11 resultados para Gravações de video - Produção e direção

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The aim of the research is to analyze Direção Espiritual a TV program produced by Catholic Church and presented by Canção Nova Channel. The program is presented by Father Fábio de Melo, a catholic priest that also is a famous religious singer and writer. The analyses included not only some TV programs, but also interviews with some of the viewers and Fabio de Melo himself. The results points out the emergence in Brazil of a new religious speech from Catholic Church founded in comprehension path, dissociated from punishment and guilty. This religious speech is more like a self help speech rather than a tradicional religious discourse itself, very similar to psychotherapeutic speech. The TV program presented by Fabio de Melo is guided in tiny line of sacre and profane which announces contradictions but also a new blend of religious approach in contemporary days


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The purpose is to write a reflection on the audiovisual production by the visually impaired. The starting point for this research was a documentary video production workshop offered by the Instituto de Educação e Reabilitação de Cegos do Rio Grande do Norte - IERC / RN, with the participation of blind people with low vision and sighted employees of the institution. The research approach follows the precepts of complex thinking, where work is woven into the network, along with the researched. The theoretical framework is based on the theory of French sociologist Edgar Morin, and other important thinkers for this work, namely: Erving Goffman, Paulo Freire, Michel Foucault, Edward Said, Jacques Aumont, Phillpe Dubois, as well as scholars who think and theorize about his own condition and conduct discussions on the issue of blindness: Francisco Jose de Lima, Evgen Bavcar Jacques Lusseyran and Joana Belarmino. The research was formulated based on the statement in the interest of respondents to understand and produce visual images using video as a tool. In this sense, the methodology adopted approaches of action research in constructing the text and dialogue with the participation of those involved in the project. The technique of gathering the information was based on ethnographic description describing the dynamics of the workshop, the relationships between participants, relationship to the other that sees and the manner of operation of equipment. The main focus is the relationship based on dialogue of information, attitudes and ways of knowing from experience and capacity developed and obstacles for blind people to produce visual images using other benchmarks, such as touch, smell and time dimension and space, and add references that give new meaning to the guidelines based on visuality of ministering to the workshop. It is also held to discuss aspects related to the concept of image with sociological reflection about the audiovisual production made by blind people socially constructed and perpetuated by what Edgar Morin called cultural imprinting. Thus we attempted to walk the route with its obstacles and achievements in the production of new images that were seen


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This dissertation is a work on playing and its relation with the knowledge production process. It is the result of a set of personal experiences with the cultural universe of children which have instigated a look into the way they explore the world and questions about the very nature of the games they play. Could we consider those games hide, or rather reveal important strategies used in the knowledge production process and in making science. In light of several studies concerning the complexity of science, this questioning has also led to the development of a toy (a box), which consists of a range of pieces (photos, video, audio, stones, seeds, rags, envelopes, etc.). My intention is to show in a practical manner a strategy of thinking similar to the sensitive logic bricolage present in the playing, in order to instigate the reflection on the possibility of its inclusion in the production of the knowledge and science making processes


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The traditional fishing with rafts is characterized by unpredictability, high stakes and inadequate work conditions. The extensive working hours, physical wear, inadequate nutrition, unsanitary conditions, lack of salvage equipment and instruments suitable working, added by the presence of changes in the nutritional status of fisherman, that contribute to the picture of insecurity in high seas, injuries and health. This study aimed to analyze the activity of the fisherman s from Ponta Negra, Natal / RN, and check the conditions of supply of these fishermen and their implications on health and development of their work. To this finality, was used a methodology based on the ergonomic work analysis employing techniques such as observational and interactional conversational action, listening to the answers, observation protocols, photographic and video records. The script conversational dynamic action was developed from literature searches about the artisanal fisheries, culture and food habits of this population, and analyzes the overall situation of focus and two reference situations. To collect data on the usual diet of fisherman as well as quantitative and qualitative analysis that was used for data analysis and 24h recall the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). The impact of this power to the health of fisherman was evaluated performing a nutritional assessment. The results revealed that the fishermen carry out their activities with poor working conditions, health and nutrition. Feeding practices of these fishermen undertake development work, making it even more stressful, as well contributing to the emergence of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases. The management of the activity, as well as the current structure of the vessel, also contributes to the adoption of inappropriate feeding practices during the shipment of catch. The results of this indicate the need for adequate interventions in order to assist in recovery and / or maintenance of health of fisherman minimizing reflections of nutritional disorders for the development activity by improving the quality of life in this population


