13 resultados para Higiene da Pele
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Analisar a atuação dos enfermeiros de unidade de terapia intensiva na prevenção da úlcera por pressão. Método: trata-se de estudo descritivo desenvolvido com 13 enfermeiros da unidade de terapia intensiva do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL), em Natal-RN. Foi aplicado um questionário, submetido à análise de conteúdo temática. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), sob o CAAE n. 0240.0.051.000-10. Resultados: os enfermeiros reportaram a realização da mudança de decúbito, a avaliação de risco, a discussão com os colegas sobre as medidas adotadas, a higiene e hidratação da pele do paciente através de uso de ácidos graxos essenciais e hidratante corporal, o cuidado com a disposição dos lençóis, de forma a evitar dobras, a utilização de colchão de ar e a aplicação de placas de hidrocoloide nas proeminências ósseas. Conclusão: a prática da prevenção das úlceras por pressão aplicada pelos enfermeiros da unidade de terapia intensiva ocorre sem padronização dos cuidados
Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica que objetivou relacionar as medidas educativas para a promoção da integridade da pele em idosos com as Cartas de Promoção da Saúde. Realizou-se a busca nas bases de dados CINAHL, SCOPUS, LILACS e COCHRANE, nos portais CAPES e BVS e na biblioteca PUBMED, mediante a aplicação dos descritores Health Education; Skin e Aged. Os resultados dos 7 artigos analisados apontaram como principais medidas educativas: inspeção diária da pele, cuidados com calçados e com os pés, uso regular de protetor solar e mudanças de decúbito. Essas medidas estavam relacionadas com as seguintes Cartas de Promoção da Saúde: Ottawa, Declaração de Santafé de Bogotá e Declaração de Jacarta. Conclui-se que as medidas educativas, baseadas nas Cartas, são de grande relevância para a criação de uma cultura de saúde, com enfoque na população e no indivíduo como agentes executores imprescindíveis para o alcance da promoção da saúde
In this work we analyze the skin bioimpedance statistical distribution. We focus on the study of two distinct samples: the statistics of impedance of several points in the skin of a single individual and the statistics over a population (many individuals) but in a single skin point. The impedance data was obtained from the literature (Pearson, 2007). Using the Shapiro-Wilk test and the assymmetry test we conclude that the impedance of a population is better described by an assymetric and non-normal distribution. On the other side, the data concerning the individual impedance seems to follow a normal distribution. We have performed a goodnes of fitting test and the better distribution to fit the data of a population is the log-normal distribution. It is interesting to note that our result for skin impedance is in simtony with body impedance from the literature of electrical engeneering. Our results have an impact over the statistical planning and modelling of skin impedance experiments. Special attention we should drive to the treatment of outliers in this kind of dataset. The results of this work are important in the general discussion of low impedance of points of acupuncture and also in the problem of skin biopotentials used in equipments like the Electrodermal Screen Tests.
In the first half of the twentieth century different groups of intellectuals were engaged in the pursuit of an ideal of Brazility. Thereon, two currents are perceived. The first was marked by a nostalgic bias about the past, being formulated by intellectuals from the region that was turning as Northeast. This group of intellectuals emphasized values and traditions of the agrarian aristocracy of the region that was losing visibility in the political and economic Brazil scene. Already the other current has a more modern and industrial feature, was formed by intellectuals from the Southeast that in detriment of the first, was rising. This group, on the other hand, was intended to give a new face to Brazil and break with the "roots" of our delay that in their view were linked to our agrarian past. This resulted in different perceptions and interpretations of our historical past, and the construction of different profiles to the Brazilian. Accordingly, our work seeks to understand how was produced the writing that silenced the mixed ancestry of Auta de Souza (1876-1901) considering the position that she should occupy in the intellectuals projects who were in charge of forming a memory for our state. Auta as a relevant historical character in this project of potiguares intellectuals, she was raised to the condition of a model woman and elected in the pantheon of the most beloved poets of Rio Grande do Norte, however, to occupy such prestigious position she had her racial ancestry concealed in the writings that these same intellectuals had written about her, what is still spreaded in memory and rituals places of religious and civic features
