7 resultados para In-ground Beef

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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This study intends to enhance the existing knowledge concerning the patterns of the uses of space for low cost housing in Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, by way of comparative morphological studies in spatial arrangements and articulations regarding three distinct, however inter-related, sets of social housing: (1) a development comprising 21 self-built houses erected on public routes and illegal plots within a tract of land originally designed to be an industrial development: (2) architect-designed houses built by the public authority in order to accommodate the previous 21 (plus a few additions) families occupying the self-built dwellings, and (3) modifications performed by dwellers on a total of those 24 houses built by the public authority after an occupation period of one year. The predominant uses of each room within the self-built and modified houses were represented in ground plan, based on empirical observation, surveys with dwellers and the use of analytical procedures of morphologic analysis of nature predominantly geometric (specific) and topology (space syntax analysis). A scale of priorities was identified in relation to the uses of each room, its geometrical arrangement (adjacency, front/back relations etc), and underlying structures (connectivity, depth and spatial integration) in order to establish congruencies and non-congruencies between a social-cultural order embedded in the self-built domestic space and the design logic contained in the houses offered by official agencies. The comparative analysis points towards the convivial existence of two tendencies: one that seems to reinforce a design logic inasmuch as the additions and modifications performed by the dwellers do not alter but even emphasize the original configuration of the designed houses, and another one in which those patterns are subverted in accordance with a logic which, to a lesser or greater degree, coincides with that of the self-built dwellings


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This work supplies a reflection concerning the presence of the daily television in the children s lives. It points with respect to the necessity of the incorporation of the nature of the medias and information in the educative proposals in way to promote the approach of the two areas in the junction of its respective epistemologies. It considers the development of a visual acuity for the student staff, pointing out the paper of the educator as a promoter of this taken over on a contract basis. Therefore, we present a research of field, carried through in some public and private primary schools in Natal and other cities that are part of the Grande Natal , trying to show with what perspective the teachers use the languages in this stage of education, prioritizing the television elements. As elements of the collection of the information, we made use of half-structuralized interviews, beyond comments directed for the moments where the teachers used the television with educative intention. As results, we noticed that some considerable part of the involved educators still don t get to conceive the television as integrating part of the roll of the languages, using this resource in a limited way, restricting to the contact with sets of documentaries and essentially educative productions, besides the use of objectives directed toward the entertainment, forgetting the opened TV, present in the daily lives of the children since the tender age


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The fissures aquifer northeast semi-arid Brazilian, present high text frequently of leave, with of low a hídric availability. The research has as objective main to analyze the components that inside influence in the salinity of the waterbearing fissures of an evaluation physicist-chemistry of the water, leading in consideration the physical interventions of the environment. One used techniques of interpretation of image of Landsat satellite -1999 and delimitation of the micro basin through the topographical map SUDENE. One identified waters of the NaCl type with Ca++ and Mg++ in secondary concentrations. The analyzed wells (15), had presented an average salinity of 5.147 mg/L of STD and a well only supplies drinking waters with 319 mg/L of STD. The recharge of the aquifer one if carries through for infiltration in the open fracture of ortognaisse it migmatization. The type and directions of the fracture do not control the STD. Relations between salinity and out let do not exist. The quality of the well of low salinity is identical the superficial waters (aquifer dam and alluvial). The studies of the meteoric erosion processes had evidenced that in the transformations of the rock in ground, the Ca++ and Na+ are taken for superficial waters. The treatment of the data chemical showed that the grade of Na+, Ca++, Mg++ and Cl-are controlled for the evaporation process, from only water that would have the qualities of superficial waters or the well of low salinity. Already the HCO3-grade is controlled for the precipitation of the dolomite. The STD of this aquifer one would be consequence of the high tax of evaporation of dams constructed in regions of plain topography. You leave them precipitated in deep argillaceous ones dry dams are led for the aquifer in first rains. The research suggests some recommendations for the use and exploitation of the water salinity in piscicultura, carcinicultura, culture of the grass-salt (Atriplex sp), among others


