13 resultados para Local Communities

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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One of the agreements assumed at the conference of the United Nations for the Environments and Development which took place in Rio de Janeiro in 1992; through Global Agenda 21, was that the signatory countries would create a national Politics of sustainable development, by means of their national Agenda 21. Demonstrating the relevance of municipal districts and the local communities, during the definitions of new development standards compromised to the transformation of the society, socia1ly and environmentally well-balanced world, it was also agreed on that places under the responsibilities of the municipal districts would promote their own local Agenda 21. We need to point out though that the government has the prerogative and the responsibly of facilitating the population participation process in the construction of national and local Agenda. This made it possible again, to plan the scheming process directly towards the insertion of population participation at the different levels, involving the entire local sectors while establishing a new local partnership through the local municipal government. Thus, we decide to verify the participation of the population in the construction of their local Agenda 21, choosing for the study case Parnamirim municipality from RN. The question which originated the objectives and analysis was formulated on the following terms: Up to which stage was the process of population participation effective in the elaboration of Parnamirims's local Agenda 21? Based on this uneasiness, it was defined as the general objective, the verification of population participation process during the elaboration of Parnamirims's local Agenda 21, aiming at its effectiveness as well as specific objectives; to identify the population representivity, the construction of the local AG 21 in order to identify on which level is the participation based, to verify the strategies used in order to promote the process participation, to identify the motives guiding those involved in the construction of the local Agenda 21. This case study at Parnamirim municipal district demonstrated that there was effective population participation as far as the local Agenda 21 is concerned


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This research focuses on raise the discussion of existance tourism policies in Rio Grande do Norte and its contributions to the integration of local communities in the coastal tourist activity. Guided by the background of the neoliberalism and its influence on the model of tourism development adopted in Rio Grande do Norte. For that, were surveyed the concrete realities of coastal localities of the municipalities of Ceará-Mirim, Extremoz, Parnamirim and Nísia Floresta covered by Prodetur-RN I and II, by being part of the tourist portion of the state that have received domestic and international investment and, because are located in the geographical area of the Potiguar capital, Natal. We interviewed the municipal managers and the residents of local communities who live in municipalities more than ten years. Also, was raised a discussion on the role of the state as the main agent of public policies and hegemonic facilitator in the attraction of domestic and foreign investments, with the main scenario the neoliberal model of economic development. Here discuss ways and strategies of socio-political organization of local communities, with regard to the inclusion in the tourist and, pointing to the critical development model in question and signaling other concepts of development model, such as local basis, for example. By the ending of the research, was concluded that the model of development of the tourism in the Rio Grande do Norte is reflected of the way of life of the society, that the communities live in precarious conditions and that the way of inclusion in the tourism is almost incipient. Also, it was possible to detect the inexistence of public politics of tourism that promoted the planning of the tourist activity, as well as, the inclusion of the communities in the decision processes and that, searched the development on the basis of the principles of sustainable and local autonomy


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Among the various effects caused by the climate change and human intervention, the mangrove ecosystem changes through of the years has been worth mentioning, which hasn t known which are the pros and cons for the adjacent coastal and estuarine environments yet. It happens due to the present dynamism in these areas, besides of the difficult understanding of the processes associated with evolution. This study aimed to environmentally evaluate adjacent mangroves from the Macau and Serra oil fields, located on Rio Grande do Norte northern coast, to support the mitigating actions related to the containment of the erosive process, as well as, according to the principles of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), to assess the amount of atmospheric carbon sequestered by the studied ecosystem. An inventory was conducted through mangrouve mapping which has supplied this research, especially regarding to the structural characterization of mangrove areas. To understand the local mangrove behavior in a greater level detail, techniques of remote sensing, GIS and GPS were used to make an analogy between the current and past states of the mangrove studied, allowing to make anticipated projections for the future impacts or changes in that region. This study combined data from multispectral LANDSAT 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+ with radar microwave data from SAR RADARSAT-1, which increased the interpretation capacity of the data from optical sensor systems. The interpretations have been supported by the data field, representing a better and innovative methodology for the environmental and taxonomic characterization of mangrove forests considered. The results reveal that mangroves of the Ponta do Tubarão Sustainable Development Reserve are biologically representative areas and providing a variety of benefits, especially for local communities, constituting the priority sites for actions development aimed at conservation. They also have been showing the necessity to make mitigating measures in order to recover degraded areas through reforestation or creating new areas of mangrove, as currently 7.1% of the mangrove forests studied are dead or in an advanced state of decomposition. The amount of atmospheric carbon sequestered proved very significant when analyzed for the whole area, which is able to sequester atmospheric 4,294,458 Ton CO2 per year


