13 resultados para Gênero (Poder)
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
This work has as objective to reflect about the insertion of the women in the City Council of Natal in the period from 1988 to 2004. We focused our discussion in the context of the politics of quota that has with objective to decrease the frame of inequalities existent between women and men in the politics, besides of to analyze which the determinants responsible for the women's sub-representation. The research still consists of an analysis of the councilor s women profile and how they were seen in that space of power. We analyzed our study object in a gender vision, since this is related intrinsically the social relationships and the relationships of power. The women, for a long time, they were excluded of the participation in the public life, being just seen as mere expectants. This research is informed mainly by studies which discuss the Gender (Scott, 1990), (Perrot, 1988), (Badinter, 1995), (Bruschini, 2002). We also analyzed the power, politics in the vision of Marx (1996), Foucault (1982) and (Arendt, 2001). We tried to analyze the women's presence in the spaces public and private, showing your conflicts and contradictions faced in the society, focalizing the political character of the women's inclusion in the spaces in that are inserted. The instrument of collection of data was the semi-structured questionnaire, descriptive and analytical - critical. The analyses of the interviews show to the sub-representation of women over the years as a determining factor for these women continue in the invisibility. The women were interviewed councillora ex- bounded from 1988 to 2004. The conclusion the one that we arrived is that this sub-representation has as decisive the patriarchal system that prevailed for a long time in our society and still dominates and affects women in all areas of your life. This becomes more serious in the capitalist society in which prevail the interests of those that it stops the produced wealth
Based on the empirical comparative study between two churches from Pentecostal guidance - both located in Parnamirim/RN - and supported on a dialogic interaction between my interlocutors and theoretical references, I proposed me to reflect about how this protestant segment represents and articulates questions such as gender and power relationships, and the daily impact of that in their followers life. In other words, this dissertation aims to understand the reason of the asymmetry attributed to male and female, especially in what concerns the distribution of ecclesiastic works and the authority given to male, as well as the implication of this reality in the reconfiguration of morality and religious praxis in daily life of individuals and involved groups. From this perspective, this work was divided in three chapters, in which I investigate the tension/relationship between faith and secularism, for from this question on concessions and/or prohibitions related to the limits and involvement of the followers with the world and with the very Pentecostal ethos arise. I also analyze here aspects concerning to both ecclesiastic hierarchy and power, with the objective of elucidating how it occurs, what kind of criteria and implications they consider as well as about the nature of the religious labor division between men and women and, finally, I try to understand how the conversion/adhesion of members is reflected in the redefinitions of gender and its relationship between the ecclesiastical and domestic spaces. The diligence and energy spent in this work is in the hope that its fruits can corroborate in the expansion of anthropological knowledge which, in this particular case, involves the Brazilian Pentecostal phenomenon
Based on the empirical comparative study between two churches from Pentecostal guidance - both located in Parnamirim/RN - and supported on a dialogic interaction between my interlocutors and theoretical references, I proposed me to reflect about how this protestant segment represents and articulates questions such as gender and power relationships, and the daily impact of that in their followers life. In other words, this dissertation aims to understand the reason of the asymmetry attributed to male and female, especially in what concerns the distribution of ecclesiastic works and the authority given to male, as well as the implication of this reality in the reconfiguration of morality and religious praxis in daily life of individuals and involved groups. From this perspective, this work was divided in three chapters, in which I investigate the tension/relationship between faith and secularism, for from this question on concessions and/or prohibitions related to the limits and involvement of the followers with the world and with the very Pentecostal ethos arise. I also analyze here aspects concerning to both ecclesiastic hierarchy and power, with the objective of elucidating how it occurs, what kind of criteria and implications they consider as well as about the nature of the religious labor division between men and women and, finally, I try to understand how the conversion/adhesion of members is reflected in the redefinitions of gender and its relationship between the ecclesiastical and domestic spaces. The diligence and energy spent in this work is in the hope that its fruits can corroborate in the expansion of anthropological knowledge which, in this particular case, involves the Brazilian Pentecostal phenomenon
