39 resultados para Histórias em quadrinhos História e crítica
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
This dissertation has its main goal on signing the modern Comic Books` narrative development aspects. It goes from its relationship with performing arts, specifically with the Yiddish (Jewish theatre). The research was done from the Will Eisners work analysis. He is a cartoonist and has a wide and influent in his area. Moreover he clearly reflects the similarities between Comic Books and Theatre. In this study was adopted the qualitative methodology on historic-comparative procedure through bibliography. The study indicates that, although their media and distinct principles, the Comic Books and Yiddish Theatre have close influence relationship considering their narrative solutions
This dissertation has its main goal on signing the modern Comic Books` narrative development aspects. It goes from its relationship with performing arts, specifically with the Yiddish (Jewish theatre). The research was done from the Will Eisners work analysis. He is a cartoonist and has a wide and influent in his area. Moreover he clearly reflects the similarities between Comic Books and Theatre. In this study was adopted the qualitative methodology on historic-comparative procedure through bibliography. The study indicates that, although their media and distinct principles, the Comic Books and Yiddish Theatre have close influence relationship considering their narrative solutions
This dissertation has its main goal on signing the modern Comic Books` narrative development aspects. It goes from its relationship with performing arts, specifically with the Yiddish (Jewish theatre). The research was done from the Will Eisners work analysis. He is a cartoonist and has a wide and influent in his area. Moreover he clearly reflects the similarities between Comic Books and Theatre. In this study was adopted the qualitative methodology on historic-comparative procedure through bibliography. The study indicates that, although their media and distinct principles, the Comic Books and Yiddish Theatre have close influence relationship considering their narrative solutions
The object of this study is the construction of metaphor and metonymy in comics. This work is inserted in the field of Embodied Cognitive Linguistics, specifically based on the Neural Theory of Language (FELDMAN, 2006) and, consistent with this theoretical and methodological framework, the notions of categorization (LAKOFF & JOHNSON, 1999), embodiment (GIBBS, 2005), figurativity (GIBBS, 1994; BERGEN, 2005), and mental simulation (BARSALOU, 1999; FELDMAN, 2006) have also been used. The hypothesis defended is that the construction of figurativity in texts consisting of verbal and nonverbal mechanisms is linked to the activation of neural structures related to our actions and perceptions. Thus, language is considered a cognitive faculty connected to the brain apparatus and to bodily experiences, in such a way that it provides samples of the continuous process of meaning (re)construction performed by the reader, whom (re)defines his or her views about the world as certain neural networks are (or stop being) activated during linguistic processing. The data obtained during the analysys shows that, as regards comics, the act of reading together the graphics and verbal language seems to have an important role in the construction of figurativity, including cases of metaphors which are metonymically motivated. These preliminary conclusions were drawn from the data analysis taken from V de Vingana (MOORE; LLOYD, 2006). The corpus study was guided by the methodology of introspection, i.e., the individual analysis of linguistic aspects as manifested in one's own cognition (TALMY, 2005).
This dissertation has its main goal on signing the modern Comic Books` narrative development aspects. It goes from its relationship with performing arts, specifically with the Yiddish (Jewish theatre). The research was done from the Will Eisners work analysis. He is a cartoonist and has a wide and influent in his area. Moreover he clearly reflects the similarities between Comic Books and Theatre. In this study was adopted the qualitative methodology on historic-comparative procedure through bibliography. The study indicates that, although their media and distinct principles, the Comic Books and Yiddish Theatre have close influence relationship considering their narrative solutions
Located at the intersection of Science Education, Teacher Training and use of didactic Comics (HQ), the text aims to discuss the problem which thus sets: - What is the contribution of the incorporation of comics in the continuing education of teachers Natural Sciences of the early years of elementary school? - May be the comics for enabling science teaching? - How to contribute to a reflexive training of teachers of the early years? - In order to answer these questions, there was a collaborative action research in a school located in the city of Natal / RN, with three teachers who teach natural science in the early years of elementary school. The study involved the conduct of 13 meetings of in-service, under the focus on reflective practice, with the purpose of discussing topics underlying the teaching of science and the use of comics as a methodological strategy. All meetings were recorded on audio and transcripts. The teachers finally recorded the meetings by writing a portfolio. The teachers made use of 10 sessions with reading comics in science classes, which were video recorded and later watched by the educators in autoscopy sessions followed by individual interviews. From the collected data, several aspects that have emerged can be grouped into three categories: The difficult concept of science, teachers' work and the obstacles and possibilities of comics as a teaching strategy. In this sense, are woven assessments taking as its founding, look for the reflective and dialogic practices exercised in the classroom. In the analysis of the data, we can see the conceptual difficulties, methodological and pistemological questions of teachers for teaching science, but also the limitations of comic books for teaching. Learning more relevant appointed by the teachers is related to the importance of collective work to mitigate the training needs of teaching. Finally, signals that the HQ has a great potential for use in science classes, provided that the teacher conduct a careful planning for this, but that the meetings of continuing education promote moments of reflection on teaching practices that are capable of giving rise to new attitudes before the difficulties they depict
OLIVEIRA, Marta Raquel Santos de; SOUZA, Patrcia Severiano Barbosa de. Gibiteca escolar: um recurso para o aprendizado. In: SEMINRIO DE PESQUISA DO CCSA, XVI., 2010, Natal. Anais eletrnicos... Natal: UFRN, 2010. Disponvel em: <http://www.ccsa.ufrn.br/seminario2010/anais/artigos/gt3-12.pdf>.
