1 resultado para Grammostola iheringi
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
E utrophication in continental aquatic ecosystems and the following deterioration of water quality are some of the greatest problems to be solved in this century. Due to their own peculiarities reservoirs from semi - arid regions constitute a great challenge to water management because of their greater vulnerability to eutrophication process. I dentification of biolo gical community components that may be used as bioindicators is important to allow an early detection of adverse changes, and also to provide subsidies for management and conservation actions. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the potential of zo oplankton community as bioindicator of the trophic state of two reservoirs belonging to the Piranhas - Açu basin, RN, Brazil: Boqueirão de Parelhas and Passagem das Traíras. Monthly sampling s of both systems were carried out in both systems during the period of January to December. Measurements were performed for temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and water electrical conductivity besides water samples collection for nutrients, suspended solids, chlorophyll - a and zooplankton analyses. T axonomic composition of zooplankton , density and biomass were analysed. Trophic state index, ABC curves , W statistic and the Calanoida: Cyclopoida ratio were also obtained. The results evidenced that Boqueirão de Parelhas reservoir was a mesotrophic sy stem, and Passagem das Traíras r eservoir was eutrophic. In both reservoirs zooplankton community had low species richness, mostly constituted by tolerant species which have wide geographical distribution, as well the dominance of the rotifers Brachionus havanaensis , B. calyciflo rus and Keratella tropica ; of the calanoid copepods Notodiaptomus cearensis and N. iheringi ; cyclopoid copepod Thermocyclops decipiens, and of the cladocerans Ceriodaphnia cornuta and Diaphanosoma spinulosum . Among the biological indices the ABC curves fo r the zooplankton community indicated a moderate dis turbance in both reservoirs, th e Calanoida: Cyclopoida ration indicated not impacted environments , e xcept during the end of the study to the reservoir Passagem das Traíras . It was concluded that the indices used are good indicators of disturbance and alteration in the community, however they are not good indicators for monitoring the trophic state of the studied reservoirs due to the simultaneous occurrence of other factors selecting species, as the c oncentration of ions and high turbidity, which are part of the reservoir characteristics of semiarid.