This research has been implanted on thematic area education, politic and culture, based on line research and cultures practices aducatives histories approaches and literaries. on this situations, be involved around the kind of relations investigating about history cultural perspective, the thematic: woman, violence, body and education in women s daily victims of fisic, sexual and psychological violence. The research period happens end of 20th century beginning of 21th, specially between the 1999 until 2002. The survey shows influence of sexually device above body to reveal the root of violence in kinds of relations, be present in lifehistory of women aggressors the prisoners women and the women who permits aggressions the victims who accuse in the police station of woman. to preserv her privacy, i have been utilized in my register book pseudonym by flowers, to everyone. i have been defended my theory by familyrelations, be constitued in micro powerspaces and learn about sex, under the influence of violence in kinds of relations, creating negative bodywoman. shows bodyconceptions and sexuality by light thinking of the French philosopher Mr. Foucault Michel, in his opinion sexuality is a mechanisms by power, it is present on circular form at the society from all the institutions. I have been run over of Erich Fromm s lover theory. Those are fontain of newspapers, Police Protests, the prisoners women statement and the women who permits aggressions that them accuse aggressors of hers. I also utilize as fontain the Brazilian Penal Coole. At last I have decide about the flowers-women´s history, they have discourse who divulge the really importance of body as privileged by wisdom and truths, it was translated by own subjectivity, learned educations relacions, repetead in family breast and be responsible of the actions at signature in the presence of society. These relacions, were twice think and was problematic, their will be bring seeds of social transformations
Climacteric is the name of the period of the human life that it is going from the 40 years old, approximately, until the 65 years old. Though, for besides a biological phase of the woman's life, the climacteric is an object of the social world that is rendered to different apprehensions and readings on the symbolic plan. In this study, it was looked for to know the social representations, that health' professionals acting in the programs of the climacteric and the users of those same services, build in respect of that purpose. Besides, it tried to be seen that the social hegemonic representation that guides the actions and the agents' attitudes in the practices of attendance and education for the woman's health in the climacteric in the extent of the investigated institutions. The data were collected through interviews, questionnaire, focal discussion group and direct observation. The observation field was constituted by the three institutions that develop the attendance and education for the woman's health in the climacteric phase, in the city of Natal. A gender perspective was also been adopted, sought to evidence as the cognitive structures that assure the masculine power reproduction, pronounce to the social representations to build a sense to the investigated purpose. It was verified that the social representations of the climacteric are built mainly around the semantic fields old age and disease. For the health professionals, the meaning of the simbol old age carries the marks of the indentified system of the middle class employed, but also, of the feminine habitus that guides them to have an ethical and aesthetic apprehension of their own body. The climacteric, in that way, is seen as a difficult phase , a painful event that scares . For the women attended by those professionals, the sign old age means feeling emphasis from the biological climacteric aspects, in other words, the sensations and signs that forbid the body to accomplish certain linked basic life functions. Along the whole course of this thesis, it was verified that the climacteric is a complex phenomenon that needs to be faced as such. While cultural phenomenon, it is urgent to look for means to help to combat the centrality of the professional representations that face the climacteric as old age and disease, particularly in the field of health
Le thème de cette dissertation est l Histoire de l éducation de la femme. Une analyse des pratiques culturelles de la professeur Anayde da Costa Beiriz (1905-1930), dans le contexte paraibanais du début du XXe siècle, est proposée. Le référentiel théoricométhodologique de l Histoire Culturelle est utilisé, pour aller contre l histoire passée sous silence dans le canon traditionnel. Basée sur le concept de représentation (Chartier, 1990), rompant avec les anciennes idées de sens intrinsèque, absolu, unique, liée aux pratiques complexes, multiples et différenciées, qui construisent le monde comme représentation. Basée aussi sur le concept de configuration (Elias, 1980), en comprenant que apparemment individu et société sont deux objets qui existent indépendamment, mais en vérité, se rapportent à deux niveaux inséparables du monde social, sont unis par des liens d interdépendance. Un dialogue est recherché entre le passé et le présent et les différentes dimensions: historique, sociale, politique et culturelle vécues par la professeur Anayde Beiriz. Pour obtenir des informations sur ses pratiques culturelles, une recherche des marques de cette histoire dans de multiples sources est effectuée: dans la bibliographie disponible parmi les domaines de la littérature, de l histoire, dês sciences sociales