51 resultados para Genese, Morfologia e Classificação dos Solos
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
Os anfíbios anuros formam um grupo comprovadamente monofilético e apresentam várias características em comum que estão relacionadas, principalmente, a adaptação das espécies à ambientes úmidos, aonde estas se desenvolvem e reproduzem. Apesar da restrição do ambiente de reprodução, as espécies de anfíbios anuros apresentam grande diversidade morfológica, como também a maior diversidade de modos reprodutivos relatados para todos os grupos de tretápodas atuais. O Brasil é o país com maior riqueza de anfíbios anuros com, aproximadamente, 950 espécies descritas até o momento. A maioria das espécies do território brasileiro apresentam uma fase larval que, na maioria dos casos, se desenvolve no ambiente aquático e não apresenta qualquer semelhança com a sua forma adulta, seja na sua morfologia ou no nicho ecológico que ocupa. As larvas de anfíbios anuros são comumente utilizadas em estudos taxonômicos e fornecem informações importantes que auxiliam na classificação das espécies. Além disso, a identificação das espécies baseadas na forma larvária facilitam estudos de ecologia de populações e comunidades, como também, tornam mais precisos inventários faunísticos. Apesar disso, aproximadamente 50% dos girinos das espécies de anuro que ocorrem no território brasileiro não são conhecidas e existem poucos trabalhos com foco na variação dos caracteres larvais ao longo de várias populações, o que dificulta a avaliação da sua utilidade em estudos taxonômicos e pode contribuir, por exemplo, para a existência de espécies crípticas. Além disso, existem poucos trabalhos que descrevem a diversidade morfológica larval com enfoque em regiões específicas e, no Brasil, exsitem, apenas, três chaves de identificação de espécies com base nos caracteres larvais. A falta de descrições afeta diretamente trabalhos sobre anurofauna no país, e dificultam o desenvolvimento de trabalhos experimentais ou de interações ecológicas, por exemplo. Logo, descrições de girinos são necessários para tornar mais completo o conhecimento sobre a anurofauna das espécies que ocorrem no território brasileiro. Com isso, este trabalho teve como objetivo fornecer dados que complementam o conhecimento existente sobre as formas larvais no território brasileiro, com foco na anurofauna da região sudeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Neste trabalho, são descritos os girinos de cinco espécies cuja forma larval ainda não era conhecida, como também, elaboro uma chave de identificação dicotômica baseada em caracteres larvais para a região sudeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte e comento sobre a utilidade dos caracteres larvais para a taxonomia e sistemática dos diversos grupos de anfíbios anuros abordados neste trabalho. Além disso, uma nova espécie do gênero Pseudopaludicola é descrita e os caracteres larvais auxiliaram em sua diagnose e na diferenciação de congeneros. Os resultados gerados aqui poderão ser úteis ou auxiliar em trabalhos futuros que necessitem da identificação das formas larvais de anfíbios anuros, principalmente, no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte.
The sabiá (Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia Benth.) is an endemic species of the Caatinga biome, considered tolerant to salt and water stress. The process of salinization of soil and groundwater and surface water is one of the most important problems of environmental degradation, with its harmful effects being more pronounced in the areas of arid and semiarid regions, and rapidly growing in many parts of the globe, causing problems of the major crop yield. Organic conditioners as barnyard manure, and rice hulls can contribute to reducing the PST, possibly due to the release of CO2 and the production of organic acids during the decomposition of organic matter, and act as sources of calcium and magnesium and inhibit the availability sodium. The intimate association of mycorrhizae and beneficial to plants results in increased uptake of water and nutrients by plants, especially phosphorus, due to their low mobility in soil. The objective of this study was to evaluate the initial growth of thrush seedlings under inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi and fertilized with manure corral and irrigated with water of different salinity levels. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse conditions of vegetation on the premises of the Agricultural School of Jundiaí - UFRN, Campus Macaíba. The adopted statistical design was randomized composed of twelve treatments - three substrates (sterile soil, manure and FMA), four salinity levels (0.2, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 dS m-1 ) and five repetitions, totaling sixty experimental units. The results indicate that inoculation with mycorrhizal fungi own contributions to the growth of plants, especially in roots and shoots, which suggests that its application is beneficial in establishing thrush plants in natural conditions, with poor soil in P. Levels salinity caused no effects with statistical significance in plant development, indicating Sabia resistance to it.
