23 resultados para Lesões anorretal
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Silveira , E. J. D. et al. Lesões orais com potencial de malignização: análise clínica e morfológica de 205 casos. J. Bras. Patol. Med. Lab., v. 45, n. 3, p. 233-238, jun 2009. ISBN 1676-2444.
RESUMO: Objetivo: Estudo com o objetivo de observar a influência da nicotina, aplicada pela via subcutânea, em pulmões de ratos. Métodos: Foram utilizados 20 ratos Wistar pesando 235±35g, separados aleatoriamente em 2 grupos iguais. O grupo I (n=10) recebeu nicotina na dose de 2 mg/ Kg/dia pela via subcutânea durante 20 dias e o grupo II (n=10) recebeu placebo pela mesma via de administração. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que no grupo I ocorreu broncopneumonia em 3 (30%) ratos, leucocitose alveolar em 10 (100%) e leucocitose septal em 7 (70%). Atelectasia foi encontrada em 2 (20%). Transformados em escores, os dados totalizaram 52 pontos. Os escores das alterações observadas nos pulmões do grupo II atingiram 11 pontos (p<0,05). Conclusão: Os dados permitiram concluir que o uso da nicotina por via subcutânea contribuiu para o aparecimento de lesões pulmonares em ratos, em número e intensidade significativamente maiores do que nos animais considerados controles.
Objetivo: Estudo com o objetivo de observar a influência da nicotina, aplicada pela via subcutânea, em pulmões de ratos. Métodos: Foram utilizados 20 ratos Wistar pesando 235±35g, separados aleatoriamente em 2 grupos iguais. O grupo I (n=10) recebeu nicotina na dose de 2 mg/Kg/dia pela via subcutânea durante 20 dias e o grupo II (n=10) recebeu placebo pela mesma via de administração. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que no grupo I ocorreu broncopneumonia em 3 (30%) ratos, leucocitose alveolar em 10 (100%) e leucocitose septal em 7 (70%). Atelectasia foi encontrada em 2 (20%). Transformados em escores, os dados totalizaram 52 pontos. Os escores das alterações observadas nos pulmões do grupo II atingiram 11 pontos (p<0,05). Conclusão: Os dados permitiram concluir que o uso da nicotina por via subcutânea contribuiu para o aparecimento de lesões pulmonares em ratos, em número e intensidade significativamente maiores do que nos animais considerados controles
OBJECTIVE: Evaluating the kit-Bh performance in carrying out of breast biopsies. METHODS: They were randomly selected a sample of 30 patients with breast cancer undergoing mastectomy, based on the results of a pilot study from February 2008 to April 2010. They were excluded women with had not palpable, stone-hard consistency tumors, previous surgical manipulation or that contains liquid. Using the helicoid biopsy Kit (kit Bh) and an equipment Core biopsy with cannula and needle and 14 gauge respectively, it was collected a fragment of sound equipment in the area and in tumors in each specimen, totaling 120 fragments for histological study. For data analysis, it was defined a 95% confidence level and used the SPSS-13 version, the Kappa index and the parametric Student t test. RESULTS: Mean age of patients was 51.6 years (± 11.1 years). The infiltrating ductal carcinoma showed a higher incidence, 26 cases (86.7%). The Core biopsy had a sensitivity of 93.3%, specificity of 100% and accuracy 96.7%, while the helicoid biopsy had a sensitivity of 96.7%, specificity of 100% and accuracy 98.3%. By comparing the histology of tumors and the fragments of biopsies, there was high degree of agreement in diagnoses (kappa of 0.93 with p <0.05) CONCLUSION: Both devices provided the histological diagnosis of lesions with high accuracy. Results of this study showed that the helicoid biopsy is a reliable alternative in 22 the preoperative diagnosis of breast lesions. Further studies in vivo better will define the role of Kit Bh in the diagnosis of these lesions