The skin cancer is the most common of all cancers and the increase of its incidence must, in part, caused by the behavior of the people in relation to the exposition to the sun. In Brazil, the non-melanoma skin cancer is the most incident in the majority of the regions. The dermatoscopy and videodermatoscopy are the main types of examinations for the diagnosis of dermatological illnesses of the skin. The field that involves the use of computational tools to help or follow medical diagnosis in dermatological injuries is seen as very recent. Some methods had been proposed for automatic classification of pathology of the skin using images. The present work has the objective to present a new intelligent methodology for analysis and classification of skin cancer images, based on the techniques of digital processing of images for extraction of color characteristics, forms and texture, using Wavelet Packet Transform (WPT) and learning techniques called Support Vector Machine (SVM). The Wavelet Packet Transform is applied for extraction of texture characteristics in the images. The WPT consists of a set of base functions that represents the image in different bands of frequency, each one with distinct resolutions corresponding to each scale. Moreover, the characteristics of color of the injury are also computed that are dependants of a visual context, influenced for the existing colors in its surround, and the attributes of form through the Fourier describers. The Support Vector Machine is used for the classification task, which is based on the minimization principles of the structural risk, coming from the statistical learning theory. The SVM has the objective to construct optimum hyperplanes that represent the separation between classes. The generated hyperplane is determined by a subset of the classes, called support vectors. For the used database in this work, the results had revealed a good performance getting a global rightness of 92,73% for melanoma, and 86% for non-melanoma and benign injuries. The extracted describers and the SVM classifier became a method capable to recognize and to classify the analyzed skin injuries
The contents introduction concerning the individual health cares reveals important since the school education. In this direction, the present study objectified to know an effect of Oral Health education intervention in the oral hygiene and in the schools children information level, of 4º e 5º basic education years. The study was composed by two groups, chosen of random form: control group (n = 115) and experimental group (n = 132), with 247 public net school children in total sample. The experimental group participated of some educative activities in Oral Health, with biweekly frequency, during the 4 months period, given for a surgeon-dentistry. Both the groups were submitted to a clinical examination for a previous verification of the Plaque Index (PI) and of Loe Silness Gingival Index (GI). A questionnaire with closed questions on Oral Health was applied before and after to verify the school children rightness index. After the intervention, the final data, represented for the PI, GI and Rightness Index verification, has been collected for statistical analyses through the chi-square test to a 95 % of reliable level, using the SPSS 10,0 software. The PI and GI were categorized in high and low on the initials index basis medium; already the Rightness Index was categorized in inadequate (< 50%) and adequate (≥ 50%). It was verified that the PI (p = 0,014; IC 0.24-0.86) and the GI (p = 0,013; IC 0,28-0,84) presented differences statistically significant, after the education activities, when compared to with the control, favoring the experimental group. It was verified too the experimental group got greater rightness index, presenting difference highly significant (p<0,0001; IC 3,73-26,81). It was still observed that there was no association between the oral hygiene indicators and the school children information level. Ahead the results, it can been concluded that education activities related in the school routine were capable to give positives effects in the oral hygiene control and in the information level about Oral Health, however, not necessarily, the individual with bigger information is that one who has practiced an oral hygiene more adjusted. One become necessary, however, that the education in Oral Health occurs of permanent and integrated form with others school actors, for the positive effect does not lose the student s life longterm
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
This research aims to study the constitution of subjectivities in discursive practices included in imagistic and verbal texts of tattoos. Seeks to grasp the effects of meanings which translate emotions, experiences and disaffection that marked and / or transformed the lives of tattooed subjects. This thesis was anchored in Foucault's theories (1990, 2010, 2012) that address ways of subjectivity from the writing itself, transgression technologies as overshoot, opening new possibilities for discursive subject producing care of itself. Still notions from this analysis of French discourse (AD), as interdiscourse and discursive memory are used. The nature of qualitative research intends to contribute to the understanding of discourse as social practice constitutive of meaning in ways of being of the subject, as well as production of discourses about social norms. The corpus is composed of testimonials and imagistic and verbal texts of five subjects, among the ten respondents who tattooed experiences in the skin. The results show data demonstrating the constitution itself through lived experiences and printed on the skin. The meanings generated in the skin are types of subjectivities that reflect happiness, resilience, protection and immortality. We conclude that our subjects are positioned discursively in order to rebuild their bodies and experiences as necessary and that the images and statements recorded in bodies produce effects felt around the reflection about the ways of life and the existence choices of each one of the tattooed subjects.