PEREIRA, Edinete do Nascimento et al. Classificação bibliográfica: as diversas contribuições para o tratamento da informação. In: SEMINÁRIO DE PESQUISA DO CCSA, 15., 2009. Anais... Natal: UFRN, 2009.
This study focuses on the building ensemble of Avenida Roberto Freire, a main road in Natal, Brazil, as a material expression of the confluence of various factors among which the following may be emphasized: high level of accessibility due to urban spatial re-structuring and the growth of the real estate market, in view of the increasing number of consumers, who arrived in Natal within the last decades. The intense urban modification process that has been going on in Natal since at least the 1980s, has engendered the formation of long axial lines which express the expansion dynamics and some of the forces subjacent to it. Avenida Roberto Freire has been an iconic example of an urban thoroughfare where architecture becomes primarily a communication support that can be perceived by fast moving passers-by, what brings it close to the venturian concept of strip (Venturi at al, 1972). The building types that line the road not only respond to the dynamics in process but also contribute to intensify it, as they house a variety of uses which attract people and generate more movement. The dynamics is further strengthened by the action of the real estate business which benefits from the increase of highly accessible locations, and from the private and public investments and incentives to tourism that aim to insert this city into the globalized world. Although the intention of reconstituting part of the history of density increase on this avenue in a diachronical perspective was attempted within the limits of the available references and documentation, the central contribution of this study is to understand the relations between topological accessibility and the typological nature of the building ensemble. By observing the synchronic morphological frame resulting from the spatial configuration analysis pertinent to this avenue (cf. Hillier and Hanson,1984) and the inventory and classification of the building ensemble there existing, this study aims to understand how architecture responds to accessibility in view of the real estate pressure, boosted by a cosmopolitanizing process brought about by the continuous flow of foreign and Brazilian arrivals as visitors, temporary or permanent residents
This master dissertation presents the study and implementation of inteligent algorithms to monitor the measurement of sensors involved in natural gas custody transfer processes. To create these algoritmhs Artificial Neural Networks are investigated because they have some particular properties, such as: learning, adaptation, prediction. A neural predictor is developed to reproduce the sensor output dynamic behavior, in such a way that its output is compared to the real sensor output. A recurrent neural network is used for this purpose, because of its ability to deal with dynamic information. The real sensor output and the estimated predictor output work as the basis for the creation of possible sensor fault detection and diagnosis strategies. Two competitive neural network architectures are investigated and their capabilities are used to classify different kinds of faults. The prediction algorithm and the fault detection classification strategies, as well as the obtained results, are presented
The objective of this Doctoral Thesis was monitoring, in trimestral scale, the coastal morphology of the Northeastern coast sections of Rio Grande do Norte State, in Brazil, which is an area of Potiguar Basin influenced by the oil industry activities. The studied sections compose coastal areas with intense sedimentary erosion and high environmental sensitivity to the oil spill. In order to achieve the general objective of this study, the work has been systematized in four steps. The first one refers to the evaluation of the geomorphological data acquisition methodologies used on Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of sandy beaches. The data has been obtained from Soledade beach, located on the Northeastern coast of Rio Grande Norte. The second step has been centered on the increasing of the reference geodetic infrastructure to accomplish the geodetic survey of the studied area by implanting a station in Corta Cachorro Barrier Island and by conducting monitoring geodetic surveys to understand the beach system based on the Coastline (CL) and on DEM multitemporal analysis. The third phase has been related to the usage of the methodology developed by Santos; Amaro (2011) and Santos et al. (2012) for the surveying, processing, representation, integration and analysis of Coastlines from sandy coast, which have been obtained through geodetic techniques of positioning, morphological change analysis and sediment transport. The fourth stage represents the innovation of surveys in coastal environment by using the Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS), based on Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR), to evaluate a highly eroded section on Soledade beach where the oil industry structures are located. The evaluation has been achieved through high-precision DEM and accuracy during the modeling of the coast morphology changes. The result analysis of the integrated study about the spatial and temporal interrelations of the intense coastal processes in areas of building cycles and destruction of beaches has allowed identifying the causes and consequences of the intense coastal erosion in exposed beach sections and in barrier islands
