5 resultados para Feedback visual
em Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte(UFRN)
This work proposes a kinematic control scheme, using visual feedback for a robot arm with five degrees of freedom. Using computational vision techniques, a method was developed to determine the cartesian 3d position and orientation of the robot arm (pose) using a robot image obtained through a camera. A colored triangular label is disposed on the robot manipulator tool and efficient heuristic rules are used to obtain the vertexes of that label in the image. The tool pose is obtained from those vertexes through numerical methods. A color calibration scheme based in the K-means algorithm was implemented to guarantee the robustness of the vision system in the presence of light variations. The extrinsic camera parameters are computed from the image of four coplanar points whose cartesian 3d coordinates, related to a fixed frame, are known. Two distinct poses of the tool, initial and final, obtained from image, are interpolated to generate a desired trajectory in cartesian space. The error signal in the proposed control scheme consists in the difference between the desired tool pose and the actual tool pose. Gains are applied at the error signal and the signal resulting is mapped in joint incrementals using the pseudoinverse of the manipulator jacobian matrix. These incrementals are applied to the manipulator joints moving the tool to the desired pose
In conventional robot manipulator control, the desired path is specified in cartesian space and converted to joint space through inverse kinematics mapping. The joint references generated by this mapping are utilized for dynamic control in joint space. Thus, the end-effector position is, in fact, controlled indirectly, in open-loop, and the accuracy of grip position control directly depends on the accuracy of the available kinematic model. In this report, a new scheme for redundant manipulator kinematic control, based on visual servoing is proposed. In the proposed system, a robot image acquired through a CCD camera is processed in order to compute the position and orientation of each link of the robot arm. The robot task is specified as a temporal sequence of reference images of the robot arm. Thus, both the measured pose and the reference pose are specified in the same image space, and its difference is utilized to generate a cartesian space error for kinematic control purposes. The proposed control scheme was applied in a four degree-of-freedom planar redundant robot arm, experimental results are shown
Desde os descobrimentos pioneiros de Hubel e Wiesel acumulou-se uma vasta literatura descrevendo as respostas neuronais do córtex visual primário (V1) a diferentes estímulos visuais. Estes estímulos consistem principalmente em barras em movimento, pontos ou grades, que são úteis para explorar as respostas dentro do campo receptivo clássico (CRF do inglês classical receptive field) a características básicas dos estímulos visuais como a orientação, direção de movimento, contraste, entre outras. Entretanto, nas últimas duas décadas, tornou-se cada vez mais evidente que a atividade de neurônios em V1 pode ser modulada por estímulos fora do CRF. Desta forma, áreas visuais primárias poderiam estar envolvidas em funções visuais mais complexas como, por exemplo, a separação de um objeto ou figura do seu fundo (segregação figura-fundo) e assume-se que as conexões intrínsecas de longo alcance em V1, assim como as conexões de áreas visuais superiores, estão ativamente envolvidas neste processo. Sua possível função foi inferida a partir da análise das variações das respostas induzidas por um estímulo localizado fora do CRF de neurônios individuais. Mesmo sendo muito provável que estas conexões tenham também um impacto tanto na atividade conjunta de neurônios envolvidos no processamento da figura quanto no potencial de campo, estas questões permanecem pouco estudadas. Visando examinar a modulação do contexto visual nessas atividades, coletamos potenciais de ação e potenciais de campo em paralelo de até 48 eletrodos implantados na área visual primária de gatos anestesiados. Estimulamos com grades compostas e cenas naturais, focando-nos na atividade de neurônios cujo CRF estava situado na figura. Da mesma forma, visando examinar a influência das conexões laterais, o sinal proveniente da área visual isotópica e contralateral foi removido através da desativação reversível por resfriamento. Fizemos isso devido a: i) as conexões laterais intrínsecas não podem ser facilmente manipuladas sem afetar diretamente os sinais que estão sendo medidos, ii) as conexões inter-hemisféricas compartilham as principais características anatômicas com a rede lateral intrínseca e podem ser vistas como uma continuação funcional das mesmas entre os dois hemisférios e iii) o resfriamento desativa as conexões de forma causal e reversível, silenciando temporariamente seu sinal, permitindo conclusões diretas a respeito da sua contribuição. Nossos resultados demonstram que o mecanismo de segmentação figurafundo se reflete nas taxas de disparo de neurônios individuais, assim como na potência do potencial de campo e na relação entre sua fase e os padrões de disparo produzidos pela população. Além disso, as conexões laterais inter-hemisféricas modulam estas variáveis dependendo da estimulação feita fora do CRF. Observamos também uma influência deste circuito lateral na coerência entre potenciais de campo entre eletrodos distantes. Em conclusão, nossos resultados dão suporte à ideia de um mecanismo complexo de segmentação figura-fundo atuando desde as áreas visuais primárias em diferentes escalas de frequência. Esse mecanismo parece envolver grupos de neurônios ativos sincronicamente e dependentes da fase do potencial de campo. Nossos resultados também são compatíveis com a hipótese que conexões laterais de longo alcance também fazem parte deste mecanismo