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Este trabalho tem como foco principal a interação em sala de aula, especificando aspectos da organização linguístico-discursiva, na produção conjunta da fala da professora e dos alunos, materializada em turnos, ressaltando o par pergunta-resposta na aula de Língua Portuguesa. Para alcançarmos esse objetivo, inspiramo-nos em alguns trabalhos acerca da organização da interação que adotaram a perspectiva dos estudos interacionais e a abordagem etnográfica, a fim de explicitar o conhecimento nos espaços de ensino e aprendizagem. Entre eles, citamos as pesquisas de Galvão (1996, 2004) e de Matêncio (2001). Nessa direção, descrevemos o processo de interação em sala de aula em uma escola pública, analisando e interpretando as ações de linguagem realizadas pela professora e pelos alunos. Teoricamente, embasamo-nos, principalmente, na Análise da Conversação, ancorando-nos no estudo pioneiro de Sacks, Schegloff e Jefferson ([1974] 2003); nos postulados de Marcuschi ([1986] 2007a); nas pesquisas de Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2006), dentre outros. Explicitamos uma tipologia de perguntas e respostas em sala de aula, quanto à sua forma e função, conforme os postulados teóricos de Stubbs (1987), Araújo (2003), Fávero, Andrade e Aquino (2006), Silva (2006) e Koshik (2010). Analisamos a organização da tomada de turno, seguida de uma investigação sobre perguntas e respostas no discurso desenvolvido face a face. Na tentativa de compreendermos o cotidiano dos envolvidos no cenário de sala de aula, adotamos a abordagem etnográfica e o método indutivo, nas perspectivas de André (2010) e Chizzotti (2006). Os dados foram gerados através de pesquisa de campo, por meio de gravações (em áudio) de aulas de Língua Portuguesa, posteriormente transcritas e transformadas no corpus de pesquisa. As análises demonstraram que a interação entre professora e alunos organizou-se em trocas de turnos, na maioria das vezes, controladas pela professora, evidenciando-se uma relação de assimetria entre os participantes. Esses turnos concretizados, geralmente, no par adjacente pergunta-resposta revelaram como a construção do conhecimento se realiza em sala de aula. Por fim, observamos que a interação em sala de aula de Língua Portuguesa é organizada por aspectos sociais e pedagógicos intrinsecamente imbricados


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VoiceThread (VT) is a collaborative and asynchronous web 2.0 tool, which permits the creation of oral presentations with the help of images, documents, texts and voice, allowing groups of people to browse and contribute with comments using several options: voice (microphone or cell phone), text and audio-file or video (webcam) (BOTTENTUIT JUNIOR, LISBÔA E COUTINHO, 2009). The hybrid experience with VoiceThread allows learners to plan their speech before recording it, without the pressure often existent in the classroom. Furthermore, the presentations can be recorded several times, enabling students to listen to them, notice the gaps in their oral production (noticing) and edit innumerous times before publishing them online. In this perspective, oral production is seen as a process of L2 acquisition, not only as practice of already existent knowledge, because it can stimulate the learner to process the language syntactically (SWAIN, 1985; 1995). In this context, this study aims to verify if there is a relation between the oral production of the learners more specifically the grammatical accuracy and the global oral grade and their noticing capacity, how the systematic practice with VoiceThread, in a hybrid approach, can impact the learners global oral development, their oral production in terms of fluency (number of words per minute), accuracy (number of errors in hundred words), and complexity (number of dependent clauses per minute), and on their noticing capacity (SCHMIDT, 1990; 1995; 2001), that is, the learner s capacity of noticing the gaps existent in their oral production. In order to answer these research questions, 49 L2 learners of English were divided into an experimental group (25 students) and a control group (24 students). The experimental group was exposed to the hybrid approach with VT during two months and, through a pre- and post-test, we verified if this systematic practice would positively influence these participants oral production and noticing capacity. These results were compared to the pre- and post-test scores from the control group, which was not exposed to VT. Finally, learners impressions in relation to the use of this tool were also sought through a questionnaire applied after the post-test. The results indicate that there is a statistically significant correlation between the learners speech production (accuracy and global oral grade) and their noticing capacity. Besides, it was verified a positive impact of VoiceThread on the learners speech production variables and on their noticing capacity. They also reveal a positive reaction by the learners in relation to the hybrid experience with this web tool