et de l éducation; dans des archives de l Institut Historique et Géographique de la Paraiba et de Natal; dans les Bibliothèques de l Université Fédérale de la Paraiba et du Rio Grande do Norte et chez des bouquinistes. L inventaire comprend: des périodiques, la législation en vigueur, des écrits de contemporains, dês témoignages oraux de parents, des lettres et des photos. On comprend de cette façon, que l idée d éplucher au travers de cette étude, des aspects qui n ont pas encore été vus et rappelés, peut non seulement répondre à nos doutes, mais, peut à partir de la réflexion qui se fait, se traduire par une nouvelle compréhension de cette histoire. En conclusion, des significations multiples sont contenues dans le processus d insertion de la femme dans l éducation à partir des Écoles Normales, qui englobent les relations de genre, l histoire du pouvoir, de la morale, de surpassement, des luttes et insatisfactions. On perçoit l héritage de résistances et de conquêtes. Cela a été sous l inspiration des airs de la modernité avec la Belle Époque, en répercutant dans le monde et aussi dans la Parahyba du Nord, que s est concrétisée la formation sociale de la professeur Anayde Beiriz et des femmes de son temps. L analyse de l écriture de soi confirme le discours normatif du contrôle moral social, le joug et les préjugés soufferts par Anayde Beiriz et l éducation différencié de genre qui ont déterminé ses habitudes et coutumes. C est-àdire, pour la femme, la permanence dans l espace privé, la retenue, l anoblissement des tâches ménagères et de la maternité comme sa plus haute aspiration, le support moral de la famille, la préservation de la tradition et la perpétuation des règles religieuses
This research investigates the discursive constitution of identities; in spe-cial, it aim to problematize women identities constitution, pointing discursive prac-tices and power relations which involve them. The interviewed subjects had been adult women who had resumed their school trajectory, after certain period without frequenting educational establishments. Aware of that those identities can be per-ceived through the observations of the discursive practices, we question: which discursive practices and power relations involve and constitute those women? Which identity positionings they take through the discursive practices and power relations that include them and that are identified in their stories? Which linguistic marks characterize, in the speech of those women, forms of resistance in the con-stitution of identities? We intend to investigate the constitution of woman identities in the contemporanity; pointing discursive practices and power relations which in-volve women that converge to their identity constitution; exploring in the linguistic materiality effects of senses that emanate of the discursive practices and power relations which involve the collaborators in the identity constitution in private and public spaces. Research corpus is composed by stories of life granted by three women, collected through semidirected interview between 2004 and 2005. To ana-lyze the data, we base in authors as Pêcheux (1993; 2002), Foucault (1979; 1988; etc.), Butler (2003), Scott (1992; 1995), Hall (2000; 2004; 2005), Bauman (1999; 2005), among others that problematize questions as discourse, identity, social gender, power and its interfaces. The life stories had allowed to analyze: the gen-der identity constitution from discursive practices and relations of forces lived in the familiar scenery; assumed identity positionings from discursive practices in globalized urban contexts; power positions in the domestic and extradomestic sphere and new identity positionings
The focus of this qualiquantitative research is the phenomenon we are denominating Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte, which contemplates short verse texts from the oral tradition, sung and presented on stage by women in communities on the south coast of the northeastern Brazilian State, Rio Grande do Norte. This tradition harkens to the medieval romance of the Iberian Peninsula (CASCUDO, 2001; GURGEL, 1999; GALVÃO, 1993; MAGALHÃES, 1973; ROMERO,1977). The objective of this research is to: identify what characterizes the genre Drama of Rio Grande do Norte; situate this genre within a systemization of genres from the oral tradition in Rio Grande do Norte; investigate the interpersonal relationships of power and solidarity through the role of the women in the discourse, how they see themselves and others, pointing out which elements of the world they evaluate and to identify representations of the feminine in the discourse. The theory of Genre and Register of Martin and Rose (2008) and Generic Structure Potential of Hasan (1989, 1996), which has as a base the Systemic Functional Linguistics of Halliday and Matthiessen (2004), Eggins (1994) among others, offers a theoretical framework for the characterization of the genre through the identification of stages and phases configuring its typology the individual schematic structure and its topology its relation to other phenomena in the oral tradition. Other groupings were mapped of the ‗Macrogenre , from the model of Martin and Rose (2008) as a continuum on two axis: between the poles of how the genre circulates orally x in writing, and recited/individually x staged/collectively; as well as mapping the samples with relation to power using the same model, but with the poles of individual voice x collective voice on an axis between increased power and diminished power. Eleven texts described