O desenvolvimento do esporte paraolímpico nacional e internacional tem estimulado maior participação das pessoas com deficiência em praticar atividades desportivas, exigindo dos atletas incrementos na intensidade e freqüência nos treinamentos e competições, o que impulsiona, ainda mais, os índices de lesões esportivas traumato-ortopédicas. Objetivamos neste estudo descritivo analisar as lesões traumato-ortopédicas mais frequentes nos atletas paraolímpicos, sua localização nos segmentos corporais, correlacionando-as com as modalidades esportivas praticadas pelos integrantes das Seleções Brasileiras Paraolímpicas. O presente estudo foi realizado com 82 atletas paraolímpicos da Seleção Brasileira de Atletismo, Halterofilismo, Natação e Tênis de mesa, de ambos os sexos, com deficiências motoras, visual e intelectual, participantes dos Campeonatos Mundiais, no ano de 2002, sendo os mesmos selecionados de forma não probabilística intencional os quais atenderam os critérios de inclusão e exclusão estabelecidos para o estudo. Para a avaliação clínica das lesões traumato-ortopédicas foram utilizados como instrumentos de medida o Prontuário do Departamento Médico do Comitê Paraolímpico Brasileiro (técnica da observação através da história clinica esportiva do atleta / anamnese e exame físico), entrevistas com os atletas e exames complementares das lesões traumato-ortopédicas quando necessárias. Os resultados do estudo com os atletas paraolímpicos revelaram prevalência de lesões no atletismo (MMII = 64,9%, coluna = 19,3% e MMSS = 15,8%); halterofilismo (coluna = 54,5%, MMSS = 36,4% e MMII = 9,1%); natação (MMSS = 44,4%, coluna = 38,9 e MMII = 16,7%) e tênis de mesa (MMSS = 56%, coluna36% e MMII = 8%), com predomínios das lesões músculotendineas em todos os esportes pesquisados. Os resultados apresentados nos permitem concluir que em todos os esportes pesquisados os atletas paraolímpicos apresentaram um predomínio das lesões músculo-tendíneas, tendo como localização no atletismo, lesões nos membros inferiores, no halterofilismo na coluna vertebral e membros superiores, na natação e no tênis de mesa, nos membros superiores e coluna vertebral
PURPOSE: To evaluate the capacity of clofazimine (CFZ) to control cutaneous activity of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), compared with chloroquine diphosphate (CDP). METHODS: A prospective, randomized, controlled, double blind clinical trial was carried out in thirty-three patients with SLE and cutaneous lesions (malar rash and/or discoid lupus and/or subacute cutaneous lupus), after approval by the respective Ethics Committee. Sixteen patients received clofazimine - 100mg/day (CFZ group) and 17 received chloroquine diphosphate - 250mg/day (CDP group), during six months. Both groups applied broad-spectrum sunscreens twice a day. The dose of prednisone was kept stable during the study. Cutaneous lesions were evaluated by 2 blinded observers and photographed at baseline and at months 1, 2, 4 and 6. RESULTS: Thirty-three patients began and 27 completed the 6 months of treatment. The groups were homogeneous and comparable in terms of demographic and clinical characteristics. Five CFZ-patients and one CDP-patients dropped out due to severe flare of disease requiring other treatment. At the end of the study, 12 CFZ-patients (75%) and 14 CDP-patients (82,4%) presented complete or near-complete remission of skin lesions; intention-to-treat analysis showed no significant difference in the response rates between groups. Side effects in both groups were frequent, but patients didn t have to discontinue the drugs. CONCLUSIONS: Clofazimine and chloroquine were effective in controlling cutaneous lesions in SLE patients
The skin cancer is the most common of all cancers and the increase of its incidence must, in part, caused by the behavior of the people in relation to the exposition to the sun. In Brazil, the non-melanoma skin cancer is the most incident in the majority of the regions. The dermatoscopy and videodermatoscopy are the main types of examinations for the diagnosis of dermatological illnesses of the skin. The field that involves the use of computational tools to help or follow medical diagnosis in dermatological injuries is seen as very recent. Some methods had been proposed for automatic classification of pathology of the skin using images. The present work has the objective to present a new intelligent methodology for analysis and classification of skin cancer images, based on the techniques of digital processing of images for extraction of color characteristics, forms and texture, using Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) and learning techniques called Support Vector Machine (SVM). The Wavelet Packet Transform is applied for extraction of texture characteristics in the images. The WPT consists of a set of base functions that represents the image in different bands of frequency, each one with distinct resolutions