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The infographics historically experience the process of evolution of journalism, from the incipient models handmade in the eighteenth century to the inclusion of computers and sophisticated software today. In order to face the advent of TV against of the partiality readers of the printed newspaper, or to represent the Gulf War, where not allowed photography, infographics reaches modern levels of production and publication. The technical devices which enabled the infographics to evolve the environment of the internet, with conditions for the manipulation of the reader, incorporating video, audio and animations, so styling of interactive infographics. These digital models of information visualization recently arrived daily in the northeast and on their respective web sites with features regionalized. This paper therefore proposes to explore and describe the processes of producing the interactive infographics, taking the example of the Diário do Nordeste, Fortaleza, Ceará, whose department was created one year ago. Therefore, based on aspects that guide the theory of journalism, as newsmaking, filters that focus on productive routine (gatekeeping) and the construction stages of the news. This research also draws on the theoretical framework on the subject, in concepts essential characteristics of computer graphics, as well as the methodological procedures and systematic empirical observations in production routines of the newsroom who can testify limitations and / or advances


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This study aimed to explore the process of reproduction of space from the small family farm production in the municipality of Canguaretama, specifically focused on foodstuffs of plant origin, seeking to understand the changes in agrarian space canguaretamense and its impact on small family farms the last 35 years. Since colonization, during the seventeenth century, the production of space agrarian Canguaretama was founded under a structure based on large ownership and cultivation of cane sugar. Secondly, it was being built a small space reserved for food production to meet both the consumption of property, but also for local marketing. In the centuries following the changes in the capitalist system imposed a new dynamic for small food production, mostly in the early twentieth century, with processing plants and mills in the area extending toward the cultivation of sugarcane. In the second half of that century, mainly in the 1980s, the cultivation of cane sugar was encouraged to produce alcohol, which led to a further expansion of sugar cane toward the areas targeted for the production of foodstuffs. Currently, the framework of small food production differs little from the period of colonization in relation to the difficulties faced by this segment of agriculture. Thus, we have a reality based on socio-spatial inequality, and the near absence of the Government, which requires urgent implementation of public policies for the production and organization of small producers into associations or cooperatives to improve the productivity and hence in their standards of living and their families


