5 resultados para Intergrupo
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Objetivo: Investigar os efeitos imediatos do Kinesio Taping® no desempenho neuromuscular do Quadríceps Femoral (QF) de indivíduos submetidos à reconstrução do Ligamento Cruzado Anterior (LCA). Metodologia: trata-se de um ensaio clínico e randomizado composto por 45 indivíduos do sexo masculino que se encontravam entre 12ª e 17ª semanas após reconstrução do LCA. Todos foram submetidos a uma avaliação inicial composta pela análise do equilíbrio postural, através da baropodometria; determinação do Senso de Posição Articular (SPA), seguidas das avaliações isocinéticas excêntricas e concêntricas a 600/s, concomitante com a captação do sinal eletromiográfico do músculo Vasto Lateral (VL). Posteriormente foram alocados de forma aleatória em Grupo Controle (GC), Grupo Placebo (GP) e Grupo Experimental (GE). Os indivíduos do GE foram submetidos ao protocolo sugerido (aplicação do Kinesio Taping® no QF do membro acometido), enquanto os do GP utilizaram a aplicação do Kinesio Taping® sem as recomendações propostas pelo método. Já os indivíduos do GC permaneceram em repouso por dez minutos, sendo todos os indivíduos submetidos a uma reavaliação de forma idêntica à primeira. Foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis: pico de torque médio, pico de torque/peso corporal, potência muscular e erro absoluto do SPA para a dinamometria; amplitude ântero-posterior e médio-lateral para a baropodometria; e a amplitude de ativação muscular (Root Means Square - RMS) por meio da eletromiografia de superfície. Resultados: Nenhuma das variáveis analisadas apresentou diferenças intergrupo ou intragrupo. Conclusão: O Kinesio Taping® não altera o desempenho neuromuscular do quadríceps femoral de indivíduos submetidos à reconstrução do LCA para nenhuma das variáveis analisadas.
OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar e comparar o efeito da cinesioterapia na qualidade de vida, função sexual e sintomas climatéricos em mulheres climatéricas com e sem fibromialgia. MÉTODOS: Participaram do estudo 90 mulheres na fase do climatério, as quais foram divididas em dois grupos: grupo fibromialgia (47) e grupo controle (43). Todas as pacientes foram avaliadas com relação às seguintes variáveis pré e pós-intervenção: qualidade de vida (Utian Quality of Life - UQOL), função sexual (questionário do Quociente sexual/versão feminina - QS-F) e intensidade dos sintomas climatéricos (Índice Menopausal de Blatt-Kupperman - IMBK). Ambos grupos foram submetidos a programa de cinesioterapia composto de 20 sessões consecutivas, realizada duas vezes por semana com técnicas para percepção, contração voluntária, dissociação e automatização do assoalho pélvico, mobilização de pelve e treino respiratório. Análise estatística foi realizada por meio dos testes t-Student pareado, análise de variância de delineamento misto e Kappa de Cohen’s, adotando-se nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: Em relação à qualidade de vida, foi observada melhora estatisticamente significante no período pós-intervenção em ambos os grupos para todos os domínios avaliados. Entretanto, na análise intergrupo foi evidenciado diferença estatisticamente significante nos domínios emocional (p=0,01), saúde (0,03) e sexual (p=0,001) com ganhos mais expressivos para o grupo controle. Quanto à função sexual, foi verificada elevação significativa dos escores em ambos os grupos, após a intervenção; na análise intergrupo as mulheres com fibromialgia apresentaram escores inferiores ao grupo controle (p<0,001). Em relação aos sintomas climatéricos não houve diferença estatisticamente significante na analise intergrupo pós-intervenção (p=0,73), entretanto, ambos os grupos apresentaram redução significativa da sintomatologia após a intervenção (p<0,001). CONCLUSÕES: A cinesioterapia do assoalho pélvico exerce efeito benéfico sobre os domínios da qualidade de vida, função sexual e sintomatologia climatérica em mulheres com e sem fibromialgia na fase do climatério, entretanto a fibromialgia parece ser fator limitante para melhores resultados em alguns aspectos avaliados.
