11 resultados para Franquia comercial , Brasil

em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)


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The World Trade Organization (WTO) was established in 1994 as a result of the Uruguay Round, and has as its principal aim advocate for the maintenance of free trade between nations. The preamble of its Constitutive Agreement specifically cites as an institution the goal of achieving sustainable development and the pursuit of protecting and preserving the environment, bringing into the sphere of world trade the idea that concern for the environmental cause is not restricted only the group of environmentalists, but rather has entered the economic landscape in a way not only ideological, but also pragmatic. The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 1947, part of the GATT 1994, contains a device that allows the adoption of trade restrictive measures, provided that such measures aimed at protecting the environment - Article XX. The Settlement Body (DSB) is part of the WTO and acts in dissolving disputes between the countries motivated by trade. It examines two cases where countries have imposed restrictive trade measures with environmental justification. The first case was closed in 1996, with award of damages given to Brazil, on the breakdown of U.S. environmental legislation imposed on imported gasoline from Brazil - and the second, begun in 2005 and closed in 2007, coming out victorious again Brazil is on the import ban on retreaded tires to Brazil. The objective is to answer the question: how the environment is treated in the midst of trade discussions - which is aimed at its protection or its use with economic objectives in disguise? For the preparation of this work, extensive documentary research was undertaken with the virtual site of the WTO to review the entire production of legal cases and subsequent analysis of the key issue for the work, and literature of authors who have studied the tense relationship between trade international environment. The first case, it could be seen that the political movement performed by the U.S. with the aim of achieving acceptable standards of air quality was an institutional effort to ensure the quality of air, and thus would be inappropriate to say that the regulation of gasoline was merely a disguised trade barrier.However, a careful analysis of the implementation and operation of gasoline regulation may reveal intentions disguised trade and U.S. environmental argument did not hold. The weight of this environment was relegated, since there were clearly outside interests to the environmental cause. The second case, it was realized that, despite clear attempts by the EC to promote ecological dumping, send when brought to Brazil, supposedly a country with weaker environmental structure on surveillance, a residue that, pursuant to internal policies, as could not be sent to their own landfills, the Brazilian discourse remained focused on the environmental cause, and this sort there was the existence of disguised trade barriers, but of importance, at least a priori, the discussion of foreign forces on the environment environment because there is no way to legally justify the reversal of the total understanding of the first judging body, the sight of all the arguments presented by Brazil and the nonsubmission of new facts upon appeal. Still, quite heartening to reflect on the role of trade liberalization on the environment in general, because, while they do not reach a definitive conclusion will reveal positions in both directions, both for and against, the that only adds to the discussions and makes this a very fertile topic for future research


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This piece of work consists in a study case of Crediamigo Comunidade, a product from the portfolio of Crediamigo Program of Banco do Nordeste, that uses the methodology of the Comunitary Banks in the concession of low amount loan to poor communities. The main question consists to understand how the Crediamigo Comunidade is characterized faced to the conflict of emancipatory versus liberal paradigms, that exists in the microcredit area. The main objective will analyze how the mechanisms: social capital, empowerment, formation to credit education and better conditions for economic and social issues promoted in the specific objectives of this product, before the dipute between these paradigms. The method adopted analyzed, in a longitudinal perspective, the three years of the product s existence (jun/2005 to jul 2008). Primary and secondary data made possible to identify qualitatively, emancipatory and non emancipatory attributes in the actions and results of Crediamigo Comunidade. It is concluded that the Crediamigo Comunidade works in a liberal logic of the Crediamigo Program, consequently, his focus is not in the emancipation of the poorest clients. The empowerment is individual and not communitary or Freiriano ; the social capital relations enlarges itself in its bounding and bridging ties, but not in its linkage ties, to have access to politic actors and consequently communitary strengthen. All the formation in the Crediamigo is strictly commercial. These characteristics happen by the liberal paradigm in the Crediamigo management and of all of its products, including the Crediamigo Comunidade


