mechanisms of wear of a sliding system with and without lubricant, in the absence and presence of contaminants. To try this, It was constructed a test bench able to reproduce a slip system, work on mode back-and-forth ("reciprocation"). It was used two kinds of wires, a galvanized steel and other stainless steel and the results achieved using the two kinds of steel cables were compared. For result comparative means, it was used steel cables with and without coating of Poly Vinyl Chloride (PVC). The wires and the curves of the products were characterized using metallographic analysis, microhardness Vickers tests, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-Ray Refraction (XRF) and tensile tests. After the experiments were analyzed some parameters that have been measurable, it demonstrates to the impracticality of this proposed method, since the friction force and the concept of alternating request at the contact between the strands of wire and the inner curves that are part ducts caused severe wear. These types of wear are likely to cause possible failures in future products and cause fluid leaks


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The strong presence of the communication and information technologies (TICs) forced the productive routine of some media vehicles to go through significant changes. The same happened to the alternative agencies segment. Having a scarce literature and sources about this subject, this study’s objective is to understand how the Information Agency Frei Tito for Latin America (Adital) develops its proposal of alternative journalism, within the cyberspace, while aiming a Christian communication. For this finality, the study will describe and explain the practices of journalistic production, identifying the subjects involved and the relations maintained between them in this productive routine. Also, it will trace who and where these content replicators are and/or their online address. At first, it was presented a theoretical discussion about the concepts of “counter-hegemony”, alternative journalism and communicative citizenship, what brings us to the studies of Gramsci (2010), Peruzzo (2011), Moraes (2013), Paiva (2008), Coutinho (2008), Mata (2006), among other authors. Next, it will be approached briefly the historical path of the information agencies around the world and in Latin America, so that the study can focus on authors like Aguiar (2009), Pasti (2013) and Moraes (2010). This piece will draught a “methodologic route” for a qualitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive character. We gave up the etnometodological methods, what allow us to analyze the etnomethods or behavioral groups of action, procedures, activities and knowledge that constitutes these groups, giving them recognition and distinction. (COULON, 1995). To achieve the defined objectives, it was also used a bibliographical and documental research techniques, in addition to subject observation and semi-structured interviews. Finally, we analyze the collected data taking into consideration three pivots: the beginning of Adital; the practices, characteristics and subjects involved in the productive routine of the agency; and who are and where are these content replicators of content produced and transmitted by Adital. We can conclude that the production routine of an alternative agency and the counter-hegemonic of information is marked by some singularities regarding to the organization of the journalistic practice and to the obstacles found on the way. Our data allows us, even if there are still some doubts, to believe that Adital is a sort of independent information agency, alternative and counter-hegemonic, ergo, more close to a proposition of communicative citizenship.


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The strong presence of the communication and information technologies (TICs) forced the productive routine of some media vehicles to go through significant changes. The same happened to the alternative agencies segment. Having a scarce literature and sources about this subject, this study’s objective is to understand how the Information Agency Frei Tito for Latin America (Adital) develops its proposal of alternative journalism, within the cyberspace, while aiming a Christian communication. For this finality, the study will describe and explain the practices of journalistic production, identifying the subjects involved and the relations maintained between them in this productive routine. Also, it will trace who and where these content replicators are and/or their online address. At first, it was presented a theoretical discussion about the concepts of “counter-hegemony”, alternative journalism and communicative citizenship, what brings us to the studies of Gramsci (2010), Peruzzo (2011), Moraes (2013), Paiva (2008), Coutinho (2008), Mata (2006), among other authors. Next, it will be approached briefly the historical path of the information agencies around the world and in Latin America, so that the study can focus on authors like Aguiar (2009), Pasti (2013) and Moraes (2010). This piece will draught a “methodologic route” for a qualitative approach with an exploratory and descriptive character. We gave up the etnometodological methods, what allow us to analyze the etnomethods or behavioral groups of action, procedures, activities and knowledge that constitutes these groups, giving them recognition and distinction. (COULON, 1995). To achieve the defined objectives, it was also used a bibliographical and documental research techniques, in addition to subject observation and semi-structured interviews. Finally, we analyze the collected data taking into consideration three pivots: the beginning of Adital; the practices, characteristics and subjects involved in the productive routine of the agency; and who are and where are these content replicators of content produced and transmitted by Adital. We can conclude that the production routine of an alternative agency and the counter-hegemonic of information is marked by some singularities regarding to the organization of the journalistic practice and to the obstacles found on the way. Our data allows us, even if there are still some doubts, to believe that Adital is a sort of independent information agency, alternative and counter-hegemonic, ergo, more close to a proposition of communicative citizenship.


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Fuel cells are considered one of the most promising ways of converting electrical energy due to its high yield and by using hydrogen (as fuel) which is considered one of the most important source of clean energy for the future. Rare earths doped ceria has been widely investigated as an alternative material for the electrolyte of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) due to its high ionic conductivity at low operating temperatures compared with the traditional electrolytes based on stabilized zirconia. This work investigates the effect of gallium oxide (Gallia) as a sintering aid in Eu doped ceria ceramic electrolytes since this effect has already been investigated for Gd, Sm and Y doped ceria electrolytes. The desired goal with the use of a sintering aid is to reduce the sintering temperature aiming to produce dense ceramics. In this study we investigated the effects on densification, microstructure and ionic conduction caused by different molar fraction of the dopants europium (10, 15 and 20%) and gallium oxide (0.3, 0.6 and 0.9%) in samples sintered at 1300, 1350 and 1450 0 C. Samaria (10 and 20%) doped ceria samples sintered between 1350 and 1450 °C were used as reference. Samples were synthesized using the cation complexation method. The ceramics powders were characterized by XRF, XRD and SEM, while the sintered samples were investigated by its relative density, SEM and impedance spectroscopy. It was showed that gallia contents up to 0.6% act as excellent sintering aids in Eu doped ceria. Above this aid content, gallia addition does not promote significant increase in density of the ceramics. In Ga free samples the larger densification were accomplished with Eu 15% molar, effect expressed in the microstructure with higher grain growth although reduced and surrounded by many open pores. Relative densities greater than 95 % were obtained by sintering between 1300 and 1350 °C against the usual range 1500 - 1600 0 C. Samples containing 10% of Sm and 0.9% of Ga reached 96% of theoretical density by sintering at 1350 0 C for 3h, a gain compared to 97% achieved with 20% of Sm and 1% of Ga co-doped cerias sintered at 1450 0 C for 24 h as described in the literature. It is found that the addition of gallia in the Eu doped ceria has a positive effect on the grain conductivity and a negative one in the grain boundary conductivity resulting in a small decrease in the total conductivity which will not compromise its application as sintering aids in ceria based electrolytes. Typical total conductivity values at 600 and 700 °C, around 10 and 30 mS.cm -1 respectively were reached in this study. Samples with 15% of Eu and 0.9 % of Ga sintered at 1300 and 1350 °C showed relative densities greater than 96% and total conductivity (measured at 700 °C) between 20 and 33 mS.cm -1 . The simultaneous sintering of the electrolyte with the anode is one of the goals of research in materials for SOFCs. The results obtained in this study suggest that dense Eu and Ga co-doped ceria electrolytes with good ionic conductivity can be sintered simultaneously with the anode at temperatures below 1350 °C, the usual temperature for firing porous anode materials