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Ethnobiology studies Local Ecological Knowledge (LEK) as well as the use and management of natural resources by local communities in order to understand how the environment is perceived, known and classified by human groups. In fishing communities, LEK adds empirical information about the biology of aquatic species and complements scientific findings, especially when it is difficult to obtain factual information during studies on cetaceans, whose behavior is essentially underwater. Cetaceans (whales and dolphins) are constantly threatened by human activities, especially by accidental capture of small coastal species, as in the case of the estuarine dolphin (Sotalia guianensis), object of this study. Ethnobiological researches in fishing communities are of great importance and can clarify aspects of the biology and conservation of this species. Although extensively studied throughout its distribution range, there are still gaps in the knowledge about S. guianensis. Therefore, fishers local ecological knowledge becomes an additional tool to get and confirm information about S. guianensis. This study evaluated the LEK of artisanal fishers who are daily exposed to local population of S. guianensis, through the use of semistructured interviews (N=116). The interviewed fishers were asked about the biology and popular classification of S. guianensis and about possible interactions between this dolphin and them. The studied communities were located in Tibau do Sul (n=39), Pipa (n=36) and Baía Formosa (n=41), all on the south coast of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. The study was based on the assumption that differences in fishers LEK among those communities would be caused by both the variety of fishing environments (lagoon/estuary and ocean) and the intensity of tourism activities. Fishers knowledge is expressive and differed among the studied communities depending on the topic investigated. Fishers correctly reported the habitat, distribution, seasonality and behavioral particularities of S. guianensis. Tourism mainly affected the naming of the species. The study results also suggest that marine fishers have greater knowledge about the species than the estuarine/lagoon ones. Local populations accumulate empirical knowledge according to their environment. Hence, it is important to take into account both empirical knowledge and popular participation in management systems, in order to maintain information sharing among communities


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This study addresses issues related to the mathematical knowledge and practices of the workers of carcinoculture (shrimp farming), associating such knowledge and practices to the conceptual aspects and the academic mathematical language. Our central aim was to investigate and discuss such knowledge and practices in order to contribute towards having the members of this group reflect upon their own working practices. The investigation took as reference the ethnographic research approach during observations and interviews, as well as the analysis and interpretation of the existing cultural aspects on the use of Mathematics in the shrimp farmers daily activities, thus composing the four chapters of this dissertation. Initially, the local-regional context was set in the area where the workers of the shrimp farm reside, also describing our methodological options. After that, the kind of work that was carried out is explained through a brief history of the shrimp-farming activity, including a short discussion on the environmental impacts that result as a consequence of shrimp-farming. We then discuss some theoretical and practical aspects of the Ethnomathematics while field of study and research. At that moment, we make a reflection upon the different kinds of Mathematics, especially stressing the kind of Mathematics being taught in Schools and that being put to practice by identifiable cultural groups. With that in mind, we show the investigated knowledge and practices e some possible systematizations accomplished during the study. In the end, we point out some conclusive propositions based on the implications of our study towards the development of an educational process within the local communities, considering a possible use of the results and conclusions of this study in the classroom activities


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Mozambique holds a potential for tourism development, especially for nature tourism, due to the existence of conservation areas around the country. The Maputo Special Reserve (MES) is considered as one of the most important conservation area and has benefited from investment in order to incruse the development of tourism in the region. Currently the number of visitors to MES has grown substantially with the intention to develop recreational activities related to ecotourism. Now the challenge lies in the way of optimizing opportunities for tourism development in order to achieve economic benefitis reduction the lead to poverty, without degrading the environment. Ecotourism face the demands and environmental discussions has been assumed as an alternative to the tourist market focused on protected areas, as it is believed that this segment is able to reconcile tourism development and simultaneously improve the conservation of the natural environment and still ensure the recovery of local communities and promoting their welfare. This study aims to analyze, from the perception of the local community, social and environmental contribution of ecotourism in Maputo Special Reserve, Mozambique. The research sought to investigate the relationship between ecotourism development in the region and generate benefits for the socio-environmental communities for residents. To achieve the objective, was chosen a critical analysis about the generation of socio-environmental benefits versus ecotourism in which we opted for a qualitative and quantitative approach seeking to establish the degree of agreement and disagreement about the benefits generated by ecotourism through interviews with community members