corresponding to each scale. Moreover, the characteristics of color of the injury are also computed that are dependants of a visual context, influenced for the existing colors in its surround, and the attributes of form through the Fourier describers. The Support Vector Machine is used for the classification task, which is based on the minimization principles of the structural risk, coming from the statistical learning theory. The SVM has the objective to construct optimum hyperplanes that represent the separation between classes. The generated hyperplane is determined by a subset of the classes, called support vectors. For the used database in this work, the results had revealed a good performance getting a global rightness of 92,73% for melanoma, and 86% for non-melanoma and benign injuries. The extracted describers and the SVM classifier became a method capable to recognize and to classify the analyzed skin injuries
This study aimed to verify the prevalence of lip and perioral lesions in worker who were under sunshine on the beaches of Natal/RN and to investigate possible associations of these with sociodemographic, occupational and general health variables. For this, 362 individuals who had one of the urban beaches (Ponta Negra / Environment / Redinha) in the city of Natal/RN as a working environment in the study. We excluded people under 18 years old. Data collection was done through epidemiological analysis and extra-oral validated questionnaire with questions that characterize socioeconomic and demographic factors, occupational exposure and general health. The male subjects (72.6%) were the majority in the sample. The people who worked directly exposed to high peaks of ultraviolet radiation, as well as informal workers predominated. Considering the total sample of individuals, ephelides in the perioral region (33.7%) and labial region (24.0%), solar lentigo perioral (15.2%) and actinic cheilitis (13.8%) stood out as the most prevalent lesions. Indoor workers and those who had a habit occurrence of injuries by 19% and 21% respectively higher when compared to outdoor workers and people without habits. The variable use of cap / hat was associated with the presence of cold sores (Qui2 = 1,328, p = 0,058). On the threshold of significance, the type of work was also associated with lesions in lip occurrence (p = 0,042). Men showed a lower incidence of perioral lesions when compared to female workers (PR=0,716, p valor = 0,002). The present study showed high prevalence of lip and perioral lesions. The premalignant lesions were the most identified, both as in lip skin. It is important therefore to be encouraged to adopt protective measures against excessive sun exposure, fairly and consistently
Objective: The aim of the present study is to assess the current situation of white enamel lesions on vestibular surfaces of permanent upper incisors, diagnosed 6 years ago, without clinical intervention. Methods: A prospective study reassessed 53 students of both sexes, aged between 13 and 18 years old, all attending the public school system in Natal, Brazil. Data collection was performed by duly calibrated examiners, and a clinical chart consisting of demographic data on dental caries, oral hygiene, and gingival condition was prepared. A tactile-visual examination was conducted using a clinical mirror and periodontal probe. Data compilation and analysis were carried out using a SPSS software. In this analysis the chi-squared test was used for qualitative independent variables. To identify the net effect of treatment, multiple logistic analysis with forward stepwise model selection was performed. Results: The final sample was composed of 106 lesions in the 53 individuals, with mean age of 15.02 years, visible plaque index (VPI) of 23.34%, and gingival blood indices (GBI) of 25.92%. A statistically significant relationship (p = 0.003) was found between initial DMFS and prognosis of white enamel lesion. Conclusions: We observed that past caries experience and dental plaque were the main predictive factors for negative lesion outcomes, demonstrating the need for oral hygiene control through continuing preventive measures
