7 resultados para Intermodal hiring
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Dental education is going through important changes in preparing workers to meet the needs of the society and the labor market. For that reason, we studied the offering of comprehensive dental care clinics in Brazil with the aim of encouraging future curriculum changes focused on the training of general dental practitioners. An email questionnaire on educational organization and comprehensive care clinics of undergraduate programs was sent to each academic dental affairs dean. Sixty-seven (41.6%) dental schools agreed to participate. We observed that curriculum changes have contributed to modify the format of comprehensive care clinics. This was felt mainly (88,1%) with regards to workload and course offerings in different levels of the dental curriculum, thereby creating a favorable environment for generalist training. Most schools shared the following characteristics: clinical procedures were being prioritized according to level of complexity (95,5%), students were having the chance to attend courses in other programs (37,3%), and attempt to diversify teaching methods was being challenged (58,2%). Although progress in combining teaching and clinical services was reported by 83,6% of schools, most clinical procedures were still being performed intramurally (50,7%) in partnership with public service. There was also improvement in clinical mentorship due to the hiring of instructors qualified to work in comprehensive care clinics and with aptitude to supervise a wider range of dental procedures (58,2%). Further changes to Brazilian comprehensive care clinics should hence be encouraged and intensified to ensure appropriate generalist training for dental practitioners
This dissertation aims to understand the importance of the National School Feeding as a strategy for ensuring the promotion of food and nutrition security in the municipality of Macaíba / RN, taking into account the implementation of the Law School Feeding, 11,947, 2009. The program was extended to all public basic education, youth and adults, in addition to ensuring that 30% of transfers from FNDE, were intended for the purchase of products from family farms. The survey was conducted with 160 students from public schools and farmers nesting Quilombo dos Palmares II, who produce on their land vegetables, fruits and cereals for their own consumption, for sale in local markets, in addition to providing for PNAE. The reciprocity between neighbors, such as mutual aid and sharing of common goods was noticeable in this group of farmers, since it was necessary to meet weekly deliveries of products to schools. As students, we applied a test of acceptability in two schools located in rural and in urban areas, to learn the opinion of ourselves in relation to school food consumed. It was concluded that to be most effective program in the region, there must be a better match in school menus, so that it can be attractive to students and to ensure greater use of fresh food, the main ingredient of same, practice of nutrition education in schools, to teach students the importance of food to health. In relation to local management, noted the need for adjustments bureaucratic as hiring staff for the departments, in order to be more agile in releasing payments to farmers, in addition to hiring assistants general services for schools, one Since the cooks exert dual role, the cooking while being responsible for cleaning the entire school environment. Government investments in the rural sector would be extremely valuable for farmers, since they need financial resources to purchase inputs, irrigation projects for gardens, availability of land for planting, transportation to facilitate the delivery of its products to schools and technical assistance more frequently
This study analyzes the point of view of nurses working at a pediatric teaching hospital on their work process within the scope of the Brazilian unified healthcare system SUS, in order to identify factors that interfere with its development and find out how work relations are taking place between nurses, other nursing professionals and the multidisciplinary staff. It is a descriptive and analytical study, qualitative in nature, which starts with a consideration of a nurse s current practices and moves on to reflect on a perspective of transformation aiming at rethinking their work process pursuant to the principles of SUS. In order to attain these objectives, we decided on using the focal group as a data-collecting technique, which took place from November to December 2005, by using as instruments a questionnaire for the characterization of the persons being researched and a discussion outline. Theoretical support has approached transformations in the world of work, placing it in the context of healthcare and nursing and has tried, specifically, to understand the work process of a nurse engaged in the production of health services. Therefore, the discourse analysis of participants, in the light of theoretical support, has evinced an ambiguity inasmuch as though identified as such in their work process, nurses are also fulfilling multiple functions in health services. Through this study it has also been possible to identify several factors that interfere with the work of these professionals, including poor working conditions and excessive hiring of high school graduate interns as an attempt to make up for a meager nursing workforce, as well as reveal the possibilities brought about by the SUS in retargeting its professional practice to interdisciplinarity and integrality
The progresses of the Internet and telecommunications have been changing the concepts of Information Technology IT, especially with regard to outsourcing services, where organizations seek cost-cutting and a better focus on the business. Along with the development of that outsourcing, a new model named Cloud Computing (CC) evolved. It proposes to migrate to the Internet both data processing and information storing. Among the key points of Cloud Computing are included cost-cutting, benefits, risks and the IT paradigms changes. Nonetheless, the adoption of that model brings forth some difficulties to decision-making, by IT managers, mainly with regard to which solutions may go to the cloud, and which service providers are more appropriate to the Organization s reality. The research has as its overall aim to apply the AHP Method (Analytic Hierarchic Process) to decision-making in Cloud Computing. There to, the utilized methodology was the exploratory kind and a study of case applied to a nationwide organization (Federation of Industries of RN). The data collection was performed through two structured questionnaires answered electronically by IT technicians, and the company s Board of Directors. The analysis of the data was carried out in a qualitative and comparative way, and we utilized the software to AHP method called Web-Hipre. The results we obtained found the importance of applying the AHP method in decision-making towards the adoption of Cloud Computing, mainly because on the occasion the research was carried out the studied company already showed interest and necessity in adopting CC, considering the internal problems with infrastructure and availability of information that the company faces nowadays. The organization sought to adopt CC, however, it had doubt regarding the cloud model and which service provider would better meet their real necessities. The application of the AHP, then, worked as a guiding tool to the choice of the best alternative, which points out the Hybrid Cloud as the ideal choice to start off in Cloud Computing. Considering the following aspects: the layer of Infrastructure as a Service IaaS (Processing and Storage) must stay partly on the Public Cloud and partly in the Private Cloud; the layer of Platform as a Service PaaS (Software Developing and Testing) had preference for the Private Cloud, and the layer of Software as a Service - SaaS (Emails/Applications) divided into emails to the Public Cloud and applications to the Private Cloud. The research also identified the important factors to hiring a Cloud Computing provider