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This study aimed to analyse the factors that can contribute to the support of residents in the process of management of environmental tourism projects. The importance of reflecting on the municipal planning, including the management of stakeholders, is justified by changes in economic and social values of local communities, the concern with their space and quality of life. Thus, the support of the dwellers to the management process of an attractive allows motivate and prioritize the opinion of this community, strengthening social groups and integrating them into projects and local actions. The study was described as descriptive, exploratory and quantitative. As the analysis model. They were used the research variables done by Nunkoo and Ramkissoon (2012), as a way to assess the support of local dwellers on the development of Revitalization project of Monumento Natural Vale dos Dinossauros, in the management of environmental tourist destination, in Sousa/PB. Results show the relationship among the dimensions, confidence in government agencies, benefits and costs occasioned by tourism development in the attractive as influencers support elements of the deweller. Thus, it is intended to corroborate to the inclusion of stakeholdersin the planning process in the development of tourism in this location in order to involve them in decision making about planning and management of tourism in the city, with a view to sustainable local development


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The loss of Earth´s biodiversity is a major concern for the international scientific community and megadiverse countries like Brazil are paramount for discussions about the overall situation of the planet. The Caatinga biome is probably one of the most threatened in Brazil and the implementation of Conservation Units (CU) represents a measure for protecting its natural resources and biodiversity. The Station Ecological of Seridó (ESEC-Serido) is one of the few CU in the Caatinga of Rio Grande do Norte State (NE Brazil) and interacts with several neighboring communities and settlements. However the ESEC does not integrate environmental perception feedback from the local communities in its management plan. Considering this, the present articles aims at identifying the perceptions and concepts of such communities regarding environmental issues and biodiversity as well as indicate strategies to improve the administration of this CU. In order to achieve these goals, a review of the specialized literature was carried out and a research tool based on Environmental Perception was developed in the form of structured interviews applied to the persons from communities neighboring the ESEC. These interviews were later processed through content analysis. The concepts and perceptions obtained through this analysis show that the people from the environs are aware of the main problems faced by ESEC-Seridó, as well as the strategies to address them


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The present study has addressed the issues surrounding the Solidarity Economy and Tourism, their perspectives and contributions to the development process of local communities, as well as the connection point between the two. This study evaluated the extent to which social economy through cooperatives and associations in tourism has generated socio-economic improvements for the artisans of the tourist Seridó. The study made as to their objectives, was exploratory and descriptive, since it involved both standard techniques of data collection, questionnaires and systematic observation, and secondary research and case studies, which characterizes an exploratory research, according to Castro (2008 ). The results indicate significant improvements offered by the inclusion of members in groups (associations and cooperatives) in matters concerning health, education, interpersonal relationships, and access to consumer credit to the artisans. Through this study, one might also note that the inclusion of products and services in tourism is not a relevant factor for the socio-economic improvements observed for the elevated presence of middlemen in the marketing process


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The study area is inserted in Ponta do Tubarão region, Macau City, setentrional littoral of Rio Grande do Norte State, composed of Tertiary and Quatemary sedimentary rocks and sediments. This region is characterized for the intense action of the coastal processes, causing the morphologic instability in part of the area, beyond the interference of human activities, as the Petroliferous Industrial Polo, salt companies and shrimp farms. This justifies the integration of multidisciplinary and multitemporal detailed scientific studies dealing with the evaluation of the changing behavior of this coastal environment by geoenvironments elements characterization, identifying protected and recuperation areas, mainly those under socioeconomic intervention. The main objective was the coastal monitoring using geoprocessing techniques to prepare thematic maps useful for oil spilling environment risk areas survey. The methodology was based on multitemporal interpretation of remote sensing images and field checking, integrated in a Geographical Information System (GIS). The Geologic, Geomorphologic, Vegetation, Soil and Land Use maps were prepared, and later on they allowed the generation of the Natural Vulnerability and Environmental Vulnerability maps. These maps had been classified in accordance with vulnerability degrees: very low, low, medi um, high and very high. Beyond these maps the GIS allowed the analysis of the shoreline evolution for 10 distinct dates, using Landsat 5 TM and 7 ETM+ and SPOT-HRVIR images. This analysis made possible the attendance of the coastal morphodynamic evolution, where the results had been represented by areasof erosion and accretion (or deposition) of sediments, pointing critical areas under erosive process to the petroliferous industry (Macau and Serra fields). The GIS also provided to prepare the Environmental Sensitivity Maps of Oil Spill (SAO Maps) in operational scale (1: 10.000), according to the norms ofthe Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA 2002). The SAO Map in operational scale was based on IKONOS images mosaic where the ESI (Environmental Sensitivity Index) was represented according with two tides phases of theregion. Therewere recognizedfiveESI (3, 4,7,9, 1O) for the low tide; to the high tide the ESI number increased to seven (3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10). All these information are necessary to the decisions making about oi! spill and its derivatives containment. These techniques application makes possible the optimization and implantation ofnew socioeconomics activities of low environmental impact, indicates areas for better productivity and security exploration, and benefits local communities with fauna and flora preservation. The development of these activities is inserted in the scope of Monitoramento Ambiental de Áreas de Risco a Derrames de Petróleo e Seus Derivados Cooperation Project (Rede 05/01 - PETRORISCO, FINEP/CTPETRO/PETROBRAS) of multidisciplinary and interinstitucional characteristics dealing with subjects involving the environmental monitoring and the petroliferous activity