A obra "A razo embotada: ensaios de crítica literria", de autoria do prof. Andrey Pereira de Oliveira, do Departamento de Letras da UFRN, composta por 14 ensaios que discorrem acerca de obras das literaturas brasileira e universal. Os textos tiveram uma primeira publicao em livros coletivos, revistas acadmicas ou anais de congressos cientficos e passaram por adaptaes para reunio neste volume.
OLIVEIRA, Marta Raquel Santos de; SOUZA, Patrcia Severiano Barbosa de. Gibiteca escolar: um recurso para o aprendizado. In: SEMINRIO DE PESQUISA DO CCSA, XVI., 2010, Natal. Anais eletrnicos... Natal: UFRN, 2010. Disponvel em: <http://www.ccsa.ufrn.br/seminario2010/anais/artigos/gt3-12.pdf>.
Originalmente tese de doutorado da autora, defendida na Universidade de So Paulo, a obra discorre acerca do papel dos peridicos recreativos, cientficos e literrios na sociedade brasileira do sculo Xix e incio do sculo XX. Demonstrando amplo domnio bibliogrfico a respeito das discusses mais recentes sobre o assunto, a autora preenche uma lacuna sobre a revista francesa, que logo caiu no gosto das elites brasileiras a partir do Segundo Reinado.
This Researchis about history education and is directed toward the understanding of teacher practices in schools of the basic education in Cear-Mirim, a city located in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Its purpose is to understand the approaching forms of local history in 5 to 8 grade classrooms in the light of the recent innovations in the fields of the historiografy and education. The study was done with a view of investigating local history is being taught by teachers, as well as reflecting on the necessary conditions to the accomplishment of a teaching whose know how to make possible to break, on the one hand, with the limits of the narrow `local view`, and, on the other hand, with the globalized view, negating the local particularitities and especifications. Such questions had emerged as the understanding of what local history contents can constitute in a significant component in the production of school historical knowledge in 5 to 8 grade classrooms. History education is analyzed, considering the depositions of three teachers of Cear-Mirim in reagard to its historiography conceptions and history as a school subject. This inquiry is of a qualitative nature and had as a main strategy of data construction from the interviews with the teachers. The analysis indicates the permanence of teacher practices who, even though presenting innovations, bring an implicit value hierarchy where the place or thematic places are not contemplated in the school contents or appear overwhelmed by general history and the Brazilian history, configuring itself as a hierarchical relation to problematic historical ones. Thus the necessity of having historical school knowledge, that considers the local especifications, without, however, ignoring the articulations with other spatial dimensions
Este estudio trata de establecer relaciones sobre la importancia del fenmeno sociocultural que emerge de Doa Militana para la cultura potiguar. Para tanto tomamos sus recuerdos de los romances como parte de un contexto social, relacionados con el tiempo y el espacio, que afecten a la vida material y moral de su grupo social. Resaltamos, por lo tanto, el fenmeno de la memoria individual en su relacin con la memoria colectiva. Proponemos, en este sentido, suponer que el mantenimiento y permanencia de estos romances en la memoria de la romancera revelan una dinmica de su grupo social para la formacin de su identidad. En este sentido, nos servimos como referencial terico de los estudios de Maurice Halbwachs, en lo que respecta a los debates sobre la memoria colectiva, en paralelo a los estudios de Paul Zunthor cuando se trata de las funciones de la oralidad para la formacin de la identidad. Para llevar a cabo los trabajos es de fundamental importancia, por supuesto, el relato de vida de la propia Doa Militana en confronto con los simbolismo culturales contenidos en los romances, con el objetivo que flagremos las (co)incidencias que demarquen la identidad de sus vnculos de identidad con el universo cultural en que est insertado. Como resultado, se tom como objeto de anlisis desde la deposicin presentadas en las entrevistas, hasta los romances en sus aspectos poticos, lingsticos y mitolgicos, incluyendo los significados que el desempeo de la romancera muestra. Objetivamos, por lo tanto, una comprensin dialgica de la relacin entre la memoria individual (el caso de Doa Militana) con la memoria colectiva, sobre la base de un hipottico concepto que subyace a la aparente singularidad de este fenmeno - un hecho aislado en cierta medida - una razn intrnseca y compleja que se revela como la punta de un iceberg, al que convergen motivos histricos inconscientes de un patrimonio cultural
Teaching and learning History in dialectical relationship between interpretation and critical historical awareness has investigated the triggering of a theoretical-practical training process developed with a history teacher, her mediation in the teaching and learning of the discipline process, related to the appropriation of history text interpretation and the development of critical historical consciousness by public school 8 th-grade students of elementary level. It aims to analyze the relationship between mediation of teaching activity and ownership by the student on this level, the interpretation of history texts and development of this consciousness. It has been opted for collaborative research, as training and strategy, and was employed as procedures for the formation of knowledge: Meeting, Cycles of Reflexive Studies, Planning (with teachers), Observation performed in real life and portfolio (involving students). The teacher appropriated of contributions of the theory by P. Ya . Galperin and critical historical consciousness and developed a teaching process using a methodology grounded in theoretical constructs this author. The students appropriated the interpretation of history texts and demonstrated to be in a process of developing a critical historical consciousness. Performance of the students occurred more consistently in the interpretations implemented in groups, with teacher guidance and support of the activity map. Training processes, performed in and about teaching and student activities, revealed an improvement in teacher's professional development and the knowledge and expertise of the students. It has contributed to this, the critical reflection experienced in the investigative process. Given these findings, as needs of new thinking, research recommends the development of teaching and learning processes in other years of elementary school, involving the interpretation of history texts and the development of critical historical consciousness of students.