Dental caries consists in a multifactorial and dynamic process. The knowledge of the ionic interactions among dental tissues and dental biofilm make possible its understanding as a process that can be stopped. Recently, the use of sealants have lost its function as preventive agent and passed to be argued as a possible therapeutical agent. This happens by hindering the substratum flow to the lesion inner and, therefore, controls the advance of the process. This study aimed to evaluate glass ionomer cement as a not invasive technique of treatment in occlusal caries without clinical cavitation, but with dentinal involvement. The research was accomplished using a controlled clinical trial with two groups (experimental and control) in 38 subjects (8-18 years) with 51 molars. The teeth of the experimental group were sealed with glass ionomer cement (Vidrion-R, S.S.White, Juiz de Fora, Brazil) and the molars control did not suffer intervention. The experimental group was followed by a year and the control by 8 months due the progression of the carious injury. Both groups were reevaluated to each 4 months with the use of clinical, radiographic and laser fluorescence (DIAGNOdent®) examination. The analysis of the clinical evaluation did not observe a significant difference between experimental and control groups. However, analysis with radiographic and laser fluorescence (DIAGNOdent®) examination observed a significant difference (p> 0,05) between groups, demonstrating a wors condition to the group without intervention. The results suggest that glass ionomer cement as sealant can be efficient to paralyze dentinal caries without clinical cavitation
The oral manifestations due to HIV infection are, a lot of times, the first clinical signs of the disease. These injuries may also function as beepers and sentries of the curse and progression of the HIV infection and AIDS. The objective of this work was to evaluate the prevalence of the oral injuries in HIV positive patients, relating them with the CD4+ cells counting and the viral load in patients from the Hospital of Infected contagious Gizelda Trigueiro in Natal-RN. One hundred and one patients were evaluated, where after the clinical exam of the oral cavity, these ones were conducted to the peripheral blood collection for the counting of CD4+ lymphocytes. We observed a prevalence of 25,6%, that is, 31 cases. The Oral Candidiasis was the most commum injure, followed by Oral Hairy Leukoplakia, linear gingival erytema, lips herpes, gingivitis and periodontitis - HIV. The average counting of cells CD4+ of the injury carrying patients was of 250 cells/mm3. We did not observe relation between the presence of injuries and the viral load of the individuals
Central giant cell lesion (CGCL) and peripheral giant cell lesion (PGCL) of the jaws have a distinct clinical behavior, although they share histopathologic features. It is still unclear whether these clinical differences are supported by a distinct pattern of immunoexpression of markers for multinucleated giant cells (GC) and mononuclear cells (MC). The purpose of this study was to compare the immunohistochemical expression of VEGF, MMP-9 in CG and MC and measure the vascularization by vWF to check whether there are differences in expression of these biomarkers between CGCL and PGCL. Paraffin wax blocks of 20 cases of LCCG and 20 LPCG were retrieved. MMP-9 immunoreactivity was greater in the CM of PGCL compared to VEGF (p<0.05). VEGF expression was greater in the CM of CGCL compared to PGCL (p<0.05) and it was greater in the overall expression of CGCL compared to PGCL (p<0.05). Vascularity was quantified by microvascular counting (MVC). MVC was greater in the PGCL compared CGCL (p<0.05). MMP-9 showed a greater tendency of expression in CGCL, though was not significant (p>0.05). We tested correlation between the proteins studied in each group and found a significant negative correlation between VEGF and vWF in CGCL (p<0.05). These results suggest that there are differences in the expression of VEGF in CM and overall expression between the lesions, although no statistically significant difference in the overall expression of the MMP-9. Then, there was a trend in increased expression of MMP-9 and VEGF in CGCL, possibly by the involvement of both proteins in osteoclastogenesis. Additionally, the results of this study indicate a higher degree of vascularization in PGCL compared to CGCL, fact that can be directly linked to the reactive nature of the PGCL, where the inflammatory process with its rich angiogenesis contributes significantly to these findings.
