31 resultados para Mão-de-obra - Aspectos econômicos -Brasil

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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Outsourcing has emerged as one of the new ways of guiding the work. For its advantages and be consistent with the paradigms of managerial reform, outsourcing also started to be used in the Public Administration. However, taking into account the particularities of the latter, some issues are relevant when outsourcing concluded with the State. Gains notoriety, for example, the step of monitoring these contracts, to the extent that, from this activity, we can avoid the negative effects of outsourcing like the fact that the state will pay for labor and wage liens that are obligation of the company providing the services. This study aims to understand the perception that this process is under the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, from the point of view of different stakeholders, also explaining the motivations that these agents have to perform the supervisory process. As a theoretical basis was used the Agency Theory, which reinforces the supervisory activities as a necessary means to minimize moral hazard and adverse selection, seeking to understand not only the different motivations tax contracts to properly perform their duties, but also analyze other phenomena arising from this contractual relationship. To achieve the proposed objectives, were taken a literature review and a presentation of how to organize the management and oversight of contracts in UFRN. The methodological procedures included questionnaires and interviews with those involved in the process. After analyzing the results obtained in the survey instruments , and also based on the laws, regulations and instructions governing the procurement process within the UFRN, it was concluded that the process of overseeing the outsourcing of labor contracts in UFRN is not fully institutionalized, some points should be strengthened in order to have the consolidation of this process, highlighting the need for training of UFRN servers that act as tax, the knowledge that the contractual penalties are applied effectively, the need that there is a supervisor of tax of contractors and also the realization of the rotation system of outsourced employees


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This Dissertation examines outsourcing in Bank of Brazil SA, the state of Paraiba. The central research question is to what extent this flexibility of labor relations incorporates items claimed by ´recent´ Decent Work Agenda of the International Labour Organization (OIT) or, on the contrary, the ´epidemic´ of outsourcing makes it even more challenging the world of work in the third millennium. The research hypothesis is that the Bank of Brazil has a growing subcontracting / outsourcing of labor (companies and individuals) and that not only contributes to the deterioration of working conditions, but also opposes the Work Agenda decent. Aiming to prove or disprove the hypothesis, the study includes a survey and secondary field. The literature review focuses on the trend towards casualization of labor in capitalism, and yet, in an effort to systematize data and analysis on ´outsourcing´ from the viewpoint of different actors. This theoretical framework is anchored in important classical sources and present that address the topic in the world and in Brazil. The field research was conducted with the actors related to the theme of ´outsourcing´ the Bank of Brazil - Paraiba, precisely branch managers, permanent employees of the bank, union representatives (bank workers), union bank and outsourced. The results confirm, in part, the study hypothesis, by demonstrating that there are several meanings and forms of precariousness that the contractors surveyed are submitted, highlighting the issue of salaries, the work environment, union representation and health worker. All these themes, each for himself, are contemplated by the Decent Work Agenda of the ILO and show, according to field research, rather fragile


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Artisanal fishing is one of the important economic activities of Rio Grande do Norte (RN), becoming the main form of survival and income for many families. The southern coast of RN has strong fishing tradition, both in exploitation of fish as in the collection of mollusks on the banks of Guaraíra Lagoon (APA Bonfim-Guaraíra). In recent years, fishing communities have become more vulnerable to outside influences, since the socio-economic and environmental changes are exposed. These changes require adjustments to the fishermen to different environmental conditions, as the social and natural systems are driven by reorganization and upgrading processes. The living conditions in fishing communities are objective and necessary in different ways, according to a selection that is cultural, so adaptable. This study has the general objective to analyze the main environmental changes in fishing communities, based on the understanding of fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen about this problem. The specific objectives searched to: describe the socioeconomic profile, prospects and difficulties of fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen; investigate the major social and environmental changes in the fishing communities of Patané and Camocim (Arez/RN). The methodology was qualitative-quantitative with the techniques of observation in the field and open and semistructured interviews applied to representatives of Cologne fishing, fishermen and mollusk fisherwomen. Between the months of January to July 2014 were applied semistructured interviews with 41 interlocutors in Patané and 23 of Camocim; totaling 64 people. The results indicated that the interlocutors are aged 40 to 60 years; have only completed elementary school level; are married and have children; survive on less than a minimum wage income and they are not receiving employment insurance. The case study also revealed that the socioeconomic and environmental problems reflected in changes in reproduction, organization and social division of labor, which generates adaptive changes of families to external influences, resulting directly from other economic activities and market pressure and indirectly from tourism. Therefore, adaptations to changes scenario presented as favorable to economic aspects and unfavorable to the social and environmental aspects. In short, the fishery develops on technical, bureaucratic and financial obstacles, in the everyday needs of men and women is the determining factor in willingness to continue exercising fishing and shell fishing on Guaraíra Lagoon, space representing relations social, practices and customs transmitted in the course of local history through social memory of the oldest to the youngest.