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A conformação do desenvolvimento propugnado pela Constituição Federal de 1988 como objetivo fundamental da república, certamente perpassa pela racionalização das questões energéticas e pela diversificação da matriz nacional enquanto estratégia de aprovisionamento. O desenvolvimento energético em toda a sua complexidade deve ser alicerçado não em uma relação de contraposição à sustentabilidade, mas cooperativismo normativo e de projetos sociais que objetivam a melhorias para a população nestes dois seguimentos. O advento das energias renováveis nesse contexto se consolida como uma alternativa viável, apesar do tratamento dado pela Lei Maior ao tema ter sido apenas com relação à geração em pequena escala. A interpretação sistemática dos postulados da ordem econômica e as exigências da sociedade estimulam o aproveitamento dos potenciais renováveis em escala comercial e regional, além do fortalecimento nos segmentos de autoprodução e produção independente. Dentre as energias tratadas como prioritárias neste contexto, a eólica revela-se como carecedora de aprofundamento das estruturas dogmáticas de sua positivação, que envolve um vasto manancial de regras pulverizadas na regulação econômica do setor elétrico e no controle ambiental. Esta textura submete os empreendimentos elioelétricos aos instrumentos da política nacional do meio ambiente e às determinações do poder concedente dos serviços de energia elétrica, responsável pela pormenorização da geração, transmissão, distribuição e comercialização de energia, independentemente da fonte primária utilizada no processo de transformação. Tratar destas questões com o compromisso na formulação de raciocínios críticos e propositivos, especialmente acerca de temas como a liberdade energética e controle de mercado, é imperioso para superar juridicamente as limitações presentes inclusive no discurso da delimitação de marcos normativos adequados. Havendo vantagens ambientais, tecnológicas e comerciais na exploração da energia cinética do vento como propulsora do desenvolvimento no modelo civilizatório estabelecido, cumpre também ao Estado dar a sua contribuição setorial na forma de incentivos, desburocratização e aprimoramento do modelo concorrencial. O estudo adota os métodos histórico-evolutivo, dialético e sistêmico de abordagem, encarando as hipóteses formuladas no aspecto das consequências multilaterais que as soluções encontradas apontam, exigindo que a estabilização de expectativas sociais por parte do ordenamento jurídico não ignorem o sentido material cognitivamente aberto do desenvolvimento. Hodiernamente, a perspectiva de desenvolvimento energético alia tendências econômicas e tecnológicas em favor das fontes alternativas mais eficientes, revelando a energia eólica como uma representante adequada em termos pragmáticos de normatização e preservação ambiental


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The flyingfish, Hirundichthys affinis (Günther, 1866) (Exocoetidae) and ballyhoo half beak, Hemiramphus brasiliensis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hemiramphidae) are marine fish species of commercial value, which contribute to artisanal fishery production of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Besides the economic importance, these fish are important from an ecological point of view, being components in pelagic food chain, where they are the preferred prey of larger predators of high commercial value. This study aimed to determine the reproductive strategies of H. affinis and H. brasiliensis and the fishery production of H. affinis in the northern coast of Rio Grande do Norte. The results are presented in the form of six cientific articles and a review paper. The first article presents the morphometric measurements and meristic counts which confirmed the taxonomic status, population structure in length-weight and the gonad development of H. affinis through macroscopic observations of the ovaries and testes. Females of this species were bigger and heavier than males. The second article describes the reproductive tactics, such as, sex ratio, length at first sexual maturity, histological aspects of gonads, fecundity and spawning season, that indicate the reproductive strategy of H. affinis. The third article shows annual changes in the fishery production of H. affinis in Caiçara do Norte, during the period of 1993 to 2010, emphasizing the relevance of this fish in total fishery production of Rio Grande do Norte, besides registering the fall in production in the years 2008 to 2010. The fourth article describes the population structure, with respect to the length and weight, the length-weight relationship, growth type and sex ratio of Hemiramphus brasiliensis. The fifth article describes the reproductive biology of H. brasiliensis, with details about sex ratio, length at first sexual maturity, fecundity, type of breeding and spawning season. The sixth article deals with the reproductive strategy of H. brasiliensis. The review paper presents the topic of age determination of tropical fish using analysis of otoliths. Both species use the coastal waters of Caiçara do Norte for reproductive purposes. The flying fish, H. affinis migrates from the oceanic waters to the coastal waters to reproduce, coinciding with the rainy season. H. affinis presents total spawning and a seasonal reproductive strategy. However, H. brasiliensis lives and reproduces in the coastal waters displaying partial spawning and an equilibrium reproductive strategy


