4 resultados para Máscaras
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The paper presents a discussion about gender and body in the drag queens experience at Natal city (RN). From the different concepts that characterizes the identity processes on subjects who perform gender transformation (transvestites, transsexuals and female impersonators), the justification for studying the drag character is observed as a means to understand matters that are important when you take such a position. Therefore, there is a need for a linkage between the various concepts responsible for this definition, in addition to considering the historical and cultural process responsible for the creation of such categories, identities and stereotypes among these individuals. In this sense it will be possible to carry out a critical analysis on the different social loads present in each representation, and understand what is at stake in the attribution of classifications and terminologies that are applied to different expressions of metamorphosis. This ethnography considers the debate from a field research conducted at LGBT social establishments and other performance spaces of these people, verifying their dynamics in these places and investigating relationships between performers, personas and characters and also backstage scene in which they participate
This Masters thesis investigates and analyzes the homoerotic expressions in Fernando Pessoa s poetry and in his heteronyms : Álvaro de Campos, Alberto Caeiro and Ricardo Reis. Through the elaboration of deceptive strategies as a way to escape from the insults and the constraints, the poet by means of creative runaway lines builds up a homoerotic poetry that differ from the established patterns and representational models of the literature. We can find, bearing in mind a problematic sexuality which overflows in the various I s, of the sinuous identities and the movable boundaries, and intense mask games. They become real in poems, especially by means of sensations, yielding the possibility of a queer discourse and generating a homoerotic poetry. Pessoa s homoerotism is, thus, presented amid friendly relationships, smooth spaces, of heterotrophy of the city, or others space and the closet s aesthetics. Based on this, it is noted the articulations of a performance gender as body scripture and inscription, thus establishing a physical-writing which reveals a transgressive sexuality, with multiple entrances and exits, affirmations and denials that originate paradoxes. In this matter, we develop links between Foucault conceptions (2010a, 2010b, 2011) towards the history of sexuality, friendship and the power-knowledge relations with traces of significance and subjectivity, in processes of faciality and BwO (Body-without-Organs) in Deleuze and Guattari (1996). We still consider the ontological questionings towards the Gay dimension in Eribon (2008) and we raise aspects concerning the construction of the idea of masculinity in Bourdieu (2010). Finally, we base ourselves on Sedgwick s 1993 closet epistemological approach, as well as on Butler s 2012 gender and performance theory, also going through a few Bataille 1987 passages about erotism, that redimension the homoaffective images of the Portuguese poet
A Proteção Respiratória Ocupacional é atualmente uma exigência legal do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego para garantia da saúde e segurança de milhares de trabalhadores que labutam com exposição habitual a substâncias nocivas que possam ocasionar doenças ocupacionais por inalação de ar contaminado no local de trabalho, cuja principal via de penetração no organismo humano é o Sistema Respiratório. Carvões ativados são materiais obtidos a partir de fontes carbonáceas e utilizados como elemento tecnológico filtrante nos equipamentos destinados a proteção respiratória individual. Fomentada por esse contexto, e visando potencializar conceitos de eco-eficiência e sustentabilidade em produção de materiais, este trabalho destina-se a produção de carvão ativado com potencial filtrante a partir de um rejeito agrícola abundante na região Nordeste do Brasil através de uma rota que favorece carbonização e ativação simultâneas, seguido de neutralização térmica. A biomassa precursora foi caracterizada por Ensaios padrões para determinação do teor de umidade e cinzas, Análise Química Elementar, Análises Térmicas (TG e DSC) e Distribuição Granulométrica por difração a laser. As amostras de carvões ativos sintetizadas foram caracterizadas por Difração de Raios X (DRX), Medidas de área específica por BET, Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV), Análise assistida com ultravioleta visível e Redução à Temperatura Programada (TPR) por Amônia. A rota empregada favorece uma tecnologia alternativa para o aproveitamento de resíduos e aplicável para a Proteção Respiratória Ocupacional. A atmosfera de queima influencia diretamente na produção. A temperatura de carbonização variou conforme a estabilidade térmica da amostra. A cristalinidade, morfologia, teor mineralógico, área superficial específica e a adsorção em fase líquida e gasosa variaram em função da interação do resíduo precursor com o tipo e concentração de ácido utilizado. Os ensaios de adsorção demonstraram a efetividade da ativação segundo a rota experimental proposta. O potencial catalítico dos materiais produzidos para uso em máscaras respiratórias foi evidenciado pelo ensaio de TPR. O processo de produção estudado se mostrou eficaz para obtenção dos carvões promovendo processamentos e aplicações mais nobres para materiais cujo uso tem sido restrito a meras aplicações primárias ou descarte, mas cujo potencial tecnológico é amplo, empreendedor, sustentável, viável em escala industrial e de baixo custo.
The paper presents a discussion about gender and body in the drag queens experience at Natal city (RN). From the different concepts that characterizes the identity processes on subjects who perform gender transformation (transvestites, transsexuals and female impersonators), the justification for studying the drag character is observed as a means to understand matters that are important when you take such a position. Therefore, there is a need for a linkage between the various concepts responsible for this definition, in addition to considering the historical and cultural process responsible for the creation of such categories, identities and stereotypes among these individuals. In this sense it will be possible to carry out a critical analysis on the different social loads present in each representation, and understand what is at stake in the attribution of classifications and terminologies that are applied to different expressions of metamorphosis. This ethnography considers the debate from a field research conducted at LGBT social establishments and other performance spaces of these people, verifying their dynamics in these places and investigating relationships between performers, personas and characters and also backstage scene in which they participate