126 resultados para Galeno, Cláudio, 0131?-0201?

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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MAIDL, André Murbach; CARVILHE, Claudio; MUSICANTE, Martin A. Maude Object-Oriented Action Tool. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. [S.l:s.n], 2008.


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Pipelines for the transport of crude oil from the production wells to the collecting stations are named production lines . These pipes are subjected to chemical and electrochemical corrosion according to the environment and the type of petroleum transported. Some of these lines, depending upon the composition of the fluid produced, may leak within less than one year of operation due to internal corrosion. This work aims at the development of composite pipes with an external protecting layer of high density polyurethane for use in production lines of onshore oil wells, meeting operational requirements. The pipes were manufactured using glass fibers, epoxy resin, polyester resin, quartz sand and high density polyurethane. The pipes were produced by filament winding with the deposition of high density polyurethane on the external surface and threaded ends (API 15 HR/PM-VII). Three types of pipes were manufactured: glass/epoxy, glass/epoxy with an external polyurethane layer and glass/epoxy with an intermediate layer of glass fiber, polyester, sand and with an external polyurethane layer. The three samples were characterized by Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM) and for the determination of constituent content. In addition, the following tests were conducted: hydrostatic test, instant rupture, shorttime failure pressure, Gardner impact, transverse stiffness and axial tension. Field tests were conducted in Mossoró RN (BRAZIL), where 1,677 meters of piping were used. The tests results of the three types of pipes were compared in two events: after two months from manufacturing of the samples and after nine months of field application. The results indicate that the glass/epoxy pipes with an intermediate layer of fiber glass composite, polyester e sand and with an external layer of high density polyurethane showed superior properties as compared to the other two and met the requirements of pressure class, axial tensile strength, transverse stiffness, impact and environmental conditions, for onshore applications as production lines


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This Thesis presents the elaboration of a methodological propose for the development of an intelligent system, able to automatically achieve the effective porosity, in sedimentary layers, from a data bank built with information from the Ground Penetrating Radar GPR. The intelligent system was built to model the relation between the porosity (response variable) and the electromagnetic attribute from the GPR (explicative variables). Using it, the porosity was estimated using the artificial neural network (Multilayer Perceptron MLP) and the multiple linear regression. The data from the response variable and from the explicative variables were achieved in laboratory and in GPR surveys outlined in controlled sites, on site and in laboratory. The proposed intelligent system has the capacity of estimating the porosity from any available data bank, which has the same variables used in this Thesis. The architecture of the neural network used can be modified according to the existing necessity, adapting to the available data bank. The use of the multiple linear regression model allowed the identification and quantification of the influence (level of effect) from each explicative variable in the estimation of the porosity. The proposed methodology can revolutionize the use of the GPR, not only for the imaging of the sedimentary geometry and faces, but mainly for the automatically achievement of the porosity one of the most important parameters for the characterization of reservoir rocks (from petroleum or water)


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The regulation of the inflammatory response is essential to maintain homeostasis. Several studies have been performed to search new drugs that can contribute to avoiding or minimizing an excessive inflammatory process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of extracts of green algae Caulerpa mexican in models of inflammation. In mice, the model of peritonitis induced inflammatory zymosan pretreatment of mice with aqueous and methanol extracts of C. mexican was able to reduce cell migration to the peritoneal cavity. Treatment of mice with extracts of C. mexican also reduced the ear edema induced by xylene and exerted inhibitory action on the migration of leukocytes in inflammation-induced zymosan the air pouch, and timedependent for the extracts tested in the model of ulcerative colitis induced by DSS 3%, the extract methanol, but not the aqueous C. mexican, significantly reduced the clinical symptoms of colitis, as well as the production of proinflammatory cytokines in the culture of mouse colon, in the histological analysis there was a slight reduction of inflammation in the intestinal mucosa. We concluded that the administration of the extracts resulted in the reduction of cell migration to different sites as well as reducing the edema formation induced by chemical irritant. This study demonstrates for the first time the antiinflammatory effect of aqueous and methanolic extracts from green marine algae Caulerpa mexican


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This dissertation establishes a viewpoint in the Social Cience Field of the Nymphs image in the romanesque construction of the twentieth century based in modern archaeology. Our literary corpus is constitututed by the book of the russian author callled Wladimir Nabokov entlited Lolita and the book Presença de Anita, from a brazilian author called Mario Donato. Both works had a singular repercussion involving an erotic conception wich was faced as pornographic and baffling. We appeal to Georges Bataille‟s and Foucault‟s discussion in order to observe it through an erotic viewpoint from an inner experience not submitted to normalizations. Such experiences provoke a feeling of something unknown and it reflects wild singularities proposed by Foucault and related with many misunderstanding things presented in institutions and cultures. Furthemore Bataille‟s conception about erotism will give us conditions to analyze nymphs‟ bodies in order to see themselves from their main characteristics, such as seduction and tempting and maligning forces. We still aim to focus the paradigm of mankind and nature in the direction presented by Edgar Morin. He analyzes some feelings that nymphs provoke and their relation between men and death. In adittion, we present in this issue some questions between culture and biology, focusing on the initial period of larva (wich means the beggining), bringing up what is ready to be born, a mythical and significant body shown in the media. Lolita in the cinema and A Presença de Anita in the TV was disturbing in society and it projected the possibility of a syntaxes of desire. It can has a symbolic purpose or it can be a kind of social and cultural phenomenon, wich is an object of representation. Our purpose is to immersion/emerge in the Nimphs‟s body with adventure and its risks at the same time in wich we are crossing frontiers