as Narratives and one Anecdote were selected for the analysis of Attitudes, and Negotiations of power. Through the quantification of semantic discursive resources in the discourse systems of Appraisal (MARTIN; WHITE, 2005) and of Negotiation (MARTIN; ROSE, 2007), as well as reflections about humor (EGGINS; SLADE, 1997) we identified the Attitudes and the Negotiations of interpersonal roles. The quantification is based on the theories of Corpus Linguistics (BERBER SARDINHA, 2010), using WordSmith Tools 5.0 (SCOTT, 2010). Our results show that the Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte is characterized as a Macrogenre in the Community of Oral Stories, in the Family of Street Theatre/Games, composed of five genre types: Narratives, Praise, Complaints, Anecdotes, and Exemplum. The Macrogenre is characterized by its being circulated orally, staged collectively and the texts analyzed configure in differing degrees of power between men and woman. In synthesis we observe that through humor, the Drama-of-Rio-Grande-do-Norte functions to offer a space for women to voice, comment, judge and orient about social conditions in their communities, such as alcoholism, domestic violence, inequalities before the law etc., as well as circulating positive appreciations of rural/coastal culture and judgments about the behavior of members of the speech community, the role of women being to establish and reinforce norms. We anticipate possible benefits of the addition of the genre analyzed in literacy projects in the schools of Rio Grande do Norte
Esta pesquisa de natureza documental e etnográfica se insere no campo da Linguística Aplicada, tendo por objeto de estudo o Manual do Professor, que acompanha o livro didático de Língua Portuguesa, e por objetivo geral (re)conhecer os aspectos sociorretóricos do gênero Manual do Professor. O interesse desta tese está concentrado no uso situado desse gênero, a partir do qual se observam seus aspectos sociorretóricos, a saber: o que está posto no produto, o ambiente de interação onde é encontrado e como é visto por seus usuários em potencial. Em um primeiro momento, produzimos um quadro epistemológico que nos permitiu, dentre outros reparos, (i) compreender gênero textual como ação retórica tipificada baseada numa situação retórica recorrente e (ii) obter um panorama dos programas de governo voltados para a avaliação de coletâneas didáticas, nos quais encontramos aspectos indispensáveis a um Manual do Professor. Os aportes teóricos adotados neste estudo referem-se à concepção sociorretórica dos estudos de gênero textual à luz, sobretudo, de Johns et al. (2006), Bazerman (2011) e Miller (2011). Em um segundo momento, sob o viés da abordagem sociorretórica, procuramos definir o Manual do Professor como gênero textual e apresentamos os aspectos retóricos encontrados nas amostras que analisamos, considerando a organização constitutiva, o contexto de uso desse gênero e as percepções de seus usuários autores e professores. A geração de dados deu-se inicialmente a partir da seleção de três exemplares de Manuais de coletâneas didáticas adotadas no IFRN; em seguida, no sentido de reconhecer as percepções dos usuários desse gênero, realizamos grupo focal com professores e entrevistamos o coautor de uma das coletâneas. Para análise dos dados, elegemos o método etnográfico de análise de gêneros postulado por Reiff (apud JOHNS et al, 2006), que nos permitiu analisar o objeto de estudo em contextos autênticos de uso do gênero. Nossos resultados mostram que o Manual do Professor está inserido num sistema de gêneros e no sistema de atividades profissionais de domínio do professor e não se limita apenas a explicar como está organizado o livro didático do aluno. Outros sete propósitos foram observados, dentre os quais se encontram: possibilitar ao docente uma reflexão sobre a sua prática de ensino e sugerir caminhos para a melhoria do processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Acreditamos que esta pesquisa poderá estimular professores, em relação à importância (e não obrigatoriedade) de consultas periódicas aos Manuais; autores, no que se refere a estabelecer uma interlocução mais pessoalizada com seus leitores em potencial e no sentido de esclarecer ainda mais as facetas do livro didático; e editoras, sobretudo no que tange a recursos de editoração, para que o Manual do Professor se torne mais atrativo
The focus of this dissertation is the study of work activities developed in the context of professional occupations characterized by varied previous schooling levels amongst those that work in them, and, at the same time, a high degree of complexity related to the typical tasks performed in the context of such professional practices. This dissertation intends to investigate the cook s professional activity, based on data from a determined specific professional genre in Natal (RN), in order to establish aspects related not only to the activity performed (activity which manifests itself empirically in registered behaviors), but also related to the real aspects of the work activity, that also compromises the non-realized options of the guiding of professional activity, be it by a matter of choice, be it due to the activity s own impediment. In this context, we tried to evaluate how much the professional activity observed keeps in relation to the reference practices of the professional genre, be it in terms of conformity, be it in terms of innovation (stylization) in relation to this genre. In addition, we tried to verify the contribution of the school and