The aging process causes changes in the elderly’s sleep/awake standard impairing their cognitive abilities, particularly executive functioning, which already suffers loss by aging. The literature suggests that executive function and preserved sleep quality are key to maintaining good quality of life and independence of older people, requiring interventions to minimize the impact of losses incurred by the aging process. This study evaluated the effect of a cognitive training program and sleep hygiene techniques for executive functions and sleep quality in healthy older people. The participants were 41 healthy older adults, of both sexes, who were randomly divided into four groups: control group [GC], cognitive training group [GTC], sleep hygiene group [GHS] and training group + hygiene [GTH]. The research was developed in three stages: 1st - initial assessment of cognition and sleep; 2nd - specific intervention to each group; 3rd - post-intervention revaluation. The results showed that GTC had significant improvements in cognitive tasks flexibility, planning, verbal fluency and some aspects of episodic memory, besides gains in sleep quality and decrease on daytime hypersomnolence. The GHS improved sleep quality and daytime sleepiness as well and had significant improvements in insights capacity, planning, attention and in all evaluated aspects of episodic memory. The GTH had significant gains in cognitive flexibility, problem solving, verbal fluency, attention and episodic memory. The CG showed significant worsening in excessive daytime sleepiness in capacity planning. Thus, we conclude that cognitive training interventions and sleep hygiene strategies are useful in improving cognitive performance and quality of healthy elderly sleep.
Ostomy is an open surgical origin, when it is necessary to deviate temporarily or permanently, the normal transit of food and / or deletions. The patient with ostomy disposal is faced with changes in their physiology, also emerging on the need to care collection bag. This study aimed to analyze the quality of life (QOL) of people living with ostomy Intestinal (EI), who attended the Pediatric and Adult Rehabilitation Center of Rio Grande do Norte (CRI / CRA-RN). It is an analytical study with cross-sectional design and quantitative approach, accomplished with 89 people who had EI. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CEP / UFRN), CAAE: 19866413.3.0000.5537. Held data collection in the period January-March 2015 using two instruments: an adapted general questionnaire covering socio-demographic, clinical and self-care and a specific instrument for assessing QOL of people with stoma titled as City of Hope Quality of Life - Ostomy Questionnaire (COH-QOL-Q), validated and adapted to Portuguese in 2010, composed of four areas, namely: Welfare Body (BEF), Welfare Psychological (BEP), Welfare (BES ) and Spiritual Well-Being (BEE). The collected data were entered into a database in Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet application and processed in computerized software for descriptive and inferential analysis. The results showed that 83.1% had a colostomy and ileostomy 16.9%. Sociodemographic characteristics prevailed in males (57.3%), over 50 (57.3%), mulatto (46.1%), with presence of companion / a (57.3%), retired / beneficiaries (50.5%), monthly income above the minimum wage (68.5%) and who have studied up to elementary school (67.4%). Regarding clinical aspects, it was observed that the main cause that led to the making of the stoma was the neoplasm (59.6%) followed by trauma (21.3%). The sample showed people with stoma for more than six months (79.8%) of permanently (57.3%), in use sink equipment piece drainable (68.5%) of flat base (82.0%). With respect to self-care, 93.3% emptied and washed the bag alone (care related to hygiene) and 75.3% fixed the new exchange on the skin during the exchange (care related to the stock). Patients with more than six months of ostomy and had no partner (a) had higher averages of self-care related hygiene and purse. The average of respondents QoL scores was 68.90% for General QOL; 68.03% for the BEF; 68.38% for the BEP; 66.46% for BES and 75.41% for BEE. Among the aspects that influenced QOL included: physical strength, pain, suffering and gases (physical domain); appearance, care of the stoma and adaptation to new condition (psychological domain); isolation, interference in personal relationships and social activities (social domain) and going to church or synagogue, spiritual activities and positive change after ostomy (spiritual realm). Based on these results, it is concluded that this was a predominantly adult sample / elderly (between 50 and 70 years), with low education and the cause motivating the stoma, neoplasms. However, such findings did not pass at low percentage levels on the self-care capacity to deliver even at low QOL scores.
