4 resultados para Fundaciones filantrópicas

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The National School Nutrition Program is the oldest program in the country directed at food and nutrition safety. Its aims are to offer nutritional food as a supplement to students of public and philanthropic schools. Studying school nutrition transcends the investigation as a purely social program, given that it reaches the fields of public health, nutrition and food, using a wide variety of approaches. Thus, it is characterized by a multidisciplinary study, where the disciplines work side by side in distinct aspects of a single problem. Aim: This study aims to assess hygiene practices during the preparation of meat-based meals in public schools in the city of Natal, Brazil. Methods: A list was applied at 27 schools to identify the procedures of good food preparation practices. In addition, cooking and meal distribution temperature were measured and a microbiological analysis of the final preparation and of the water used in preparing it was performed. For microbiological analyses of the food, we analyzed coliforms at 45°C, coliforms at 35°C and Enterococcus, and for the water, we analyzed thermotolerant coliforms and total coliforms, using the methods recommended by APHA, 1995. Results: Most of the schools did not meet the required standards in all the variables related to good food preparation practices, except for the time spent preparing the meat, in which 89% were within the norm. Cooking temperature of the meals was within the standard; however, the temperature at distribution and the time spent dispensing the meals were inadequate. Of the 27 schools, 22 (81.5%) showed the presence of coliforms at 35° C in at least one meal sample and 18 (66.7%) had values above the recommended limit for coliforms at 45°C. The presence of E. coli was identified in 6.1% of the samples analyzed. The presence of Enterococcus was not found at any of the schools. With respect to the water, the North district of the city was the only one that did not meet the standards for the two indicators evaluated. The contamination found was not associated with the hygiene or food storage problems observed. Conclusions: The results show that the hygiene-sanitary conditions of meat-based public school meals were unsatisfactory, demonstrating the need for improvements in the production process to preserve the health of the student population. Multidisciplinarity: Researchers from the areas of food microbiology, nutrition, public health and statistics took part in this study, a decisive factor for characterizing the research as multidisciplinary


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Introdução/objetivos: A avaliação do estado de saúde de idosos institucionalizados é considerada prática essencial à promoção e recuperação da sua saúde, a qual deve incluir a investigação de aspectos multidimensionais e multidisciplinares relacionados ao envelhecimento saudável. O estudo objetivou avaliar as condições de saúde dos idosos residentes em instituições de longa permanência (ILPI) do município de Natal RN. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, longitudinal, envolvendo seis ILPI filantrópicas, com uma população de 243 idosos. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de entrevistas com os idosos nas instituições mediante a aplicação de um questionário com informações sócio demográficas, saúde e institucionalização, além de várias facetas multidisciplinares que envolvem a escala de avaliação cognitiva (Mini Exame do Estado Mental); o índex de KATZ, para avaliação das atividades da vida diária e uma análise do estado nutricional com questões antropométricas (peso, estatura, circunferência abdominal) e Índice de Massa Corpórea. Participaram do estudo todos os idosos com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, que aceitaram responder a entrevista e assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido e/ou a impressão datiloscópica. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, sob parecer n° 164/2011. Resultados: Os participantes do estudo incluem 243 idosos, sendo a maioria mulheres (172 = 70,7%), com média de idade de 79 ± 9,44 anos. 124 idosos são solteiros (51,0%) e 66 viúvos (27,0%). A prática de atividades físicas não é rotina nas instituições, onde a maioria dos idosos (82,7%; n = 201) não realiza nenhum tipo de atividade. 78% dos idosos (n = 192) chegou a instituição sendo levados por familiares, enquanto que apenas 18% (n = 44 idosos) por vontade própria e 4% (n = 7 idosos) não souberam responder. Quanto aos aspectos cognitivos, identificou-se que 64,2% dos idosos (n = 156) apresentaram alterações significativas dentro da pontuação dos escores com restrições em responder aos demais questionamentos durante a entrevista por apresentarem limitações cognitivas e/ou dificuldades senso perceptivas.Conclusão: O presente estudo evidenciou alterações cognitivas na maioria dos idosos institucionalizados impossibilitando-os a continuidade da realização da avaliação global da saúde. A identificação correta da perda cognitiva em idosos é de suma importância para a equipe de saúde a fim de promover a detecção precoce de alterações cognitivas e a adoção de tratamento adequado, no sentido de contribuir para uma melhor qualidade de vida desta população