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Contemporary politics have assumed new configurations both in the way they are carried out and in the content publicized. Nevertheless, some practices are unchanged since antiquity. But the advent of the media and its circumstantial molding of current society have forced politics to make some changes to adapt both to mass media and to the new social practices in liberal democracy. Given that fact, this study tried to demonstrate how power has become personalized in Campina Grande, Paraíba, Brazil, by a politician named Cássio Cunha Lima. Through the communications media and popular manifestations, he has been trying to create a symbiosis between Micarande a Carnival party (not held in the traditional Mardi Gras week) and his own public image, elaborating a process that identifies him with that event. In that way, he hopes to appropriate the festival and project his political image by using the party as na electoral currency in his publicity campaigns


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Le Poète Fernando Pessoa (1888-1935), l un des artistes les plus controversés du XXème siècle, se déclarait comme un chrétien gnostique. Malgré cela, il ne s est aligné sur aucune institution et/ou doctrine établie. Mais, il a eu dans la dimension religieuse sa thématique préférée. La proposition de ce travail est de comprendre la religiosité chez Pessoa par le moyen de la lecture d images suscitées à partir de la lecture de son oeuvre, et ainsi, mettre en évidence dans sa vaste production, des significations poétiques qui peuvent être associées à des signes de religiosité, soit dans son contenu manifeste, soit dans le contenu latent de son oeuvre. Ceci, en comprenant que Pessoa, dans tous ses personnages créés par l intermédiaire de l hétéronymie, a fait usage dans son écriture du langage symbolique des univers religieux les plus distincts pour composer sa propre forme de religiosité. Il apparaît que celle-ci est pluriforme et a peut-être com objectif de contrarier les limites sociales établies pour l exercice de la foi


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This dissertation establishes some reading, in the field of social sciences, which has pornography and prostitution as subject - having as main reference the diaries of the prostitutes Bruna Sufistinha, Marise and Gabriela. We have accessed some other literary works through Marquee de Sade, Henry Miller, Georges Bataille and Michel Houellebecq, in order to understand some aspects of the pornographic language. We also analyzed other contemporary discourses on the experience of pornography in cinema and on internet. It is a reflection about sexuality and what is considered obscenity. With observations on the literature of Anaïs Nin, Pauline Réage, and Hilda Hilst we tried to understand the feminine poetic point of view so that we can think about pornography and prostitution


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It is an ethnographic work that has an objective of verifying devices throngh the residents of a low income suburban area, and the way they deal with their social relations through sonsumerism (and the aspiration connected to it), the symbolic character acquired through consumer goods, understood as one of the fundamental components for the comprehension of the web as relations that established, Though consumerism, individuais will reveal ways of communication, of the status, of creating new forms of action and identification. Using the principal that believes in a web of symbolic significance where own individuais develop their impressions, as a resource to look at their own bodies, a social order (yet unstable), and the process of inclusion in a broader society. In conclusion, the act of consuming is more than a perspective that establishes statistics on consumer goods, with their ways of production, circulation and economic functioning: it is also a way of perceiving a collection mapped by consumers individually and socially, and by those means organizing, classifying and identifyring the social world


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Ce travail s agit du processus d´affirmation de l´identité Fulni-ô et de la mobilisation ethnique du groupe qui sont organisées et maintenues en bénéfice de leurs droits; ceux-ci consistent en la reconnaissance comme indiens devant la société et leurs droits sur le territoire. Le groupe est situé dans la municipalité d´Águas Belas, localisé entre l´ agreste et le sertão de l´état du Pernambuco. Ce sont, en moyenne, 3.676 indiens qui présentent comme signes d´identification ethnique: le Yathê, langue spécifique du groupe qui continue à être utilisée au quotidien; l´Ouricuri, terme qui désigne le rituel qui a lieu pendant le printemps et pendant des périodes spécifiques de l´année; le Toré, danse commune aux indiens du Nordeste. La mémoire et la matière culturelle sont les signes de mobilisation ethnique sélectionnés par les Fulni-ô pour favoriser l´affirmation de leur identité et la protection de leurs droits. Cet aspect sera traité tout au long de ce travail. La mobilisation ethnique est permanente, les Fulni-ô ne cessent d´utiliser des moyens qui peuvent les aider à vivifier leur identité et à protéger l´intégrité de leur territoire. Au travers de la mémoire ou grâce à l´utilisation de signes et de symboles ethniques (comme la langue, le rituel religieux et le Toré) ils consolident l´idée qu´ils sont indiens en même temps qu´ils établissent et défendent leurs frontières ethniques et physiques