The use of radionuclides has contributed for advances in Health Sciences, to research or to the diagnosis and/or treatment of diseases. These advances have been possible with the utilization of radiopharmaceuticals labeled with technetium-99m (99mTc). Stannous chloride (SnCl2) has the main reducing agent utilized to obtain radiopharmaceuticals labeled with technetium-99m. It has been reported that several natural or synthetic drugs are capable to alter the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, as well as the red blood cells morphology. The aim of this study was to evaluate possible alterations of Chrysobalanus icaco extract on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, on the morphology of RBC of blood of Wistar rats, on the breakage of plasmid DNA and on the effects of stannous chloride on plasmid DNA. The results showed significant (P<0.05) alteration of the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, as well as, modification of the morphology and morphometry (perimeter/area ratio) of the RBC in presence of the extract. These data suggest that this abajeru extract could alter the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc by its chelating/antioxidant action and/or effects on membrane structures. Moreover C. icaco extract altered the electrophoretic profile and decreased significantly (p<0.05) the effect of SnCl2 on plasmid DNA. The results obtained in this work could indicate a dose-dependent protective action against the SnCl2 and a genotoxic effect of C. icaco extract on plasmid DNA
There are strong interests in the evaluation of the biological effects of natural and synthetic products. Blood constituents labeled with technetium-99m (99mTc) are used in nuclear medicine. The aim of this work was to study the effects of Clove (Caryophyllus aromaticas L.) and OZE (preparation used in the Health Sciences) on the labeling blood constituents with 99mTc and on the morphologic red blood cells (RBC) and the action of an extract of tomato (TO) on the labeling of blood constituents Blood samples were incubated with clove or OZE or TO, stannous chloride and 99mTc. Plasma (P), blood cells (BC), insoluble fractions (IF) of plasma and blood cells were separated. The radioactivity was counted and percentage of radioactivity (%ATI) to each blood fraction was calculated. The shape and morphometric parameter (perimeter/area ratio) were evaluated in the studies with clove and OZE. Clove extract and OZE altered significantly (p<0.05) the %ATI of blood constituents and the shape of red blood cells. However, clove extract not altered the red blood cells perimeter/area ratio. The tomato extract used at the highest concentrations reduced significantly (p<0.05) the %ATI in IF-P, although this extract did not modify the radiolabeling on BC, neither the radioactivity fixation on IFBC. The results indicate that these chemical compounds would have oxidative/chelating actions
Technetium-99m (99mTc) has been used to obtain several radiobiocomplexes utilized to aid in the diagnosis of diseases. Blood constituents, as red blood cells (RBC) and plasma proteins, have been labeled with 99mTc. Natural and synthetic drugs can alter the labeling of these constituents. The aim of this work was to investigate the possibility of a Buzhong YiQi Wan extract to alter (i) the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, (ii) the RBC morphology, and (iii) osmotic fragility of RBC withdrawn from Wistar rats. The data showed that the BYQW extract (i) could affect labeling of blood constituintes with 99mTc, (ii) could affect the membrane integrity decreasing the osmotic resistance and (iii) could not alter the shape of RBC. Probably, these findings would be associated with properties of the substances present in the aqueous extract of BYQW. This study has multiple disciplinary aspects in knowledge areas: Radiobiology, Botanic, Phytotherapy and Haematology
Radiobiocomplexes are used to obtain images in nuclear medicine and employed in basic research. Blood constituents labeled with technetium-99m (99mTc) have also been employed as radiobiocomplexes and used also experimental model for evaluation of the biological effects of natural or synthetic drugs. The analysis of the morphology and the morphometrics parameters (perimeter/área ratio) can be used to evaluate the effects of drugs upon the structure of the membrane of red blood cells. Cinnamomum zeylanicum (cinnamon) is a spice used as herbal medicine to treat diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of in vitro and in vivo treatment with an aqueous cinnamon extract on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc and on the morphology of red blood cells from Wistar rats. In the in vitro treatment, isolated blood sample from animals were incubated with cinnamon extract. In the in vivo treatment, blood samples were also withdrawn from animals treated with cinnamon extract. In both cases, the radiolabeling of blood constituents was done. The morphological analysis of red blood cells was also done. As control, blood or animals treated with NaCl 0.9%. The data obtained on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc experiments indicated that the in vitro treatment with cinnamon extract was capable to decrease signiicantly (p<0.05) the percentage of radioactivity in cellular compartments and on the fixation of cellular and plasma proteins. These effects were not observed on the in vivo treatment. The results obtained for the morphology of red blood cells suggest that the in vitro and in vivo treatments did not alter the morphology and the perimeter/area ratio. The in vitro treatment with aqueous cinnamon extract could affect the membrane structures related with the oxidation status of the stannous ion pertechnetate ion, altering the labeling of blood constituentes with 99mTc. This study was a multidisciplinary experimental research. It was developed with the contribution of the different Departments and Services of the Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto of the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Medicinal plants have been studied and used in the world. Lantana camara has medicinal properties and it has been used in folk medicine. The aim was to verify the effect of a lantana extract on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, and to evaluate the effect of an aqueous extract of Lantana camara on the morphology of RBC withdrawn from Wistar rats. The results showed that lantana extract has decreased the fixation of radioactivity on the IF-P. This effect was not observed in the BC compartment and in IF-BC. The BC-%ATI was decreased in all concentrations tested when the BC was washed. The osmotic fragility assay and morphological analysis were carried out. In presence of the extract, the data obtained indicated that (i) an increase of the hemolysis and (ii) modifications on the morphology of RBC. These effects of the Lantana camara could be associated with some pharmacological properties of the chemical compounds of this studied extract
Stroke represents the first cause of disabilities among adults. Although different professions work together in treatment of stroke patients, all they use different terminologies for the description of the patients problems and it can constitute an impediment in the communication between the staff members. Thus, the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary work would be facilitated if using a reference common tool, as the new International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). However, the ICF is very extensive and complex and due to its complexity, it has been evidenced the necessity to select its categories to become it more practical. The aim of the study was to investigate which categories of the ICF are more suitable to evaluate and to describe the stroke patient in the view of teachers and municipal public health professionals. It was a descriptive research, which involved 5 professors and 11 professionals of Physiotherapy that have worked at the health public area in Natal / RN. It was used the Delphi Technique in 3 rounds and the Likert Scale to select the categories among the ICF components. As result, from the 362 IFC categories, 94 were selected. The selected categories correspond to rehabilitative characteristics of Stroke patients in the universe of the Physiotherapy performance. The methodology applied was suitable to the studied object emphasizing the necessity of future studies for validation of the chosen categories
Radionuclides have been used in Nuclear Medicine for diagnostic and treatment. In basic research, cellular and molecular structures are labeled with technetium-99m (99mTc) and used as radiobiocomplexes. Some natural or synthetic drugs are capable to alter the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, as well as in the biodistribution of radiobiocomplexes. Arctium lappa (Bardana) has been used to treat inflammatory processes. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of an extract of Bardana on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, on the morphology of red blood cells, on the perimeter/area ratio of red blood cells and on the biodistribution of radiophamaceutical sodium pertechnetate in Wistar rats. Extract of Bardana was capable to alter the labeling of cellular compartment with 99mTc. Plasma and cellular proteins did not present alteration on the percentage of radioactivity (%ATI). Extract of Bardana was also capable to alter the morphology and the perimeter/area ratio of red blood cells. On the biodistribution of sodium pertechnetate in animals treated with the extract of Bardana, it was observed a small and significant uptake in liver, tooth and tongue, and a high and a significant uptake in stomach, lung and testis (p<0.05). In conclusion, these findings could be justified due to the effects of some chemical compounds in the Bardana extract. This study was a multidisciplinary experimental research. It was developed with the contribution of the different Departments and Services of the Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto of the Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Radiobiocomplexes are used in nuclear medicine to obtain images and to treat diseases. Blood constituents have been used as radiobiocomplexes. Natural or synthetic products can influence on the labeling of blood constituents with technetium-99m (99mTc), the morphology of red blood cells and on the stannous chloride (SnCl2) action on plasmid DNA. Sambucus australis and Sambucus nigra are used in popular culture for treating diseases. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of the extracts of Sambucus australis and Sambucus nigra on the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc, on morphology of red blood cells of Wistar rats, on the topology of plasmids DNA and the action against the SnCl2 effects on the DNA of plasmids pBSK. On the labeling of blood constituents with 99mTc it was verified that both extracts were capable to decrease significantly the radioactivity in the cellular compartment and in the insoluble fraction of plasma. Sambucus australis also decreased the labeling of insoluble fraction of blood cells with 99mTc. Both extracts did not alter the morphology of red blood cells. Moreover, it was verified that Sambucus nigra did not alter the electrophoretic profile of plasmid DNA, but decreased the effect of SnCl2 on plasmid DNA. These last results sugest a genotoxic effect and a protective action of Sambucus nigra extract against the SnCl2 action on plasmid DNA. This work was developed with the contribution of several Departments of biomedical area of the Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto, of the UERJ, characterizing a multidisciplinary experimental research