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Biodiesel production has increased over the last decade because of the benefits associated with this fuel, including renewability, domestic feedstock, lower toxicity, and biodegradability. From 2008, the use of beef tallow as a feedstock for biodiesel production in Brazil has increased in significance, representing the second largest source of biodiesel, after soybeans. However, the performance of biodiesel in cold weather conditions is worse than diesel because of deposition of insoluble at low temperatures, accelerating the plugging of fuel filters and injectors of the vehicle engine. Studies have been conducted on beef tallow biodiesel, mostly related to the properties of thermal and oxidative stability. However, few studies have described the nature of the precipitate formed and its influence on product quality. Research suggests that the cause of deposition is related to the nature of saturated esters and monoacylglycerols as inducing agents. This study monitored the levels of mono-, diand triacylglycerols, the oxidation stability and the cold filter plugging point (CFPP) in beef tallow biodiesel samples from two commercial producers in Brazil for a period of twelve months. Filtered precipitates were analyzed by comparative techniques of GCFID, HPLC-UV/VIS, HPLC-MS-IT-TOF and TG to verify the nature, using monopalmitin and monostearin as reference standards. The formation of precipitate reduced the levels of monoacylglycerols in the beef tallow biodiesel. GC-FID and LCMS- IT-TOF results confirmed the nature of the deposit as saturated monoacylglycerols, predominantly monostearin and monopalmitin as the second major component. Moreover the TG analysis of the residue indicated similar thermal decomposition of the reference standards. The precipitate did not affect the oxidation stability of beef tallow biodiesel and the CFPP characteristic of blends up B60. However, the presence of iron reduced significantly the oxidation stability of biodiesel


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Biodiesel production has increased over the last decade because of the benefits associated with this fuel, including renewability, domestic feedstock, lower toxicity, and biodegradability. From 2008, the use of beef tallow as a feedstock for biodiesel production in Brazil has increased in significance, representing the second largest source of biodiesel, after soybeans. However, the performance of biodiesel in cold weather conditions is worse than diesel because of deposition of insoluble at low temperatures, accelerating the plugging of fuel filters and injectors of the vehicle engine. Studies have been conducted on beef tallow biodiesel, mostly related to the properties of thermal and oxidative stability. However, few studies have described the nature of the precipitate formed and its influence on product quality. Research suggests that the cause of deposition is related to the nature of saturated esters and monoacylglycerols as inducing agents. This study monitored the levels of mono-, diand triacylglycerols, the oxidation stability and the cold filter plugging point (CFPP) in beef tallow biodiesel samples from two commercial producers in Brazil for a period of twelve months. Filtered precipitates were analyzed by comparative techniques of GCFID, HPLC-UV/VIS, HPLC-MS-IT-TOF and TG to verify the nature, using monopalmitin and monostearin as reference standards. The formation of precipitate reduced the levels of monoacylglycerols in the beef tallow biodiesel. GC-FID and LCMS- IT-TOF results confirmed the nature of the deposit as saturated monoacylglycerols, predominantly monostearin and monopalmitin as the second major component. Moreover the TG analysis of the residue indicated similar thermal decomposition of the reference standards. The precipitate did not affect the oxidation stability of beef tallow biodiesel and the CFPP characteristic of blends up B60. However, the presence of iron reduced significantly the oxidation stability of biodiesel