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The aim of this study was to propose a Performance Evaluation System for outsourced employees of the University Restaurant of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte to supply the lack of evaluative instruments. According to Provision of Services Contract nº050/2010 and nº055/2011 of FURN with SAFE LOCAÇÃO DE MÃO DE OBRA LTDA ME, it is the hired company to promote periodic functional performance evaluation of the outsourced employees, but this is not done. The performance evaluation process serves to evaluate if the employees are making their tasks according to the organizations’ objectives and goals, besides that helps to find service failures and capacity of employees demands, thus contributing to improve work conditions and the global performance of the organizations. To elaborate the proposal of evaluation, it was chosen an action research with the participation of all stakeholders, employees and managers from UR. On data collect, first, outsourced employees and management servers were interviewed, in order to raise existing perceptions about performance evaluation aspects. From these data and the work routine observation, a proposal of performance evaluation was elaborated, that was appreciated, criticized and adjusted by the actors involved (employees and managers) to the final formulation of the instrument. This study also presents the necessary steps to the implementation of the Performance Evaluation System. The proposed Performance Evaluation System can be applied to the FURN assuming this process, after modification of contract terms and the approval by the ADCON. It also can serve as an example to others units that works with the provision of outsourced services, enabling so the performance evaluation to be part of the management policy of all people working in FURN.


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La llamada Iniciativa para la Integración de Infraestructura Regional Suramericana (IIRSA) es un acuerdo multinacional celebrado entre los 12 países de América del Sur desde el año 2000, materializado a través de 10 ejes de comercialización orientados a la construcción de varios proyectos de infraestructura, que incluye la construcción de una enorme red de energía, de comunicación y transporte. Estos proyectos han sido financiados principalmente por los organismos multilaterales (BID, CAF, FONPLATA) profundizando la dependencia económica y política de los países involucrados, en especial mediante el aumento de la deuda externa, las empresas transnacionales garantizarán la infraestructura necesaria para la explotación más acentuada de nuestros recursos naturales y de la mano de obra barata, asegurando el abastecimiento de sus mercados. En este sentido, el discurso de crecimiento económico regional creará los mecanismos necesarios para la reproducción ampliada del sistema capitalista, mediante la promoción de la liberalización de los mercados internacionales, tales como intenta los Estados Unidos a través del Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas. En realidad, es un Desarrollo Regional de los países del Norte, un plan estratégico de ordenamiento territorial construido por transnacionales y dictado por el imperialismo de Norteamérica. Bajo la dirección del gobierno de Brasil ha sido implementado sigilosamente, para que los jefes de Estado, sin nombrarlo, ejecuten sus planes de desarrollo como parte de esta tan evidente estrategia de saqueo, entusiasmados y convencidos de que serán generosamente recompensados. Proclaman e inauguran proyectos de infraestructura que las empresas multinacionales y transnacionales consideran indispensables para el saqueo de los recursos naturales que aún quedan, después de cinco siglos de explotación continua de América Latina. En este sentido, nuestra investigación se volvió hacia el análisis de lo sector energético de lo Eje Perú-Brasil-Bolivia, por considerarlo de suma importancia para el mantenimiento de la explotación y consolidación hegemónica de las corporaciones multinacionales en América Latina


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The debate around the thematic of Corporate Social Responsibility - CSR involves economic, social, cultural and symbolic aspects in the relations established between company and society. In Brazilian reality, the CSR, understood as enterprise actions, external and/or internal, that contributes to social and ambient improvement, gains greater visibility in 1990 decade. Although the significant increase of theoretical productions about CSR pertinent elements, it is still scarce the studies that treats about the relation company/society in the northeastern reality, and singularly, in Rio Grande do Norte. It was in this perspective, that, in being the salt industry one of most important in the potiguar economic history formation , the present work investigated practicies and perceptions of salt entrepreneurship about CSR. Considering all the Rio Grande do Norte salt industry history phases, since the period of the Brazil s settling, as well as the characteristics of the study object, was opted to the qualitative research, objectified in interviews half-structuralized realized with the salt segment entrepreneurs, as well as professionals of ambient management and human resources working in potiguar salt segment. The research main results indicated a coexistence between the mechanisms of management seated on personal and paternalists relations, typical of traditional salt industry, and the emergency of innovative elements typical of the modern management, like the CSR. In this context, a tension between continuity and rupture with the traditional mechanisms of management in salt entrepreneurship actions