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The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents (ESCCA) is a phenomenon that has been given priority in public policy agenda of many democratic governments of Western countries and civil sectors of society, besides the object of studies in different fields of knowledge. Psychology is among these areas and is considered one of the references in the construction of knowledge and actions to confront the phenomenon. However, the epistemological foundations of psychological science are quite different, and so, several are his speeches, knowledge produced and ways of conceiving man and the world. This is evident in the publications of psychology on ESCCA. This work aims to achieve a state of the art of psychology publication in Brazil (in the post-graduation - through theses and dissertations - and journals) on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Adolescents. More specifically try to evidence (a) what conceptions of commercial sexual exploitation of children and adolescents the authors lists, (b) what are aimed at research and publications, (c) how the research and issues are justified, and (d) that theoretical approaches the authors are affiliated and methodological possibilities are applied to range the aim proposed in their work. In order to do so, a survey was conducted in the major index sites (eg, BVS-Psi, Capes, theses and dissertations database of university libraries) of the material, covering the period 1990 to 2007. Through research on these sites, we built a database, including information relating to the work sought from specific descriptors for studies in the area of victimization of children and adolescents, with reference to a list provided by Faleiros (2000). After reading the summary of the work, the number of recovered 25 productions was reached - including theses, dissertations and articles. For analysis of the material used in the analysis of thematic content. Two axes themes were established in order to guide the analysis: conceptual elements of commercial sexual exploitation, and theoretical and methodological strategies employed. The axes have as reference for analysis a chapter built on the concept of commercial sexual exploitation, so that all analysis is anchored on it. The analysis points to the existence, still strong, conceptual and terminological confusion about ESCCA. Few studies have not demonstrated this confusion, maintaining a consistent theoretical approach. In relation to the theoretical and methodological strategies, there is a great diversity of approaches in psychology surrounding the phenomenon of ESCCA, enriching levels of understanding and action. This diversity reflects a constitutive heterogeneity of psychological science. We emphasize the perspective of socio-historical psychology, most frequently among the publications. It is hoped that this research will help advance the qualitative approach to ESCCA, especially in the field of psychology, as well as contribute to new research in the area and construction of new means of addressing this human rights violation


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Planejar o espaço urbano pensando na inclusão social de pessoas com deficiência significa considerar a acessibilidade como fator essencial para uma mobilidade urbana completa e segura. Esse ideal reflete-se no espaço comercial que, para ser convidativo e livre de barreiras (sejam elas físicas, tecnológicas ou atitudinais), precisa promover o direito de livre acesso a todos os cidadãos. Partindo deste entendimento, esse estudo tem como objetivo geral analisar as condições de acessibilidade da região denominada “Coração do Alecrim”, área de tradicional comércio popular em Natal. A pesquisa recorreu à abordagem multimétodos e aconteceu em três momentos: (i) avaliação técnica da área por meio da aplicação de check-list, elaborado com base na legislação específica e validado por painel de experts; (ii) elaboração de mapas com uso de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (S.I.G.), tendo como base o resultado da análise realizada na primeira etapa; (iii) aplicação de questionários e realização de entrevistas informais com usuários (visitantes, proprietários e comerciários), para coletar dados sobre sua percepção sobre o lugar, complementando a análise técnica efetuada. Resumindo as informações coletadas, foram elaboradas matrizes de descobertas, como uma junção de todas as etapas de análise. Na conclusão são apresentados pontos críticos de acessibilidade (detectados pela pesquisadora ou apontados pelos usuários) e indicadas algumas diretrizes para a intervenção no local, de modo a colaborar para futuros processos de planejamento urbano do bairro do Alecrim.