Behaviors found in every culture, general human tendencies, are knew in Evolutionary Psychology as evolved psychological mechanisms. Those behaviors date back the Environment of Evolutionary Adaptedness, and a well know example of such behavior is the group bias (or intergroup bias). This bias consists of recognizing members of your own group and favor them, while disregarding or even harming outsiders. This behavior was and still is extensively studies, among the most important conclusions about this phenomenon is the Minimal Groups Paradigm, in which it was discovered that the group bias could trigger even when the groupings were done in following very arbitrary criteria. In the current study, our goal was to test if the participants, when playing an economic game, would behave in a similar fashion under a minimal group situation and real groups, with social meaning. With this in mind we made two experimental conditions, a Low Social Meaning one (LSM) where the groups were represented by letters (H, B, O and Y) in which participants would be ramdomly assorted to each group; and the High Social Meaning condition (HSM) in which religion was used as a group marker, containing the two most dominating religious groups in Brazil, catholic and evangelic, another group containing all the other affiliations e the fourth and last group representing atheists and agnostics. The ratio of donations in-group/out-group was roughly the same across both conditions. However, the amount of wafers donated to ingroup was significantly bigger in the HSM condition. By verifying which aspects of the individual best predicted the observed group bias, we discovered that the in-group Entitativity perception as well as the Group Identification were the most relevant variables, however, only in the HSM condition. Simultaneously, by verifying the generosity, biased or not, we observed that the agreeableness personality factor was the only variable able to predict it, and only in the LSM condition. We conclude that our generosity, or the lack of it, is for most part defined by our personality, the Agreeableness factor in particular. But this very generosity can be biased by the social meaning of the involved groups and that, if the social meaning is big enough, even people who, thanks to their personality, normally wouldn’t show generosity, are able to do so when the receiver is an in-group member.
Introduction: Kinesio Taping (KT) has been used in healthy people to improve neuromuscular performance, however, few studies have evaluated its chronic effects, despite being suggested. Objective: To analyze the chronic effects of KT on neuromuscular performance of the quadriceps, the oscillation of the center of pressure and lower limb function in healthy women. Methods: blinded, randomized, controlled trial, composed of 60 women (mean age 21.9 ± 3.3 years and BMI 22.3 ± 2.2 kg / m2) submitted to the evaluation of oscillation of the center of pressure through the baropodometry, the lower limb function by the hop test, isokinetic knee performance, the electromyographic activity of the vastus lateralis (VL) and joint position sense of the knee (JPS). Then, participants were randomly divided into three groups of twenty: control - did not apply the KT; placebo - application of KT without tension on the quadriceps; Kinesio Taping - application of KT with tension in the same muscle group. The evaluations were conducted in five moments: prior to application of KT, immediately after the application, 24h, 48h after application and 24 hours after its removal (72h). SPSS 20.0 was used for statistical analysis. The KS test was used to verify the data normality, the Levene test for homogeneity of variances and a mixed-model ANOVA 3x5 to check intra and inter-group differences. Results: there was no difference in peak torque, the power, nor the electromyographic activity or SPA (p> 0.05) between groups. The displacement speed of center of pressure reduced immediately after the application on kinesio taping group (p <0.001), but with no differences between the groups (p = 0.28). There was a reduction in the time of peak torque among the three groups in the evaluations after KT application (p <0.001) and an increase in single hop in all groups (p <0.001), but with no differences between them. Conclusion: KT can not change, in a chronic way, the lower limb function, the oscillation of the center of pressure, the isokinetic performance, the JPS of the knee and the electromyographic activity of VL muscle in healthy women.
There is a bidirectional association between periodontal disease (PD) and diabetes mellitus, in which diabetes favors the development of PD and PD, if left untreated, can worsen the metabolic control of diabetes. Thus, periodontal disease should be treated to restore periodontal health and reduce the complications of diabetes. Therefore, the objective is assess the effect of full mouth periodontal therapy decontamination (Full Mouth Desinfection - FMD) in diabetic type II patients with chronic periodontitis during 12 months. Thirty-one patients in group one (G1) and 12 in group two (G2) were followed at baseline, 03, 06 09 and 12 months. There following clinical parameters were accessed: probing on bleeding (BOP), visible plaque index (PI), probing depth (PD), clinical attachment level (CAL) and gingival recession (GR). For diabetic patients, there were also made laboratory tests to evaluate blood parameters: fasting glucose and glycated hemoglobin. The results had been analyzed in two ways: all sites in the mouth and another with diseased sites. The Mann-Whitney, Friedman and Wilcoxon tests were used with 5% significance. Intergroup analysis of all sites it is clear that there was no significant difference over time concerning PD, BOP, PI, CAL and RG. However, when evaluating the diseased sites, we observed significant difference for CAL and PD, with higher values in G1. The intragroup analysis for all sites showed a statistically significant reduction at PD, PI and BOP in both groups. Intragroup analysis of periodontal affected sites showed a statistically significant reduction in PD, BOP and CAL in both groups. There was also a statistically significant increase in RG values. There was no significant change concerning glycated hemoglobin and fasting glucose in the G1. Therefore, it can be concluded that there were improvements in periodontal parameters over the 12 months of research, but without changes in glycemic levels of diabetic patients. Thus, periodontal therapy proved effective in maintaining oral health.