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The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the propagation of an anticommunism movement in Rio Grande do Norte Estate, Brazil, in a process that started on the first decades of the twentieth century and shows reflections until today. Firstly, we introduce the operation promoted by the catholic oriented newspaper A Ordem. Through the analysis of publications from 1935 to 1945, we observe its role in an image campaign of the “Communist Conspiracy” event, in an attempt to legitimate the power of Right wing groups, specially the Catholic Church and the Military Police. The newspapers discourse is analyzed in serial, quantitative and qualitative perspectives. Secondly, we search to understand the space dynamic of the anticommunism discourse thought the creation of evocation and representation spaces that ended up becoming memory places. Our considerations are based on the concept of representation by Roger Chartier, observing the way communism is represented by A Ordem, as well as the spatial category used to reactivate the anticommunist memory and represent it. We analyze the interests that are served by the construction of the monuments, the Oral History, as well as the relation between the local communities with them. Thirdly, we establish a parallel with many authors, in an approach that gathers Cultural and Social elements and Political History, in order to find explanations for the articulation of these discourses.


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Among the various effects caused by the climate change and human intervention, the mangrove ecosystem changes through of the years has been worth mentioning, which hasn t known which are the pros and cons for the adjacent coastal and estuarine environments yet. It happens due to the present dynamism in these areas, besides of the difficult understanding of the processes associated with evolution. This study aimed to environmentally evaluate adjacent mangroves from the Macau and Serra oil fields, located on Rio Grande do Norte northern coast, to support the mitigating actions related to the containment of the erosive process, as well as, according to the principles of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), to assess the amount of atmospheric carbon sequestered by the studied ecosystem. An inventory was conducted through mangrouve mapping which has supplied this research, especially regarding to the structural characterization of mangrove areas. To understand the local mangrove behavior in a greater level detail, techniques of remote sensing, GIS and GPS were used to make an analogy between the current and past states of the mangrove studied, allowing to make anticipated projections for the future impacts or changes in that region. This study combined data from multispectral LANDSAT 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+ with radar microwave data from SAR RADARSAT-1, which increased the interpretation capacity of the data from optical sensor systems. The interpretations have been supported by the data field, representing a better and innovative methodology for the environmental and taxonomic characterization of mangrove forests considered. The results reveal that mangroves of the Ponta do Tubarão Sustainable Development Reserve are biologically representative areas and providing a variety of benefits, especially for local communities, constituting the priority sites for actions development aimed at conservation. They also have been showing the necessity to make mitigating measures in order to recover degraded areas through reforestation or creating new areas of mangrove, as currently 7.1% of the mangrove forests studied are dead or in an advanced state of decomposition. The amount of atmospheric carbon sequestered proved very significant when analyzed for the whole area, which is able to sequester atmospheric 4,294,458 Ton CO2 per year


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This thesis is defined as a reflection on the mechanisms of expression and insertion of the homo situs in the participatory governance in Mozambique. For a better understanding of this social fact, it was settled a periodization which covered the decline of colonialism at the time of the independence, which was proclaimed in June 1975, the civil war that lasted over 16 years and the period of the democratic State, further established. Therefore, we sought to understand the mechanisms and failures of the participation of the homo situs in local development projects that absorbed the needs and problems of these peasants, not mobilizing the skills and social competences of these communities. It would be essential for the homo situs a genuine democratic practice involving a political culture based on the social construction of the territories of the traditional man which was characterized by being procedural and historical, finding in participation its higher base. In this context, it would be desirable that the community development in Mozambique could contemplate and respect the choices of the homo situs. For this purpose, it would be fundamental the consistency between theory and practice, which builds and rebuilds, continually the competence of the peasants, facilitating the possibility of realization of their primordial aspirations. In the research, it became apparent that there is not a continuous process of participation of the rural communities, which appear as participants, only at the time of the implementation of the activities. Therefore, even having the participation of the communities expected by the law, with predictable moments of discussion and necessary conditions for that, the State failed to establish an ongoing process of democratic dialogue with traditional populations, as well as it failed to organize, properly, accurate informational bases to help solve the problems of rural areas. These facts have led to obstacles to the process of conquest of the human and civil rights of the traditional communities