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The aim of this thesis was to investigate the evolution of the socio-occupational status in Rio Grande do Norte from 2001 to 2008, based on the characterization of the socio-economic status of this State from the analysis of labor market norte-rio-grandense . The study, specifically, drew a comparison between the dynamics of the labor market in Rio Grande do Norte and the capital city, Natal. From this perspective, the purpose was to make a relationship between the social division of labor and its effects on the socio-spatial division, represented in the "macro scale" by the federal unit and the "micro level" for the capital; locus of economic and population concentration. The collection of data on the labor market had as a major source PNAD/IBGE, characterizing the labor market in many ways: people of working age, economically active population and employed and unemployed people, classified by age, sex, color, education, income and social protection condition. However, as for the socio-occupational division, we follow the methodology used by the research group on national television, based in IPPUR /UFRJ, called Monitoring of the Metropolis," which rallied twenty-four groups that aggregate the occupations found in the PNAD/IBGE, in eight groups of socio-occupational categories, according to the similarity between them. It was used in the socio-spatial cutting two relevant discussions, which are inter-related and were characterized as crucial points in developing the research problem: the former was related to the influence of the hegemony of merchant capital in the labor market in Rio Grande North and, the latter, it referred the socio-economic relations between the territory and the variable occupation. Lastly, the results all indicated that in Rio Grande do Norte, as a peripheral state, has suffered the devastating influence of the hegemony of capital purely commercial basis, where "wealth" of capitalism is generated through the sphere of mere movement of goods and services rather than a productive process due to the social relations of production more advanced. We have a little advanced economic structure, with a tertiary sector that has propagated under-employment or disguised unemployment. Similarly, the agricultural sector has been presented as an example of greater social degradation of working conditions in the state. The secondary sector, in turn, also was not behind this uncertainty; on the contrary, confirmed that condition, with poor levels of income, low education of the workforce and a high degree of social helplessness, even in the state capital, space full urban area, which although always appear with a favorable condition compared to Province, in practically most of the variables studied, was also reflected at the same time the author of a structurally underdeveloped condition


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There is a clear relationship between citizenship and labor market. While foreign nationals are equal in dignity and rights in the laws governing the employment of this labor force. Motivated by reasons of state security or political direction, such laws to a greater or lesser degree, create establish a system of worker protection in the face of the foreign national. These rules have a direct impact on economic regulation, as they can affect the supply of skilled labor or not, articulating with the economic order envisaged by the 1988 Constitution. The Constitution adopts several principles in its economic order, so that the issues involving the rules of the nationalization of all work must be considered in a systematic way, one can not choose a pleasure interpreter. The nationalization of the work rules are not unique to Brazil, similar rules exist in several countries of South America and Africa. In Europe they already existed, but lost out on the basis of treaties setting up the European Union, although other mechanisms are used for the purpose of protecting the citizens of the member states, making policies equal treatment legislation symbolic. The nationalization of the work rules governing the relationship between nationality and the labor market and are in a legal category, which has a function to fulfill in the Brazilian legal system. Not all rules nationalization violate the principle of equality, as it is possible, depending on the circumstance indeed adopt a criterion that implies differentiation between nationals and foreigners. The Constitution has a will arising from its normative force, so that the assumptions it (constitution) used to discriminate may also be possible by ordinary legislation, since the situation is actually justifiably constitutional


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The purpose of this dissertation is whether the demand for manpower trained in technical school for the sector of Oil and Gas (O&G) is in balance with the offer of that training in the Brazilian education system. The methodology used to obtain such information was based on School Census 2000 and 2008 where data were worked out in order to clarify the numbers of enrollments in secondary technical level demanded by the sector of O&G. The demand for manpower with that qualification as a data source was the 2010-2014 Business Plan Program for Mobilization of the National Oil and Natural Gas (PROMINP). This Program identified the future demand for manpower for the Sector of the O&G until 2014 where the occupational categories are mapped prerequisite training and experience. In order to better understand the object of this study was dome a review of the literature with regard to technical education in Brazil but also the importance of the education to economic growth and the peculiarities of the oil economy in different countries possessors of those mines, or that is, developed and underdeveloped countries. Analysis showed that enrollment in technical education in Brazil had a significant increase between the dates 2000 and 2008. It also don´t bring balance with the characteristic of the dynamics of the productive sectors of the economy mainly due to heating of the economy before the global growth especially in the Construction Industry as well as in the Oil and Natural Gas Engineering and a Naval account of the discovery of oil in the Pre-Salt. Another important aspect is that one of the major problems of qualification of manpower in Brazil is due to a bad quality of the student´s school and high school which makes difficult a good performance in office work and also this ability to learn new functions. The rapprochement between the supply of the education system and the demand for manpower with training mid-level technical support for the sector O&G showed that most technical courses demanded or had no enrollment in 2008, had few enrollment in 15 states with demand expect to occur and those enrollment were unevenly distributed among states. The analysis therefore signalize the needed of a public policy that enables the adequacy of the education system (Secondary Technical Education) to Sector of O&G in terms of enrollment and its distribution between the oil producing states and in relation to technical expertise offered