In the primary visual cortex, neurons with similar physiological features are clustered together in columns extending through all six cortical layers. These columns form modular orientation preference maps. Long-range lateral fibers are associated to the structure of orientation maps since they do not connect columns randomly; they rather cluster in regular intervals and interconnect predominantly columns of neurons responding to similar stimulus features. Single orientation preference maps – the joint activation of domains preferring the same orientation - were observed to emerge spontaneously and it was speculated whether this structured ongoing activation could be caused by the underlying patchy lateral connectivity. Since long-range lateral connections share many features, i.e. clustering, orientation selectivity, with visual inter-hemispheric connections (VIC) through the corpus callosum we used the latter as a model for long-range lateral connectivity. In order to address the question of how the lateral connectivity contributes to spontaneously generated maps of one hemisphere we investigated how these maps react to the deactivation of VICs originating from the contralateral hemisphere. To this end, we performed experiments in eight adult cats. We recorded voltage-sensitive dye (VSD) imaging and electrophysiological spiking activity in one brain hemisphere while reversible deactivating the other hemisphere with a cooling technique. In order to compare ongoing activity with evoked activity patterns we first presented oriented gratings as visual stimuli. Gratings had 8 different orientations distributed equally between 0º and 180º. VSD imaged frames obtained during ongoing activity conditions were then compared to the averaged evoked single orientation maps in three different states: baseline, cooling and recovery. Kohonen self-organizing maps were also used as a means of analysis without prior assumption (like the averaged single condition maps) on ongoing activity. We also evaluated if cooling had a differential effect on evoked and ongoing spiking activity of single units. We found that deactivating VICs caused no spatial disruption on the structure of either evoked or ongoing activity maps. The frequency with which a cardinally preferring (0º or 90º) map would emerge, however, decreased significantly for ongoing but not for evoked activity. The same result was found by training self-organizing maps with recorded data as input. Spiking activity of cardinally preferring units also decreased significantly for ongoing when compared to evoked activity. Based on our results we came to the following conclusions: 1) VICs are not a determinant factor of ongoing map structure. Maps continued to be spontaneously generated with the same quality, probably by a combination of ongoing activity from local recurrent connections, thalamocortical loop and feedback connections. 2) VICs account for a cardinal bias in the temporal sequence of ongoing activity patterns, i.e. deactivating VIC decreases the probability of cardinal maps to emerge spontaneously. 3) Inter- and intrahemispheric long-range connections might serve as a grid preparing primary visual cortex for likely junctions in a larger visual environment encompassing the two hemifields.
In the primary visual cortex, neurons with similar physiological features are clustered together in columns extending through all six cortical layers. These columns form modular orientation preference maps. Long-range lateral fibers are associated to the structure of orientation maps since they do not connect columns randomly; they rather cluster in regular intervals and interconnect predominantly columns of neurons responding to similar stimulus features. Single orientation preference maps – the joint activation of domains preferring the same orientation - were observed to emerge spontaneously and it was speculated whether this structured ongoing activation could be caused by the underlying patchy lateral connectivity. Since long-range lateral connections share many features, i.e. clustering, orientation selectivity, with visual inter-hemispheric connections (VIC) through the corpus callosum we used the latter as a model for long-range lateral connectivity. In order to address the question of how the lateral connectivity contributes to spontaneously generated maps of one hemisphere we investigated how these maps react to the deactivation of VICs originating from the contralateral hemisphere. To this end, we performed experiments in eight adult cats. We recorded voltage-sensitive dye (VSD) imaging and electrophysiological spiking activity in one brain hemisphere while reversible deactivating the other hemisphere with a cooling technique. In order to compare ongoing activity with evoked activity patterns we first presented oriented gratings as visual stimuli. Gratings had 8 different orientations distributed equally between 0º and 180º. VSD imaged frames obtained during ongoing activity conditions were then compared to the averaged evoked single orientation maps in three different states: baseline, cooling and recovery. Kohonen self-organizing maps were also used as a means of analysis without prior assumption (like the averaged single condition maps) on ongoing activity. We also evaluated if cooling had a differential effect on evoked and ongoing spiking activity of single units. We found that deactivating VICs caused no spatial disruption on the structure of either evoked or ongoing activity maps. The frequency with which a cardinally preferring (0º or 90º) map would emerge, however, decreased significantly for ongoing but not for evoked activity. The same result was found by training self-organizing maps with recorded data as input. Spiking activity of cardinally preferring units also decreased significantly for ongoing when compared to evoked activity. Based on our results we came to the following conclusions: 1) VICs are not a determinant factor of ongoing map structure. Maps continued to be spontaneously generated with the same quality, probably by a combination of ongoing activity from local recurrent connections, thalamocortical loop and feedback connections. 2) VICs account for a cardinal bias in the temporal sequence of ongoing activity patterns, i.e. deactivating VIC decreases the probability of cardinal maps to emerge spontaneously. 3) Inter- and intrahemispheric long-range connections might serve as a grid preparing primary visual cortex for likely junctions in a larger visual environment encompassing the two hemifields.