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The Rachycentron canadum species, commonly known as beijupirá or cobia is the only representative of Rachycentridae family which has been increasingly used in marine fish farming, in intensive cultivation. As advantageous features it has easy adaptation, prolific behavior, early growth in captivity and high commercial value. Additionally, specie of Lutjanidae family (Lutjanus synagris, Lutjanus jocu, Lutjanus analis, Lutjanus alexandrei and Ocyurus chrysurus) represents an important fisheries resource in all areas of its occurrence. In Brazil, the commercial exploitation of Lutjanidae which begun in the 60's and 80's, already has showed a decline in catch volumes. This fact suggests that the snappers must have a conservative management. Despite the economic potential, little is known about the genetic and cytogenetic characteristics of these species, especially with respect to repetitive DNA analysis, which represents the major part of the eukaryotes genome, playing important evolutionary roles in the fish genome. Cytogenetic data is increasingly being used in population studies and biotechnological purposes in fishes. The cytogenetical analyzes were performed using classical methods such as Giemsa staining, C-banding and Ag-NORs, fluorochromes base-specific staining (DAPI and MM) and physical mapping of repetitive sequences among which, telomeric sequences, transposons (Tol2), retrotransposons (Rex1 and Rex3), repetitive DNA (microsatellites and Cot-1) and transcriptionally active regions of the 18S and 5S ribosomal genes and histone (H3 and H2BA) by in situ hybridization with fluorescent probes (FISH). The chromosomal patterns obtained contributed to the organization of repetitive sequences in the genome of the species, as well as karyotypical differentiation. Unusual patterns of histone sequences expansion depict the first occurrence in marine fishes. The obtained data provided subsides to the genetic knowledge of the important fisheries resource represented by the species here analyzed, seeking the marine pisciculture improvement.


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The commercial complex Guarapes was during the second half of the nineteenth century most commercial street of Rio Grande do Norte province. In that time frame, you can see its flourishing as one of the central places of trade in the province in 1850, and its subsequent abandonment in 1900. This thesis aims to investigate, in its first part, the paths that help to understand, as the context of the expansion of global markets in the second half of the nineteenth century enabled the conditions for the emergence of the commercial complex. However, trade relations established in this province through the commercial complex, even participating in this global environment, reserved particular characteristics in their social and trade relations, as if dealing with a peripheral province, we look at the uniqueness of the relationship occurred in this space. In the second part, we seek to understand the importance that the rivers Potengi and Jundiaí had to install the commercial complex Guarapes in the second half of the nineteenth century. As the geographical position in relation to rivers, enabled this space became flow zone and confluence of goods distributed to the various parts of the interior of the province. We also monitor the process that made these rivers leave the role of mobility and transport relations in this space, giving way the railways and roads shooting. In the third part, we seek to understand the commercial complex Guarapes in focus. Analyzing their spatial distribution on the landscape, and how the spatial organization held at the same time traces of the Brazilian patriarchy exposed by Gilberto Freyre, but also "modern" features, due to the increase of a new culture inserted material in the province. We also seek to understand elements of material culture that was the environment of the complex, and how these materials are important sources for understanding this society under study. We treat from the biggest to the smallest fragments without hierarchize them. Understanding that, the study associated the written sources and materials provide a gain in understanding of everyday these people who lived in that area of the complex in the second half of the nineteenth century.


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Fucoidan is a term used to define heteropolysaccharides that are composed of less than 90% L-fucose. The exception to this rule is the homofucoidan obtained from the seaweed Fucus vesiculosus. This fucoidan can be purchased from SIGMA Co. and have been used in various research for evaluation of their pharmacological activities. However, it is not a pure molecule. In fact, it is a mix of several fucoidan molecules. In this work, were obtained, from acetone precipitation, and biochemically characterized, four fucoidan molecules from SIGMA-ALDRICH Co. fucoidan to evaluate their anticoagulant, antioxidant, antiadipogenic, immunomodulatory and antiurolithiatic activities. In anticoagulant activity, evaluated by aPTT assay, fucoidans F0.9, F1.1 and F2.0 increased eightfold the coagulation time, compared to the control, when a mass of 10 μg was used. To PT test, only fucoidan F0.9 was capable of increase the coagulation time, compared to control. In the total antioxidant capacity assay (TAC), the fucoidan F2.0 showed 400 ascorbic acid equivalents, while fucoidan F0.5, the lest effective, 38 equivalents. In respect to the effect on pre-adipocyte cell lines (3T3-L1) adipogenesis, was observed that fucoidan F1.1 and F2.0 reduced the adipogenesis and this effect was associated to the reduction in the expression of regulatoy proteins C/EBPα, C/EBPβ and PPARγ. On the other hand, fucoidans F0.5 and F0.9 induced increased expression of these regulatory proteins. Furthermore, fucoidan F2.0 induced hydrolysis of triglycerides present in the interior of adipocytes. The immunomodulatory effect was evaluated and observed that the presence of fucoidans F0.5 , F1.1 and F2.0 significantly reduced the production of nitric oxide by activated macrophages with LPS specially fucoidan F2.0 that in 100 μg/mL, reduced about 55% the effect caused by LPS. Relative to the effect upon the formation of calcium oxalate crystals, fucoidan F0.5 was more effective in reduce the aggregation of the crystals and this effect it was not significantly different regarding the effect caused by the crude. Besides, fucoidan F0.5 only promoted the formation of COD type crystals, while fucoidans F1.1 and F2.0 did not influence the formation of crystals compared with the control. The results described in this study indicate that the commercial crude fucoidan of Fucus vesiculosus it’s a mix of several fucoidan which, in turn, have different chemical compositions besides having different pharmacological activities. The use of these fucoidans it´s indicated according the pharmacological activity to be evaluated.