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O objetivo desta dissertação de mestrado é verificar se a demanda de mão-de-obra com formação no ensino médio técnico para o setor de Petróleo e Gás (P&G) está em consonância com a oferta daquela formação no sistema educacional brasileiro. A metodologia aplicada para obter tal informação foi baseada no Censo Escolar 2000 e 2008, em que os dados foram trabalhados de maneira a explicitar o número de matrículas nos cursos de nível médio técnico, demandados pelo setor de P&G. A demanda de mão-de-obra com aquela qualificação teve como fonte de dados o Plano de Negócios 2010-2014 do Programa de Mobilização da Indústria Nacional de Petróleo e Gás Natural (PROMINP). Este Programa identificou a demanda futura de mão-de-obra para o setor de P&G até 2014, onde as categorias ocupacionais mapeadas possuem pré-requisitos de formação e experiência. Com o intuito de entender melhor o objeto deste estudo foi feita uma revisão de literatura no que diz respeito ao ensino técnico no Brasil, como também a importância da educação para o crescimento econômico e as peculiaridades da economia do petróleo nos diferentes países possuidores daquelas jazidas, ou seja, países subdesenvolvidos e desenvolvidos. As análises demonstraram que as matrículas no ensino técnico no Brasil apresentaram um significativo aumento entre as datas de 2000 a 2008. Traz também como característica a desarmonia com a dinâmica dos setores produtivos da economia, devido principalmente ao aquecimento da economia antes da crise mundial de 2008, e a retomada recente do crescimento notadamente no Setor de Construção Civil, bem como no setor de Petróleo e Gás Natural e Engenharia Naval por conta da descoberta de petróleo na camada Pré-sal. Outro aspecto relevante é que um dos grandes problemas da qualificação de mão-de-obra no Brasil se deve a má qualidade do ensino fundamental e médio, que dificulta para o futuro profissional um bom desempenho nas suas funções laborais e na capacidade de aprender novas funções. A aproximação entre a oferta no sistema educacional e a demanda de mão-de-obra com a formação de nível médio técnico para o setor de P&G, demonstraram que a maioria dos cursos técnicos demandados não apresentava matrículas em 2008, ou possuíam poucas matrículas nos 15 estados com demanda prevista, e aquelas matrículas estavam mal distribuídas entre os estados. A análise aponta para a necessidade de uma política pública que possibilite a adequação do sistema educacional (Ensino Médio Técnico) ao setor de P&G, tanto no que se refere ao número de matrículas e a sua distribuição entre os estados produtores de petróleo quanto no que se refere à especialidade técnica oferecida


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This paper aims to make a theoretical reflection on the theoretical compatibility between the program State Employer of Last Resort (ELR) and the Democratic experimentalism (ED). The ED arises in political thought as an alternative to neo-liberal and social democratic programs in order to rescue the discussion about the institutional organization of society and the market economy. About the involuntary unemployment, it proposes tax changes incidents on payroll and proposes work fronts to the most vulnerable or poorly trained. The hypothesis of this paper is that this approach is compatible with the ELR program, the post- Keynesian line. The ELR is presented as transgression of the mainstream of economic thought by proposing that the State acts as guarantor of employment, working as a stabilizing anchor for the economy. On the edge, the ELR proposes eliminate completely involuntary unemployment. The implementation of the ELR, however, requires the construction of institutions that aim to remake the market economy, as well as deepen and energize politics and democracy, goals that are part of the ED program. Thus, the ED would, in theory, an environment conducive to innovative policies guarantors of training and occupation of the individual, essential for their emancipation institutional environment. In Brazil, which has serious infrastructure problems and qualification of manpower, such a program has enormous potential benefit. However when transposed to the Northeast of Brazil through the Plan for the region based on the principles of the ED and the hypothetical coupling to the ELR could not confirm or reject the hypothesis sub-compatibility of these two theoretical frameworks. The findings point to a partial convergence between these two programs