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The aging process lived by the Brazilian population concurred to the transformation in the family models, causing difficulties related to the elderly care on the Family environment, a fact that is one of the main reasons for their institutionalization. Facing this scenario, the need of investigating how the elderly lives on the long-term facilities (ILPI) has aroused. In this study, it has been conducted an analysis of the populational aging process, contrasting the Rio Grande do Norte to Brazil and the Northeast Region, between 1980 to 2010. Faced with the realization of this process, and the rising number of long-term facilities for the elderly (ILPI), it was needed to make a rescue of the abiding laws regarding elderly institutionalization, on the scope of Natal, which surged after the 1988 Federal Constitution, checking what were the impacts on the assistance of the institutionalized elderly. Lastly, it were investigated the possible determinants associated with the institutionalization, in Natal-RN, considering the aspects of the family structure, family relationship, economic, health and well being of the elderly. The results showed that Rio Grande do Norte, particularly Natal, follows the national scene, since between 1980 and 2000 its population passed the intermediate level in the process of population aging for, in 2010, to be considered elderly. Throughout this process, it was observed that Natal has been adapting to the federal legislation, through the creation of the municipal policy, City Council and other relevant standards for the elderly, promoting significant changes in ILPI.However, philanthropic institutions needs better resources for their maintenance. In research with the elderly, it was found that although the majority of the elderly have declared themselves satisfied with life, they had indicators of impairment of functional capacity and cognitive, isolated social behavior and depression, affecting the life quality of these elderly. These results reflect the need for greater investment of public power in the drafting, implementation and monitoring of public policies aimed at promoting changes that raise the level of life quality of this segment of the population


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In the contemporaneity, due to the implementation of the neoliberal project in which one verifies the withdrawal of the State in regard to the development of social policies, it is observed a new way of responding to the multifaceted expressions of the social issue, which is the emergence and expansion of a supposed "third sector" in society. Thus, the productive restructuring process has led to the deterioration of labor relations, as well as a super exploration of human labor power, also triggering structural unemployment. By being delineated in classist interests, the emergence of the "third sector" brings contradictory aspects to the society, one of these being the very concept of "third sector", more ideological than real. By seeking to answer the expressions of the social issue, demands the intervention of social workers in the institutions that "composes it". This way, arises the interest in researching what are the current conditions and labor relations of the social workers who work in the institutions of the "third sector" in Mossoró-RN. Therefore, this study is constituted by a survey for the conclusion of a Master's degree in Social Service at the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte. Therefore, it was listed out as general objective to identify and analyze the conditions and labor relations of the social workers entered in the institutions of the "third sector" in Mossoró-RN. And by specific objectives: to map the institutions that are part of the "third sector" in the city of Mossoró, which have social workers on its professional staff, in order to profile the same; and, analyze the main challenges presented to the work of the social worker in these institutions. We used the bibliographic and documental research to enlighten the knowledge of the topic approached and the development of the field research, in which for the analysis of the data obtained, through field research, it was used the quantitative and qualitative approach. The search results confirmed that half of the institutions was identified as philanthropics, and most of them are funded by the federal government and that such organizations develop activities in several areas, particularly health and welfare. Concerning the conditions and labor relations, was highlighted the fact that half of the professionals insert themselves within the institutions by appointment; regarding the salary, 57.1% of employees receive between 3 and 4 minimum wages, which is considered relatively low. Was satisfactory the analysis related to the labor rights, because almost all offer a formal contract, which ensures, in great measure, the effectuation of such rights. Now with regard to the workload, 5 of 6 institutions implemented the Law Nº. 12.317/2010 ensuring 30 hours a week for social workers. However, it were cited many challenges relating the reality of the "third sector" to the conditions and labor relations, among them stands out: the delay of salary and non-salary adjustment; the realization of activities that do not relate to professionals, functions and duties; the development of many activities by a single professional. Two important data are the not incentive to a postgraduate and the charging of the fulfillment of the goals for the professional productivity. Here, it is worth to reflect that, although this study presents elements that provide to identify some aspects of labor relations and conditions of social workers in the "third sector" in Mossoró- RN, as well as some challenges that permeate this space of professional insertion, is meant that there is much to be unveiled, and other studies can later do so in an attempt to a better understanding of the complexity of processes that permeate the "third sector"