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Fucoidan is a term used to define heteropolysaccharides that are composed of less than 90% L-fucose. The exception to this rule is the homofucoidan obtained from the seaweed Fucus vesiculosus. This fucoidan can be purchased from SIGMA Co. and have been used in various research for evaluation of their pharmacological activities. However, it is not a pure molecule. In fact, it is a mix of several fucoidan molecules. In this work, were obtained, from acetone precipitation, and biochemically characterized, four fucoidan molecules from SIGMA-ALDRICH Co. fucoidan to evaluate their anticoagulant, antioxidant, antiadipogenic, immunomodulatory and antiurolithiatic activities. In anticoagulant activity, evaluated by aPTT assay, fucoidans F0.9, F1.1 and F2.0 increased eightfold the coagulation time, compared to the control, when a mass of 10 μg was used. To PT test, only fucoidan F0.9 was capable of increase the coagulation time, compared to control. In the total antioxidant capacity assay (TAC), the fucoidan F2.0 showed 400 ascorbic acid equivalents, while fucoidan F0.5, the lest effective, 38 equivalents. In respect to the effect on pre-adipocyte cell lines (3T3-L1) adipogenesis, was observed that fucoidan F1.1 and F2.0 reduced the adipogenesis and this effect was associated to the reduction in the expression of regulatoy proteins C/EBPα, C/EBPβ and PPARγ. On the other hand, fucoidans F0.5 and F0.9 induced increased expression of these regulatory proteins. Furthermore, fucoidan F2.0 induced hydrolysis of triglycerides present in the interior of adipocytes. The immunomodulatory effect was evaluated and observed that the presence of fucoidans F0.5 , F1.1 and F2.0 significantly reduced the production of nitric oxide by activated macrophages with LPS specially fucoidan F2.0 that in 100 μg/mL, reduced about 55% the effect caused by LPS. Relative to the effect upon the formation of calcium oxalate crystals, fucoidan F0.5 was more effective in reduce the aggregation of the crystals and this effect it was not significantly different regarding the effect caused by the crude. Besides, fucoidan F0.5 only promoted the formation of COD type crystals, while fucoidans F1.1 and F2.0 did not influence the formation of crystals compared with the control. The results described in this study indicate that the commercial crude fucoidan of Fucus vesiculosus it’s a mix of several fucoidan which, in turn, have different chemical compositions besides having different pharmacological activities. The use of these fucoidans it´s indicated according the pharmacological activity to be evaluated.


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This piece of work consists in a study case of Crediamigo Comunidade, a product from the portfolio of Crediamigo Program of Banco do Nordeste, that uses the methodology of the Comunitary Banks in the concession of low amount loan to poor communities. The main question consists to understand how the Crediamigo Comunidade is characterized faced to the conflict of emancipatory versus liberal paradigms, that exists in the microcredit area. The main objective will analyze how the mechanisms: social capital, empowerment, formation to credit education and better conditions for economic and social issues promoted in the specific objectives of this product, before the dipute between these paradigms. The method adopted analyzed, in a longitudinal perspective, the three years of the product s existence (jun/2005 to jul 2008). Primary and secondary data made possible to identify qualitatively, emancipatory and non emancipatory attributes in the actions and results of Crediamigo Comunidade. It is concluded that the Crediamigo Comunidade works in a liberal logic of the Crediamigo Program, consequently, his focus is not in the emancipation of the poorest clients. The empowerment is individual and not communitary or Freiriano ; the social capital relations enlarges itself in its bounding and bridging ties, but not in its linkage ties, to have access to politic actors and consequently communitary strengthen. All the formation in the Crediamigo is strictly commercial. These characteristics happen by the liberal paradigm in the Crediamigo management and of all of its products, including the Crediamigo Comunidade