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This study attempts to investigate the school administration in the Department of Education of Rio Grande de Norte, in the period 1924 to 1928, in the context of conservative modernization in its management, implemented by Nestor Lima dos Santos. Addresses the trends of administrative Nestor Santos Lima and sequence of these variables so that we can correlate and monitor the development of various economic, social, cultural and political, to show how influenced and even determined the direction of education, not only the state of RN, but throughout the country. For this purpose, it is the recapitulation of the history of life, experiences of work and travel reports of this important figure, including administrative concepts, aiming to identify the school administration, introduced by him in the 1920s, as those who received influence of characters that included the social and historical context of the time, reconstituting the ways following the education. It was developed by Nestor shares in Lima on the administration of public schools, their way of management, and can see how was the process of modernization of education in Rio Grande do Norte state and how it followed the rapid changes, experienced by Brazil, during this period. Show up on the design aspects of modernizing Nestor Lima in the Department of Education, the Director General of Administrative Acts, the internal record of school groups, Isolated Schools, Schools rudimentary and the newly created Board of Education, highlighting the Internal Rules of Council but the General Regulations of the Department of Education. This work also highlights the proposed administrative Nestor of Lima, while educational model of an operating system of the organization, training and education, which is present in the area of production of discourse, through body practice, characteristic of the record established levels of policy development and implementation of educational instruction in all state. Key-words: school administration. Conservative modernization. Public Education


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This article presents a study on the research of the factors that affect the competitiveness of cheese produced in a craft in the Seridó of Rio Grande do Norte in the perception of rural producers. His theory is based on factors of competitiveness and definitions of craft production. This research was performed in the important area of production and marketing of cheeses from the state. The methodology used was exploratory research descriptive type survey. The research field of 213 returned questionnaires validated. those interviewed were rural producers of artisanal cheese, with properties distributed in the districts located in the region. The results showed the production of artisanal cheese in Seridó / RN's main points of difficulty to compete: the great marketing in the informality, workforce has low skills and education, has little technical assistance, low acceptance by technological innovations and absence of integration between producers which creates low productivity and qualification of the production chain


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The research was carried out in the urban area in Codó-MA, a small city the east part of Maranhão, which has 4,228.000 km2 (IBGE, 2000) and population of 113,768 hab. (IBGE, 2008). The city is also inside Codó-MA micro-region. The city is located in one of the lacking area in Brazil, where the Human Development Index (IDH) is approximately 0,558. It does not present an adequate model of management when talking about solid residue collecting. All of the solid residue produced and collected in the city is stored in an open area that they call lixão , which is located in a residence area in the suburbs. Because of that, a problem that involves public health and environmental areas, we understand it is necessary to investigate the way the local government treats and manages the solid residue collecting, as well as, the social, economical and productive reality of those who are directly involved in the collecting itself, its productive chain of the material, including the handling, transportation and its final destiny. It means a social, productive, economical diagnosis, that in a such way,the local society and the organs of inspection can act in a better way to control the problems that include solid urban residue and come from a bad administration. That way, this work proposes to carry out a study that has as result a diagnosis with feasible alternatives on management, taking as basis, social and economical aspects that compound this productive chain. This work can bring great contributions to a better local reality through the introduction of an integrated and supported system of management of solid residue that includes a selective collecting and the creation of a sanitary area. Taking that into consideration, we can contribute to minimize the environmental impacts in Codó Novo, caused by the garbage


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This work has for objective study compared the characteristics and technological properties of ceramic bodies from the region of Seridó-RN. The region under study has identified 23 cities where they were 80 ceramics industries. To define the universe of search, there was a survey of pottery that are part of APL Seridó next to the IEL. The characteristics and operating conditions of ceramics industries of the region were identified through a socio-economic questionnaire applied locally, which addressed issues such as: profiles of companies, production process etc. The analysis of information collected from 24 companies identified in seven cities shows that the vast majority of industries is small, with family structure, obsolete equipment and labo, little qualified. Most of the pottery works with low technical knowledge, poor control of the production process and product technology. The raw collected were submitted to analysis of X ray diffraction, chemical composition, termical analysis, particle size distribution and plasticity. Then were produced five formulations and made by uniaxial pressure at 25 MPa for firing in temperatures varying from 850 to 1050 °C. The firing technological properties evaluated were: mass loss to fire, lineal shrinkage, apparent density, apparent porosity, water absorption and flexural strength (3 points). The results indicated that the raw materials from the region have significant similarities in the composition chemical and mineralogical. Furthermore, it indicates the possibility of the use of cycles of firing faster and efficient than the current, limited to some clay mass burning of certain conditions