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The present work is about the reproduction of the urban area of Nova Cruz RN, with the objective of analyzing the social and spatial implications of the relocation of the main street market in the city from 1991 on. Nowadays, the city of Nova Cruz takes over importance in the potiguar social and spatial scenario due to its condition of central city which is practiced for decades in Potiguar Agreste Microregion. Beginning with its formation process connected with traveler‟s hostel which assisted the activity of cattle transportation, further in time by the golden era of cotton production in its territory, it was noticed that its importance in relation with the nearby towns has been happening differently throughout time. From the year 1991 on, the town of Nova Cruz has gone through a territory restructuring of its urban area due to the relocation of the open market from Downtown neighborhood to São Sebastião neighborhood. Such territorial movement resulted in a reformation of the town‟s urban space, promoting in both neighborhoods urban growth and the expansion of commercial activity associated with the migration of the commercial center of the city. The transference of the commercial area has caused these processes through the new uses of the land towards the São Sebastião region, it has also caused a decrease in market value of the downtown area as a result of the breakdown of previous existing business activities, their service contribution and the citizen migration, establishing a space and socioeconomic portrait in the neighborhood. From this context, our analysis seeks to understand the social and spatial impacts occurred in Downtown neighborhood, the way in which the production and reproduction of the urban space in São Sebastião neighborhood and the implications resulted from the actions of the administrative power in restructuring of the urban space of Nova Cruz. In order to do so, a bibliographical research was used to compose our theoretic-conceptual mark, discussing the matter with authors such as Roberto Lobato Corrêa, Ana Fani, Milton Santos, Manuel Castells e Heri Lefvbre, among others, discussing on the subject of urban analysis, the concepts of urban space and the process of reproduction of the urban space. A field research was utilized in our area of study by means of primary data gathering through interviews, questionnaire and photographic register. Secondary data gathering was also obtained by means of bibliographical and documental research related to our study object. By these means, it was sought to contribute to the understanding of the urban space through its production and reproduction based upon the discovery of social and spatial practices


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In Brazil, the discussion about the urban voids appear related to the capitalist urban expansion process, when the urban growth act the cities were expanding toward the periphery, leaving in the interstices vacant land, kept out of the market waiting for the real estate valuation. In Natal, the formation of voids was triggered by the process of fragmentation of space promoted mainly by the urban sprawl with the emergence of new neighborhoods, lots of openings, housing developments and the emergence of new lines of commercial centrality. In this sense, this study aims to understand the role played by urban voids in the real estate dynamics and the production process of the Natal city space. For this, it was adressed the concept building on the conception of different authors and were characterized four types of gaps that best explained the phenomenon in the context of the work proposal addressed, such as idle, empty expectant, empty-brownfield areas and institutional areas. For each of these events were considered an example in the general context of the city through semi-structured interviews with technicians, managers and public officials in promoting the city and /or related to management of urban voids.


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Teaching Portuguese language in Brazilian public schools is still limited mostly to studying decontextualized text fragments, memorizing classifications and cult of grammar rules. Considering the language as a social, cultural practice which emerges from the intersubjective interaction, we sought to propose an educational intervention that prioritizes the retextualization processes from speech to the writing of memoirs as a textual genre, so as to contribute for improving learner’s discursive performances. Therefore, paying attention to these concerns and in attempt to contribute for improving the teaching of Portuguese language in elementary school, we chose as privileged locus a 9th grade class from a state school in Bento Fernandes, RN. The corpus is formed by texts produced and retextualized by students from the elders’ oral reports within local community. We sought thus to understand what memory is, its importance for registering local spoken language and culture, as much as to carry out didactic actions that favor students’ learning in the activities of textual production. In light of the theoretical overviews about linguistic-discursive relations, based on Marcuschi’s (1993, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2006, 2008, 2010) conception of oralitiy-writing continuum and the debates proposed by Antunes (2003, 2014), Alves Filho (2011), Koch (2012) and Bakhtin (1992, 2011), we aimed to understand, by analyzing the retextualized memoirs, how these practices complement each other within the process of orality and writing. As for the proposal of didactic sequences, the study has been oriented by Dolz and Scheneuely (2004); as for the memoirs, by the guidelines of Coracine and Ghiraldelo (2011) and Le Goff (2010, 2013). In this way, this work followed the action-research methodology in a qualitative approach, considering the teacher (researcher) as an active agent involved in the process of knowledge production in his own educational practice, so as to interfere in the mediation, knowledge production and its dissemination in classroom context, which is the privileged locus for constructing and transforming process. There is much to be research within the area of retextualization. Yet we verified that this educational intervention, based on discursive operators of retextualization, has been proven viable as an efficient path so that we teachers can work the peculiarities of usages and functions of textual genres in oral and written modalities of a language, without grasping both as a dichotomy. This accredited us to strengthen a discourse that undoes many myths still present in that order, especially the one that causes more damage for the learners of Portuguese language – that writing is a representation of speech.