4 resultados para Frescor de pescado
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
The artisan fishing activity, which involves historical - cultural, environmental, social, political, economi c, among other factors, presents, nowadays, as an important source of income, creating jobs and food, contributing to the permanence of man in their own birthplace. However, the fish, considered one of the most perishable foods, requires a proper handling and conservation, from capture to its availability in the market, in order to slow the deterioration process. Thereby, this dissertation aims to study the effect of the manipulation practices on fish quality, from capture to its landing on the beach, resul ting from fisherman’s activity from Ponta Negra - Natal/RN. It also presents the purpose of analyzing the quality of the fish and propose recommendations for their proper handling and possible solutions to add value to the product, through the improvement of the quality and good handling practices. For this purpose, the methodology used was based on ergonomic analysis of their work through observational techniques and interactional with the focus group, the jangadeiros, to understand their activity and eval uated the freshness and quality of the fish by sensory analysis, and microbiological parameters and physicochemical from existing legislation Ordinance No. 185 of May 13, 1997 and RIISPOA - amended on December 1, 2007 and RDC No. 12, dated January 2, 2001. According to the results obtained in laboratory tests, it can be established, the acceptable quality of fish as the existing rules and regulations parameters , not getting significant deterioration caused by poor handling and improper storage of fish.
The jangadeiros in the work activity are exposed to diverse and constant variability, which are extremely important to know in order to understand this activity and the risks they are exposed. The current study aims to analyze the work activity raftsmen of Ponta Negra beach in Natal, focusing on handling and quality of the fish sold by them to propose through the social construction recommendations for improving its product. To achieve this purpose was used a methodology inspired by the ergonomic work analysis using techniques observational and interactional. He was also made an assessment of fish sold by jangadeiros Ponta Negra, this evaluation was a sensory evaluation using the method "Torry Research" adapted by Vieira (2004) in order to assess the level of quality fish. In general it was observed that the fish originated from the fishing that rafts in Ponta Negra, have a good degree of freshness. But it was found that some ways of handling and storage can be improved
The aims of this study were: i) assessing the trophic state of the Mendubim reservoir (semi-arid, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil; 05° 38 99,0 S 36°55 98,0 W) based on chlorophyll-a, total phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations and water transparency; ii) relating the patterns of temporal variation of zooplankton and phytoplankton to the trophic state of the reservoir and iii) investigating the carrying capacity of the reservoir for cage fish farming. The samplingwas done monthly from July 2006 to July 2007 in three stations at the reservoir: next to the dam (barrage), in the central region and in the mouth of the main tributary. The abiotic and biotic variables analyzed were: Secchi depth, volatiles and fixed suspended solids, chlorophyll-a, total phosphorus and nitrogen, TN:TP ratio and mesozooplankton and phytoplankton composition and biomass. The results showed that the reservoir can be considered as mesotrophic with mean concentrations of total nitrogen, phosphorus and chlorophyll-a equal to 1711, 1 μg.L-1, 30,8 μg.L-1 and 5,62 μg.L-1 respectively. The Cyanophyceae class was the most representative in terms of density, with the presence of potentially toxic species such as Microcystis aeruginosa, Planktothrix planctonica, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Aphanizomenon sp. ,Aphanocapsa delicatissima and Pseudanabaena acicularis. Among the zooplankton, the genus Notodiaptomus presented the largest biomass values. Overall, our results show that the light limitation should explain the weak relationship between chlorophyll-a and total phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations. We concluded that the water of Mendubim reservoir is suitable for intensive fish cage aquaculture. Based on the carrying capacity calculations for this reservoir, we found that the maximum sustainable yield of tilapias in cages in the reservoir is 126 ton per year assuming a factor of food conversion of 1.5: 1.0 and a phosphorus content in the fish food of 1%
The aims of this study were: i) assessing the trophic state of the Mendubim reservoir (semi-arid, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil; 05° 38 99,0 S 36°55 98,0 W) based on chlorophyll-a, total phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations and water transparency; ii) relating the patterns of temporal variation of zooplankton and phytoplankton to the trophic state of the reservoir and iii) investigating the carrying capacity of the reservoir for cage fish farming. The samplingwas done monthly from July 2006 to July 2007 in three stations at the reservoir: next to the dam (barrage), in the central region and in the mouth of the main tributary. The abiotic and biotic variables analyzed were: Secchi depth, volatiles and fixed suspended solids, chlorophyll-a, total phosphorus and nitrogen, TN:TP ratio and mesozooplankton and phytoplankton composition and biomass. The results showed that the reservoir can be considered as mesotrophic with mean concentrations of total nitrogen, phosphorus and chlorophyll-a equal to 1711, 1 μg.L-1, 30,8 μg.L-1 and 5,62 μg.L-1 respectively. The Cyanophyceae class was the most representative in terms of density, with the presence of potentially toxic species such as Microcystis aeruginosa, Planktothrix planctonica, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii, Aphanizomenon sp. ,Aphanocapsa delicatissima and Pseudanabaena acicularis. Among the zooplankton, the genus Notodiaptomus presented the largest biomass values. Overall, our results show that the light limitation should explain the weak relationship between chlorophyll-a and total phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations. We concluded that the water of Mendubim reservoir is suitable for intensive fish cage aquaculture. Based on the carrying capacity calculations for this reservoir, we found that the maximum sustainable yield of tilapias in cages in the reservoir is 126 ton per year assuming a factor of food conversion of 1.5: 1.0 and a phosphorus content in the fish food of 1%