In recent years, the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) has come through an intense process of expansion, common for the Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior (IFES) - Higher Education Institutions – since the implantation of the Programa de Reestruturação e Expansão das Universidades Federais (REUNI), a program of restructuring and expansion of the federal universities. The incentives made at UFRN can be seen into the expansion of the fields of teaching, research and extension, besides hiring human resources and adaptation / expansion of physical spaces. The focus of the UFRN at the technological area through the project (REUNI) has reflected in a significant expansion of the physical structure of the Center of Technology, area where the section of classes IV remains being the main set of rooms that supports the demand of the courses in the technological area, in which highlights the lack of classrooms. In this sense, the work presented here, proposes an architectural blueprint for expanding the physical space of this sector, based in this main parameters: (i) the spatial flexibility that attends the varying numbers of students per class; (ii) the environmental comfort, using the parameters and guidelines constructive for the Bioclimatic Zone 8; (iii) the requirements contained in the rules of ABNT NBR 9050:2004, 9077:2001 and NBR NBR 15220-3:2003. The architectural proposal used the maximum template allowed by the UFRN Central Campus Master Plan, four floors, considering the existing building (area equal to 7413.95 m²) as the ground floor and the extension proposed distributed on three floors, with an area of around 2,535, 00 m² each, making up a total of 7602.65 m² of total area built
The Federal Constitution, in Article 1, sections III and IV, lifted the work as the foundation of the Federative Republic of Brazil, including work as a social guarantee in Article 6, listing in its Article 7 minimal guarantees role with respect to social rights of workers. Although elevated to constitutional rights, these social rights of workers have in the judicial interpretation of the characteristic elements of the employment relationship, sometimes a mismatch with the legal and constitutional order, when, in deciding not ponder such elements, causing damage economic and social benefits to all workers, thus affecting the very constitutional basis of worker protection, there is therefore situations in which there must be part of unavailability of rights by the employee. Therefore, identifying the characteristic elements of employment, means allow immediate legal finding about possible illegality perpetrated by the employer, precisely because the sentence recognizes be merely declaratory noting, therefore, the elements that make up the juridical system normative in order to establish the characterization of employment in step with the effective observance and guarantee of social rights and therefore the employer's performance limiter as pertains to hiring and employee dismissal. This point is it's main element of this work, which is fundamental for the exegesis of the theme to limit the autonomy of the will. There is no denying, therefore, the need to extend the effects of these guarantees in the employment contract. In this context, therefore, jumping the guarantees of employees, embodied in particular in the Consolidation of Labor Laws, and especially in the Federal Constitution and international protection instruments to ensure the fundamental right to secure employment relationship, where technological advancement, social and economic, reflect directly, such as the parassubordinação, and claiming more and more systematic resolutions, especially when evidence gaps' values, which elevate the debate about the need for increased use of precedents of order to support the judgments, often beset with aspects of unconstitutionality, all in compliance with the integration of standards, seeking legal enforcement of this bond and providing legal certainty, there emerged, so the essence of the theme: discuss to what extent the distortion of employment limits the effectiveness of social rights and what its legal effects, since the constitutional standard for social guarantees protects equally worker admission.
This work analizes the financing of Health Policies on the state of Rio Grande Do Norte, starting at the presumption that SUS is “Bombarded” by fiscal ajustments, as a neoliberal strategy to face capital crises.The trafectory of the financing of SUS demands the comprehension of two principles which are, in essence, contradictory: the “principle of universatility”, which is caracterized by the uncompromising defence of the fundaments of the Sanitary Reform, and the “principle of containment of social costs”, articulating the macroeconomic policy that has being developed in Brazil since the 1990s and which substantiantes itself on the 2000s.This last defends the reduction of the social costs, the maintanance of primary surplus and the privatization of public social services. Considering these determinations, the objective of this research constitues in bringing a critical reflection sorrounding the financing of the Health Policies on the state of Rio Grande do Norte, on the period from 2004 to 2012.Starting from a bibliografic and documentary research, it sought out to analyze the budget planning forseen on the Budget Guideline Law (LDO) and on the Multiannual Plans (PPA), investigating the reports of the Court of Auditors of the State of RN and gathering information about expenses with health, available on the System of Information About Public Budgeting in Health (SIOPS).The Analises of the data obtained, in light of the theoretic referece chosen, reveals trends in the public budget setting for health on the State of Rio Grande do Norte, which are: a tiny share of investment expenditure on health, when compared to other expenses, the amount used in daily fees and advertising; the high expense in personnel expenses, especially for hiring medical cooperatives;the strong dependence of the state on revenue transferences from the Union; the aplication of resources in actions of other nature considered as health, in exemple of the expenditures undertaken by the budgeting unit Supplying Center S/A (CEASA) on the function of health and subfunction of prophylactic and therapeutic and on the Popular Pharmacy program. Since 2006, expenses refering to Regime Security Servers (RPPA) on the area of health also have being considered as public actions and services in health for constitutional limit ends, beyond the inconsistencies on the PPAs with the actions performed efectively.