The correct histological diagnosis of vascular lesions in the oral mucosa is critical, especially in defining the treatment and prognosis, as some vascular lesions show spontaneous involution and others do not show such behavior. This study analyzed the expression immunohistochemistry of human glucose transporter protein (GLUT-1), in oral benign vascular tumors and to reclassify such lesions according to with his immunoexpression. In addition, we evaluated the immunohistochemical expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1α), the main transcription factor involved in cellular adaptation to hypoxia. We analyzed 60 cases of benign oral vascular tumors: 30 cases with histological diagnosis of HEM and 30 cases of oral pyogenic granuloma (PG). The results of this research showed that of the 30 lesions initially classified as HEM, only 7 showed immuno-positivity for GLUT-1, remaining with the initial diagnosis. The remaining 23 were reclassified as vascular malformation (VM) (13 cases) and PG (10 cases). All cases in the sample with an initial diagnosis of PG were negative for GLUT-1, demonstrating the accuracy of histological diagnosis of these lesions. Concerning to the immunoexpression of HIF-1α, the Mann-Whitney test revealed a statistically significant difference between the cases of GP and MV (p = 0.002), where the median of GP (m=78) was higher than the MV (m=53). Based on these results, this study showed that a histological diagnosis alone is not always sufficient for the correct diagnosis of oral HEM and that HIF-1α participates in the pathogenesis of vascular lesions
Oral lichen planus and pemphigus vulgaris are chronic diseases mucous membrane immune of unknown aetiology that can be observed affecting to the oral mucous. A relevant as regards neoplasies the role angiogenesis in the inflammatory chronic disease pathogenesis as it provides a substancial interest can be considered as being an activity diseases marker; besides being through specialised research of this angiogenic process to improve of understanding pathogenic mechanism. This research proposes to assess angiogenic active through of antibody immunohistochemistry expression antiCD34 antibody in 26 OLP of reticular cases, 14 OLP erosives cases, 18 of PV cases and 15 specimens of normal oral mucosa. The result was submitted non-parametric tests of 5% significance level. It is not statistically significant correlacion was seen regarding between average vessels. However, only be effectively observed the median of OLP cases was larger than pemphigus vulgaris in fact proved average larger than oral normal mucosa (p=0,280). Regarding the microvascular count of CD34 concerning clinic form oral lichen planus (reticular and erosion) increased emphasis is more cross-border average for the form erosion clinic. Despite of the statistic tests could not be more effective (p=0,720). Even though, the results of the research is not sufficient to enable to consider of angiogenic process in the pathogenesis and lesions progression of oral lichen planus and pemphigus vulgaris, we suggest this process is present in both forms lesion, however, more studies must be made in the near future in order to prepare a well-founded proposal
The Giant Cell Lesions, both the Central Giant Cells Lesions (CGCL) as the Peripheral Giant Cells Lesions (PGCL), correspond to a group of oral lesions that are histologically similar entities; however they show a variable clinical behaviour. The purpose of this study was to compare the immunohistochemical expression of bone resorption factors RANK (Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor kappa B), RANKL (Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor kappa B Ligand) and OPG (Osteoprotegerin) between CGCL and PGCL. Additionally, these bone resorption factors were examined in terms of aggressiveness of these lesions. The sample consisted of 61 cases, 30 cases of PGCL and 31 CGCL (16 non-aggressive and 15 aggressive). The analysis was performed by quantification of mononuclear cells (MO) and giant multinucleated cells (CG) immunopositive to anti-RANK, anti-RANKL and anti-OPG antibodies in 10 fields. Moreover, according to the proportion between the amount of cells positive for RANKL and OPG, the cases were categorized into: RANKL>OPG, OPG>RANKL e RANKL=OPG. CGCL showed a higher amount of MO (p=0.002) and total cells (p=0.003) both positives to RANKL compared with the PGCL. Additionally, the CGCL revealed a significant association with the ratio of RANKL>OPG (p=0.001). Analysis of the bone resorption factors revealed no significant differences between aggressive and non-aggressive CGCL (p>0.05). It was observed a positive correlation between the markers themselves, and a negative correlation between lesion size and quantity of OPG positive MO cells (p=0,004) and total cells (p=0,009). Through these results, we suggest that the greatest CGCL resorptive potential compared to the PGCL, may have occurred to the high expression of RANKL. Furthermore differences in the biological behavior of aggressive and non-aggressive CGCL appear to be related to the expression of these bone resorption factors