extra-school knowledge to the professional activity observed. Such work plan took on a preliminary step of the description of the socialprofessional profile of a cook in the city of Natal (RN), followed by a step of clinical labor approach, specifically utilizing as a methodological tool the simple and crossed self-confrontation procedure guided by the francophone theoretical referential of the Activity Clinic. The preliminary step in the description of profile of cooks from Natal (RN), of which 138 cooks took part in, evidenced three professional groupings, all predominantly masculine in their composition and fundamentally differentiated amongst each other by the time of professional activity, schooling type and time, work place and salary. The clinical approach step, composed by a pair of cooks, allowed us to verify elements of the cooks subordination to the professional genre, but also evidences of individual innovation (stylization) by these cooks, as well as the predominance of usage of extra-school knowledge when compared to school knowledge. We tried, in this step, to demonstrate how much the inclusion and submission to the genre dynamic, coordinated with the stylization initiatives, was able to contribute to the maintenance and amplification of the cook s power of acting in his professional practice.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior
This dissertation aims to identify and describe the phenomenon of discursive representation of victim and defendant in court judgment genre. Researchis part of general theoretical framework of text linguistics and more specifically in textual discourse analysis (ATD) theory developed by Jean-Michel Adam ([2008] 2011). Discursive representation notion proposed by ATD is one of the most important aspects of semantic dimension of the text, being complemented in the work of Grize (1990, 1996) from schematization notion. In this perspective, this work is guided by studies of text linguistics with Koch (2012, 2005, 2004), Marcuschi (2012, 2008, 2005), Rodrigues, Passeggi and Silva Neto (2010, 2012, 2014), with genre Bazerman (2005), Bakhtin (1992) and the juridical discourse with Capez (2012), Pimenta (2007), Lourenço (2013) and Gomes (2013) . Methodologically, is a documentary research, presenting qualitative and descriptive characters and is guided by the inductivedeductive method. Corpus consists of a judicial sentence, criminal, collected electronically from Court of Justice of São Paulo - Judiciary website in consultation Judged1st Degree, with the theme of violence against women. Analysis procedures use semantic categories of discursive representation, such as referencing, predication, modification and the spatial and temporal location. Results are focused on the construction of discursive representation of (victim and defendant) from PdV distinct enunciators, which may approach or distance themselves according to argumentative text orientation. Thus, considering social importance of forensic text and, in particular, court judgment in the lives of citizens, it was possible to realize the importance of developing research that addresses the study of text semantic dimension, especially in construction of representations of discourse objects
La violence a été utilisée comme un outil de maintenance du système patriarcal qui hante encore notre société. In séré et légitimé dans / par notre culture, le régime patriarcal considère la femme comme un être inférieur qui doit être subjugué et maîtrisé, y compris par la force. Cette recherche a pour d'étudier, dans les pratiques discursives et sociales, les process us de (dé) (re)construction de l’identité dans les productions de récits de femmes victimes de violence sexiste. Par conséquent, nous nous efforcerons de vérifier les études d'autres domaines tels que les études culturelles, la sociologie, le féminisme, en tre autres. De ce fait, nous croyons que ce mémoire se trouve dans les études de Linguistique Appliquée et dispose d'un point de vue interdisciplinaire (MOITA - LOPES, 2006), en plus des domaines énumérés, nous utiliserons l’analyse critique du discours, la sociologie pour le changement social et linguistique systémique fonctionnelle. Pour l'analyse autour de la posture interdisciplinaire en Linguistique Appliquée, on utilise la méthodologie qualitative/ interprétative (Magalhães, 2001). Afin d'examiner les r écits du «je» de femmes victimes de violence, nous nous sommes servie des récits exposés sur Internet, puisqu'ils sont du domaine public. Ainsi, nous avons étudié que les rapports trouvés sur l’outil « commentaire » présents dans les rapports du site G1, p lus spécifiquement, les rapports sur la violence de genre réalisés en 2014 dans deux villes du nord - est : Piauí et Rio Grande do Norte, et dans une déclaration faite dans le programme "Profession Reporter" en 2011. Pour asseoir notre recherche, comme une m éthode d'étude et de théorie sociale, nous utilisons l'Approche Sociologique Communicationnel du Discours, courant lié aux hypothèses de l’Analyse Critique du Discours (Pedrosa, 2012a). Les données montrent que les récits du «je» dans l'outil «commentaire» sont divisés en deux groupes principaux: les récits de renonciation et les récits de persistance. Nous réalisons également que les sujets se déplacent dans les sphères d'identité selon leurs contextes narratifs. La recherche nous a permis de déduire enco re qu'il y a une possibilité de changement social à partir de la narrativisation des tensions identitaires et la reconnaissance des inégalités dans les relations de pouvoir.