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Hydrogeological prospecting in Northeast Brazil and in other crystalline terrains has been developed on the basis of structural and regional geology concepts that date back to the 50-60 decades and, as such, demand a natural re-evaluation and update. In this kind of terrain, the percolation and accumulation of ground water are controlled by fractures and other types of discontinuities, such as foliations and geological contacts that, through weathering, impart porosity and permeability to the rocks, allowing water flow and storage. Several factors should be considered in the process of locating water wells, as discussed in the literature. Among these, the kind of structures, fracture geometry (including aperture and connectivity) and their geological and chronological context. It is important to correlate fracture systems with the regional neotectonic framework. Fractures at low angle (sub parallel) with the principal stress axis (s1) are those which tend to open (actually they work as tension joints) and, in principle, would present major hydric potential; in the opposite side, fractures at high angle to s1 would behave as closed by a compressional component. Fractures diagonal to the compression and tension axes correspond to shear fractures and, due to their connectivity with second fractures, are also important in terms of hydric potential. Uplift followed by terrain denudation leads to decompression and a general tendency to open (aided by weathering processes) fractures and other rock discontinuities, at different orientations. Low angle fractures, formed in this context, are equally important to increase connectivity, collection of water and recharge of the aquifer systems. In a general way, an opening component (neotectonic or by terrain decompression) and several models to increase fracture connectivity correlate with a greater hydric potential of these structures. Together with parallel research, this thesis addresses models of ground water occurrence in crystalline terrains, either improving well established concepts like the (Riacho-Fenda model), but also stressing other possibilities, like the role of alluvium and paleo-regoliths (the Calha Elúvio-Aluvionar model) and of strongly altered, permo-porous zones placed at variable depths below the present surface, flanking several types of discontinuities, especially interconnected fracture arrays (the Bolsões de Intemperismo model). Different methodological approaches are also discussed in order to improve success rates in the location of water wells in crystalline terrains. In this methodological review, a number of case studies were selected in the eastern domain of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, involving the localities of Santa Cruz, Santo Antônio, Serrinha, Nova Cruz, Montanhas, Lagoa de Pedras and Lagoa Salgada. Besides the neotectonic analysis of brittle structures, this Thesis addresses the validation of remote sensing as a tool for ground water prospecting. Several techniques were tested in order to detect and select areas with higher potential for ground water accumulation, using Landsat 5-TM and RADARSAT images, besides conventional aerial photos. A number of filters were tested to emphasize lineaments in the images, improving their discrimination, to identify areas with higher overburden humidity, which could reflect subsurface water accumulation, as well as alluvium and other sedimentary covers that might act as recharge zones. The work started with a regional analysis with the orbital images, followed by analysis of aerial photos, up to a detailed structural study of rock exposures in the terrain. This last step involved the analysis of outcrops surrounding wells (in a ray of approximately 10 to 100 m) with distinct productivities, including dry examples. At the level required for detail, it was not possible to accomplish a statistical approach using the available well data catalogs, which lack the desired specific information. The methodology worked out in this Thesis must undergo a testing phase through location of new water wells. An increase in the success rates as desired will led to a further consolidation step with wider divulgation of the methodology to private companies and governmental agencies involved in ground water prospecting in crystalline terrains


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This study intends to enhance the existing knowledge concerning the patterns of the uses of space for low cost housing in Parnamirim, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, by way of comparative morphological studies in spatial arrangements and articulations regarding three distinct, however inter-related, sets of social housing: (1) a development comprising 21 self-built houses erected on public routes and illegal plots within a tract of land originally designed to be an industrial development: (2) architect-designed houses built by the public authority in order to accommodate the previous 21 (plus a few additions) families occupying the self-built dwellings, and (3) modifications performed by dwellers on a total of those 24 houses built by the public authority after an occupation period of one year. The predominant uses of each room within the self-built and modified houses were represented in ground plan, based on empirical observation, surveys with dwellers and the use of analytical procedures of morphologic analysis of nature predominantly geometric (specific) and topology (space syntax analysis). A scale of priorities was identified in relation to the uses of each room, its geometrical arrangement (adjacency, front/back relations etc), and underlying structures (connectivity, depth and spatial integration) in order to establish congruencies and non-congruencies between a social-cultural order embedded in the self-built domestic space and the design logic contained in the houses offered by official agencies. The comparative analysis points towards the convivial existence of two tendencies: one that seems to reinforce a design logic inasmuch as the additions and modifications performed by the dwellers do not alter but even emphasize the original configuration of the designed houses, and another one in which those patterns are subverted in accordance with a logic which, to a lesser or greater degree, coincides with that of the self-built dwellings