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This work was developed from the research field in the Museu Câmara Cascudo (MCC) and the theoretical research in Museum Studies, enlarging the idea of museum while ambience of culture. We believe that the MCC, located in the city of Natal RN, is a relevant sociocultural institution because it is a university museum, because it was created two years after the foundation of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, and because it develops researches and studies about man on his physical and cultural aspects. Thus, this work is made up by a reflection on the transient and mobile aspect of culture living culture to understand the role of the museum in contemporary society. The MCC analysis, including its history, its functioning, its main activities, and its expositions, illustrates one part of our investigation. The other part is composed by theoretical consideration made from the reading of authors such as Bauman, Lévi-Strauss, Morin, Kristeva, Foucault, Le Goff, among others


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This study aims to examine the contemporary viewer and also propose a review of the literature surrounding the spanish researcher Jésus Martín-Barbero. The proposed review, based on Martín-Barbero observations and the Latin American Cultural Studies analysis, observes the individual as part of the processes of communication and research on the concept of cultural mediation, the viewer as component/agent/object of the production of meaning. The study will perceive it as an element of inaccuracy/inadequacy and understand it as a subject of these reactive processes that contain complex and involve communication and culture, in contrast the impressions that resulted from a discussion between a television professional and a communication researcher and of these findings on the same viewer. The work also aims to point the viewer as a component of the possible mapping desired by Martín-Barbero to massive contemporary interpretation of the processes and its concept of night map


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Soulignant l´importance des transformations du discours politique du cinéma brésilien actuel, cet étude entreprend une analyse de la dimension éthique du cinéma de Walter Salles. Pour cela, nous avons parti de trois films long-métrages du directeur: Terra Estrangeira, Central do Brasil et Abril Despedaçado. Les films sélectionnés constituent les trois diférents chapitres de cette mémoire de maîtrise, qui s´articulent a des diférentes dimensions de l´éthique - l´hospitalité, la réliaison, et le pardon- et se présentent em format essayistique. Au texte, ces dimensions éthiques émergent à partir des récits, surtout des expériences existencielles des protagonistes et de ses singulières rencontres avec l´altérité. Comme tel, dialoguent avec des réflétions d´auteurs comme Edgar Morin, Zigmunt Bauman, Julia Kristeva, Paul Ricoeur et Hannah Arendt. Des diférents régistres de la connaissance -artistique, scientifique, religieuse- s´articulent donc dans le travail, et dialoguent en condition d´égalité. La recherche fait usage de matériels multiples qui incluent, au-delà des films mentionnés, et de ses respectifs scripts, des références à d´autres long-métrages et documentaires du directeur, ainsi que, des makingoffs, entretiens, et interprétations de commentaristes comme Lucia Nagib, Luiz Zanin Oricchio, Ivana Bentes, Pedro Butcher e Jurandir Freire Costa


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This dissertation is a proposal for dialogue between Brazilian Social Thought, History of Portuguese America and the Analytical Psychology of C.G. Jung, highlighting the following archetypes: Anima, Animus, Shadow and Persona. Directing the study to the image of Indian women in this Brazilian interpretation of Casa-Grande & senzala by Gilberto Freyre, have largely centered on denial of the feminine image as a creative and positive in the minds of Brazilian culture, where a more specific analysis. We assume that your work has inspired several bridges over imaginary things in Brazil, including aspects relating to miscegenation, the study of foreign travelers, Jesuits and settlers / invaders of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries the Portuguese disembarked in America and in this sense, the influence of his work as wasteful image through time and space of the Portuguese slave order. Above all, we intend to do a reading of Native women thought in his book


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Analysis of the northeastern sugar economy insertion on the modernization process of these economy based on the José Lins do Rego literary Discourse. In order to do so, there were used the literary works Fogo Morto, Menino de Engenho, Bangüê and Usina as study objects. Throughout the prosecution of a exploratory and documental bibliographic research it was identified that, in the cited literary works, there are three specialties corresponding to the main scenarios of the plots, the Santa Fé and Santa Rosa mills and the Bom Jesus mill factory. We have conceived the mills as main charachters, since all stories deployment corresponds to the other charachters reactions to the many forms that the specialties are, or not, affected by the modernization. Therefore, the narratives in Fogo Morto, Menino de Engenho, Bangüê and Usina reaffirm the viability of the literary discourse application as a source for the construction of the sociological interpretation of the northeastern sugar economy process of modernization in the end of 19th century and beginning of the 20th century