A tese trata de dois construtos scio-histricos Administrao e Administrador em face do capitalismo em sua fase flexvel. Considerando as mudanas do capitalismo, o texto estabelece como objeto de estudo as concepes de Administrao e Administrador, para o campo administrativo, na contemporaneidade. A tese suportada por uma pesquisa de campo cujo objetivo foi compreender criticamente as concepes do campo administrativo sobre a Administrao e o Administrador, em tempos de capitalismo flexvel. Epistemologicamente, a pesquisa foi conduzida a partir da perspectiva crítica frankfurtiana, fundamentada em trs pares categricos dialticos: (i) história versus naturalizao; (ii) prxis social versus sistema; e (iii) alienao versus emancipao; privilegiando o pensamento crtico vinculado primeira gerao da Escola de Frankfurt. A literatura prevalente da rea de Administrao foi revisada mediada pelas duas questes ontolgicas que suportam a tese: O que Administrao? e O que Administrador? para autores como Taylor, Fayol, Drucker, Ohno, Deming, Champy e Mintzberg. Metodologicamente, foi realizada uma pesquisa integralmente qualitativa, com uso de trs tipos de entrevistas: (i) entrevista narrativa com história de vida; (ii) entrevista com uso de elementos-estmulo; e (iii) entrevista narrativa ficcional. Para compreenso das narrativas, foi utilizada a tcnica de anlise hermenutico-dialtica. Os resultados indicam o predomnio da concepo pragmtica-instrumental, no tocante Administrao, pela qual ela continua a ser pensada e discursada como uma ao tecnolgica e teleolgica, que utiliza saberes mltiplos e aprendizagens cambiantes como meios para alcance das finalidades do contexto organizacional mutante. Com relao ao Administrador, h a emergncia da concepo esttica para apresent-lo, quando vinculado s organizaes. Por esta concepo, h a migrao do histrico esteretipo do Administrador controlador e vigilante para a representao do Administrador como um profissional performtico. O segundo resultado, que se apresenta como o mais relevante em relao ao Administrador, o da fuga da profisso. A partir dos pares categricos dialticos, esta tese prope algumas snteses provisrias críticas: (i) história-naturalizao: os sujeitos tomam como naturais a organizao empresarial e suas demandas, naturalizando as recentes mudanas que, entre outras coisas, reduzem os postos gerenciais; (ii) prxis social-sistema: pela concepo pragmtica-instrumental, as experincias dos Administradores so concebidas a partir do confinamento funcionalista em uma organizao-sistema; (iii) emancipao-alienao: tanto a forma naturalizada com que especificam as organizaes e sua Administrao quanto a prxis interrompida velada em uma experincia reificada mostram-se como fenmenos intrinsecamente e subjetivamente alienantes e contraemancipatrios. Por outro lado, atravs do movimento de fuga da profisso, os entrevistados parecem (re)significar o silncio fundador da alienao associada condio de Administrador: a de pensar como capital, e no se pensar como trabalho. Finalmente, o texto prope que as possibilidades de emancipao deste profissional residem na tomada de conscincia de sua condio como integrante da classe trabalhadora, mesmo em tempos de riscos e incertezas. Assumindo-se como trabalhador, o Administrador poder lutar pelo seu trabalho, repensando-o em novos termos, em que as dimenses pragmticas-instrumentais que envolvem sua profisso possam ser dosadas e sempre mediadas por contedos substantivos e emancipatrios