Ostomy is an open surgical origin, when it is necessary to deviate temporarily or permanently, the normal transit of food and / or deletions. The patient with ostomy disposal is faced with changes in their physiology, also emerging on the need to care collection bag. This study aimed to analyze the quality of life (QOL) of people living with ostomy Intestinal (EI), who attended the Pediatric and Adult Rehabilitation Center of Rio Grande do Norte (CRI / CRA-RN). It is an analytical study with cross-sectional design and quantitative approach, accomplished with 89 people who had EI. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (CEP / UFRN), CAAE: 19866413.3.0000.5537. Held data collection in the period January-March 2015 using two instruments: an adapted general questionnaire covering socio-demographic, clinical and self-care and a specific instrument for assessing QOL of people with stoma titled as City of Hope Quality of Life - Ostomy Questionnaire (COH-QOL-Q), validated and adapted to Portuguese in 2010, composed of four areas, namely: Welfare Body (BEF), Welfare Psychological (BEP), Welfare (BES ) and Spiritual Well-Being (BEE). The collected data were entered into a database in Microsoft Excel 2007 spreadsheet application and processed in computerized software for descriptive and inferential analysis. The results showed that 83.1% had a colostomy and ileostomy 16.9%. Sociodemographic characteristics prevailed in males (57.3%), over 50 (57.3%), mulatto (46.1%), with presence of companion / a (57.3%), retired / beneficiaries (50.5%), monthly income above the minimum wage (68.5%) and who have studied up to elementary school (67.4%). Regarding clinical aspects, it was observed that the main cause that led to the making of the stoma was the neoplasm (59.6%) followed by trauma (21.3%). The sample showed people with stoma for more than six months (79.8%) of permanently (57.3%), in use sink equipment piece drainable (68.5%) of flat base (82.0%). With respect to self-care, 93.3% emptied and washed the bag alone (care related to hygiene) and 75.3% fixed the new exchange on the skin during the exchange (care related to the stock). Patients with more than six months of ostomy and had no partner (a) had higher averages of self-care related hygiene and purse. The average of respondents QoL scores was 68.90% for General QOL; 68.03% for the BEF; 68.38% for the BEP; 66.46% for BES and 75.41% for BEE. Among the aspects that influenced QOL included: physical strength, pain, suffering and gases (physical domain); appearance, care of the stoma and adaptation to new condition (psychological domain); isolation, interference in personal relationships and social activities (social domain) and going to church or synagogue, spiritual activities and positive change after ostomy (spiritual realm). Based on these results, it is concluded that this was a predominantly adult sample / elderly (between 50 and 70 years), with low education and the cause motivating the stoma, neoplasms. However, such findings did not pass at low percentage levels on the self-care capacity to deliver even at low QOL scores.
Analisar a atuação dos enfermeiros de unidade de terapia intensiva na prevenção da úlcera por pressão. Método: trata-se de estudo descritivo desenvolvido com 13 enfermeiros da unidade de terapia intensiva do Hospital Universitário Onofre Lopes (HUOL), em Natal-RN. Foi aplicado um questionário, submetido à análise de conteúdo temática. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), sob o CAAE n. 0240.0.051.000-10. Resultados: os enfermeiros reportaram a realização da mudança de decúbito, a avaliação de risco, a discussão com os colegas sobre as medidas adotadas, a higiene e hidratação da pele do paciente através de uso de ácidos graxos essenciais e hidratante corporal, o cuidado com a disposição dos lençóis, de forma a evitar dobras, a utilização de colchão de ar e a aplicação de placas de hidrocoloide nas proeminências ósseas. Conclusão: a prática da prevenção das úlceras por pressão aplicada pelos enfermeiros da unidade de terapia intensiva ocorre sem padronização dos cuidados
Trata-se de uma revisão bibliográfica que objetivou relacionar as medidas educativas para a promoção da integridade da pele em idosos com as Cartas de Promoção da Saúde. Realizou-se a busca nas bases de dados CINAHL, SCOPUS, LILACS e COCHRANE, nos portais CAPES e BVS e na biblioteca PUBMED, mediante a aplicação dos descritores Health Education; Skin e Aged. Os resultados dos 7 artigos analisados apontaram como principais medidas educativas: inspeção diária da pele, cuidados com calçados e com os pés, uso regular de protetor solar e mudanças de decúbito. Essas medidas estavam relacionadas com as seguintes Cartas de Promoção da Saúde: Ottawa, Declaração de Santafé de Bogotá e Declaração de Jacarta. Conclui-se que as medidas educativas, baseadas nas Cartas, são de grande relevância para a criação de uma cultura de saúde, com enfoque na população e no indivíduo como agentes executores imprescindíveis para o alcance da promoção da saúde